Gay Erotic Stories

Kiss of the Fallen - Part 6

by Limitless22

Kiss of the Fallen: A novelette of Gay Erotica by A.R. Booth

Part 6

I musta dozed off ta sleep after that, 'cause the next thing I remember was wakin’ up needin' ta take a piss real bad. I got up outta the chair and stretched. My neck was kinda sore after bein tilted back in sleep for awhile. I walked over to the bathroom and went inside, shuttin' the door behind me.

After shakin' my willy a few times, I zipped the fly back up and went to the sink to wash my hands.

I opened the door, but left the light on cuz it was still dark in the main room. The shine of the light from the bathroom hit the bed directly. At first, I thought maybe I was still a little bit sleepy, 'cause the bed was empty. Dirk and Richard, neither one was in the bed. I took a step inside the room, and noticed something even stranger. Nunna their clothes was there, neither. I looked around the room, almost in panic, and realized that it had been stripped clean of everything but what had been bolted to the floor. The bed was still there, with the sheets and stuff still on it. The dressers and table and chairs was still there, but the tv was gone. It looked like just a naked room with a little bit of furniture. I saw a white bag on top of the dresser though. Layin' beside it was a sheet of paper. I went over to look at it. It was a letter that read:

--Dear Julian,

Well, sorry kid, but we decided to run without you. We just wanted to say that we are grateful that we got to spend some time with you. However, we don't want to get you involved in what we are gonna do. You're probably better off on your own than with us anyway. We left you a little money. Hopefully we will see you again someday. We are sorry we didn't say goodbye, but it was easiest that way. Take care, man.


PS: Hey ya, kid. Dirk here. Don't you worry about us, now. We'll be fine. Don't you worry about that motha-fuckin' daddy o' yours either! He'll get what he deserves, one way or 'nother. I'm sorry I didn't get to know you better, but I think you will turn out to be a fine man. With looks and brains like you got, you will make it big in this world. Take the money and run. Go to New York. Hell, it's better than where we're goin'! Catch ya on the flip side kid!--

Layin' the letter on the dresser, I picked up the white bag. Inside were a bunch of crinkled dollar bills, some tens and some twenties, a couple hundreds. I counted it all out and it was close to almost four hundred bucks. I figured that they had been robbin' places for awhile, to be able ta leave me that much cash. I felt a little upset that they would up and leave me like they did. But, I didn't know 'em long enough ta really care one way or the other. I was back where I started out...alone...although four hundred bucks richer.

It didn't take me long ta realize that I'd have ta high-tail it outta there. Thankfully, they had left my duffle bag intact--money, clothes--everything.

I decided to freshen up and took a hot shower in the dim bathroom. It felt good; my body's reaction to the hot spray comin' from the showerhead. The little bar of soap that was provided didn't do much, but it was enough to give a semblance of bein' clean.

The shower did a lot to make me feel better. At least I was somewhat clean, and ready to face whatever adventures this new day would bring. I turned off the spray of water and got outta the tub and dried off. I walked naked into the other room, feelin' a sort of freedom--bein' able to wander around in my own space without clothes. I relished the feel of the air on my naked skin.

Feelin' sorta giddy, I took a runnin' start and lept onto the bed, naked as a jaybird. I bounced on the bed, feelin' my willy bob up and down in the air, slappin' me in my gut, then thuddin' into the soft top of the bed. The feelin' of total freedom washed over me like a brilliant white light. I did a sort of flip and roll combined, and wound up layin' on the bed, on my back lookin' at the ceilin'. I thought it was kinda weird that I could still smell the two men that last lay here. Their musky scents floated up from the pillows and beddings into my nostrils. It was oddly intoxicatin'. Before long, my eyes weren't the only things facin' the ceilin'. My willy abruptly went into ready mode as the eye-slit of the dickhead peered up at the ceilin'. It musta liked what it saw, 'cause a little tear of pre-cum cried it's way joyfully outta the slit.

I was tempted to jerk off again, but decided that this wasn't the time or place for it. I still didn't know where I was gonna go, or what I was gonna do with this newfound freedom.

I decided that the first thing I should do was get dressed. Jumping offa the bed and strollin' to the little table by the window, I snagged my duffle bag and pulled out a clean white tank top, Joe Boxer briefs, some socks and an old pair of worn blue jeans that I thought hugged my ass nicely.

I took a final look at myself in the bathroom wall-mirror. I didn't have like a huge ego or nothin', but I did like what I saw. My blonde hair kinda fell into my eyes, real sexy like. I was tempted to shave the bit of scruff that had accumulated around my jaw and cheeks, but decided to keep it. 'Sides, I didn't have no razor or cream. I kinda wished that I had a leather jacket, though. That woulda completed the look totally; white tank, blue jeans and black leather coat. It was the universal look of a "tough-guy". I grinned at the thought and turned to walk out.

Stuffin' everythin' I had into the army-green duffel bag (including the letter and the white bag with the money in it), I clicked off the bathroom light and strode to the front door. I couldn't help but feel a little put out, as I shut the door to room 69 in the little motel in the middle of nowhere.

I closely surveyed my surroundings for the first time. I didn't really get a chance to see nothin' the day before, when Richard quickly ushered us both into the room. My sense of time was a little off. I remembered it being close to sunset when we first arrived. Now, it was pitch black outside, the only lights being the few scattered lampposts 'round the direct vicinity. I musta slept the entire day away. I guessed that I had spent close to two nights in this place...this being the second. There was no real sense of time for me at this point. It coulda been a million years later as far as I was concerned.

There were only a couple of cars in the whole parking lot. I quietly mused to myself the probability of stealin' one of the cars and not getting caught.

Deciding that was not the right course of action in my current sitch, I turned and started walkin' away from the place…towards the highway that Richard and I had exited just before comin' here. I trudged up the on-ramp. I figured if I was gonna go anywhere, I should just as well follow the highway and hope for the best. I still didn't really know where I was gonna end up, but Dirk's words in the letter screamed at me, in my mind.

“Go to New York. Hell, it's better than where we're goin'!”

For some reason, New York sounded like a good idea. Dunno why, but it appealed to me. A large city is the best place to get lost and go unnoticed. I certainly didn't wanna be found, in case my father wanted ta come lookin' for me. I doubted he would anyway. I was 18 now! Legally, I could do whatever I wanted anyway! Fuck him! Fuck him!

I walked a long ways on that road, probably coverin' no more than about twenty-five miles, when my tummy began grumblin'. I'd passed a few exits, but I just kept on truckin'. I wanted to put as much distance between me and my father as possible. My hatred of him ran deep. I kept thinkin' to myself that I would definitely kill him if I saw him again.

I was plagued by these thoughts the entire way. They were the only real things keepin' me afoot. I wanted to show him up…get away from him and show him I was a better man than he could ever be. However, I couldn't keep myself from gettin' tired or hungry.

Prob’ly a million cars had passed me during that time. I didn't really care. Sure, I woulda been grateful for a ride, but I didn't suppose it mattered either way. I would get where I was goin' one way or 'nother. Besides, it was still pretty dark out, and the sun had just started to rise. So, I was content to walk alone in the cool night air. The heat of the day though--that was gonna be a toughie.

At the next exit I started walkin' down on the sidepaths, so I wouldn't block any comin' cars. It led to a small intersection that seemed all but deserted. Dust was flyin' everywhere. If it hadn't been for the few cars I did see parked here and there or goin' on to wherever they was headed, I'da thought that it was a ghost town. The sun had started to creep higher into the sky and I realized it was probly about 8 am.

I walked down a few blocks and noticed a small truck stop called TA. It reminded me of the old phrase "Tits 'n Ass" and I sorta chuckled to myself.

Walkin' into the place I saw it was a gift shop/gas station/restaurant all in one. The wrinkled old man at the teller's booth in the gift shop part looked about as old as time itself. I turned to my left and saw the restaurant, if it could be called that. It looked more like one of those shady diners you see in alla those horror flicks, just before some pretty blonde gets hacked ta pieces. I shivered suddenly at the thought. The place was almost empty, but for a couple truck drivers sittin' at the serving bar.

I walked over and sat my duffle bag next to a swivel seat that I promptly placed my tired ass in. I hadn't noticed exactly how much my feet, legs and ankles were throbbin' until I sat down.

I waited for a waitress to come by, the smells of the food waftin' in from the kitchen makin' my mouth water like crazy. I didn't realize until then exactly how hungry I was, 'cause I hadn't eaten nothin' in almost two and a half days.

No more had I sat down when a waitress limped her way over to me.

"Whaddaya want, kid" she said in a deep voice. It sounded like she had smoked one too many Camels.

She wasn't bad lookin'. I guess she was in her late thirties, maybe forties, and her long honey-brown hair, just startin' ta grey at the temples, was tied back in a braided ponytail. She was thickly built, but it looked like mostly softened muscle.

"Anything, I'm STARVING!" I burst out unintentionally.

Her name tag said "Donna".

Donna looked at me kinda curious-like and snapped her gum loudly, "Ya got money, right? No eats unless ya flash some cash, capiche?"

I was kinda weirded out by her abrupt manner, but just nodded sheepishly. I could tell she was kinda the type of person ya didn't wanna piss off.

"Aw, D, jes' leave the boy alone. Whatever he gits I'll buy, kay?"

The new voice startled me and I looked over to my right and was confronted with the most beautiful greyish-blue eyes I'd ever seen. The man behind the eyes looked kinda rugged. He looked like he was maybe in his late thirties. His hair was hidden beneath a dirty old cowboy hat, and he had a thick brown mustache, obviously kept trim, but the rest of his face seemed to have not been shaved in a couple days. I could tell he had a nice tight build underneath the green flannel shirt he kept unbuttoned at the collar. Tufts of his chest hair grew wildly outta the collar of the shirt, and my mouth started waterin' in a completely different way. I looked him up and down and noticed an old pair of tightly fit wranglers.

"Donna" looked at the man with a fake sneer. With another loud snap of her gum she said, "Now you go keep that trap o' yours shut, Billy B. Or, I'm gonna have ta whoop ya!"

Billy B. looked up and raised a thickly bushed eyebrow at Donna. His lips curled into a slight grin and he winked at her.

"Promises, promises, D. I've yet ta see ya make good on yer offers."

With a sarcastic glare, Donna curled her upper lip into a sneer, and stalked off to the kitchen when she heard a bell signaling one of her customers' meals was ready.

'Billy B.' turned to me and gave me a once over with his eyes. He smiled warmly and offered his hand in a friendly gesture.

"Name's Mike, but you can call me Billy B. Ever'body else does."

"I'm Julian," I said shaking his hand firmly.

"Nice name, Julian. And don't you go worrying none 'bout Deadly Donna o'er there. Her bark's worse'n her bite."

He had a thick southern accent, and it didn't do any damn bit to ease the stiffy in my jeans. I liked him already. A lot.

"Never seen ya 'round these parts. Are ya just travelin' through?"

"Yeah, I guess ya could say that," I replied.

"I hear ya. A young feller like you, what with the way you's dressed and the duffel bag yer totin' 'round, I figure yer a runnin'." He held his hands up in a gesture of defense. "Now I ain't one ta judge. Yer business is yer business."

I laughed a little to myself. I liked the way he made it easy ta be around 'im. I offered him the swivel chair next to mine.

"Don't mind if I do," he said as he took the seat willingly.

"You decided yet?" Donna snapped, peerin' down at me with those snake-like squinty eyes.

I was startled and at a loss for words, 'cause I hadn't even had a look at the menu.

"He'll have what my usual is, D." Billy B. saves my ass yet again.

"Uh...yeah, ma'am. I'll take what he's havin'."

"Suit yourself, kid."

Donna promptly walked in back and yelled to the cook, "TWO BILLY B. SPECIALS!" I guessed Billy B. was a regular.

"So how old are ya, Julian?" I could see a twinkle in his grey-blue eyes. I couldn't help but think maybe he was attracted to me too.

"Just turned 18 a couple weeks ago. I figured that, since I was a man, I should go out on my own. Find my own place in the world."

I lied. I didn't want him to know anything about where I was from. I figured it was information that was on a need ta know basis. ‘Sides, I was startin' a new life right? Puttin' the past behind me.

He regarded me with a peculiar glance. One bushy eyebrow lifted up in interest. He fidgeted with the empty coffee cup in front of him. I couldn't help but notice that he never once took his eyes off me. He tried to make it look like he was starin' off into space or somethin', but I could just tell that he was starin' at my crotch or my legs, or my arms. He'd glance quickly at every part of my body. I didn't feel uncomfortable about it. In fact, I was pretty much doin' the same thing ta him. The more I got ta lookin' at him, he seemed a bit older than what I thought at first.

"So how old are you, Billy B.?"

He looked at me with a sparkle in his eye and a cheezy lopsided grin that made me laugh to myself.

"Well now, that there's the millyun dollar question, ain't it?"

"Naw, just curious is all," I replied carefully.

"I'm all of forty-eight years young, and still kickin'!" He tipped his hat in an overly dramatic manner, making his voice go all creaky, doin' a mock impression of an elderly gentleman.

The news didn't repel me. In fact, my only reaction was to shift uncomfortably in my seat. And, that was simply 'cause with the way Billy B. was starin' at me in conjunction with the way he was actin' and his rough good looks, he was givin' me quite the hard-on. I needed ta shift sides ta speak anyways.

With a twinkle in his eyes his full lips turned into an amused grin.

"What, ya got ants in yer pants, Julian? Yer squirmin' like a long-tailed cat in a room fulla rockin' chairs."

His laugh was hearty and full. It was so infectious that I quickly forgot my embarrassment and couldn't help but laugh with him.

"Uh..ha, ha, No…ha, ha...I just...hehe...I think I need ta go drain it...heh..."

Those words said, I quickly got up and excused myself, turnin' my back to Billy B. and grabbin' my duffle bag. I spied the men's room at the other end of the room and weaved my way through the small tables and chairs that served as eatin' desks, really.

Pushin' open the door to the restroom, I let out a breath and walked straight to the sink. I peered up in the mirror and saw that my cheeks was flushed and my ears burnin' red. I musta been more embarrassed than I thought. I turned on the tap and threw some cool water on my face, which helped ease the redness a bit.

When I looked back up into the mirror, I gasped in shock. Billy B. was standin' at the door, lookin' at me with a sort of wondering expression.

"Sorry, I di'int mean ta startle ya, Julian. Just figured I wanted ta talk to ya fer a minute. Ya know…if I made ya uncomfortable out there. Ya may've noticed I was starin' atcha perty good."

"Yeah," I nodded in agreement. "I was starin' pretty hard at you too, Billy B." My voice was quiet and squeaky...and try as I might I couldn't get it to go back to it's normal deep edge.

I turned around to face him completely. If he hadn't seen my fuckin' hard on plain as day that was pitchin' a tent in my jeans, the man was blind. He walked a little closer to me, keepin' his eyes steady with mine.

My cock jerked again.

He moved even closer and I tried to step back. But, my ass hit the lip of the sink instead.


But, it didn't feel bad. It felt sorta good.

Finally Billy B. stopped his inchin' closer and strode bravely up to me, still keepin' his gaze locked into my eyes. He was no more'n a few inches away when he looked down at my tented jeans, then back into my eyes. He brought his rough calloused fingers to stroke my cheek softly. His other hand trailed a finger down my chest and over the lump in my jeans. His hand wrapped around my hardened cock through the jeans groping it firmly, but not tightly. He was lookin' right into my eyes as he did it and...I couldn't help but be overcome with an...eerie...feelin' like somethin' was wrong.

"Can I...?" He asked softly, soothingly.

I felt a bit awkward sayin' either yes or no, 'cause I didn't know exactly what he was askin' permission ta do. This was yet a total new one for me.

I kinda shrunk back from the touch on my cheek. The roughness of his hands startled me. It was still hard ta tell which part of him was real, the soft gentle way he acted, or the rough hardened exterior he sported. The combination of the two was like an aphrodisiac, as well as a repellent. I also wondered how many other boys like me had been in this exact same position before.

Reluctantly, but somehow relieved, I slipped out from in front of him to the side, lookin' at him all awkward-like. It just didn't feel...right. I couldn't explain it. But, when he'd looked in my eyes after he groped me, there was a flash of somethin'. Somethin' that wasn't...nice. No matter how kind his words were or how gentle his touch was...that gleam in his eye hid somethin'...not quite right.

"I'm to this...Billy B. I...I don't know what I want...right now," I said in answer to his quizzical look at my pullin' away.

I dropped my head and grabbed my duffle bag from the floor slingin' it over my shoulder, and walked outta the restroom.

I shoulda left that damned TA.

I shoulda ran for my life and never looked back.

But I walked back to my seat and sat down, trailed closely behind by Billy B. ...

~to be continued...~


7 Gay Erotic Stories from Limitless22

Kiss of the Fallen

Kiss of the Fallen – Part One By A.R Booth The torrential blast of the fast-paced music was deafening. The bright strobe lights placed strategically around the dance floor were blinding. The odours of sweat and sexual tension were intoxicating. The entire floor was crowded with every facet of gay life you could possibly imagine. Different "scenes" mixed with one

Kiss of the Fallen - Part 6

Kiss of the Fallen: A novelette of Gay Erotica by A.R. Booth Part 6 I musta dozed off ta sleep after that, 'cause the next thing I remember was wakin’ up needin' ta take a piss real bad. I got up outta the chair and stretched. My neck was kinda sore after bein tilted back in sleep for awhile. I walked over to the bathroom and went inside,

Kiss of the Fallen, Part 2

Determined to realize the seemingly impossible task I had put before me I let my senses guide me. The pull of sexual purity is very strong. My brethren and I are drawn to sexual intensity and a virgin's energies are erratic and strong...untainted...unspent. They have not yet given themselves over to sexually charged activity, and by so doing giving over a piece of their own soul-self to their

Kiss of the Fallen, Part 3

Leading Julian inside, I flicked the light switch located to the right of the door we had just passed through. He gasped as a hanging chandelier, decadently designed with many expertly chiseled crystal and diamond accents, softly illuminated the room. The room was larger than I expected he had ever seen one room to be. The rug we stood upon was a very oriental piece, woven delicately by hand.

Kiss of the Fallen, Part 4

I silently cursed at myself for revealing what shouldn't have been revealed to Julian. That one little four-letter word has so much power. I began to understand the humans' obsession with love. Finding it. Needing it. Wanting it so badly they could feel it pulsate through their very bones. As if eons of pent up desire and longing came to an end, my entire outlook had changed when I uttered

Kiss of the Fallen, Part 5

I woke up in a daze. Somehow I had been moved to the "master suite" as he called it. Him. Lucius. My god, he was awesome. So fuckin' sexy! I ain't never seen anyone couldn't place the words. A sharp pain in my ass reminded me of what occurred. 'Aw SHIT!' I thought to myself. 'I got plowed!' Damn! What an experience that had been! My mind raced as I remembered what

Kiss of the Fallen, Part 7

A Tale of Supernatural Gay Erotica By A. R. Booth Part 7 With no small amount of unease, I slipped back into my seat at the counter. Billy B. of course sat down next to me in his seat. I nervously stole a glance at him, a little unsure of what ta say or do, especially considerin' what had happened in the bathroom. He seemed to notice I was starin' and he shifted slightly in his seat to


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