Gay Erotic Stories

Ravenswood, Part 2

by Joegotham27


"Have I been a naughty boy, officer?" From beneath the bright glare of the light in the interrogation room, the humpy blonde in the dark suit and an open-at-the-collar clean, white shirt gave him the full benefit of a smirk both playful and openly challenging. "Is that why I'm here?"

He was the one who had this guy brought in for questioning. He was the one in charge. He was practically double the size of this pretty boy twink. So why did Patrick Cavanaugh feel like he was the prey. Maybe it was because this guy was a little too good looking. And maybe it's been some time since he's had a chance to mess around with somebody this hot. And maybe he should get on with this before he raped this guy's cute, tight little butt right here, right now. "It's detective. Detective Cavanaugh," he admonished as he sat down across the table from the suspect and placed a file folder in front of him. "Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Mondejar. You're here at our request to answer some questions regarding the burglary of the Winston ruby necklace."

"Please, nobody calls me Mr. Mondejar, call me Joaquin." The young man said smoothly before amending, "On second thought, call me Jack. Nobody calls me Joaquin either."

"Very well," He began, "A week before the theft Jack, you were seen on numerous occasions, casing the Winston house."

"Casing?" The blonde chortled. "Really detective, aren't you overdoing this," he gestured to the room, "cop routine, just the tiniest bit?" When Cavanaugh didn’t offer a reply, he continued. "Have you even seen the Winston ruby? It's rather too gaudy for my taste. I wouldn't have a thing to wear with it. Besides, pearls would be more my style."

"And what about diamonds?" he asked, taking a second to study Jack’s petulant lips, wondering how they must taste, and another second to recall his research on the guy. "Specifically the Janus Diamonds. Would that be more your style?"

Jack's smile wavered, replaced by a moment of alarm on that handsome face. Then, like a flash, the smile returned, dimples creasing his cheeks. But Cavanaugh was sure he had hit a nerve, just the tiniest bit. The files read that Jack had been a suspect in as many as five major jewelry heists in the continent beginning with the Janus Diamonds. And each time, he had had an airtight alibi. It didn't help matters any that the parties involved patently refused to say anything against the very charming Mr. Joaquin Mondejar. It seemed that he was too entrenched in the right circles, always has been, and these people were notoriously protective of their own kind. Even here in New Orleans, everybody knew Jack from among the city's oldest families. And although it appeared that they had long been practically destitute, the name still counted for something. Everybody to whom he had spoken about Jack had only the most complimentary of remarks. Not that anybody suspected. But from what Cavanaugh gathered, nobody was sure, one way or another, either. And the implication was that even if Jack were indeed guilty, it didn't matter one whit to any of them because he belonged. Nothing would change that.

"There must be something you can do about the lighting in here, detective, it's not very flattering to my complexion," Jack interrupted his musing.

"The Janus Diamonds, Jack." He pressed on, "Could you tell me what you know about them?"

Jack leaned forward, the well-built body now apparent, tensing against the fine fabric of the suit, the voice taking on a dangerous edge as he punctuated each word, "By right the Janus Diamonds belong to me!" Then, as if the wind gradually went out of him, Jack drew back, his voice dropping to an almost inaudibly wistful, tone, "It's only one rock, you know. It was called that because it was cut to seem like two diamonds fused together." Jack looked away even as he continued, "Flawless. Colorless--a pristine balance of fire and light. My great, great, great grandfather had it set in silver as an engagement ring for my great, great, great grandmother. My family was forced to…relinquish it with utmost reluctance during the Depression."

"After which," Cavanaugh opened the folder and looked through his notes, "…the ring found its way into the hands of the Arnaults of Paris."

"Yes, I understand it was last owned by the Arnaults." Jack pushed back on his chair, spreading his legs apart and added, "Tacky people. Parvenus, you understand."

"And it was mere coincidence then that you were in Paris at the exact same time the ring disappeared?" He cleared his throat as his eyes trained on the bulge between Jack's legs, finding no sign of an underwear and making out the obvious outline of the thick tube of his cock and its prominent head.

"Correction detective," Jack protested. "I was in Monaco at the exact same time the ring disappeared. And there was a surfeit of witnesses at the casino to support my claim. I'm sure the local gendarmes put that in their report."

"Yes, they did," Cavanaugh confirmed while wetting his lips. "Although they remain convinced you took it. You were at a party given by the Arnaults the week prior, weren't you?"

"I happened to have been there as the guest of a very gorgeous, very hunky German prince." Jack was smiling again. "Nobody says no to Hans," he confided in a suggestive way, as if Hans held some relevance to the line of questioning. "Unfortunately the poor boy was in worse financial straits than even I, so he couldn't really maintain me in the manner to which I was accustomed."

The mention of another man triggered Cavanaugh's sense of competition. He knew he was packing two hundred pounds of serious beef, chiseled to granite hardness by every day workouts. He involuntarily flexed his firmly muscled chest, aware that his nipples were protruding through the tight shirt. "Yet somehow you always seem to manage."

"I do, don't I?" Jack’s eyes flickered briefly to Cavanaugh’s wide pecs while the expanse of his thighs tantalizingly spread and closed slowly.

"And at this party, while you were in the house, you didn't happen to..."

"Case the joint?" Jack interjected. "More like criticize the joint. The house was way overdone, I assure you. Gold everywhere. And if they had the even more galling bad taste to misplace the Janus Diamonds, serves them right."

"Still, you never said you didn't take it," he clarified, now staring blatantly at Jack's increasingly visible cock and feeling his own growing rapidly.

"I didn't take it," Jack flatly stated.

He reluctantly tore his eyes away from Jack's heavy cock, now straining against the trousers, and tried another course, "What is it that you do?"

“Do? Why, I'll have you know I keep to a very tight...schedule. Gym in the mornings. Brunch. Evening cocktails, the occasional gala, a circuit party hear and there. Shall I continue?"

"I meant work."

"You think looking this good doesn't require work?" Jack asked, his hand saucily palming his cock in a quick gesture.

"I meant where does your money come from? According to your files, the family fortune ran out before you were even born. You don't have a trust fund; you barely have any money in the bank. And yet, your taxes are paid and you seem to enjoy quite a lavish lifestyle."

"Would it be dreadfully unoriginal of me to say that I depend on the kindness of strangers?"

He chose to ignore the quip, focusing once more on Jack's lips and thinking how fucking sweet they would feel around his hardon right about now. "The suit, for instance, looks very expensive."

"Ermenegildo Zegna, if you must know," Jack said dismissively.

"And you donate substantial amounts to various charities."

"I may have been my parents' only child but I do believe in sharing, detective."

"So you don't steal from the rich to give to the poor?" He proposed.

Jack raised a brow, "From Blanche Dubois to Robin Hood, how terribly droll."

He decided to move on. "You've resided at the Ravenswood Hotel for some time."

"That is correct. I don't imagine you got very far checking with them, did you?"

"No, management was pretty vague on details. All they would confirm is that you are an excellent guest and that you're prepaid for the entire year."

"I find it more convenient to get those pesky details squared away in advance."

"I could get a warrant to search your room."

Jack laughed. "I seriously doubt that detective. Our benevolent hostess at Ravenswood is a very powerful woman with very powerful, very well connected friends. You wouldn't think it the way she keeps to herself, but she is. She wouldn't look too kindly on any disruption to the routine at Ravenswood. I've lived there for years and even I have yet to be granted an audience." He paused to regard his fingernails. "Fascinating woman, that one. I hear she was an opera singer in Europe who had killed her lover because she found him in bed with another man."

"I heard it was another woman," Cavanaugh corrected.

Jack looked up at him and dropped his hand back to his lap, lightly rubbing his forefinger around the head of this cock through his pants. "See, you have done your homework. Then you must also know you will never be able to get a warrant to enter Ravenswood. Not that you need one, mind you." Jack set his sights squarely at him and shot him that smile again before adding, "You're more than welcome to give me a thorough strip search anytime."

He cleared his throat before he spoke, "Your room, Jack, search your room."

"Oh that too," Jack shrugged, "You’re more than welcome. I have nothing to hide."

"Why don't I believe that?" he asked rhetorically.

"The proof is, as they say, in the tasting." Jack stood up; oblivious it seemed to the tenting in his pants. "If we're done here, I do have other appointments to keep."

Jack was already opening the door when Cavanaugh stopped him. "Don't make any travel plans without checking with me first, Jack," he said, facing him and making sure Jack saw his own pants bulging and stained by an immense hardon.

"Not to worry. You have my number. Call me." Jack paused by the open door, taking in the sight of Cavanaugh's full frame and zeroing in on that full crotch.

"I know this is all an act," he said.

"An act?" Jack's brows furrowed. "Are you calling me a tease?"

"Oh that you are. But there's more to you than this circuit boy shtick."

"Why detective, I do believe you're finally catching on. You'll have me in handcuffs yet," Jack winked and closed the door after him.

II. Cavanaugh, suit jacket in hand, walked from out of the dense humidity at the juncture of Royal and Dumaine in the French Quarter and into the cool but musty bookshop. A little bell above the door announced his presence and a man in his late twenties with hair shorn close to the scalp and a lanky; swimmer's built looked up from behind a desk situated close to the entrance.

"Cavanaugh, my man, where have you been keeping yourself?" the shop's proprietor asked.

"You know me, Norris, all work," he replied. Norris was one of Cavanaugh's more reliable contacts placed as he was in a curious middle ground, working with the Historic Society by day, helping the rich pawn their valuables on the side, and dealing with all sorts of shady characters on his down time. "Did you get what I need?"

"Dude, I am so going to enjoy collecting my reward for the kind of information I have for you," Norris said, jumping up from his seat and leading the way to a room in the back.

Cavanaugh followed closely and grabbed at the bubble butt Norris was shaking his way. Once inside, Norris locked the door and pushed Cavanaugh down to a plush leather swivel chair. Norris faced him, then settled down on his lap, hands frantically tugging at his tie.

Cavanaugh laughed as Norris pulled off his tie and started on the shirt buttons. He sat back and allowed Norris to push his shirt apart to reveal his powerful, hairy pecs. Norris hands seemed like they were everywhere, caressing his chest and his sides, pulling at his nipples and then moving quickly down to unbuckle his belt.

"Unh-uh," Cavanaugh shook his head. "You know the rules, baby. Tell Daddy what he wants to know first before he pays up."

"Oh you are going to pay up big time, stud man," Norris sighed, quickly pulling his own shirt off then burying his face on Cavanaugh's chest to deeply inhale the heady masculine scent. "It wasn't easy, what with unreliable record keeping on bills of sale. But I went by your hunch about the Mondejar collection and you were dead on. I tracked those five pieces that disappeared from Europe back through previous owners and the Mondejars all originally owned them. They changed hands a few times and the original stones were all either consequently reset and, or renamed by the new owners."

"I knew it," Cavanaugh said, feeling Norris' tongue eagerly lapping at his nipples. "And the Winston Ruby?" Catching the left tip between his teeth, Norris gently tugged before letting go.

"Same thing. From a ruby pendant owned by the Mondejars to an auction house in London to an Austrian count to a Hollywood actress whom had it reset in its present form as a necklace in a web of small diamonds. And finally and coincidentally back here to New Orleans with the Winston’s who had bought it from the estate sale of said actress," Norris explained breathlessly before lunging back down to renew his assault on Cavanaugh's raw nipples. He squirmed in sweet agony under those chewing lips, and used his hands to guide Norris' head from nipple to nipple. Norris, meanwhile, was also busy with his hands, grappling with Cavanaugh's hardon inside his pants and pulling down the zipper.

"Not yet, we're not done," Cavanaugh gasped, tweaking Norris nipples with his fingers. "The Janus Diamonds...tell me."

Norris relented but stopped only after he had pulled Cavanaugh's cock out of his pants and grasped the thick hard shaft, enjoying its heat. "Your remarkable talents in bed are only as good as your sleuthing Cavanaugh. The Janus Diamonds do hold more than just sentimental value. I found in the Historical Society archives a journal that was kept by a close family friend of the Mondejars. Apparently, Don Julio Crisostomo de Mondejar traveled to India looking for a cure for his beloved Maria Luisa Ortega who was dying of consumption." Despite himself, Norris began to slowly pull at Cavanaugh's turgid organ, making it spew copious amounts of precum. Cavanaugh let out a soft moan as Norris continued. "Just outside Bombay, Mondejar befriended a local mystic who promised such a cure in the form of a diamond. What this mystic didn't say was that he actually owned one of the small mines in the vicinity from which this diamond came."

Norris stopped his narrative to bring his hand, smeared with Cavanaugh's precum, up to his mouth and licked it. "Even in those days, even in the backwoods of Bombay, they had heard of the wealthy Mondejars. So you would think, perfect scam, right? But I'm not so sure," he said, taking back Cavanaugh's cock in his hand and jacking it languidly. "The mystic showed Mondejar a singular rock, D-flawless. Diamonds, you see have grains, like wood, on which you cleave. This particular diamond lent itself to a unique design, which made it look like two diamonds joined together. The result was a mathematical masterpiece of angles in perfect alignment with every facet." Norris stood up and pulled Cavanaugh's pants all the way down and tossing it to the side of the room. While he watched, Norris stripped off his own pants and sat back down on Cavanaugh's splayed thighs. With one hand Norris pumped Cavanaugh's cock, with the other his cum-filled balls.

"It got its name from the Roman god Janus, who had two faces," Norris said.

"The guardian of the portals of beginnings and endings," Cavanaugh interrupted, moaning as he felt Norris' busy fingers fondling his heavy balls and squeezing up and down all ten inches of his hot meat.

Norris nodded and fell over Cavanaugh's cock encasing it in his steamy mouth and snaking his tongue around and around the shaft and over the swollen head, pushing down further until he reached the very root and mashing his face on the detective's pubes.

"Finish the story first," Cavanaugh moaned out loud.

Norris backed up from the long cock and smacked his lips. "The mystic promised Mondejar that the diamond was possessed of some purifying power, that once placed firmly on the finger of Maria Luisa it would affect a cure of some sort. Mondejar promptly returned to New Orleans and did just that. The Janus Diamond served as their engagement ring but get this - somehow, someway it delivered on the promise. Maria Luisa miraculous recovered and lived to the ripe old age of 95." Norris went down on Cavanaugh again, slurping noisily at the delectable cock and sending the detective into spasms of pleasure.

"Did you check for any more stray Mondejar gems?" Cavanaugh said, panting at the voracious onslaught of Norris' mouth on his steel hard tool. Norris pulled off the shaft and began to attack his balls with the same ferocious intensity, mouthing them separately and running his tongue all over the soft shaven skin.

"Yes, there's one more important piece..." Norris stopped to say before going back to his task of munching on Cavanaugh's bloated balls. He stopped again, dropping himself down on the floor between Cavanaugh's legs and pushing them even further apart. "Oddly enough this one never even left New Orleans - the Rillieux Sapphire presently owned by our very own Madame Constance Rillieux of the Garden District," Norris grinned up at him. "Did I do well?"

"Oh yes, baby, you did very well. Come and get your reward..." Cavanaugh groaned when Norris lunged at his ass and burrowed a determined tongue to his hole. He pulled up his legs to provide better access to Norris' talented mouth as it slobbered all over his butt. Cavanaugh grasped his rockhard cock and slapped it repeatedly on the kneeling man's forehead. Norris took notice and abandoned Cavanaugh's tasty hole in favor of slipping that even tastier cock back into his mouth.

"Oh yeah, you've got it, baby keep sucking, keep going."

Norris bobbed up and down the cock with relentless fervor. Cavanaugh helped by pushing his cock up to the gobbling mouth and battering Norris' throat in the process. Norris' hands pulled at Cavanaugh's ass, forcing more and more of the cock up to his greedy mouth. Then, Cavanaugh hollered as his toes curled, his balls drew up tightly and his cock erupted violently inside Norris' mouth, spurting come by the bucket load. "Fuck! Fuckfuckfuck. Take it all!" Norris gulped each sumptuous shot that ejected out of Cavanaugh's cock head and rolled the sharp tasting fluid around his mouth. For a full minute, Norris continued to nurse on the cock until it was clean of all come, letting it eventually slip out of his mouth to slap back, still hard, on Cavanaugh's washboard abs.

"That was the best yet," Norris whispered climbing back up onto his lap. Cavanaugh grinned back without answering. "But tell me Cavanaugh, you're convinced this guy pulled off all these burglaries? I mean, how'd he do it?"

"Oh, the how wasn't too difficult. These people have security measures that are laughable. One piece was picked right off the dresser from an open jewelry box," Cavanaugh said. "The trick is figuring out how Jack was always in plain sight elsewhere when the crimes were being committed. And how does he get rid of the rocks?"

"I know the answer to that," Norris said. "He doesn't."

Cavanaugh gave him a questioning look.

"The gems themselves are too well known. They can't be fenced and they're far too valuable to break down or they may be destroyed," Norris elaborated. "My guess is he keeps the important gem and sells off the smaller stones in the setting. The diamonds around the Winston Ruby necklace alone would keep your friend in designer tank tops for the rest of his life."

"Makes sense," Cavanaugh agreed. "He gets to keep his lost legacy while living off the interest. And I'd wager the Sapphire's next on his list."

"That one's a beaut! I've actually seen Madame Rillieux wear it at a Historical Society dinner. It has a rich, velvety color, dome shaped with a star across the top - three intersecting lines representing faith, hope and destiny. And you're right, knowing Madame Rillieux, she probably stashes it in the freezer of the ice box," Norris laughed.

"I think I'd better tail Mr. Jack Mondejar in case he's planning to add to his collection," Cavanaugh said.

"Well there's a benefit dance tonight. Peter Rauhofer is spinning. It's got just the right combination of pedigree and debauchery your pretty boy would find appealing," Norris suggested.

"Who's Peter Rauhofer?" Cavanaugh asked.

"You really ought to get out more Cavanaugh," Norris said, his right hand straying back to Cavanaugh's still tumescent organ. "But not until you pound me senseless with this gem right here." Cavanaugh laughed and proceeded to comply with the request.

III. Cavanaugh could've kicked himself. He had just spent the past five hours watching Jack from the second level of the complex where the dance was being held. All night, he stared down at Jack, shirtless and gyrating along with thousands of his closest friends, also shirtless, to the hypnotic, earsplitting beat of the music. He had tolerated all the men who passed by him with groping hands that inevitably felt up his ass or pinched his nipples through his T-shirt and a few even braver individuals who just went straight to his thick cock nestled not so safely in his jeans. All night, he eyed Jack's prime, sweaty body moving in perfect time to the rhythm. And while he couldn't say he hadn't enjoyed himself, it eventually occurred to him that instead he should have been watching the Rillieux Sapphire!

So at three in the morning, he left the dance and was practically running toward the Rillieux house when who did he see a block ahead of him going in the opposite direction but - Jack Mondejar! He had just left him in a sea of men back at the dance mere minutes ago. How the hell did he get out here so fast? And it was Jack, he was sure. Cavanaugh stayed in the shadows and watched Jack make his way through the streets, steering clear of the gaslights it seemed, and heading straight back to Ravenswood.

In minutes they had reached their destination, Jack ahead by a few paces and unaware of his pursuer. Cavanaugh was about to ring the bell on the carriageway door through which Jack had entered when the door opened by itself. Mystified, Cavanaugh went inside and looked around for anyone who might have opened the door for him. But there was no one there. Maybe Jack just didn't shut it properly, he told himself. He ventured quietly into the house, listening to Jack go up to his room on an upper floor. Cavanaugh knew Jack's room number and went directly there. He knocked on the door.

The door was opened by a visibly surprised Jack.

"Detective" Jack stammered as he pushed his way in. "Oh do, please come in," Jack said sarcastically closing the door after them. "Do you have any idea what time it is?"

"I’m not the only one who's been out late, am I, Jack?" Cavanaugh said, giving the dimly lit room a cursory glance.

"I just came from the benefit dance," Jack said defiantly.

"No, I just came from the benefit dance. You came from the Rillieux house."

Jack looked uncharacteristically flustered but gathered himself quickly. "You can't prove that."

"You only got in a minute ago," Cavanaugh reasoned. "You haven't had time to hide the sapphire pendant."

Jack smirked. "Are you going to frisk me then detective?"

"I don't have to," Cavanaugh replied, stepping right up to him and promptly unzipping Jack's pants. He reached into Jack's white briefs and pulled out the Rillieux pendant. "Care to explain this?"

"You still have nothing on me detective," Jack said coolly, moving away toward the balcony doors. He opened them, letting in fresh air. "I could say you came in here unannounced with the sapphire in your possession and threatened me with this false arrest. It will be your word against mine and I can guarantee a few hundred witnesses willing to swear that I was at that dance all night."

"Now that I don't understand," Cavanaugh said. "I left you at that dance. How did you get to the sapphire?"

"No detective, you left me at the dance," a voice announced from behind.

Cavanaugh turned around to the now open door and to his astonishment saw another Jack Mondejar. He swung back to look at the one to whom he was speaking and then looked back to the newcomer. Identical! Identical twins!

"I know what you're thinking, Cavanaugh but no," said the first Jack taking off his shirt, his smooth body glowing in the lamp light. "There's only one Jack Mondejar, which is why you'll never be able to prove I had any part in this robbery. And no, he's not a twin or an identical double. He's me, or rather a purer version of me."

"What the hell do you mean?" Cavanaugh asked.

"What he means is that I'm a duplicate Jack Mondejar," the second Jack said, mimicking the original's movement of taking off his clothes.

"Have you heard the legend behind the Janus Diamonds, Cavanaugh?" the first Jack said moving to his left while the other Jack closed in on his right.

"It was supposed to have cured your great, great, great grandmother," Cavanaugh said as two pairs of hands began to pull his T-shirt off.

"That's what people thought. It didn't. The ring created a purer version of my great, great, great grandmother. The real or rather the first Maria Luisa did die. Her duplicate took her place,” explained the first Jack, his hands now roaming sensuously across Cavanaugh's naked chest.

"How?" Cavanaugh asked, relishing the feeling of both pairs of hands lazily moving up and down his body.

The second Jack spoke, "I…we don't quite know. Whoever wears the ring can, well, summon a duplicate. An almost exact duplicate with the same memories and thoughts and feelings and desires."

"Almost exact?" Cavanaugh echoed questioningly while somebody unbuttoned his jeans, although he couldn't tell which one was doing it.

"A purer version, that's what the Indian guru told my great, great, great grandfather. In Maria Luisa's case, a body free of disease. In mine, well, this other Jack is just too nice for his own good. That's why I have to be the one who steals the gems,” said the first one, stripping Cavanaugh of his jeans. He obliged by kicking it off and felt all four hands caressing his entire body from his biceps, his shoulders, to his shapely ass. Cavanaugh closed his eyes and sighed, returning the favor by letting his hands travel down the twin bodies clinging to his sides. He felt himself being pushed down onto the bed and let himself recline on his back. The two quickly joined him on opposite sides. One began licking down his neck, the other gobbling his way down to his crotch.

"What happens to the other Jack when you don't need an alibi?" Cavanaugh asked, gasping when a pair of lips began nibbling just below his cockhead. His fuckmeat instantly sprang up to its full length and he let out a groan when those same lips began to devour the swollen organ.

"I return to him. I'm part of him," said the one who was obviously the second Jack, also the one who was now actively playing with his erect nipples.

With his left hand he fingered the butt of the one sucking on his cock, with his right he grabbed the blonde head of the one next to his chest and pulled him closer. He opened his lips and kissed one of the Jacks and let his tongue wiggle wildly inside that mouth.

He broke off the kiss, "Damn this is too fucking incredible!" Then both Jacks were suddenly at his cock, two pairs of lips hungrily eating his cock, his balls, gnawing at his hard bone, with tongues lapping at everything. Cavanaugh moaned loudly and thrust his hips up, prodding his cock through both lips locked along the sides of his shaft, riding its pumping movements up and down. Then one of the mouths went back to eating his cock, swallowing his meat in one move. "God, yes!" Cavanaugh pleaded, "Eat me. Suck me!" The other mouth moved lower to lick at his butt crack. He reached for their two butts and pushed his forefingers into two steamy butt holes in a rapid fucking motion.

Then, in a quick move, one of the Jack’s mounted his cock and let it slide into a hot grabbing butt. Cavanaugh fucked wildly up that Jack's ass, while the other Jack moved to sit on his face. He felt his mouth, his entire face being smothered by the sweet smelling ass and he began to lick at its hole. The two rode him like a prize animal. One humping up and down his meat spike, the other on his tongue. Their synchronized moaning rose to a crescendo until he felt searing cum splattering over his body. He felt the strong spasms of Jack's asshole gripping his cock until he couldn't stand it a second longer. He exploded with a silent scream as he unloaded into that hot ass milking his cock for all it was worth.

The three spent bodies settled down on the bed with both Jacks still caressing Cavanaugh and kissing him wildly. Their tongues wrestled for an eternity before Cavanaugh let go and dropped his head back on the pillow even as he pulled both Jacks close, their heads nestling on the sides of his neck. "What the hell am I going to do about you now, Jack?"

"It seems to me we have an impasse," said the Jack to his right.

"You know our secret but you can't prove any of it," said the other.

"And you're not about to abandon this life of crime?" asked Cavanaugh sleepily as he enjoyed being in between the warmth of the two bodies.

"Well, you can always keep trying to reform us," suggested one of the two.

"After all, you've already gotten us to spill...our secret with just this second questioning. Imagine how much further you can go with a few more of these amazing interrogations of yours," forwarded the other.

"Yes, I think we're going to have to keep working on your rehabilitation," he agreed, embracing them both tighter, their busy hands already arousing his second hardon for the night.


2 Gay Erotic Stories from Joegotham27


By Mathias/ 1.GOING People came here to disappear. Or so it's been said. Marc walked into the encroaching shadows, beyond the unlit fireplace with the marble mantel, past two chairs of polished black walnut facing each other like damask upholstered sentries before the French doors that opened out to the vast inner courtyard - the heart of this old house--rr rather,

Ravenswood, Part 2

RAVENSWOOD Two "Have I been a naughty boy, officer?" From beneath the bright glare of the light in the interrogation room, the humpy blonde in the dark suit and an open-at-the-collar clean, white shirt gave him the full benefit of a smirk both playful and openly challenging. "Is that why I'm here?" He was the one who had this guy brought in for questioning. He was the one in charge. He was

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