Gay Erotic Stories

Transformations, Part 1 & 2

by The_english_don


I have always been fascinated with change, the idea of becoming something new and powerful. I’ve never had the best self-image of myself, so it is not a surprise that I would want to be something different. I have also had a growing interest with paganism and witchcraft, and had spent many months researching the legends of those who believed and practised these beliefs.

My increasing obsession led me the discovery of a ritual, which would allow me to harness some of the powers I had read about. This ritual would bring about a transformation of my body, though I was unsure exactly how this would occur, and what I would look like at the end of it. The books described an “absorption of all that is male”, but as there were no descriptions of how this would appear. I was to travel to an area of the Scottish Highlands to perform the ritual. The books demanded that I make an animal sacrifice, which I was deeply unnerved about, but I had convinced myself that I must do whatever it takes to make this change.

I travelled to the Highlands in mid-summer – it was hardly warm, but at least not freezing. I stayed in a local bed and breakfast the night before, as I had to perform the ritual at sunrise. I was surly and rude to the staff, as my mind was focused on only one thing – ensuring I performed the ritual exactly as the books stated. As the night approached I gathered my things and left the bed and breakfast – hopefully leaving my old life behind forever. I arrived at the hillside described, which seemed to contain remnants of a temple or church. There was a stone, which looked like an altar. I was beginning to have second thoughts but something in my mind prevented me from leaving. I performed the sacrifice on a sheep, pouring its blood into a wooden bowl. I was sickened by my actions, but it felt like an invisible force was controlling me. I shed my clothes as the ritual demanded and began the chant. I had no idea what language it was – presumably Celtic, but the words seemed familiar. I daubed the blood on my body in a circular motion as I knelt in front of the altar. I slipped into a trance state as I repeated the chant for what seemed like an age, and then suddenly, it happened.

I bent double, as if I had been kicked in the gut. As the sun rose, I was bathed in an orange glow. All the hairs on my body and head rose, as if I had received an electric shock. I gasped as if felt a warm heat rushing up from my legs, spreading upwards as it hit my brain. I looked down at my arms, which had risen involuntarily. The skin rippled as muscles began to develop. My hands grew as well, to meet my rapidly expanding biceps and forearms. My shoulders and neck suddenly hunched up, as they increased in size. The power that I felt was indescribable; everything I had ever experienced simply melted away as the transformation took hold. The hair on my head fell out in clumps, as I felt a prickly sensation on my face. A great black beard and moustache grew at an incredibly fast rate. My chest filled out to form huge globes, topped with mighty nipples. My skin felt as if it would tear, as the pressure on it grew.

My pecs became almost grotesquely huge, but I didn’t care, I yelled out “more, more!” to whatever forces were doing this to me. My stomach did not shrink, but pushed outwards; forming a hugely overdeveloped six pack. My thighs and buttocks swelled outwards, becoming massive and rock-hard, and veins protruding out. My calves grew as well, to the point where I could have leapt over mountains. My overall height shot up as well. I was only 5 foot 6, but I found myself easily topping 8 foot. I was unrecognisable at this stage, as I continued to be bombarded by this mystical power. I roared in masculine aggression, as the transformation continued.

My genitals became gigantic: my balls swelled in size, as they became filled with sperm. They hung lower and lower, looking more like a bull’s. My cock expanded hugely in girth and length, quickly reaching and passing 12 inches. Its width came to match my forearm. It strained and rose angrily, as its mushroom head reached to my distended muscle gut. A constant stream of pre-cum dripped to the ground. I needed to fuck something; anything or I would surely explode. I was panting and growling like a beast; I had truly become the embodiment of man. But I was adrift; I did not know how to fulfill my new role. I wrenched the stone altar with my massive arms, and hurled it as far as I could – it flew for miles, and I didn’t care where it landed. Suddenly, an image of an old man appeared in front of me, dressed in colourful robes. “I have been waiting for a boy to assume the mantle of man. You have performed the ritual admirably, and you have received your reward”. “But I need more, I need relief or I will explode!” I bellowed. “Very well” the old man said. “I can see that you require someone of your equal size and power”. And with that, we both vanished.

Transformations – part 2

In my new state, I had difficulty in focusing on anything other than my new body, however I looked around, trying to take in my new surroundings. I recognised the altar that I had thrown and destroyed, only it looked like it had just been made. As I became more aware, I realised I was standing in a lush temple. The temple consisted of giant statues of massively muscular men, with huge phalluses. They all looked similar me, as I begun to fully understand that my place was amongst this race of supermen. The druid who had brought me here strode into the temple. “You face a choice: go back to your old life as a weakling, powerless and empty, or stay here and be amongst the brethren, and enjoy power unknown to all but a few humans who have made the same journey as you have”, said the old man. “I BELONG HERE!” I growled. “Very well, here is someone to help you ease some of that tension!” My own phallus swelled to a new length, in anticipation of what was to come.

The temple ground began to shake. My heightened senses picked up a vibration in the air around me, as I could smell sweat and testosterone come ever closer. My muscles strained and even grew again in size, as my blood boiled in desperation. Suddenly the entrance to the temple darkened, as the tremors grew stronger and stronger. “I SMELL FRESH MEAT!” bellowed a giant voice.

I leapt across the temple floor to the entrance, where I came face to chest to a ‘man’ whose size dwarfed even my new state. He had long brown hair tied down to his rump, and a beard, which reached down to his stomach. His chest was absolutely massive, and his nipples looked like they had been well abused over many centuries. His legs were so wide and muscular he could not walk properly, but had to stride. Unlike my naked self, he wore sandals and a kind of loincloth. However, it was next to useless, as this behemoth’s cock would not be covered. I ripped the cloth from his waist, as his meat sprung up to meet me. He grabbed me and threw me back across to the other side of the temple, where there was a giant pool. I crashed into the water.

I had barely recovered my senses when he leaped across to meet me. The untamed aggression in both of us led to a wrestling match, in which he threw each other around. Although he was at least 2 feet and 10 stone heavier than me, my newfound strength meant that I was more than a match for him. I pummelled him into submission, as I bit and licked him. I turned him over, knowing that I must mate with him, until the end of time. His hole bore the signs of having been well used, so I had no difficulty fisting him to loosen him up. He howled in ecstasy, as I prepared to mount him. Once I (and he) could wait no more, I rammed my giant penis into him. Thunder and lightening exploded around us, as we created a power of our own.

I thrust in and out, again and again. The giant’s cock flailed around as I gripped his chest and savagely kissed his back. Water boiled around us, and the temple was drenched. Finally, as our growls reached fever point, we both gave out a final yell as I pumped a gallon of semen into him. He let go, as his cock shot out again and again. Our orgasms seemed to last a century. With one last thrust; we came apart and collapsed into the water. The power ebbed out of us, as the thunder and lightning eased. My transformation was complete; I had become a demi-god. The druid who had been quietly nodding his approval during our rutting came up to me. “Your decision has been made. I trust you are satisfied?” I could not speak, so I merely gave a quick nod, and with a satisfied grin on my bearded face said, “Who’s next?”


9 Gay Erotic Stories from The_english_don

Full Potential

My Full Potential – Part 1 I woke up in strange surroundings – it looked like a hospital ward. Around me, surgeons in gowns and masks prodded me with small, thin needles. My whole body was covered in them, as a nearby machine delivered small electrical charges through them. It felt like there was something in my arse – it seemed quite small, but it was pumping in and out. What the hell was

Transformations, Part 1 & 2

Transformations I have always been fascinated with change, the idea of becoming something new and powerful. I’ve never had the best self-image of myself, so it is not a surprise that I would want to be something different. I have also had a growing interest with paganism and witchcraft, and had spent many months researching the legends of those who believed and practised these beliefs. My

Transformations, Part 3

After we had finished rutting, a great feast was held in my honour. I learnt from Lorthar, my fellow demi-god, that this world I had entered thrived upon young humans like myself, discovering the ritual and joining the brethren. Not all transformed into the massive super-men that we were, as some had the considerable honour to be our servants. The feast consisted of a giant table, filled to

Transformations, Part 4

Stewart had just left the pub after finally being dumped by Karen. He had been caught playing around once too often, and after being drenched by a pint of beer over his head, he thought it best to cut his losses. “Fuck you bitch, I’ve got offers coming out of my ears, I’ve forgotten you already!” He yelled, and stormed out into the warm summer’s night. Feeling drunk and hyper, he decided

Walk the Earth, Part 1

It was my first time inside. Christ, I had only been a small-time crook, but the judge wanted to make an example of me, so he sent me to the ugliest fucking prison in England for a year. When I arrived, I looked out of the prison van to see something that looked like a horror film castle – all gargoyles and tall turrets. It was wet and cold. Me and the other prisoners were processed, and

Walk the Earth, Part 2

After a few months, my master – I never learnt his name – he had me well trained in pleasing him, and his guard friend. The other prisoners tended to avoid me, as I had developed into a pretty freaking looking bloke, fuck, I would have avoided me if I had seen me. I had lost a lot of weight, and with hair regularly shaved, I looked like a deranged skinhead. I existed to be fucked and

Walk the Earth, Part 3

We arrived in a long, dark corridor at the lowest point of the building. I could see a faint, red light at the end, which the guard started to walk to. I followed him, terrified – I wanted to go home, away from this building and this bastard. We finally arrived at the end of the corridor. There was a door, with an edge of red light around it. The guard opened it, but didn’t go in. I

Walk the Earth, Part 4

My name was Johnny. I came from a nice, safe suburban home. I had just turned 18 and was in the middle of my exams. A gawky, tall boy with little muscle and a small dick – a late developer and perpetually horny. I had been having weird dreams – of men fucking, rituals and strange-looking creatures for months. I kept seeing images of something, a glimpse here and there whenever I saw my

Walk the Earth, Part 5

“What the hell happened to you?” said Bill, as he opened the door to his best friend, Johnny. He hadn’t seen Johnny for days, and now, he appeared at Bill’s house. “You look so different! Where did those muscles come from?” His friend was nearly unrecognisable – his t-shirt was tight, and his shorts barely covered anything. “Let me in,” said Johnny, “I’ve got something to show you”. Bill


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