Gay Erotic Stories

The Second Trial Of Pro'hallus, Part One

by TheMightyOptimus

by (nods to cole for creating the character)

Pro'Phallus stepped through the portal glowing white as directed by the Guardians of Manhood. His tanned, toned body still glistened with manly dew from his Trial by Fire encounter with Magmar. He expected to be attacked immediately and stroked his mighty cock, his Deliverer, all that made him a man!

His honey-golden hair flowed about his shoulders as he flexed and pumped his heavily muscled arms and legs and clenched his beefy twin buttock mounds together, causing his turgid shaft to jut impressively.

"Let them behold me properly!" he thought and shook himself out. His prodigious ball sack was once again full and tight; his well of manhood brimming and eager to be summoned. He started assuming his most regal pose. He placed his massive hands on his trim hips and went through his mental checklist: washboard rippling, shoulders and pecs flexed…

"By the gods, it's cold here!" he said aloud. Snow and ice were everywhere, framing the mouth of a dark cave. He could see steam rising from his body as his hot man sweat evaporated in the frigid air. His nipples hardened.

He looked down and admired the symmetry, strength and beauty of his own body while wiping the sweat from his sculpted abs. He felt his intrepid hardness jump in anticipation of battle.

No one came to meet him.

"Hello? Ice people? Is anyone here? Hey, what's that lying in the snow?"

He stepped forward towards a yellow-tinged hole in the blanket of snow. The tip of a miniature surfboard of ice glinted in the icy glare and had caught his attention. He bent over and saw a tiny, naked man lying in the depression. Pro'Phallus went to one knee and his huge ball sack dangled down between his mighty legs, his giant cock straining at attention.

The poor little man appeared to be dead. Pro'Phallus sniffed the air. This guy had been pissed to death! The manly man thought it ultimately ironic that a man on a surfboard would not have been able to ride out the golden wave!

"It must have been a mighty steam, indeed! Surely a force to be reckoned with!" he said aloud. "Maybe I should give him mouth to mouth," he thought. "Nah!" Instead he touched a fingertip to the pre-cum moistened slit on his massive, throbbing cock head then touched the shimmering liquid to the little guy's lips. "Rest in peace, little buddy!" he said sadly.

Just as he was about to stand he felt freezing fingers grab his balls from behind! The mighty Pro'Phallus was lifted and held upside down by his bulging sack! Ice surged around his manly chest, pinning his arms to his sides.

"So, a new Penis Man has arrived to challenge the Ice King, eh?" roared the frosty blue giant as he dangled the helpless muscle stud before him.

"Wh…what treachery is this?" Pro'Phallus cried. His own weight was stretching his nuts to their limit. He tried to kick at the big, frozen leering head but it hurt too much. He struggled minimally.

"Where's my faithful servant, PolarGlide? More importantly, what have you done with my wife, Queen Freezia?"

"Uggghhhhh," moaned Pro'Phallus. "I know nothing of your Queen, ice man. I only just arrived."

"Liar! Now you will feel my wrath…the wrath of FRIGIDONIS!" He applied his trademark move "the freeze squeeze" and just as Pro'Phallus was about to kiss his smooth, rock hard ass goodbye, the giant ice man backed his foot onto a slick puddle of ice and slipped, releasing his grip.

Pro'Phallus fell headfirst into a bank of yellow snow and was buried up to his chest. His lithe, nubile body struggled to extricate itself. He fell over onto his back and sputtered yellow-tinged snow from his full, luscious lips. His sinewy legs were spread widely and his battered balls rested on the cold snow between them. With a mighty effort he broke free of the ice encasing his chest and leapt to his feet. He began to stroke his mighty, meaty cock and shook the snow from his golden mane.

"Brrrrr! Hear me Frigidonis... I swear upon the sacred Scrolls of the Sack that I just now came through the portal. I was attempting to aid that little man."

But Frigidonis wasn't listening. He was gazing at the ice that had caused him to slip, then touched a frosty finger to it. "Freezia, you snow Manx! What have you done now?"

Pro'Phallus watched in amazement as a woman rose from the ice. She was beautiful! Toned and very pale but nicely put together…a sweet piece of frozen ass! He stroked himself harder, only in case of attack, and he pulled his taught nipples and cupped his sore nuts.

"Wait, my beauty…where's your other arm…and your left breast?" asked the mountainous King.

"Uh…well, honey…you see…."

"I saw the whole thing!" They all turned as the little surfer dude, PolarGlide, hovered on his board. "Another Penis Man was here, mighty one! He, he… well he pissed on me and left me for dead! Barbarian! Then the Queen, well, uh, while attempting to, uh, overwhelm him … was… well…"

"Overwhelmed myself! Uh, yes, PolarGlide, the other Penis Man used his cum weapon on me. It was…incredible…and……uh….awful. He made me worship his huge cock… then he caused me to totally melt and drank my arm and left breast!" the Queen lamented. "At least I gave him a brain freeze before he left!"

"Wait! Wait, just wait a minute here," Pro'Phallus interrupted. "Back up! You're saying that another Penis Man was here? Shit! I have the official sanction of the Guardians of Manhood! What did he look like Queen Freezia?" he asked and assumed his hero pose, his left hand on a trim hip, legs spread widely, still stroking his magisterial cock.

"He was a fucking hottie!" she gushed, then remembered herself. "I mean…that's how I was defeated…uh, and humiliated." Ice cubes began to fall from her eyes. On one side only they bounced off her frosty breast. "He was even more arrogant than the others. That body, wow! He taunted me, darling!"

"He taunted me too!" screeched little PolarGlide from behind Pro'Phallus. "I was only doing my job…like this!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!" Pro'Phallus yelled as a freezing ice ring formed around the base of his still-throbbing sack. He swatted at PolarGlide with one hand and tore at his trapped pouch with the other. His rock-hard cock thumped against his sculpted abs as he moved.

"You Virilons are all bad news," Frigidonis bellowed. "Eat ice!" He then discharged snowballs at Pro'Phallus, pelting his engorged cock and frozen balls.

Pro'Phallus tried to evade but the pesky PolarGlide had frozen his feet to the ground. He fell over backward. Freezia was atop him immediately, applying her icy kiss to his man nips and rubbing her hand all over his fabulous, manly frame. His knees were wide apart since he'd been posturing just before he fell and as he lay on the snow the Ice Queen had easy access to all that made him a man!

"No frigid one!" he cried. The chant! He must use the chant of Plenipotentius! "RES FIRMA MITISC….C.C.C.C.C.…ERE…"he cried through teeth clattering from the cold, "NESC.C.C.C.C….hmmmmmmmmmph!"

"Enough of that, you dolt!" roared Frigidonis. He'd hiked up his icicle raiment and sat upon the beautiful face of the fallen hero. He jammed his hairy snowballs into Pro'Phallus's mouth as he attempted to invoke the chant; tea bagging him and pinning his muscular arms over his head.

"Thanks, Darling," Freezia said. "That accursed chant did me in last time! Oh yes…I like this one," she said as she nibbled Pro'Phallus's now ice-encased right nipple. Goosebumps appeared on his manly flesh. He shivered beneath her as she trailed her frigid tongue down his sculpted eight-pack and to the still-surging cock head. She kneaded his balls with her glacial grip. Pro'Phallus could feel his lips, chin and tongue numbing from the frosty cold as he helplessly chewed on the Ice King's frosty balls.

She took the tip in her mouth, causing the bubbling pre-cum to slushify. Pro'Phallus shuddered. He could feel his masculine juices freezing from her touch. She engulfed his well of manhood in ice…the weight causing them to sink into the snow between his legs. They were shrinking and stretching at the same time! She slapped at them with an icicle she'd formed at her fingertips.

"Now you'll stay in my frozen grip forever!" she hissed.

"Please, let me ram him with my surfboard, Highness!" pleaded PolarGlide.

"No!" decreed Frigidonis. "He's mine! I shall shag him!"

"Oh, but husband…I must exact my revenge for what the other Virilon has done to me! Although, come to think of it…now that his assets are frozen, he's helpless. His cum weapon is neutralized! We can all share! Me first!"

A terrible argument broke out. Pro'Phallus tried to summon some super strength from his well of manhood, his font of power, but all he felt was a dull, numb ache. This was disastrous! His man milk was virtually frozen within his pouch. He tried again to utter the chant but his feeble attempt just excited the Ice King further.

"Yes, slave…chew and suck," he laughed, "while we decide your destiny! It seems you've already accepted your fate!"

Pro'Phallus was highly distressed. He tried to move his arms but his hands and wrists were frozen together over his head.

The heated debate continued over his beautiful prostrate body.

"Wait!" he thought. "How could I have been so stupid as to forget my trophy of conquest from the Lava King? Yes, the ring he gave me as a token of victory upon subjugating him before those countless masses. Magmar said the ring contained the heat….GGGGAAAHHHHH!" The Ice Queen had shifted his frozen balls aside revealing his tight, perfect, virgin pucker. The tip of PolarGlide's surfboard was poised to breach!

"If I'm penetrated, I'll be completely helpless!" He concentrated on the ring, directing its powers to his manly well. Immediately, a soothing, thawing heat circulated throughout his body. His mouth suddenly belched fire against Frigidonis's frosty balls!

"Yow!" he said and jumped straight up into the air. Pro'Phallus's mighty cock broke free and clocked Freezia in the nose, throwing her sideways into a snow bank. PolarGlide was toast as the Virilon's mighty manhole belched forth a burning cloud of justice!

"RES FIRMA MITESCERE NESCIT!" Pro'Phallus yelled, massive might strengthening every cell of his being. He flexed his entire body and broke free of all the ice on his pliant, beautiful form, including the ring around his once again throbbing sack. He leapt to his feet and once more took his beloved Deliverer in his massive hand, stroking and fondling the mighty organ as he massaged and tantalized his thawed pouch.

"RES FIRMA MITESCERE NESCIT!" he chanted again. Yes! His cum weapon was wholly charged and ready to fire. He basked in the failed challenge to his manhood!

"Penis Man, I want to worship your magnificent cock of the gods!" Queen Freezia moaned as she massaged her bruised nose, all the while beholding the magnificent Pro'Phallus as he towered above her…Deliverer in hand. "You were conquered, yet you've seized victory from the very jaws of defeat! Please, please Penis Man, defrost my icy ass!"

"Freezia, remember yourself!" Frigidonis roared, cupping and massaging his still smoking balls.

"Behold the one true Penis Man, ice demons!" Pro'Phallus decreed, taking time to shake his honey gold mane in victorious carriage. "Admit defeat, frozen ones, and I'll show you mercy," the hero said as he pinched his mountainous nipples, while continuing to stroke his pulsating tool of manliness. He was once again at fully rejoicing in his robust power and praised the gods for his extraordinary virility and unlimited potency. "The choice is yours!"

"I'll never bow down to you, warm-blooded cretin!" Frigidonis sneered and his cock lengthened into a formidable club of ice. He assumed a battle stance.

Pro'Phallus laughed, shaking his honey colored hair. "Then behold my blazing sword of justice!" he retorted. Flaming spew sluiced from his cock-head onto the body and face of Frigidonis. Within moments the giant Ice King melted, becoming a pool of flash-frozen ice. Pro'Phallus trained his bubbling cum weapon at Freezia.

"You want some of this, Ice Queen?" he inquired, a smug grin crossing his ample lips.

"Oh, I desire all that you have, mighty one!" she said and, on her knees worshipped his cock, dutifully. As she sucked and swallowed his manly essence, she began to glow with a beautiful, but wet, carnation pink. She allowed him to slip out for a brief moment, but let the essence seep onto her beautiful face. "Take this as a token of your victory!" she said as she handed him an ice crystal. "Put this in a safe place, Penis Man, for it contains the freezing properties of this dimension. Remember well, you've defeated three at once!" she said. As she throated his final gush…she melted and her juices mingled with those of her husband.

Pro'Phallus looked at the proffered token resting in his enormous palm, then turned and stepped through the portal glowing white.


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by (nods to cole for creating the character) Pro'Phallus stepped through the portal glowing white as directed by the Guardians of Manhood. His tanned, toned body still glistened with manly dew from his Trial by Fire encounter with Magmar. He expected to be attacked immediately and stroked his mighty cock, his Deliverer, all that made him a man! His honey-golden hair


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