Gay Erotic Stories

Elysian Fields, Part 2

by Shadow bear

By Shadow bear

As the first customer ever to walk into the bar noticed me, I picked up a glass from the shelf under the bar top and began to clean it with a towel I found laying next to it. I did this more for aesthetic reasons than any real need to clean the glass. The kid that walked in looked to be about 18 or 19 not really old enough to be in a bar unless he came from somewhere were the drinking age was lower than were I came from.

The kid looked around in surprise and bewilderment like he couldn't believe that this place was real. I looked the kid over he was tall about 6'5' and skinny like he had just gotten through get up to that height. He had a little bit of hair on his face like it couldn't decide if it wanted to be there or not, and it looked as though not was winning. He had a button down shirt on that was open to the waist that showed the kid had no hair on his chest at all.

The kid came up to the bar and said in a voice that was obvious that he was trying to make deeper, "Give me the house special." So I put the glass down and reached under the bar and pulled out a bottle with a label that said ‘house special dreams realized’. He looked at the bottle and then up at me and said never head of this before I replied, “I make it myself here at the bar--only place you'll find it.” I had a little smile on my face as I said this.

The kid looked at me and smiled back he looked as though he had lost himself for a moment while looking at me and in his expression I could see a longing and a lust that I recognized he wanted me--which I knew for a fact. I also knew that the kid wanted to be like me--no not a bartender in a weird little bar that obviously didn't see a lot of business, but a man that had muscle and hair all over his body and obvious self-confidence.

The kid slowly regained himself and took a long pull from the bottle. As he started this I took my cue and started to talk to him. I asked him how he was doing and what it was like outside today. He said he was fine and that it was nice out. He was nearing the last of the drink so I started to get into the more personal questions. By this time he had grown accustomed to me asking them, so he really didn't hear me when I asked him what his deepest desires were.

He looked at me with a glassy-eyed stare and started to describe how he wanted to be a bear with hair all over and muscles covered in hair. How he wanted a beard that ran down his face and connected with the hair on his chest. How he would like to have his nipples pierced and have a cock that no man could resist. How he would go out and fuck any man who even remotely looked interested in him. How the ones that showed fear of him would be stalked and fucked--that the itch that they would then have could only be satisfied by a man who was hairy and hard and rough.

I had to admit that the kid’s fantasy had gotten to me. I reached down and adjusted the bulge in my leather pants and asked the kid in a hard and rough voice, "So what would you give to be that way?"

He looked at me and said in a voice that could only be described as depressed, “Anything! Anyone who could do that would be able to claim anything they wanted from me.”

“Even your soul?” I asked in a slow quiet voice. He said ‘yes’ just as quietly.

So then I slowly reached down and picked up another bottle. This one was labeled: “The dream that is realized and the price paid”.” I then poured the kid a glass of the potion and sat it in front of him. The kid was so glazed by this point, he didn't know what was going on, and he drank it before he realized that it wasn't the same as the one I’d given him earlier. As the potion started to take effect he got off of the stool and started staggering around the room.

He started to get broader and thicker. His facial hair, which looked to have been attacked by a hedge clipper before, was now thickening and growing down his face and across his cheeks. His eyes took on a glowing hue that changed the color from blue to a deep, deep amber color--the color would have to be called brown, but it was a brown that was yellow like the sun was called yellow.

The kid was starting to appear quite attractive to me as his body started to complete the change it was undergoing. He now had a full black beard and mustache and his body which had been skinny and scrawny was now thick and muscular like a football player at the height of his physical prowess. His shirt and pants had ripped and shredded and where now a pile of rags at the feet a tanned skinned black hared bear. I looked at him and slowly came around the bar and took him by the strong blunt fingered hand he now had and lead him up the stairs to one of the play rooms.

The room I lead him to had a wooden door on it but once inside it we were in a traditional dungeon. I lead him to the wall and proceeded to chain him to it. As I finished fastening the last of the restraints, he started to come out of the stupor that the potion had put him in while he was changing. He started to struggle demanding to know what was going on. I told him that he was mine now until I got tired of him and I would do what ever I wanted to do to him.

He said that he wouldn’t do anything that I wanted him to do. I told him that that didn’t matter; I would do what I wanted whether or not he cooperated. I then pulled a black silk handkerchief from my back pocket and proceeded to blindfold him with it. Then I went to a wall and took a paddle from it and came back over and gently ran it along his leg and then slapped it against his thigh.

He screamed loud and long and I laughed at him and said, “This is what you wanted and wanted to do to others. So I thought I would give it to you.” Then I smacked the paddle again against his other thigh and this time his scream was a mixture of pleasure and pain. The pain was that of long denied wants finally given in to and the pleasure was a pleasure of his own dreams being realized.

Then I retrieved a cat of nine tales from the wall and slowly ran it along the length of his body--starting at the base of his foot and slowly dragging it up the length of his leg and across his torso and then up the length of his arm to the tips of his fingers before bringing it down across his chest hard. He screamed in pleasure.

Then I started in on his beating. I beat the old life he had out and a new life created from dreams and desires into him. He lost and gained--he lost a life of wanting and dreaming and gained a life of fulfillment and hardness and a control of body and self. Then he gave in to the desire and we started to move into a sync that neither of us expected. Then it became not about beating the old out, but about the pleasure of the moment--the pain and pleasure mixed into a whole that was greater than the sum of its parts.

After the beating, during which I had lost the vest, we were both covered in sweat and our hair was damp with it. The energy of the moment now moved into sex and was fueled with the same pleasure pain that had happened during the whipping. It started with body worship with him still blindfolded by me, slowly running my hand over his naked, hard, and hairy body. Starting with the feet I took first one and then the other and caressed and fondled them tickling the soles and then slowly worked my way up his legs caressing the hair that covered them like a blanket.

Then I slowly made my way to his hard cock that was jutting out of his dense black pubic hair, but first I slowly sucked each of the golf ball sized eggs that hung in the hairy ball sack. I heard him moan as I slowly sucked each of the large orbs and tickled the hair of his balls with by tongue and beard. I then slowly stuck my tongue in the foreskin that was draped over the head of his cock. I sucked the precum out of his cock and then watched as the foreskin was pulled back by the growing erection he developed. I then slowly continued to suck on his hard cock and tickled his balls while my other hand played with is erect and hardened nipples that protruded beyond his chest hair. Then with a groan and a shout he started to cum and cum in torrents. He shot clear across the room and I heard it splatter against the far wall. He then hung limply from the chains holding him against the wall.

I got up off of my knees and walked to the door and opened it. I walked back down to the bar and saw that there were several more people there sitting at the tables and at the bar itself. Serving at the bar was a 6 ft tall bear-man and by that I mean someone who looked to be half man and half bear and the bear part was winning the struggle for dominance. What made him look even hotter than just being a bear-man was the fact that he was also dressed in leather which made him look like he had just walked in from a leather/biker bar. He looked up at me and said in a surprisingly deep voice that boomed out across the bar, “So you’re done with that special customer, huh?”

I replied, “Yeah, just finished him off. When he wakes, give him some clothes and send him on his way will you.”

The bear at the bar replied, “Yes sir, I’ll do that. You want me to let him drive or do you want me to arrange a ride?”

“He can drive; just walk him out to his bike will you?”

“Sure thing boss.”

“So anything happen while I was seeing to him?”

“No not really, just the usual customers,” he said as I walked up to the bar and told him to give me a beer.

If you liked this story drop me a line at


2 Gay Erotic Stories from Shadow bear

Elysian Fields, Part 1

Hi and welcome to the Elysian Fields; this is a bar of some unusual customers and workers. First off there is me, I’m the owner and head bar tender; my name is Derrick. I’m a 6’10” man with white hair and brilliant green eyes that seem to glow in the dark they shift in shade but are always some shade of green, and the pupils are slit like those of a cat. I’m extremely muscular and covered in

Elysian Fields, Part 2

By Shadow bear As the first customer ever to walk into the bar noticed me, I picked up a glass from the shelf under the bar top and began to clean it with a towel I found laying next to it. I did this more for aesthetic reasons than any real need to clean the glass. The kid that walked in looked to be about 18 or 19 not really old enough to be in a bar unless he came from somewhere were the

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