Gay Erotic Stories

Father Finds Fulfillment

by Poutama

My Dad’s name is Simon Horniman – a fact that seems to create endless mirth wherever he goes. To make things even more complicated, he has a business partner, Alex, who’s gay. Fortunately, Alex is pretty conservative and doesn’t make a big deal out of gayness.

They co-own a kitchen installation company; Alex designs them and Dad and his team install them. Apart from work, Dad and Alex don’t have much social contact. They seemed to both prefer it that way – until my Mom died, anyway.

My mother had been ill for several years so when she went it hit Dad and I pretty hard – but since it wasn’t unexpected, we both were able to bear up. A few days after the funeral, Alex came round to offer his sympathy to Dad, who seemed a bit surprised that his business partner had actually come to the house. It had never happened before.

Anyway, Dad invited him in and they both got stuck into the bottle of scotch that Alex had brought with him. Alex raised his glass and said: “To absent friends”.

“Yeah,” said Dad. “Absent friends.”

I’d never really had a good look at Alex before – certainly not without his business suit. He was a pretty handsome guy--about six feet, well-built, sandy hair. Nice.

Alex stayed mostly quiet while Dad went on about what he was going to do with the house . . . what he was going to do about me (send me away to college, I gathered) . . . what he needed to do about keeping on with life. Alex just nodded and sipped his drink. At last, Dad ran out of things to say. He just slumped in his chair and stared ahead at Alex. Then he pulled himself up and spoke earnestly to his business partner.

“Do you mind if I ask you something personal, Alex?” he said.

“Go ahead,” said Alex.

“I know this is a weird thing to bring up at a time like this, but I’ve wondered something for years and year. All the time I’ve been slipping my wang into women’s holes, I’ve wondered what it feels like when it goes in.”

“Haven’t you asked any of these women?” says Alex.

“Christ, no,” said Dad. “You just don’t do that.”

“So you’re asking me what it feels like?” says Alex.

“Sort of. Yeah. I thought you might know.”

Alex was staring at my Dad pretty hard. I think he was wondering whether Dad was being offensive or whether he really wanted to know. I guess he decided that he wanted to know.

“It’s hard to describe it,” Alex said. “In the beginning it hurts a bit – but then that goes and you start to feel all sort of . . . I don’t know what the word is. Filled, I suppose. Or maybe fulfilled. It changes the way you feel about your sex.”

Dad looked puzzled. “What do you mean changed?” he wanted to know.

“I mean that, usually, guys have all their sex feelings in their cocks. But when you get screwed all the feeling goes out of your cock into your asshole. It is like your whole body is concentrating itself on your hole. You’re suddenly part of a new body made up of both your bodies with one connected to the other through his cock up your ass.”

Alex stopped, looking suddenly confused. He even blushed.

“Look Simon,” he said, “I really don’t think this is the time or the place to be talking about my asshole.”

“No, no,” said Dad earnestly. “I told you, I’ve wondered about this for a long time and you’re the first guy I’ve ever been game to ask.”

Alex thought about this for a minute, staring down at the floor. Without raising his head he said to Dad: “Why don’t you try it out and see what you think.”

My Dad looked genuinely shocked.

“Jesus, Alex – that isn’t what this is all about. I’m not a homosexual and I’m not planning to become one any time soon. I was just . . . just curious. I’m sorry I brought it up.”

But Alex wasn’t going to accept the brush off quite so easily.

“Sure, I know you are curious about it Simon. And that is fine. All I’m saying is that if it is something that’s bothered you all these years, you should do something about finding out for yourself. Go pick up someone on one of the local beats and give it a shot. Its all anonymous, no one asks your name. You’ll never see them again. And when – as I suspect – you discover you hate the whole process, there’s no harm done.”

The he looked like something funny had just struck him.

“Except maybe to your asshole,” he added.

Dad was looking shocked again. But even he saw the funny side.

“Yeah, yeah, well – I don’t think that sort of thing is for me. You know me fairly well, Alex. You know I’m pretty conservative. It isn’t that I wouldn’t try it out once – I might if I ever got the courage – but I couldn’t just pick up some stranger in a park at night and – I don’t know – bend over a park bench, or whatever.”

Alex looked as if he was going to laugh out loud, but thought better of it.

“Yes, well, maybe you have a friend you could try it out with,” he said. And then a light seemed to go on over his head as inspiration dawned.

“You’re not suggesting you do it with me, are you?” he asked Dad. But Dad just sat there, silent.

“You ARE suggesting that,” Alex gasped. “Bloody Hell, Simon!”

Dad looked up at him and smiled a very little smile.

“Yeah, its a dumb thought, I know,” he said. Alex thought about that for a moment.

“No,” he said, “it isn’t dumb. Its just a surprise, is all.”

“You don’t know the half of it!” said Dad.

They sat in silence for a bit longer. But you could see Dad had become more alert, more alive than he had been half an hour ago. There was brightness in his eyes, the furrows in his brow had disappeared and his body no longer seemed to have imploded – it had filled out.

“Simon,” said Alex thoughtfully, “if you think this is a good idea, I’m prepared to give it a go.”

“When?” shoots back my Dad.

“How about now,” says Alex.

“Where? Here? How?” asks Dad.

“Not here, but now – yes,” says Alex. “Why don’t we go up to your bedroom?” Then it suddenly strikes Alex that this is not a good idea, what with my Mother having just left us, and all.

“Oh, I’m sorry Simon – that was a stupid thing to say.”

But Dad was on his feet.

“No it wasn’t stupid. It was a good idea,” he says to Alex. So he grabs Alex by the hand and starts to lead him up the stairs to the bedrooms with Alex trying to hang back, no doubt thinking that things were moving just a little too fast here.

You’re probably wondering where I have been all this time, out of sight but listening in to the whole event. I was in the kitchen when Alex arrived but when things started to get a bit steamy in the living room, I slipped round the back and climbed in the dining room window so that I could see and hear what was going on through a crack between the sliding dining room doors, without being spotted. When you’re a reasonably athletic teenager, this sort of thing presents no insurmountable problem. But keeping track on what was to happen upstairs was a different matter.

I figured out that my best bet was to climb up on the rear porch roof and get in through my own bedroom window. From there I crawled down the corridor to the dressing room attached to my parents’ bedroom, which has two doors – one opening up into the hallway and the other into the bedroom. The keyhole in the bedroom door should give me a good view.

By the time I’d finished this manoeuvre, Dad and Alex were already in the bedroom and were standing, looking at each other.

“Have you taken a crap today Simon?” asks Alex. “You’ll enjoy it a whole lot more if I don’t end up trying to fill up a hole that’s already stuffed with something else.”

Dad looks briefly uncomfortable but assured Alex he’s already been to the john.

“Do I drop my pants, or what?” says Dad.

“What you do is relax,” says Alex. “Simon, if you want to go through with this, we should approach it sensibly – with a bit of sensitivity. I don’t do small-bam-thank-you-Ma’m.

“So take some deep breaths and try to stand easy. Then I’ll just slowly take your gear off, a bit at a time, okay?”

“Sure . . . Okay,” Dad said.

Alex took a couple of steps forward and stood in front of my Father. He reached out and slowly unbuttoned his shirt, then gently took hold of his pants belt and undid the buckle, kneeling down to untie Dad’s shoes, lifting one foot at a time to remove them first and then his socks. Alex was now kneeling in front of Dad with his face at crotch level. I held my breath. Would he take a lunge for the meat inside Dad’s zipper, or not? It turns out – not.

Instead, Alex reaches out and undoes Dad’s pants and slowly lowers them to the floor. Dad steps out of them and is left with his open shirt and little white Y-fronts the only items covering his body. I strain to see, but there’s not a sign of any activity inside his shorts. Everything is flat and unexcited. Which doesn’t mean Dad isn’t good looking. He is. About the same height as Alex, a bit thicker round the body but in good shape. His shoulders are broad and his waist really trim and there’s only a little blond hair right in the centre of his chest with a treasure-trail leading from his cute little belly-button down to his groin. But his ass is fantastic. It is small and round and hairless and it looks good enough to eat.

Alex stands up and quickly strips down to his shorts too, taking Dad by the hand and leading him to the bed.

“Do I lie on my belly or my back?” he asks Alex.

“Lie on your back Simon. I’m gonna give you a nice massage to get you feeling nice and relaxed and happy.”

So, kneeling on the side of the bed, he starts on Dad’s shoulders, moves down to his breasts and on to his stomach where he hooks his fingers into the tops of Dad’s shorts and wriggles them down to his ankles – and then flings them into a corner. Dad is lying there all relaxed and smiling . . . but there’s not a sign of life in his cock. It is a nice cock, good and long and pretty thick with just a light bush of blond hair around it--but definitely flaccid.

Alex isn’t looking. He’s got the KY jar in his hand and is greasing up his increasingly rampant cock. And rampant is the right word. I figure from the pervert hole where I’m hiding that it must be a good 10 inches long and thick as a young boy’s arm. Oh boy, I hope my Dad knows what he’s letting himself in for.

“Simon,” says Alex, “I’m going to put a pillow under that neat little ass of yours and then I want to lift your feet over my shoulders. Then I’m going to press my dick up against your hole and, as slowly as I can, I’ll try to slide it in. Now, get ready because there’s going to be a little bit of pain when the head goes in. But once the heads is through, the rest of it will slide in really easy. You’ll see.”

“Alex,” says Dad. “Just . . . just take it easy, won’t you. I’ve never done anything like this before.”

“Is that truly true?” asks Alex. “Are you really my virgin?”

“I guess so,” says Dad. “It sure as hell is the first time its ever happened to me.”

“Well, that makes it really cool for me too,” says Alex. He jumps on the bed, takes Dad’s ankles in both hands and gently lifts them up and over his shoulders.

I can just see Alex’s giant rod poking gently at Dad’s rear end. His legs are splayed wide and his hole is looking straight up at Alex as he prods that enormous tool into position.

“Okay, Simon, here goes,” says Alex, and he moves forward an inch to start his cock on its journey up my Dad’s asshole.

Dad is just lying there with a look on his face that seems to include apprehension, tension and maybe excitement. He’s gonna know soon enough what it feels like to be rooted by another man’s cock.

The head of Alex’s giant slammer pushes past the lips of Dad’s asshole and my Father gives a grunt. But that’s all.

“You okay Simon?” asks Alex.

“Yeah, yeah – its . . . its . . . its kinda good so far,” Dad says.

“Fine. So now let’s get serious about ploughing that ass of yours,” Alex mutters – and he begins to drive that mighty organ slowly but deeply into my Father’s rectum. In a minute or so, Alex’s wang is right inside my Dad, with the pubic hair rubbing up against the cheeks of his ass. Dad hasn’t made a sound.

“How’s it going Simon?” asks Alex. “Is it hurting you at all?”

“No,” says Dad – his voice oddly calm and ‘normal’. “It doesn’t hurt at all. It feels fantastic. Its like I’m all full up with something hot and beautiful. Like I wanna take a shit – but not like that at all, really. I don’t know what its like. I never felt anything like this before. Ever.”

“Hey, that’s really cool, man,” says Alex. “So here I go building up the pace a bit; give you a few more hot thrills while I enjoy myself rooting your virgin ass.”

Alex begins slowly slamming his massive wang into my Father’s rear end, getting faster as he gets down to really letting the sensation in his cock take over his consciousness.

“Jesus, Jesus, Jesus Christ,” moans Dad. And then: “Oh, for fuck’s sake ram that fuckin’ cock into me. Give me more cock Alex. Fuck me Alex.”

“I’m fuckin’ you as hard as I can, Simon,” bellows Alex. “I’m fuckin’ you and fuckin’ you and fuckin’ you, so what am I doin’?”

“You’re fuckin’ me,” yells Dad. “You’re fuckin’ me with your dirty great big cock. And I want more of it, I want you balls to fuck me too . . . I want your whole fuckin’ body to fuck my asshole.”

“My whole body IS fuckin’ your asshole, you asshole,” shouts Alex. “And now I’m gonna fill you up with my hot white cum, man. I’m gonna paint your insides with my cum. I’m gonna pump so much cum up your date that its gonna flood out yer mouth.”

Can you imagine what all this is doing to me? On my knees in the dressing room with my eye clamped on the keyhole, my right hand clamped round my cock and my left hand pulling on my nuts; I’m about to go into meltdown. I can hardly breathe--I’m so agitated!

On the bed something radical has changed. Dad’s once flaccid cock is now stretched so tight it looks like the skin is going to burst. There’s a great big purple head on it oozing out streams of pre-cum that is running down the seven-odd inches of penis and settling in his pubic hairs while his body continues to shudder and shake with every slamming thrust that Alex uses to drive his monster cock into that stretched and suffering asshole.

“Alex, Alex,” moans Dad, “I’m gonna cum . . . I’m gonna cum. Oh sweet Jesus, I’m cumin’.”

And a geyser of thick white juice bursts out of his purple cockhead and splatters all over his face and chest.

“I’m cumin’, I’m cumin’,” yells Alex as he drives that wicked great schlong even deeper into my Father’s red-raw anus.

There are gasps and shudders and groans for the next few minutes while both men try to catch their breaths.

“Simon . . . Simon,” says Alex in a deep, throaty whisper, “you okay Simon?”

“Yeah,” says my Dad. “OK”.

“I’ll just get up and go to the washroom,” says Alex.

“No,” says my Dad. “Leave that goddamn prick right where it is. I want that cock rammed up my ass for the rest of my life. I wanna be fucked stupid 24 hours a day, seven days a week. I want your spunk coating my bowels. I want . . . I want . . . I wanna be fucked again.”

“Christ, Simon,” says Alex. “You really like it!”

Dad raises himself up on his elbows and looks Alex in the eye.

“Like it?” he says. “Like it? I don’t want it to stop – ever. I wanna learn all sorts of new filthy things I can do with you. Teach me things I can do with you.”

Alex is smiling broadly now. He tells my Dad there is something new he can learn right this minute.

With his cock still jammed tightly into my Father’s hole, Alex leans forward and licks Dad’s cum from where it landed on his body and face. Then he shoves his body forward a fraction so he can easily reach Dad’s face and plants a huge kiss on my father’s lips. They’re sucking each other’s faces for several minutes before they break. And Alex says:

“Well, now you’ve tasted your own cum out of my mouth. How’s that for something new?”

“It’s wild,” says Dad. “It’s fantastic. What else?”

“Well, how about you suck my cock clean when I pull it out of your bloody little asshole?”

“Yeah, yeah . . . lemme suck it!”

So Alex slowly pulls his softening prick out of my father’s hole and throws a leg over Dad’s body so his prick is hanging over his face. Without a moment’s hesitation, Dad lifts his head and grabs Alex’s might weapon – and whatever else happens to be attached to it -- between his lips. He sucks it down his throat mightily.

“Bloody hell, Simon, you sure this is the first time you’ve done this?”

Dad lets the re-hardening cock slide out of his mouth for a moment and says: “Sure I’m sure. But it ain’t gonna be the last! I’m gonna keep suckin’ this monstrous goddamn prick until its hard again and then I want you to ram it straight back up my shitter.”

And that’s exactly what happened.

I lost count of the times I spunked all over the dressing room door that day watching these two men rock’n’roll their way into oblivion. But that wasn’t the end of it for me. Oh, no. There was coming a time real soon when I would be sprung from behind that door and end up in a sandwich between my father and his new lover.

But that, as they say in the classics, is another story for another day.


7 Gay Erotic Stories from Poutama

Australian Idyll

Australian Idyll “In Australia, we got a special name fer people like youse,” the old man said to me, squinting out from under his broad-brimmed hat. “We call ‘em poofters.” “Poovers?” I enquired tentatively, not certain I’d heard him right – his accent, after all, was a bit thick. “No ya dozy twat,” he yelled at me. “POOFTERS!” Well, welcome to Australia, I thought as I began to

Australian Idyll, Part 2 – Return to the Station Homestead

Our ride back to the family homestead after that frenetic sex frolic on the top of a nearby hillock was calm and quiet and uneventful – which was not the way Andrew thought it might have been. Instead of a fairly sedate trot on our separate horses, Andy’s original idea was that we should ride back stark naked on a single animal with him seated behind me and his formidable cock jammed up my ass

Australian Idyll, Part 3 – Into the Outback

The horses in the homestead yard are kept in an open corral – there’s never any threat of snow and very little of rain either, so there’s no need for a barn. When the four young men in the homestead got up that morning – make that, rose from their beds – there was a general rush to the corral to saddle the horses for the day ahead while Frank, the Father, fired up his Aga stove and set to work

Dirty Daddy And His Filthy Family

Physically, my father, his brother and their father – my Grandpa – don’t have a lot in common. Thank God, I don’t look like any of them. Grandpa has a fat and hairy body. He is bald on top with a ratty looking gray hair fringe that hangs in a U-shape round his bald patch. He’s got piggy little eyes, a big, red-and-blue veined nose and a mean little mouth with wet, purplish lips that always

Father Finds Fulfillment

My Dad’s name is Simon Horniman – a fact that seems to create endless mirth wherever he goes. To make things even more complicated, he has a business partner, Alex, who’s gay. Fortunately, Alex is pretty conservative and doesn’t make a big deal out of gayness. They co-own a kitchen installation company; Alex designs them and Dad and his team install them. Apart from work, Dad and Alex don’t

Father Finds Fulfillment 3

“Simon Horniman?” asks the nurse behind the hospital’s admission desk. “Simon Peter Horniman?” If Dad’s surname doesn’t crack people up, its combination with those two “holy” personal names usually does the trick. “Yes,” sighs Dad. “That’s me.” “The Doctor will see you in a minute. Please take a seat.” That’s easier said than done. Dad is packing a special load this evening, which is

Father Finds Fulfillment, Part 2

Edgar Chartres Things have been pretty quiet round our house since my Dad, Simon Horniman, discovered he liked being balled by his business partner, Alex. Not that my Father has found a conscience, or anything. More like he and Alex suddenly remembered that I was in the house, too, and that they had better make themselves a bit more circumspect if there was any hope that I wouldn’t discover my


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