Gay Erotic Stories

Je’ro’s Chosen, Part 3

by Latrix

Before you started reading this story, same warning as before.

Je’ro’s Chosen, part 3

The bombardment of the southern perimeter began early one morning; the flames and smoke writhing like heaven bound rivers. The city was a cacophony of alarms, screams, and resounding detonations. The breeze brought a subtle fragrance thru my garden window: sweet blossoms and burning flesh.

The palace guards scurried up and down the corridors like rats, occasionally popping their heads thru my open chamber door to give laconic appraisals of the current defenses and the likelihood of evacuation. I was strangely detached, even for me. Last night, with Be’roth, I had become someone else.

As we, or should I say, was deep in the throws of ecstasy, I realized that I loved Je’ro. What a time to recognize it, though the recognition carried no guilt. And even before Be’roth started talking about destiny and fate, I had known that my love for Je’ro had stretched eons and space. How did I end up here?


The insurgents were called the Telro-Ilseptor, a pseudo-religious cult with ambitions of ruling all of Dalvius, and with the discovering of humanity, the earth. They twisted the benign prophesies of the ancient mystic Dalvars into war cries, festering in the ruins of the outlying villages and suburbs of Cherunt. Their most sacred hope was that one-day, one of their numbers would become Sachim.

Sachim’Ok had secretly begun exterminating the cult’s hierarchy, emboldening the faithful laymen to claim the dead as martyrs. Felron’s central intelligence believed that only 1/6 of the cult’s faithful had survived a massacre on the plains of the Japthon district. FCI agents indicated that all but 3 commanders had been located amongst the dead: the most important being not the cult leader Ken’or, but the chief assassin, Kilkata’roth.


The palace guards wore heavy armor and carried the most sinister weapons I had ever laid my eyes upon. Only their eyes could be seen, everything else was covered beneath black armor. The Blue Felronite, the largest airborne predator known, was emblazoned across the chest plates. These were the knights of the Council and they had wings. The first time I saw a military exercise I screamed as an errant guard fell upon me, like a mythical bat-like dragon. He managed to stabilize just feet above me, but the fear stayed with me for days, nightmares.

It was the captain of the guards, Gilbrath, who appeared at my door in full armor. He removed his helmet as he approached my bed.

“Shur’sachim’unti Jacobson, The council has announced that the forces of the Telro-Ilseptor have been driven back through the city’s perimeter wall. The palace sustained no damage and the city will remain on mid-level alert until the day the wedding, when it shall be raised to high until after the fertility festival,” Gilbrath stated with a proud smile upon his face, “I am also pleased to announce that 2 of the Telro commanders were victims of the palace’s elite guard. Only one remains unaccounted for, regrettably it is Kilkata’roth.”

“I am glad to hear of the prowess of your troops captain, surely it speaks highly of your own abilities. I would like to ask a small favor, if I may?”

“If it is within my ability to supply your desires, I would be gratified to be of service,” he said with an attempt at bowing in his graceless armor.

He was a sexy dalvar, with a slim, toned musculature; a rarity amongst the guards whom tended to be a little overly developed, for my liking at least. His courage was renowned throughout all of Dalvius, as well as his rugged handsomeness.

“Would you guard my chamber this evening. I must admit that I am more than a little shaken up by today’s events. I feel uncomfortable with the other guards in my chambers; they cause me nightmares in that horrifying armor, but I know sleep will come easily if you were to watch over me.”

“Without fail, I shall protect you. Would you prefer if I did not wear my armor?”

“Thank you so much. You are a true hero.”

“It is my duty and my privilege.”


For the first time in over a week I was allowed some semi-intimate time with Je’ro, under the watchful eye of Be’roth. He spoke tersely, almost belligerently. I knew that he was worried about the city, his fate, and to a lesser extent, my well-being. To his defense I must say that I was the most well-fed, well-looked after shut-in.

His blue eyes seemed heavy with tears.

“ Je’ro, why do you talk to me this way?”

“Because your weak and pathetic. You don’t do anything but lie in bed all day; I’ve seen the reports. Meanwhile I’ve been undergoing the most strenuous physical and mental testing of my life. I didn’t ask to be sachim, but it is my solemn duty to fulfill all it requires. Why don’t you go to sleep like a good little boy?”

“How dare you insinuate that I’m nothing but your house boy. You fucking subjected me to this life. You think I like laying in bed all day, there are no fucking chairs in the whole apartment, no books, no music, only one fucking window,” I screamed testily, “ Fuck you and all of your fucking condescension. You don’t wont me around, then fucking marry one of the noble courtesans that keep you ‘company’ all night. I can’t believe I thought I loved you, you bastard. Kel tillick boon rashick!”

Je’ro wore a look of startled hilarity upon his face as threw any close object under 5-pounds in his direction.

“Pil rook chi feelitite boon cho-chack! Dendi krunk beteltriticula!” I basically called him the debased asshole of a mongrel cunt and that I hoped his testicles swelled and exploded with blockage. It sounds much better in Felroni and the word for asshole is also meant black hole.

His look turned to anger and disgust as he threw a couch at me. I may have been killed if Be’roth had not deflected it. I ran down the corridor towards my chamber as I heard the sounds of Be’roth and Je’ro fighting. I heard Je’ro scream as I tried to slam the heavy Dalvar door.

I cried myself to sleep.


I awoke with a start with a figure towering over the bed, silhouetted in front of the window, standing in the darkness. As his figure approached his features became ominously clear; I had never seen this man or his like on all my files on the Dalvars. He could almost pass for human, if not for the orange eyes and the wild blue hair. I tried to move my hands but they were tied, I tried screaming but my mouth was gagged. He removed a large knife from its sheaf, tracing my jawbone with its tip.

“Scream, and I’ll give you a couple of new orifices. You can come along peacefully, or I can kill you here. Either way, you’ll never see The Usurper again. We shall reclaim what is ours and you shall be my prize, my petite human concubine…or I can just have you fun with you here, and cut your throat.”

I was helpless as he stood over me, laughing like a demon. He looked as if he were 6’5”, not nearly as tall as most Dalvars, but still a great deal taller than me. He looked as if he was in his mid-thirties. His long face bore a long red scar than ran from the right cheek, across the bridge of the nose, and terminating with a vicious curve, on his left cheek. His face was stern and intimidating; his orange eyes burned like flames and his sky blue hair was tied back behind his shoulders. He would be sexy, if not for the gag in my mouth, the restraints around my wrist.

“You’ve got a hungry look in your eye; I heard you were a whore on your native world. Would you like to see what’s in store for you boy?”

He untied one strap from his shoulder and all his clothes simply fell in a heap on the floor. Naked, he was like a sex god; smooth pecs, ripped abs, thick muscular thighs, and his massive tool throbbing in anticipation. He was rock hard, at least 10 inches and uncut. He grabbed me roughly and shoved me down onto the floor so hard it knocked the wind out of me.

He began striking me across the face and chest with his fists, and kicking my legs with his heels. He called me every Felroni curse I knew as well as a couple more colorful one I didn’t. I was a whimpering heap when he kicked me for one last time. “This is my gift to her majesty, for her wedding day” he said with a smirk, as he began stroking his hardened tool over my writhing body, “May you rule upon my root, forever and ever”.

With that, he grabbed my hair with one hand, pulling me onto my knees. Holding his knife against my right eye, he snatched the cloth out and pushed his hard cock into my mouth, as I resisted, moaning ‘never’.

“Filthy human whore!” He barked, “Open!” He began to thrust his cock back and forth, face fucking me as tears ran down from my eyes as I looked up as this burly brute. I gagged and chocked on his penis and he only laughed and pushed deeper and deeper, ramming harder, until his head forced its way into my throat. I couldn’t breathe. There was still an additional 4 inches that wouldn’t fit.

He pulled it out and began slapping my cheeks with it, while I held my face down, crying. He rubbed it across my lips, coating them with his precum, before he began another round of heavy whacks across my cheeks.

“Look at it! This is the last look you going to get before I bury it so far up your puny little human hole, your eyes pop out!”

The head was deep purple and wide. Purple and red veins were raised along the length, throbbing with blood, power. The root was a thick as a teenager wrist. It looked as if it had been hewn from marble, heavy and hard.

He threw me onto the edge of the bed, forcing my legs apart, and placed the tip of his knife against my hole, as a reminder of who was in control.

“First, I’m gonna open you up, and then I’m plow you like a animal. It’s gonna hurt and if you make it harder, it’s gonna hurt more. Accept your destiny and You may even enjoy it.”

He then used his right hand to pry apart my tight smooth ass. He began spitting on my hole and with the fingers of his left hand; he began to circle my tight hole. “You’ve got a nice tight hole! It’s going to feel real good wrapped around my dick!” he exclaimed. He then plunged a finger into my asshole as I started to moan and wiggle away. He slapped me across the ass and then plunged in two fingers, and I began screaming in agony. “My advisors may have been incorrect,” he said as he continued to manipulate my ass, adding a third finger, “looks like I may have a virgin on my hands, or shall I say fingers.” I couldn’t tell which was louder, my whimpers and moans, or his sadistic laugh.

He removed his fingers, smearing them across my ass cheeks. His big hands pulled my cheeks apart and began to push his thick cock head into my hole. He got the head in as I screamed into the bedspread.

The pain was searing as he used the pressure of his muscular body to hold me down. He began slow, methodical thrusts into and out of my sore hole. Sweat from his face and chest dripped onto my back and rolled down my sides, as his breathing got heavier and his thrusts, deeper. He then grabbed my ass cheeks and pushed them together to act as a vise on his big fuck tool, as he pushed hard into my insides.

He grabbed onto my waist and proceeded to violently fuck me, ruthlessly slamming in and out. With a grunt, he plunged the his tool deep into me and held it there with his balls against my ass. His thick cock’s girth painfully stretched me as he renewed his rapid pumping, his gigantic balls smacking my ass with every, ever deeper, plunge. I moaned as he began slapping my ass with each thrust. I looked back at him, and he had a look of ecstasy and determination on his face. I reached back and grabbed his ass pulling him in harder and harder. He had broken my resistance. He grabbed my wrists, pulling them behind my back; riding me like a war roan, pumping my ass faster and faster.

He nearly knocked me over as his slamming pole drove all the way to the hilt. He held it there for a moment that felt like an eon. Suddenly, he pulled it all the way out and just as quickly, slammed it back in. As I looked over my shoulder he gave me a demonic grin as he raped me, spitting in my face. I could only cry as the slurping sounds from my tattered hole became louder with each thrust, as he managed to quicken the pace of his huge ramming tool.

He grunted with each thrust as he pounded my ass furiously, his sweat dripping down off of his body onto my back and legs. His body began to convulse and he gasped. He slowed down, growling and biting my neck, and with one deep thrust, his dick spurt out a rush of hot juice that soothed my sore and burning ass. His pulsing cock kept pumping load after load of hot cream in, as he lengthening his thrusts to milking his orgasm As he pulled his massive penis out with a popping sound I felt what must streams of his cum oozing from my overflowing hole and running down the back of my legs. I had been violated and desecrated

“Good job my little assassin, that will be quit enough for this evening. And I think perhaps I shall lay claim to him.”

“But sir, you promised me and the guys…”

“Enough! I will be obeyed or you and the others shall not see tomorrow!”

“Yes, your highness.”

The rapist dressed quickly and jumped out of the window. Perhaps he would have survived to kill others, if not for the ax-blade that crunched into the back of his neck. I heard his body slam into the courtyard.”

Needless to say I knew the voice of the speaker.

“Did you like this mornings diversion? It was necessary for me to slip some troops into the city from the west. Everyone was so occupied…”

“I trusted you and you let him do this to me! Je’ro will destroy you!”

“Wrong. I will destroy him and make my crown from his bone as is foretold in the Book of Gimbe. And I had to let that man have a little fun before he died; I’m not heartless after all. Besides maybe you’re loose enough for me have now, shall we see?”

“ I hate you Gilbrath, you will regret this”, the words fell from my mouth as I sobbed on the floor, “You will pay…”

“Perhaps tomorrow, my little whore, but not today”, Gilbrath stated as his naked body stepped into a shaft of moonlight, “ And by the way, you can just call me Kilkata’roth.”

*** Chapter 4 is on the way, what’s a boy to do when a murderer…


5 Gay Erotic Stories from Latrix

Je'ro's Chosen, Part 1

Before you started reading this story, I just wanna let you know, it’s a long, erotic sci-fi story, not a sci-fi themed erotic story. You have to go deep for the explicit, if that all you want. You’ve been warned! Je’ro’s Chosen, Part 1 “What’s a pretty boy like you doing on Dalvius?” In an ironic twist of fate, the Dalvars shared 99.98% of the human genetic code. Imagine our surprise

Je’ro’s Chosen, Part 2

Before you started reading this story, the same warning as before. Je’ro’s Chosen, Part 2 Being Je’ro’s Shurunti, or ‘chosen one’, that evening made me into his ‘wife’, for eternity. I’ll admit that the prospect was a lot more interesting than it had been yesterday, but the whole ‘for eternity’ bit was a little bit troubling. I later realized that I had become Je’ro's chosen that day in

Je’ro’s Chosen, Part 3

Before you started reading this story, same warning as before. Je’ro’s Chosen, part 3 The bombardment of the southern perimeter began early one morning; the flames and smoke writhing like heaven bound rivers. The city was a cacophony of alarms, screams, and resounding detonations. The breeze brought a subtle fragrance thru my garden window: sweet blossoms and burning flesh. The palace

Je’ro’s Chosen, Part 4

Before you started reading this concluding installment, I just want to remind you it’s a long, erotic sci-fi story as well as a sci-fi themed erotic story. You have to go deep for the explicit, if that all you want. This is the longest installment. You’ve been warned, again! Je’ro’s Chosen, part 4-The conclusion! This new translation of the Book of Gimbe, from the ancient Beruutite text


DISCLAIMER: This story contains gay sex and drug use. If you are not legally allowed to view such material in your area, or offended by such material please read something else. Otherwise, have fun with this story. Pete All I could do was stare at his crotch. It was a mountainous bulge against the stretching denim. I was so turned on. I had been watching his crotch for thirty minutes:


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