Gay Erotic Stories

A Thai Student

by Luoge

One day in Bangkok, Thailand, it was mid-August, and the mid-moon festival. I began to recall my family. I lay on the grassland in the park. Looking at the bright moon in the sky and resting I almost forgot everything, and just enjoyed the moonlight.

One college student came to me and asked me if I was waiting for someone. I said no one was waiting. He said he wanted to sit with me.

I said, “You can of course.”

The boy was about 20 years old, very handsome though a dark night. He began to touch me from the chest, and then to my legs and dick. He asked me if he could smoke me. I don't understand smoke meaning. He put my dick in to his mouth and sucked my dick

My dick was coming and going smoothly in his mouth. I felt very exciting and ejaculated finally.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Luoge

A Thai Student

One day in Bangkok, Thailand, it was mid-August, and the mid-moon festival. I began to recall my family. I lay on the grassland in the park. Looking at the bright moon in the sky and resting I almost forgot everything, and just enjoyed the moonlight. One college student came to me and asked me if I was waiting for someone. I said no one was waiting. He said he wanted to sit with me. I


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