Gay Erotic Stories

Time For Bed

by Roger Mydick

Dave drove his car up his drive and pulled it to a halt. He wearily opened the doors, got out and locked the car. It was 9.30pm, and Dave had just won his latest case, however this had meant staying late in the office and Dave was now very tired.

He opened the door and walked into his house. Shutting the door behind him, he called out, "Robin, I'm home."

Dave's boyfriend called back from the living room, "Hi Dave, did you win?"

"Yep," Dave called back as he took off his coat. "I'm just going to take a shower."

Robin continued to watch TV until his lover came back down wearing only his underwear. Robin smiled at Dave, and Dave smiled back. They snuggled up on the couch. Both men didn't wear much at this time of night (Robin was only wearing a dressing gown, and it was open as always, so Dave could see his cock and bare chest.). Robin kissed Dave. "So how's my favourite lawyer?"

"He's tired," Dave admitted as he started felling Robin's nipples. "Won at the last minute, after some new evidence was found."

"That's great," smiled Robin. "This calls for a drink. He got up and went into the kitchen. He picked up a bottle of wine and two glasses and went back to Dave, who loved seeing Robin's cock as it moved around freely. Robin smiled. When he'd "lost" his dressing gown cord, and had to wear it open all the time, he knew Dave would love it. Robin poured the wine. "A toast," he said, "to a great boyfriend."

"Here, here," Dave agreed, and they both took a sip. The two then got back on the sofa and snuggled up again. "Who's that?" Dave asked Robin, before yawning.

"That's Kyle's evil half-brother, who's been having an affair with Kyle's cousin Harold," Robin explained. "See that woman? She knows and is blackmailing Kyle."

"Ah," said Dave and he yawned again.

"You're tired, aren't you?" Robin asked.

"Just a bit," Dave admitted. The two kissed again and continued watching the television. Dave snuggled up against Robin's bare chest and wrapped Robin's dressing gown around him. Robin smiled and continued watching TV.

After a while the film ended, and Robin stretched. "That was quite good," he said, but Dave didn't answer. Instead he was snoring.. Robin smiled and kissed Dave to wake him up. "Come on sleepyhead," he smiled. "Time for bed."

Dave yawned again. Robin put his hands down Dave's underwear and started fiddling. "Now you've got some sleep, are you ready for some fun?" he grinned.

Dave grinned back. "You bet," he said as both of them tore off their clothes and ran upstairs, naked, to their bed.


12 Gay Erotic Stories from Roger Mydick


"Nearly there," I said to myself as I rode my bike along the coastline. I had recently heard of a nudist beach about 5 miles from my house and the only way to access it was by walking - or in my case, riding - along the coast. Still, I was excited. It would be my first time on a nudist beach. It was a hot day, so I had no shirt on. The hot sun felt good on my naked torso. All I had with me were a

Pleasure Island Episode 01: Introduction

"Abandon ship!" the captain yelled. "She's going under!" Jay Barone watched in horror, as the captain got into the last lifeboat, unaware that he was still on the ship. The captain thought he was the last one off, and so the lifeboats sailed away. "Wait!" Jay yelled, but they didn't hear. The ship continued to sink. Jay knew he was doomed. A child's inflatable tyre floated past as the

Pleasure Island Episode 02: Big Boner Rock

"Good morning sexy," a voice said. Jay Barone awoke and turned around. Who had he been sleeping with this time? A look told him it was Randy. "Hi," he smiled back, and they kissed. Then, "Could you take your cock out of my arse please? It's time for breakfast." Randy did so. He got up and stretched his muscles. The two left the hut for breakfast. As they walked along the beach they saw the

Pleasure Island Episode 03: Fathers And Sons

The sun shone down on Pleasure Island, allowing the already very tanned naked men to get even more tanned. Since it had been a very warm night, the men had all slept outside in the arms--or asses--of someone they loved. Jay Barone, the newest member of the group, sighed happily. He was alone right now, but he loved the feel of his naked body outdoors. He had been on the island for a month now,

Rich Boyfriend, Part 1

I'm standing outside my house, smartly dressed--from the waist down. I have on my smartest trousers, nice shiny shoes and a belt, but I'm shirtless! I never wear a shirt unless I really have to, but tonight I won't have to. In fact, if I could, I'd stand here naked to save time later. A limo pulls up besides me. He's here! I smile as Seymour winds down the window. "Hey sexy," he grins. I look

Summer Fantasy

Across the street from where I live, live the Jackson’s, John and his wife Peg. I don't know them that well, but John Jackson is my dream neighbour. In the year that he moved into my street, I don't think I've ever seen him wearing a shirt. He's always bare-chested. His chest is so smooth, not a hair on it, and his nipples scream, "come and get me" to both women and gays. Indeed, many a

Summer Fantasy, Part 2

The days went on and my fantasies about the sexy, shirtless John Jackson continued. I knew they would never come true; after all, he was happily married. All the same, I got to know the Jackson’s a lot more. I'd always wear 3 pairs of briefs though to stop my boner being visible whenever Shirtless John opened the front door. The 3 of us soon became good friends, and often hung out together.

Summer Fantasy, Part 3

Much to my relief and disappointment, John had started wearing his jeans again. He was starting to get his life back together and apologised for his weird behaviour. "That's all right," I smiled. "You can stay here as long as you like." "Thanks," he smiled back. The days went on and we went to work (him shirtless as usual). Eventually Saturday came and we were both off for the day. John

Summer Fantasy, Part 4

I managed to drag John back to the car, both of us still nude. I put him in the passenger seat; he was still out cold and still rock hard. I couldn't resist. I kissed his dick. He didn't move. I then went back to get all our stuff and walked back nude to the car. I got in and found that John had pissed himself all over the seat. He was still unaware of it. God, how much did he drink? I drove

Summer Fantasy, Part 5

"Roger, we have to talk," he told me. "It's about last night..." I froze. What was John going to say? Was he regretting it? Would he ever want to speak to me again. "I think I may have given you the wrong idea," he said as I sat next to him, still naked from last night. He looked at my cock. "As you probably know, I was drunk last night, and I think I did something I regretted." My face

Time For Bed

Dave drove his car up his drive and pulled it to a halt. He wearily opened the doors, got out and locked the car. It was 9.30pm, and Dave had just won his latest case, however this had meant staying late in the office and Dave was now very tired. He opened the door and walked into his house. Shutting the door behind him, he called out, "Robin, I'm home." Dave's boyfriend called back from

Trailer Park Boys - Randy and Mr. Lahey

This story contains characters from the TV series Trailer Park Boys. I do not own the characters, nor the programme, and this story is completely unofficial. ----- Jim Lahey stormed into his office, fuming. "Damn Ricky!" he muttered to himself. Once more Ricky and Julian had got one over on him. Lahey had been sure he'd find their dope stash this time, but the Boys had moved it away and made


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