Gay Erotic Stories

Kiss of the Fallen, Part 3

by Limitless22

Leading Julian inside, I flicked the light switch located to the right of the door we had just passed through. He gasped as a hanging chandelier, decadently designed with many expertly chiseled crystal and diamond accents, softly illuminated the room. The room was larger than I expected he had ever seen one room to be. The rug we stood upon was a very oriental piece, woven delicately by hand. The dark reds and blues of the rug clashed pleasantly with the otherwise paler, more pastel hues that adorned the remainder of the room. A large table sat directly in front of the entrance, decorated by a large billowing bouquet of fresh roses of various colours and textures. Directly behind the table was the servant’s entrance to the kitchen and other dining areas. To each side of the massive room, a double staircase circled each opposite wall, leading up to the second and third stories of the manor. The staircase handles were carved from the purest ivory, accented with gold and silver decorum. Many portraits hung around the room...most of which I had painted myself over the years. All of them featured young men and women in various stages of life, from late teens to late 40's. They are a delicious reminder of my conquests. As is true with some others of my kind, we like to have a detailed record of the souls we have corrupted--sort of a tribute to our own undying magnificence. The portraits hanging silently in the foyer were my detailed records. They travel with me wherever I may go. In some ways they are my most prized possessions. To any normal mortal they would just seem like various paintings...marvelous pieces of art to be enjoyed.

In other parts of the house, stored away in a secret hiding place, are many drawings and paintings of my Euracles. These I prefer to keep hidden, artistic representations intended solely for my eyes. I wondered to myself what Julian would think, should he stumble upon them. No doubt he would see himself in the portraits.

Glancing at Julian a sudden twinge of guilt and loss flowed through me, as I pictured his face in one of my grim paintings.

Deciding not to let these new feelings take over my senses, I quickly pushed them aside and turned to Julian.

"Well, Julian, what do you think of my home?" I asked him in honest curiosity.

He looked at me and seemed absolutely awestruck. "'s awesome mister...uh...oh, I'm sorry man. I don't know your name." He blushed at this, and the look of embarrassment seemed unfitting for him.

"My apologies. My name is Lucius." I bowed to him in the traditional European manner one greets others.

Julian smiled and his eyes took on a different luster. "Lucius..." the invocation of my name upon his lips called up various thoughts of lust and pleasure in both our minds.

"That's a very sexy name, man. Your voice is sexy. Hell your goddamn teeth are sexy!"

I was taken aback by his sudden lust-filled words. Also very pleased to see he was warming up to the situation. I smiled my most conniving smile, making sure to show off my pearly whites, and responded with, "You would not be here if I did not feel the same."

He looked down at himself and realized his tattered and soiled clothes clashed recklessly with these extravagant surroundings. He blushed again, this time with shame.

"I don't think I fit in here," he said bashfully.

"Oh I think you will fit nicely," I said, putting erotic undertones into my inflection.

I took him by the hand and led him up one of the staircases that led to the master bedroom. There were about ten total bedrooms throughout the entire manor, each with it's own sitting room, bathroom, hot tub and fireplace. The master bedroom was by far the largest in area, and is where I choose to sleep. Not so much because of it's size, but as I am the master of this 'castle', I should live in the quarters meant for the master...and whomever else he may be keeping at the time.

As we stepped onto the lush carpeting that spanned the entire master suite, I could feel his lust begin to rise with sudden fierceness. I saw him gaze at the huge bed (much larger than a king size) that could fit at least 20 people comfortably. The canopy bed had posts on all four sides, each reaching to the ceiling, about 15 feet high. The bedspread was of luxuriously deep velvet, and coloured in a dark burgundy that almost looked black to the naked human eye. The large room was decorated much in the same way as the foyer, although there were some statues and other various adornments that seemed to amplify the feeling of wealth, although not seeming overly cluttered or emphatic.

I strolled over to the French double doors to the left of the room that led to the bathing facilities. Julian followed me into the room, and gasped yet again. There was a large ivory basin located directly in the middle of the room, trimmed with gold and silver. Bright marble tile swept the floor in various patterns. Floor to ceiling mirrors adorned every wall around this room. I had placed them there myself, in homage to the famous "Hall of Mirrors" at the Palace of Versailles. This was one of my favorite rooms in the entire manor. Brightly lit, and aided by the mirrors I could gaze upon my naked body from every angle. As I stated before I am very much an egotist.

I walked over to the large washtub and turned the faucet, letting the water flow steadily, until steam vapors rose from the tub's floor.

"I promised you a bath, did I not?" I asked Julian peering at him mischievously.

Julian grinned back in the same manner, and peeled off the wife beater that had clung so tightly to his lean frame. His back arched, and every muscle in his torso stretched and flexed with his movements. As he tossed the garment aside, I got a chance to see his naked chest and abdomen for the first time. He was nothing short of masculine perfection. Unlike Euracles, Julian had a mass of silken chest hair that swept his pecs and trailed down his abs in a thin line to his navel. His musculature was less defined than his predecessor, but none-the-less erotic. His tummy showcased a tight washboard stomach, and his pecs were slightly larger than I had imagined them beneath the wife beater. Round caramel coloured nipples grew hard being released from their prison. Oh how I wanted to kiss that magnificent chest and suck on those nipples without mercy!

I walked over to Julian and gazed into his sparkling cerulean eyes.

"Let me..." I whispered as I unbuttoned his tattered jeans and pulling at the material, throwing Julian off his balance forcing him to tilt forward into me. His hands grabbed onto my shoulders for support, and I grinned lustily feeling his hands on me for the first time.

I let my hands trace the top of the jeans around to the small of his back, and placed my hand on it. Pulling him closer into a tight embrace, I put my arms around his back and drew him closer to me. Feeling the soft, supple skin of youth, I ran my fingers along his spine. I continued my embrace just wanting to hold him. Feel him out. Enjoy the essence that was him.

Instinctively he placed his cheek between my chin and neck. I got the chance to breathe in his musky scent from up close. It didn't even seem to matter that he hadn't had a proper cleaning in at least a week. His hair was dirty and unkempt; I could smell traces of sewage and trash, probably from sleeping on the street or in garbage bins.

'How long had he been without a place to stay?' my mind wondered.

Grasping the nape of his neck, I guided his face up from its position. He allowed my hand to guide his face up to meet mine. Our eyes locked together in anticipation, as I brought my mouth closer to his. He let his passions guide him as he closed his eyes and slightly opened his mouth, for what was surely his first kiss from another man. I brushed my lips gently against his, and he whispered a slight moan with the intimate flesh contact.

I am not sure which drove him more, the small seed of lust I planted in his mind earlier, or his own carnal desires taking control, but soon we were in a mad lip lock. Our tongues fought for control of the other's and our lips pressed against each other so tightly for a moment it seemed we were taking in each other's breath. He moaned loudly through our kiss, and his hands reached desperately to grasp my neck, in an effort to pull my lips closer to his. Wildly, I grasped his naked back and held him tightly, the hard stiffness of my cock ground deeply into his. He sported a major solid rod through his tattered jeans, and I realized he had was wearing no under shorts.

Breaking apart minutely from our kiss I reared back and literally tore my own silk shirt from my body. He stood in amazement at my naked chest. We both stood there, our eyes silently feasting on each other's naked torso. His passions had been ignited within his loins, and I knew that before long he would be ready for much more.

Grinning with lust, I grasped Julian's unzipped jeans and rolled them down his thick legs. Synchronizing my body with the descent of his jeans I found myself kneeling to him, his jeans in a wadded pile around his ankles. Looking up his hardening cock was at eye level, and I smiled to myself at its magnificence. He was long and thick, the tip of the circumcised head turning a crimson colour with the flow of blood. My hunger came upon me in a rush at that moment, and I could feel my fangs start to unsheath themselves from my gums. Closing my eyes I willed them back. No, I would not feed yet. I wanted to enjoy this, and feeding on him would weaken him too much. I wanted to play with Julian more, before I let my true intentions be revealed.

Leering at his gorgeous cock, I saw that it was accompanied by a swollen scrotum. It looked as if it contained two peaches. Nested at the base of his cock was a patch of dark brown hair, which narrowed up to meet the line of hair at his navel. His thighs were not huge, but thick and nicely toned with muscle. A thin coat of silky dark hair covered his thighs and legs. I rubbed my hands up and down his legs...loving the feel of this boyish man's masculinity.

I stood up before him, and stepped out of my own leather pants. Soon we were both standing together, naked and horny as all hell. Suddenly and with a lot of force, I pulled him willingly to me. As soon as each of our fully naked bodies met the others, we grabbed hold of each other as if we would never let go. We resumed a rough tongue wrestling match, and grinded our cocks together. Soon we were covered in sweat and our body hair mingled together deliciously, sending shocks of small ecstasy through our sensitive bodies. I could feel him begin to tense, his lust and passion pent up for so long. I knew the ravaging massages of my cock on his would bring him to cum. Hesitantly, and with much resistance from him, I pulled my body off of his. I did not want him to cum yet. He looked at me like a lost puppy dog, until I made my reasons known.

I pulled him to the bathtub, now about halfway full with steamy water. Turning the faucet off, I stepped into the luxurious warmth the water provided. I held my hand out to him, and he accepted it, stepping over the rim of the tub to join me. I sat down with my back to the side of the tub and pulled him down to sit in front of me. I wanted to bathe him. I wanted to worship him. I wanted to be everything to him. Unknowingly to me, this is what sudden love does to a person. I had unwillingly begun to fall in love with this young human.

We positioned ourselves in the tub together. I sat leaning back into the curve of the tub, and he sat in front of me, his ass on the tub floor, my hard cock trapped deftly between his lower back and my tummy. He spread his legs so that they overlapped my own, and we relaxed there for a minute. He rested his back on my chest with his forehead just underneath my chin. I leaned down and kissed his cheek and he closed his eyes, apparently loving the way the water soothed his body, and feeling quite comfortable in my embrace. I wrapped my arms around his chest and he trailed his fingers beneath the water down the length of my thick hairy legs.

"Why did you come over to me?" He asked, breaking the sudden silence between us.

I knew I could not tell him the truth of it, so I settled for a less fantastic explanation. "Quite simply because I was lonely. And you looked like you could use some company yourself."

His comfortable grin slipped into an uneasy grimace. I suppose I had brought up something of a bad memory for him.

"What's wrong my..." here I paused. I almost said "My love." Catching my mistake, I quickly covered it up, before he became suspicious. "...boy? What are you thinking about?"

His lips quivered a moment, frozen with unspoken words. After a bit, he decided to tell me his story.

"I., I'm not what you think I am..." he said in earnest. "I'm not a...a...ya know...I ain't no hooker."

His language, the language of urban youth, appalled my educated ears. At the same time it invoked yet more lust within me. His youth, in part, is why he was here to begin with. Every bit of his humanity screamed to me in erotic pulls of untainted purity.

"Oh?" I replied, trying to put emphasis on surprise for his benefit.

"No Lucius, I'm not. Ya see, I left home like, three months ago, and I had gotten in with some bad people, and to make a long story short I hitched a ride to the city. I didn't have a dime on me and didn't have no place ta stay. I tried lookin for jobs, but there aint any. I only had the clothes I was wearin' and a will not to go back..." here he paused and his eyes flashed with sudden ferocious anger. "...back to HIM. My father. The BASTARD! Ya see, he ain't a very nice man. Not like you, Lucius. He ain't never done nothin' ta me 'cept hit me and spit on me and treat me like shit. The night momma took a gun to her head was the night I swore I would leave and never go back. NEVER!"

His eyes suddenly welled with tears of furious pain and sorrow. He had probably kept this revelation secret, even to himself, and he was surprised and angered at his own carelessness. The information made him seem even more human and vulnerable, and I relished every bit of it. I did not need to hear any more of his family life, as I have seen it too many times before. I simply stroked his chest and held him even more tightly as he silently spilled angry tears. He simply needed to be held. To be shown kindness. I would give him whatever he needed, before I cruelly took what I desired.

After a bit, Julian broke out of his sobs, and leaned his head back into me. I bent my head down and kissed his tear stained cheek.

"I'm sorry for your pain, Julian." I whispered quietly into his ear.

With those words I felt within the (as yet unattainable) recesses of my soul, that I meant those words. I truly was sorry his life had been nothing but torment from the day of his birth. I felt a sort of kinship with him. From the moment of my "birth" into this human world, I also have been consumed by torments. My heart melted even more and I wanted to just hold him, be with him, show him that there is so much more in this world then the pain and humiliation he had been subjected to his entire life. A fury also rose inside of me. How could anyone treat such a beautiful man, a veritable god in human clothing, the way he had been treated. Looking at his innocent face I realized that there was much more to what was going on than I cared to realize.

For the first time since Euracles, I felt that stab of pain that is usually forbidden to my kind--that pain that is In essence, we do not know love. Nor have I ever heard of my kind falling in love with a mortal, or falling in love period. Of course we knew what it was. As former angels in the Maker's army, we were nothing BUT love given physical form at one point in our immortal lives. I had thought that we had lost all capacity for it. That our damned souls were never meant to feel love again. Yet, as I sat there in the tub with that mortal, love slowly crept it's way through the cesspool of filth that was my soul.

My lips were so close to his neck. The jugular vein prominently displayed, pumping full of this virgin's blood. I could just tear into it right there, and drain him mercilessly. Kill him even. Anything to stop the agony that his love and trust filled soul was torturing me with. I could even feel my fangs unsheathing themselves. My eyes flashed with anger. Another emotion I had not felt in centuries. The fact that this mortal could stir feelings in me that were never meant to be felt by a vampire was enough to rouse my anger. I am a demon. I am not meant to love. I am not meant to care. To feel. To be loved.

That was it. I realized my anger wasn't at Julian for making me feel this way. It was at myself for believing that I could be loved by an angelic creature such as he was. The purity of his essence was tainting my own soul, with ten times the power that I used to taint others. Call it good versus evil. Call it what you will, but the evilness within my putrid essence was fighting to keep Julian from entwining his love around me. And it was losing, big time.

My mind's wanderings were interrupted by Julian's beautiful voice.


I snapped back to reality and quickly forced my fangs to hide. I turned my face away from him, thinking he might have seen my extended canines.

"What's wrong? Ya got all quiet alluvasudden."

I found it difficult to find my voice, but succeeded nonetheless. "I just...I am sorry, dear Julian, your is horrible. Those inflictions should not have been reigned down upon you. You are a good person; you have a lot of love to give. You are an angel among men, do not ever forget that, my love."

His body tensed within my embrace, and I sensed the sudden return of fear.

My mind flooded with realization.

I had said it. Damn it! I had said it...'my love'.


7 Gay Erotic Stories from Limitless22

Kiss of the Fallen

Kiss of the Fallen – Part One By A.R Booth The torrential blast of the fast-paced music was deafening. The bright strobe lights placed strategically around the dance floor were blinding. The odours of sweat and sexual tension were intoxicating. The entire floor was crowded with every facet of gay life you could possibly imagine. Different "scenes" mixed with one

Kiss of the Fallen - Part 6

Kiss of the Fallen: A novelette of Gay Erotica by A.R. Booth Part 6 I musta dozed off ta sleep after that, 'cause the next thing I remember was wakin’ up needin' ta take a piss real bad. I got up outta the chair and stretched. My neck was kinda sore after bein tilted back in sleep for awhile. I walked over to the bathroom and went inside,

Kiss of the Fallen, Part 2

Determined to realize the seemingly impossible task I had put before me I let my senses guide me. The pull of sexual purity is very strong. My brethren and I are drawn to sexual intensity and a virgin's energies are erratic and strong...untainted...unspent. They have not yet given themselves over to sexually charged activity, and by so doing giving over a piece of their own soul-self to their

Kiss of the Fallen, Part 3

Leading Julian inside, I flicked the light switch located to the right of the door we had just passed through. He gasped as a hanging chandelier, decadently designed with many expertly chiseled crystal and diamond accents, softly illuminated the room. The room was larger than I expected he had ever seen one room to be. The rug we stood upon was a very oriental piece, woven delicately by hand.

Kiss of the Fallen, Part 4

I silently cursed at myself for revealing what shouldn't have been revealed to Julian. That one little four-letter word has so much power. I began to understand the humans' obsession with love. Finding it. Needing it. Wanting it so badly they could feel it pulsate through their very bones. As if eons of pent up desire and longing came to an end, my entire outlook had changed when I uttered

Kiss of the Fallen, Part 5

I woke up in a daze. Somehow I had been moved to the "master suite" as he called it. Him. Lucius. My god, he was awesome. So fuckin' sexy! I ain't never seen anyone couldn't place the words. A sharp pain in my ass reminded me of what occurred. 'Aw SHIT!' I thought to myself. 'I got plowed!' Damn! What an experience that had been! My mind raced as I remembered what

Kiss of the Fallen, Part 7

A Tale of Supernatural Gay Erotica By A. R. Booth Part 7 With no small amount of unease, I slipped back into my seat at the counter. Billy B. of course sat down next to me in his seat. I nervously stole a glance at him, a little unsure of what ta say or do, especially considerin' what had happened in the bathroom. He seemed to notice I was starin' and he shifted slightly in his seat to


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