Gay Erotic Stories

Breaking and Entering

by DrewKent

As I approached the front door I thought, "good, she didn't go away after all." I had received a message that my other half was going to visit her mother for a few days but obviously she hadn't gone because the door was ajar and I could see a light in the lounge. I was loaded down with bags of shopping - meals for one - so I was glad I didn't have to search for my keys. I walked into the hall, slammed the front door and went into the lounge. Oh no, before I could even take it in a guy in a stocking mask had raced across the room and pinned me to the lounge wall, another from somewhere else in the house was behind me, a hood thing was put over my head and a leather gloved hand over my mouth. They were saying something like "you're too early". I was too shocked and dazed to take it in. I had stumbled in on these two guys robbing my house.

They man handled me into the front room and laid me on the floor, both of them putting their weight on my chest and legs. I could hardly breath through the hood and the glove - I was scared. I felt the guy on my legs tying my feet together very tight, he worked so quickly before I knew it I was unable to move my legs at all. Then the other guy on my chest was putting a gag around my mouth on the outside of the hood. I could breathe again, but couldn't shout or call for help. They rolled me over and tied my hands and arms together high up on my back, the ropes hurt my wrists but I could say anything (I dare not if I could, I guess).

Totally immobile, in the midst of all this I thought "I'll be good and quiet and then they'll do their stuff and leave me here." That was not to be. I felt one of them at my feet again - tying me again - why? I felt him pull a rope he'd tied to my ankles and pull it really tight to reach my wrists up my back. I had been hog-tied. My body stretched backwards and however I strained I couldn't move. They threatened me as they started to untie the gag. I obeyed and kept silent. The gag came out, the hood came off - I could see! I saw two men in army combats, black boots, and those silky green jackets that skinheads wear. I think they were skinheads but with the black stockings on their faces it was difficult to tell. One saw me looking at him. "You think you'll recognize us again?" he said with an evil tone in his voice. I tried to sound convincing and said I wouldn't. He took a black and white bandana from his pocket and began to fold it. Even through his mask I could a sadistic smile. With that the other one shoved what seemed like a hanky in my mouth and the bandana was tied around my eyes. While the hanky was in my mouth I heard the pulling of sticky tape, it sounded as though it was pretty strong stuff by the noise I heard. This went right across my mouth, the hanky and my voice sealed inside.

I thought they left me like this, something was said about a van, and then all went quiet. I heard footsteps on the wooden stairs and then in my bedroom above me. They were going through the house. Through my possessions!

There was nothing I could do, trussed, as I was, silent and blind. I could still detect the sounds around the house as they went from room to room. Then, they came back to me! I thought it was all over, they began to untie my feet, the hog tie rope came off, I was able to stretch and felt relieved they were going to free me and leave - probably with a threat if I tried to follow or look or something. That'd be fine; I didn't feel much like a hero!

But they didn't. "Stand up" one of them barked. I stood up and he followed this by saying, "we'll make you more comfortable for the night". "The NIGHT" my brain shouted. It wasn't over. They sat me on the dining chair hands still behind my back. One sat on my lap and teased my hair and breathed in my ear. That was strange, but the smell of this guy seemed good. While his weight held me pinned to the chair the other one began to tape my left leg very tightly to the outside of the leg of the chair; then the other leg in the same way. This was now more restricting than being hog-tied in the first instance. The other guy got off my lap and began to untie my arms, I struggled as if automatically as soon as I felt the ropes loosen, no such luck, these two big guys were there one holding each hand down to the back legs of the chair, tying them even tighter than before. The one behind me ran his hands over my chest, squeezing my chest and nipples with his strong hands. It felt almost affectionate, but that was short lived as he found my nipples and pinched them hard! I felt a rope being put around my lower chest, the sensations were all mixed up now, and I was quite disorientated. I very soon came to my senses as I felt hands on my tie. Were they going to strangle me? No, they undid my tie and let it hang loose. Then to my horror two hands went inside the buttons of my shirt and ripped it open, I could hear the buttons hitting the ground around me. More feeling of my chest, this time his hands went down to the waist of my trousers. More ropes across my chest, it seemed as though they had crossed the rope 'bra like' across my chest. My nipples were now exposed, and these guys were making the most of it - pinching twisting first one then the other. I heard more taped being torn and I think they put tape on my pinched nipples - I know it felt strange. I think they knew I could hear them talking to each other for the next thing I knew I was having plugs put into my ears. I could hear next to nothing now. The fear was mounting. Then nothing for what seemed like an age. Had they gone? Then I felt their movement on the floor of the room, they were back. I felt so vulnerable - not as vulnerable as I was to feel later. Hands again on my bare chest, and suddenly I felt stubble on my chest as a mouth closed on my left nipple. He sucked and nibbled it, then the other nipple. That, although violating me, was probably the nicest sensation of this awful evening - so far. I could not place who had which, but one guy had really soft hands and the other's was rough, work hands. Two hands (I don't know which) went into the waistband of my trousers. Rip, he tore them open by brute force exposing my pants and not far from there my cock and balls.

It was as though this tying up and playing with me was as important as the things they were stealing from my home. I am not a criminal expert, but I really felt at this stage, my body and my discomfort was their main goal.

I felt hands inside my crotch squeezing me through my under pants. I gasped as I heard close to me ear "we are going to have some fun with you later!" I tried to cover myself with my hands, they were fixed, I was 'laid open' to their gazes. I felt my shirt being pulled and tugged, they ripped it from me. I was left with just the shirt's cuffs fastened around my wrists. Then my trousers received the same treatment, ripping, tearing them off down as far as the tape around my legs.

At this point their hands were all over me: over my chest, my legs, squeezing my cock and balls safe (so I thought) in my pants. Then the strangest of sensations, they lifted the chair I was on and started to carry me out of the front room. What was happening to me? Together they carried me upstairs on the chair, still gagged/taped and blindfolded and not even able to hear properly because of the earplugs.

I was so disorientated I didn't know where they had taken me. The chair (and me) was put down and I felt one of them at my feet. He took off my shoes and was trying to undo the tape. He got frustrated and I reckon he got a pair of scissors, I felt a cold blade on my leg and as it moved I felt the tape loosen. Once more I thought (hoped) I was being freed. The guy at my feet began to remove the remnants of my trousers, and the other guy cut off the cuffs of my shirt. I was there on the chair in nothing but my pants. Once again I felt the hands exploring my body. Whether it was fear or an excitement I couldn't control I don't know, but I realized my pants were wet with precum. I couldn't look to see if it was obvious - had they noticed this? I felt a hand going down my chest to my waist, to the elastic of my pants and then another hand. He pulled at the elastic and ripped open my pants.

They both moved me from the chair and laid me on the floor face down, I realized I was in the spare bedroom where all the stuff was for the shelving I was supposed to be putting up - so far I had only put fixings in the wall. I was being tied to the floor somehow, first my feet, all the time I was trying to pull what was left of my pants across my ass. I could just hear through the plugs their laughing at my attempts at modesty. Then my hands were tied again. They took the gag out of my mouth. I asked "why are you doing this?" - They laughed!

Then almost immediately a foam ball, the size of a tennis ball was pushed into my mouth and more tape place right around my mouth and head to keep it there. "Here’s your shirt back" said one of them and dragged a piece of my torn shirt across my face. I once again was immobilized and vulnerable. He started to take off the blindfold. I could not look up, I was too tied, but at least I could see. They had tied me to the frame of the shelving. Then one of them knelt down by my face and slapped my ass hard. Then (oh shit) he waved a dildo in front of my eyes and repeated what he had said earlier:” we are going to have some fun with you". My shirt had now become my blindfold. Once again, deaf, dumb and blind. I felt hands on my ass stroking, teasing my ass hole. I went rigid. I felt a mask type thing over my face and got a strange smell. "Breathe,” he said. "Relax". As I breathed I felt the most amazing sensation going through my body. For a second or two I forgot the humiliation and what I had seen a moment before. This felt good; it felt sexy - but how? The mask was taken off. I felt the hands again at my ass, while my legs were being pulled apart at the knees - more rope. Then there it was, I felt something hard against my ass hole - pushing its way into me. I struggled but it was no use--my ass being fucked by that dildo. The mask came again, the same smell, the same words, and the same sensation. Oooooooh that thing in me somehow felt good, I was getting hard too. Glad they couldn't see that. I lay there, now almost enjoying all they were doing. "No", I thought. "These are guys, I am not a queer!" Then the dildo came out - and it all stopped. It was over! My feet were untied. My hands were untied. They tied them in front of me this time and made me lie on my back.

I felt them pull my hands high over my head and they were fixing them to something. The fixings for my shelves, I was being tied to the wall! They started to work on my feet again, tying them apart - but very tight. I felt them lift my feet. How? They had just tied me! I was tied to a piece of wood, legs apart. Higher and higher they lifted them, were they going to tie them to the wall. No. They went down again. HANDS ON MY COCK AND BALLS!!!!!!!!! Oh no! But they weren’t playing with me, what were they doing? I felt some discomfort, but couldn’t imagine what they were doing. Then I felt a pulling, and I realized they had tied something around my balls and were pulling it very hard. Activity at my feet again, it felt as though they were tying my balls to the same wood as my feet. When I was trying to put my feet down, I knew that's what they done. If I moved my feet, it would pull on my balls - and it did.

Then they put some sort of thing on my head, some sort of strap. Back to my cock again, I didn't know what was happening, then I felt more pulling, this time my cock head. They had tied something around my cock head and were tying it to the strap thing on my head, making me sit forward. If I leant back it pulled my cock, if I put my feet down it pulled my balls. Oh these guys were sadistic all right. I was left like this for what seemed ages, afraid to move. This time the discomfort was not eased by that mask and stuff I'd inhaled before!

They came back and began once again to untie me - I had given up thinking "this will be the end". I just waited and hoped! My hands were still tied, my feet tied together. ”Stand up!” one said, I really didn't know if I could! There I was ass naked standing, still gagged, blindfolded in front of these guys who had seen parts of me that I hadn't even seen! I was lifted onto the shoulder of one of them. What now, I tried to say through the tape. I was being carried downstairs again. Back to the front room, and laid on the floor. Kneel up a voice came from behind. I did. The tape was pulled off my mouth. The ball was taken out. That felt better.

The guy in front of me started to take of the blindfold. I could see again! Ohhhhhhhhhhhh Nooooooooooooo. There right in my face, the guy had his cock out and was wanking it.

"Open your mouth". I didn't!

"Open your fukin’ mouth!" I didn't! Oh the thought of that cock in my mouth! He held my nose - I was forced to open. The other guy threatened - "You use your teeth and I'll knock 'em all down your throat!"

I knew he meant it. I felt the cock, (much bigger and thicker than mine) in my mouth, it was a strange sensation, and perhaps in a different setting I might have been different. He began to slide it in and out of my mouth. He took it out, and put it away. The final humiliation! I was tired, and exhausted, I could not struggle anymore. They laid me on the floor, undid my hands and were gone!

I wanted to go after them, I should have, but I couldn't. I must have passed out. I woke about 5.00am, thinking it had all been a dream! It hadn't, there were ropes on my feet, cords around my cock and balls, and my torn clothes lying neatly beside me.

I often think about those guys and wonder if they see me out and about - were they local? I wonder too, if they knew, that by the time my ordeal was about half way through, deep down, I enjoyed being their victim. ---End---


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1 Gay Erotic Stories from DrewKent

Breaking and Entering

As I approached the front door I thought, "good, she didn't go away after all." I had received a message that my other half was going to visit her mother for a few days but obviously she hadn't gone because the door was ajar and I could see a light in the lounge. I was loaded down with bags of shopping - meals for one - so I was glad I didn't have to search for my keys. I walked into the


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