Gay Erotic Stories

A Holiday Fantasy

by Mervro

Since I first visited the United States on a business trip in 1973, I have enjoyed a number of trips across the Atlantic, sometimes a mixture of business and pleasure and sometimes purely for a holiday. On that first trip 23 years ago I found the open attitude to sex in California to be very refreshing and I enjoyed several days (and nights) with a very comely young lady who was introduced to me by her father! Since then my luck seems to have run out as far as the sex stakes are concerned, although I have always enjoyed my visits over there.

One holiday I have had in mind for a number of years arises from the many thousands of miles I have driven in the States, and how much I have envied those travelling the wonderful American roads on powerful motorcycles. Last year I finally had enough time to spare to take five weeks holiday, and so I contacted an agency that arranges the hire of motorcycles and planned to travel to Washington and tour through Virginia, Tennessee, Georgia, the Carolinas and back to Washington.

So it was that in June I flew to Washington. I had arranged hotel accommodation for two nights, partly to get over any jet-lag and partly to allow me time to look around Washington. After a good night's sleep I set out to visit the main tourist attractions, and so it was that towards the end of the day I found myself near the Washington Monument where an open air concert was taking place. I wandered over and found that it was a concert celebrating the anniversary of radio station GAY-FM. I noticed a group of motor-cyclists sitting on the grass, and went and sat near them. They were not the Hells Angels type of bikers, but dressed in expensive motorcycle leathers.

I introduced myself to them and told them of my plans to tour by motorcycle. They were on their way from Boston to Miami, and for the next part of their journey would be taking the same route that I had planned. They invited me to join them for a few days, but I explained that I was not equipped for camping, as they were, as I had planned to stay in motels. They told me not to worry as they could accommodate me in their spare tent capacity. It seemed too good an opportunity to miss to have fellow motorcyclists to travel with, and so we arranged that they would meet me at my hotel the following morning and take me to the agency to collect my bike.

There were about twenty of them, and mostly riding Honda Gold Wings, which was the same as the bike I was hiring. Once I had completed the hiring formalities we all set off westwards to the lovely little town of Front Royal, which marks the northern end of the Skyline Drive, itself the first part of the continuous highway along the Blue Ridge Mountains. We stopped at a small Howard Johnson's restaurant for lunch, and having placed our order with the waitress I rose to go to the loo. A restraining hand grabbed my arm. “Where are you going?” he said.

“I need a pee,” I replied.

“So do we all, I expect,” said my new friend, “But we make a habit of saving it for an open-air pee. So unless you’re really desperate, why not hang on to it and join us later?”

Now, although I had met them at a GAY-FM concert, there had been no indication up to this point that my motorcycle friends were necessarily gay themselves. As for me, I'm very much bisexual, and so was delighted at this indication that this holiday might well prove to be more exciting than I had anticipated.

“OK,” I said to my interrogator, “I can wait for a little while, but not very long as my bladder keeps letting me know how full it is.”

“That's fine,” he said, “We'll pull in shortly after we hit the Skyline Drive.” I enjoyed my lunch, but was looking forward to a good piss, partly because I really was pretty desperate to go, and partly because I was intrigued to see what form the mutual pissing would take.

When we set off again, we had only ridden a few miles when we turned in to a large lay-by with wonderful scenic view over the nearby valley. These boys obviously had this trip well planned, as we set off through the woods we soon came to a large but secluded clearing, well out of sight and sound of the road. Everyone unzipped their jeans or leathers and produced as good a variety of pricks as I had ever seen in one place.

Without any conversation they formed a large circle, facing inwards, pricks at the ready. No-one had yet actually started to piss. Jerry, who seemed to be the leader of the group, said, “Either hold your own (looking at me), or grab the one on your left and let's go.” At that the chap on my right put out his left hand and held my prick, pointing it slightly upwards; I though I might as well join in, so grabbed the prick of the biker to my left. In common with some other members of the group he had dropped his jeans right down to his ankles, and rolled the bottom of his tee shirt up to leave his prick and balls swinging free.

By this time most of the pricks were pissing freely, although I noticed that it seemed common practice to squeeze them a bit to make the stream go further; so much so in some cases that the piss was almost showering the person opposite in the circle. Eventually my need to pee overcame my comparative shyness (and the fact that holding another prick in my hand was giving me a bit of a hard-on), and my pee burst from me in a fairly strong stream.

I had almost finished when the fellow holding my prick, and who had finished his own pissing, dropped on his knees in front of me and took my still pissing prick in his mouth. This was something I had done once or twice for another man, but the first time it had ever been done to me, and as I finished pissing I was very close to shooting him a different fluid. It was then I noticed that a number of other pricks were being sucked, either when still pissing or immediately after they had finished. Again I decided to join in, and bent over and sucked the prick I had been holding whilst it pissed. Although it had finished actually pissing, the lovely salty taste from the remaining drops was very, very exciting.

I wondered whether this wonderful pissing session would lead immediately to other things, but it appeared that this was not the plan, although a few pricks were still being slowly wanked. “Right, let's go,” said Jerry, and everyone zipped up and we made our way back to our bikes.

“Is it always like this?” I said to the Jeff, the chap who had held my prick and taken my piss.

“That's nothing,” he said, “Wait till tonight. That session was really for your benefit to try you out to see if you were really one of us.”

The rest of the day passed in enjoying the wonderful scenery, with just a quick pissing break late in the afternoon which, although all together, took place behind a row of trees quite near the road. Camping on the Blue Ridge Parkway is only allowed at official sites, and there are heavy fines for breaking this rule. The camp site that the group had chosen was very large indeed, so it was quite possible to set up tents well away from the few other campers setting up for the night. Jerry came over to me to explain that most of them had two-man tents and double sleeping bags, but generally speaking there were no set couples and I could share with almost anyone. However, for that first night, as Jeff and I seemed to get on well he had asked Jeff to share his tent with me.

As I was not really set up for camping, I had bought take-away sandwiches and cans of cold drinks at the lunch stop. I was amazed at how much equipment in the way of cooking stoves and barbecues that some of my fellow bikers had stowed away on their machines, and it was not long before I was being offered burgers and hot dogs and even iced beer.

Naturally, I was sat with Jeff, and after we had finished eating he asked me if I wanted to go for a piss before we turned in. There was a toilet block on the far side of the camp ground, but Jeff took my hand and headed for the woods behind our tents, which I had noticed was what others had been doing, either singly or in twos and threes.

“Do you want to use my mouth again?” said Jeff.

“Only if you will return the favour,” I said.

“Wonderful,” said Jeff, “Because it isn't something that all the fellows will do, although most of them will if they really like you.” We passed another couple having a mutual prick-holding piss, and found a quiet spot of our own.

Jeff kicked off his boots and removed his leather trousers, and I took his lead and did the same with my jeans. My prick was already beginning to rise in anticipation. “You'd better piss first,” I said, “because I'm not sure that I'll be able to at the moment.”

“Okay,” said Jeff and held his prick out in front of him. Jeff's prick was not circumcised (mine is, unfortunately), and I could see in the moonlight that it was already rising to the extent that the knob was poking out of the foreskin, exciting me even more. I took the head loosely in my mouth and immediately felt the lovely warm, salty taste of fresh piss. I prefer not to swallow too much, and as my mouth filled I squeezed the base of Jeff's prick and spurted his own piss back over his belly, cock and balls. Jeff, like the rest of us not having peed for several hours, had a really full bladder and was able to fill my mouth quite a few times. Eventually he finished and I licked my lips to get the last of the salty taste of his piss.

I was desperate to continue sucking his now rapidly hardening prick until he came, but I knew if I did that it would be a long time before I could relieve the pressure in my own bladder. “My turn now,” I said.

“Oh damn!” said Jeff, obviously enjoying having his prick in my mouth. However, he immediately dropped to his knees and took my prick between his lips. My piss started almost straight away, and I noticed that Jeff swallowed the first mouthful. After that he did as I had done, and closed off my piss each time as he returned my own piss over my genitals. As I came towards the end, “This will be the last for now,” I said. As I finished, Jeff stood up and pressed his lips to mine; I opened my mouth expecting his tongue, but what he gave me was a mouthful of my own piss. It was so erotic that it is a wonder that I didn't shoot my load on the spot!

We pulled up our trousers and jeans, but left the flies open for our pricks to stick out freely, both now near fully hard. Holding each other's pricks we made our way back to the tents. One or two other bikers were sitting around having a late night drink, but most had retired to their tents. There is very little room in a small tent, and so we went around behind the tent, near the trees, and stripped off our clothes. Although I had pajamas with me, nobody else seemed to be bothered with such details, and so it was that Jeff and I were naked as we crawled into his tent, and into his double sleeping bag.

Obviously, sharing a sleeping bag meant that we were in intimate contact, but I really was not sure what Jeff would expect of me. He crawled in first, and I followed face-to-face with him. His hands immediately went down and one cupped my balls whilst the other very gently stroked my prick, without actually grasping it. I did the same to Jeff, still fascinated by his uncircumcised prick as I felt the foreskin moving up and down with the tips of my fingers.

Two pairs of hands between our bodies made the sleeping bag quite constricting. “Are you warm enough without the sleeping bag?” I asked Jeff.

“I expect so,” he said, “but why?”

“I want to have a 69 with you,” I said, deciding that after what had happened in the woods I could be totally open with Jeff. He didn't answer, but immediately unzipped the sleeping bag, pushed it into the bottom of the little tent and turned himself head-to-tail with me. “Don't rush me,” I said, “because I'm that close to coming already, and I really want to savour every minute of this night”' Again Jeff didn't bother to answer but took my prick gently in his mouth, as I did the same with his.

It is difficult to explain to those lucky enough to have an uncircumcised prick themselves, or to have had plenty of experience of such pricks, what a joy it is to men of my era, almost all of whom were cut, to experience the feeling of a copious foreskin sliding up and down a well-lubricated prick, either in the hand or in the mouth.

“Do you swallow cum?” said Jeff.

“I sure do,” I said, “I imagined that you do too after the fun in the woods tonight.”

“That's great,” said Jeff, “Let's take it slowly and see if we can cum together. Let me know if you get too close and I'll slow it down a bit.” I knew that I was not going to take long, so sucked deep and hard on Jeff's prick until he suddenly said, “Any moment now.”

“Go ahead quickly, I'm on the verge already,” I replied. Both sucking as hard as we could, I think I beat Jeff by a few seconds, but it really was as near a synchronised coming as you can probably get.

After we had recovered, “We'd better get back in the bag,” said Jeff, “because it gets awfully cold in the night in these mountains.” We managed to rearrange the sleeping bag, and this time I crawled in behind Jeff, with my prick resting against his buttocks and one arm around him loosely holding that wonderful prick. “Don't wank me for goodness sake,” he said, “I'm sure I could manage it again but we really do need to get some sleep and be ready for a long journey tomorrow.” And so we slept well, cuddled together prick-to-bum and hand-to-prick--a wonderful restful night's sleep.

I awoke early in the morning, not having moved at all, but with the difference that the prick I was holding now had its early morning hard-on, and mine was stirring slightly as it was pressed against Jeff's buttocks. I squeezed Jeff's prick slightly to awaken him. He yawned, stretched his arms, and suddenly remembered where he was. “Oh no, you're not starting already are you?”

I laughed. “Not really,' I said, “But I do need my first-of-the-day piss. Do we have to walk right over to the toilet block, or is it considered right to use the woods at any time?”

“As far as I'm concerned, the woods are always the right choice,” said Jeff, “but we'd better put on trousers in case we do meet anyone else, although apart from our own gang that's unlikely.”

We unzipped the sleeping bag, and struggled into our respective trousers, managing it lying down in the tent in case there should be any strangers wandering around outside. Once out of the tent we soon discovered that we were not the first up, and one or two bikers already had coffee pots boiling on portable stoves. “Want some coffee?” said a friendly biker.

“Not until I make room for some,” I replied.

Noticing that Jeff was stood nearby waiting for me he laughed, “OK off you go, piss friends,” he said, “but be careful, you won't be alone in there.”

Walking through the edge of the woods, we soon discovered what he meant. Lying on his back on the ground was a biker, naked except for his jeans pushed down to his ankles, furiously wanking a large erect prick whilst his friend stood over him hosing down his whole body with golden piss. “Now that's what I call an early morning shower,” said Jeff, as we passed them by to find our own piss area. “Do you want a straight piss, or a fun piss?” asked Jeff.

“I'll tell you what I would like,” I said, “Let's not do it here because if we have a golden shower we shall get in an awful mess with mud from the ground. Let's go over to the toilet block and if its quiet, which I expect it will be, we can share piss showers and then wash it off straight away.”

“OK,” said Jeff, “But I must get rid of a small drop because I really am bursting.”

“Fine,” I said, “Give me my first little drink of the day.”

Jeff unzipped, pulled out his still half-hard prick and I took it between my lips. Once again there was that wonderful warm salty taste that I love so much. He managed to stop the flow and we returned to our bikes and collected our washing things. We walked over to the toilet block and found that only one shower was occupied at one end of the block. We went to the other end and into the shower booth together.

“I'm still bursting,” said Jeff, “I must go straight away.”

I squatted on the floor. “Give me most of it,” I said. “All over me from head to foot, but save a small amount for later.” Jeff looked puzzled, but almost immediately started to pour out his piss, as I had asked him pointing his prick at my head, mouth, body and prick, before squeezing his prick to stop the flow. We changed places, and I was obviously going to have difficulty starting to pee, as Jeff's shower had given me a very real hard-on. I closed my eyes to take my mind off his prick, and eventually my piss gushed out, going all over Jeff as his had over me. Like him, I stemmed the flow before I was actually empty.

Now I explained to Jeff why I wanted us both to hold some piss back. I wanted to experience real mutual piss showering. We managed within the confines of the shower booth to crouch in opposite corners, point our pricks upwards (which is the direction they wanted to point anyway!) And when we both agreed we were ready showered each other in glorious golden piss.

“Now for a real shower,” I said as I turned on the shower spray and we both enjoyed the warm cascading water. Taking my soap, I started to wash, not myself, but Jeff, starting with his hair and working down over his body, down each leg and finally gently soaping his cock and balls. I didn't want him to shoot his load just yet, so I passed him the soap and he treated my body exactly as I had treated his. Both pricks were now hard as iron and pointing straight to the sky. I tuned off the shower, faced Jeff and re-soaped his prick.

We then had the most wonderful mutual wank as our hands slid over each other's soapy pricks. I regret to say that I could not control my balls for more than a minute or so, and my shot of come, which normally tends to dribble out, shot across the cubicle and high up the wall, before the second spasm deposited the beautiful white goo over Jeff's belly. Whether this was what triggered him off, or whether he was on the verge anyway, I wouldn't know but he was not more than half a minute behind me when his emission (far more copious than mine) virtually gave me another shower..

We showered again, dried each other (resisting the temptation to wank again), pulled on our trousers and made our way back to the tents. Some fellows were still eating breakfast, but most had packed up their camping gear and were getting their bikes ready for the next stage of the journey. There was some ribaldry at our expense, with suggestions that it might need a crow-bar to get us apart another night, but it was all very friendly.

That was just the first day and night of the five that I spent in the company of that group, before our routes separated. Although I was more than happy to spend as much private time as I could with Jeff, because we were so compatible in our sexual tastes, I soon found out that other members of the group could be just as exciting in their own way.

The third night, Jerry declared as ‘Competition Night'. This took me back to my school days as we all returned to our youth and had such friendly games as ‘First to come', ‘He who shoots furthest’ (no good for me that one). ‘He who can piss highest', ‘He who can piss furthest', ‘He who can piss most' (I won that one!) And other competitions even more erotic and involving teams rather than individuals.


4 Gay Erotic Stories from Mervro

A Holiday Fantasy

Since I first visited the United States on a business trip in 1973, I have enjoyed a number of trips across the Atlantic, sometimes a mixture of business and pleasure and sometimes purely for a holiday. On that first trip 23 years ago I found the open attitude to sex in California to be very refreshing and I enjoyed several days (and nights) with a very comely young lady who was introduced to me

Happy Wanks (Masturbation)

Nowadays, when people tend to be much more open about sex than ever before, it never fails to amaze me that one subject still appears to be taboo. Gay couples and lesbian pairings live together quite openly; women's magazines are full of advice on sexual matters, and yet very little, if anything, about probably the most widely practised form of sex - masturbation. Possibly the occasional article

Open Air Peeing

I was reading through some of my old copies of Forum magazine when I came across a letter headed "The Art of Outdoor Peeing" in which the writer bemoaned the reduction in sightings of men and women peeing in the open air. Whilst I entirely agree that people nowadays seem to be much shyer about performing bladder relief in public places, I would suggest that you can create such opportunities for

Saturday Sauna

I had a sort of strange afternoon in the local sauna last Saturday. When I arrived the receptionist told me that no one had used the sauna so far that day, and did I know how to turn it on. I did know, so paid my money and headed to the sauna. I turned the heaters on and decided to have a good shower and wash my hair while the cabin warmed up. After showering the cabin was still only warm, so


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