Gay Erotic Stories

Hot Night in a Moscow Hotel

by RussianGay

It was the last night of my stay in Russia. After spending the month in a small northern town, we returned to Moscow a day early, to check out all of the sites, and get good nights sleep before catching the airplane early in the morning. I would be staying in a room with my classmate Richard. Now, I had come to develop a huge thing for Richard while spending the month with him. We both knew that each of us was gay, we had even discussed it. I had even discovered that when Richard drinks heavily, he sleeps like a log and likes to pull his dick out and play with it. I had taken advantage of this situation and blown Richard on three separate occasions over the month.

Our room in Moscow was quite nice, considering that we got the room at such a bargain price. There were two ancient twin beds pushed together in the middle of the main room. Neither of us talked about the beds pushed together, I guess that the subject was moot. I knew that I would at least be getting another view of his glorious dick, and possibly a taste if I played my cards right and the alcohol was free flowing.

That night, after calling home to America for the first time during the trip (there was some kind of difficulty with calling out of the country from outside of Moscow), Richard and I just sat around, on the huge windowsill, watching people out on the street. We both decided that we needed some beer, so I ordered some from room service. We drank and chatted, mostly about living in Russia, and our hopes to return. Richard had far more to drink that I did, as he had been drinking earlier in the evening. Soon, after everything was drunk, we went to bed, Richard on the left bed, me on the right.

After Richard was passed out, I drifted off to sleep. I woke up a few hours later and Richard had begun his drunken night striptease. He had pulled his shorts down and his shirt up, revealing his sexy nipples nestled in his chest hair and his growing dick. I had seen this show before and knew what to expect. Things changed when Richard asked me if I was awake. I replied that I was. Next thing I felt was Richard grabbing my right hand with his left, and moving my hand to his crotch. He asked me if I wanted to help him get off. I didn’t need to be asked twice.

I quickly got down to his dick and started licking it all over. I started with his low-hanging balls and got them nice and wet, inhaling his manly scent while working his balls over. After sucking on his balls, his dick was rock hard. I quickly devoured his dick, licking form the base to the tip, and then deep throating him, as I had done before when he had been passed out. Richard couldn’t stop moaning and saying how badly he needed this. I was a bit worried that the neighbors would complain. I kept working on Richard’s dick until he said that he was about to cum. When he told me he was ready to shoot, I deep throated him down to the base of his cock and sucked for all that I was worth. Richard shot load after load down my throat, filling my mouth with his sweet cum. I didn’t remove my mouth until his dick softened and fell out.

I expected this to be the end of the evening, as Richard hadn’t really expressed an interest in my sexually, but I was pleased to be proven wrong. Richard kissed me deeply, his tongue probing into my mouth, seeking out the remnants of his sweet cum. This was the response that I always hoped for from him. We kissed for what seemed like hours, but in actuality was more like minutes. Richard said that he wanted to fuck me really bad, and that he had wanted to for the entire trip, only he didn’t know how to breach the subject. I told Richard that he could have fucked me anytime during the trip.

Richard was hard again immediately, and I went rifling through my bags to find some condoms and lube. I gave Richard a quick blow to get him good and ready, and rolled the condom down his shaft. His dick looked glorious, sheathed in a condom and glistening with lube, ready to fuck. What a sight. He told me to climb on top of him, and I was eager to respond. I slid his dick in nice and easy, and he sank into me as if he were meant to fit my hole. I started to ride his dick with nice long strokes, really savoring the overwhelming feelings of pleasure. Richard was moaning and talking up a storm, saying how good I felt and how he had wanted to do this for so long.

Richard quickly rolled me over onto my back, and put my right leg up over his left shoulder. He started to fuck me hard and deep, really driving his dick home. I was overcome with the greatest feeling of my life. It was as if I was being fucked by the whole city, by the whole months worth of experiences. More then that, I was being fucked by a man whom I had deep feelings for, and he knew what he was doing and how to give it to a man. He fucked me forever, moving me into different positions, each better than the last, and after thirty minutes was on the verge of cumming. I told him to cum on my chest, so he pulled out, and started to ride my chest. He shot his second load of the night on my chest, hitting my in the chin. I took his dick back in my mouth and sucked the rest of the load out of him. I came without him touching me, and came in great amounts, shooting all over his back while he was sitting on my chest.

After the fuck, Richard just laid back and held me while we drifted off to sleep. It was the best experience of the trip for me. In the morning, when we had to get up and ready for our flight back, Richard and I took a shower together and talked about out return home. He said that he really wanted to continue to see me when we got back home. I was more than happy to oblige him. Richard and I have been back in the U.S. for six months, and they have been the happiest that either of us has ever experienced. We are planning out return to Russia where we really got to know each other and found out that we were more than just classmates.


3 Gay Erotic Stories from RussianGay

From Russia With Love

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Hot Night in a Moscow Hotel

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