Gay Erotic Stories

Show Break

by Suitsmuscles

Show break

It was few after 7:30 PM when Francois Lefevre, the young, handsome, very masculine manager of the security staff at the Opera de Paris heard a knock at the door of his office.

Come in, please

Because of his job he carried on for several years now, Francois Lefevre was used to come across, along the huge XIXth century building lobbies and rooms, many male dancers wearing those thin, light tights or even just dance belts with what could be considered like very few modesty. Beautiful young, fit male bodies, sometimes more than half-naked… constant hugging, patting and brushing of the young boys who seemed to sensuously enjoy the intimacy induced by their job. One night, he discovered two kids wildly sucking each other in the showers. Francois didn’t think anything of it. He was straight as an arrow, happily married and had never questioned his own sexuality.

But the vision framed in his office door at the moment was something completely different. Stepping in the room, were Bob and Vince, the Flying Muscle Twins, whose new show “NN” (for Nearly Naked), was performed on the stage of the Opera de Paris. Tonight was the opening night, so their visit in the security staff department, barely an hour before the show, was quite unexpected, to say the least. The Twins were already “dressed up” for the show. That means that those two heavily muscled, all over smooth and suntanned Muscle Gods, whose incredibly handsome and sexy physique was in every magazine, sometimes in its integrity, were wearing… well, were wearing… something which, just in itself, left Francois Lefevre speechless.

Francois, standing up to welcome his visitors, was aware that he should be saying something, or at least, stop staring at those unbelievable male bodies, and even more at what barely concealed their impressive, heavy maleness. He knew it, but it was simply beyond his control. He couldn’t think of anything to say and, anyway, his mind just had to figure out what these… could they be called “thongs”?… exactly were, before he could focus on anything else.

Encased between their powerful, smooth thighs and their lower abs, each of the Twins had an absolutely minimal pouch made of multi-faceted crystal beads linked to each other by tiny metallic rings to create a kind of “material”, or whatever you want to call it. The gaps between the crystal beads, although minimal, were making obvious that the Twins were entirely smooth shaved. The jewel thongs were constantly capturing each and every ray of light in the room and the countless facets were endlessly refracting them, even in Francois’ dimly lit office. Under the stage spotlights, they will be glittering like diamonds, without any doubt. The pouches were held in place by some others of these small crystal beads, circling the Twins’ hips. Francois just didn’t want to imagine what the backside of these apparitions he couldn’t see for now, may look like… their splendid bubble butts entirely naked, with just a few more of these crystals beads disappearing into their ass crack. And nothing else. God… just these simple words had that weird effect on Francois: nothing else… the Twins were wearing nothing else. They were nude except for that. And that was making them even more nude than if they were naked. And…

It was Bob who first snapped out Francois Lefevre of his daydreaming.

Good evening, Mister Lefevre, Bob was saying, all smiles. We’ve been told that, as the manager of the security staff of the Opera de Paris, you’re in charge of the admittance of the audience and that is what we wanted to discuss with you.

Yes, and more precisely, we wanted to talk about the age of admittance to the performance for the audience… Vince said in his turn.

Sirs, as you know, in France, teenagers under the age of 18 cannot be allowed to … well…erotic… I mean… exotic shows… Francois stammered

You mean to performances including full nudity and live sex acts on stage?? The twins were trying to hide their amusement to Francois’s embarrassment.

Well, Sirs… anyway… I’ve been instructed that, exceptionally, you had required that young boys from the age of 18 could be allowed to the NN performance and I gave all necessary orders for that to the security guards and…

… and that is what we wanted to discuss with you.. Francois. Francois is your first name, isn’t it? Bob was coming closer to Francois Lefevre, now. So close that Francois could actually feel the heat radiating from Bob’s nearly naked body. And tried not to think about it.

Francois… Vince had come closer in his turn…we would like you to do us a favor. Would you mind… allow to the show… boys from the age of… let’s say… 16?

Sirs… Francois Lefevre was blushing with embarrassment…I… I just can’t… it…it is not possible and...

Francois… Bob was now touching Francois Lefevre’s bulging biceps through the sleeve of his uniform shirt… Francois, you are yourself a man into bodybuilding… a strong man, with desires and needs, and I’m sure you can understand that it is very important for us to… I mean to meet the broader range of audience possible in Paris.

Vince was now talking from so close to Francois that Francois could smell his fresh breath, see his white teeth…his tongue he was sensuously licking his pretty lips with when he was hesitating in the choice of his next words. Beside this… we need to get the feedback of those kids who will be the next generation of bodybuilders. Vince jewel pouch was nearly touching Francois Lefevre’s thigh.

Sirs, I…I really don’t know…

Bob was arching his back, making his chest bulge even more. His huge nipples, crowning insanely big breasts-like tits were fully erect, begging for some fingers, some lips to touch them. Vince had passed one arm around his brother’s shoulders and was absentmindedly touching the right nipple which was at his hand level. Francois, who had more and more troubles to look at his interlocutors in the eyes, distinctly felt that the bikini brief he was wearing underneath his uniform pants was becoming tighter and tighter every minute, but he was glad, at least, he didn’t wear one of his boxers, which would have create that inappropriate tent effect.

Well Sirs, yes... I… that’s fine, boys from 18... I… I will give the necessary orders.

Thank you very much Francois. We really appreciate this. Oh… and just one more thing… if one of them look particularly good to you, would you please be kind enough to… offer him a pass to access the wings during the show break?

The twins were already leaving, very satisfied of their interview with the young manager of the security staff. Francois Lefevre was now treated with a full view of the back side of these Muscle Gods. It was worth than all he had feared of. Or maybe better than all he had dreamed of in some secret wet dreams. These guys had no shame, no inhibition, no modesty. Fuck. What a pair of butts.

8:30 PM. Francois Lefevre was now standing at the feet of the grand stair case of the Opera de Paris, under the brightly lit, huge chandeliers, surrounded by all the multi-colored marbles, statues and paintings of the large hall. The security staff had just started to admit people in and Francois was checking the whole process. The reason why the Flying Muscle Twins had chose that huge, gorgeous but very conventional in the classic opera-style concert hall from the Second Empire was not conventional, as for it. The Twins, who had a particular interest in such kitschy, all red and gold environments anyway, had all the chairs removed from the countless loggias of the Opera de Paris, and replaced by… king size beds covered with lots of cushions, turning each of them into small bedrooms with a nice view on the stage of course. Despite the incredibly expensive rates those loggias had been sold at, all of them were fully booked. Their fans had paid small fortunes for the pleasure to watch their idols perform while enjoying some nice company in the loggia. A more modest audience will take place right behind the orchestra, where the usual chairs were still there, waiting.

The crowd of curious and onlookers gathering around the Opera was dense. It was a sight to be seen that all those guys arriving Place de l’Opera and making their entrance in the pompous concert hall, after they had climbed the steps leading to the doors. They were coming from every side, by every possible way: limos, luxury private cars, but also taxis or rollers for the youngest, or simply by feet. The twins, along with their requirement about the new set of the concert hall for the NN performance, had set a “Clothing minimal/extreme” dress code for the audience, so the men and boys entering the Opera were dressed or undressed in every possible or impossible … extreme way. The most remarked arrival, though, may have been the one, among all the white limos, of a huge black and chrome Harley-Davidson motorbike. The two hunky bikers, other than their black boots, gloves and shiny helmets, were clad in just leather riveted codpieces. They had parked the monster bike right in front of the Opera and, after taking off their helmets, they stood there for a while, straddling the mechanic beast and enjoying the attention they got from the crowd around them. When they finally dismounted the motorbike, they did it in a perfectly synchronized manner, both in the same time, like glued to each other and with exactly the same motion, in a very elegant way, like dancers in a ballet. It suddenly became evident to the crowd around them that the passenger of the bike on the rear seat had his dick buried deep down in the ass of the driver. The two bikers had been fucking the whole way on the motorbike, while driving in the Paris evening traffic. Among the Ooohhh… and Wow… they gracefully disengaged from each other and, half-naked, headed toward the entrance of the building.

The audience was slowly filling up the magnificent hall, strutting along a monumental double stair case which was more used to evening gowns and tuxedos than to what it was witnessing tonight. The only unchanged thing was that strutting around and showing off was what all this was about, anyway, as well in the Second Empire as tonight.

From the foot of the stair case where he was standing, Francois Lefevre had already seen, passing bye under his amused eyes, guys in various extreme, or minimal, or sometimes extreme and minimal attires. There was the usual batch of Tarzans, fit guys clad in just a leopard loin cloth… the beach wear lovers … all tight Speedos and flashy colored swimsuits in display… the gym rats… from muscle wannabees to real international competition level bodybuilders … the boldest of them in g-strings of all cuts and colours, casually flexing their muscles and posing for the audience while climbing up the red carpeted grand staircase… the teen-agers… they were the most extreme in the choice of their outfits… gold lame thongs, lace pants, transparent veil shirts, incredible hairstyle and make-up… the look and arrogance of models… minimally clad leather men… fantasy gladiators… sexy Poseidons… cute cherubs… men and boys of various ages, but all fit and sexy.

The bulk of them was very nice looking and extremely sexy. The FMT’s fans were definitely emulating their idols and it was pleasant to see. Francois Lefevre was carefully checking the dense crowd entering the concert hall. He hadn’t forget that unexpected feeling in his crotch while standing next to the FMT and, for some reason, conscious or unconscious, he was eager to satisfy their request, even if he was aware of the risks about his career. To allow just barely 18 year old kids to an erotic – Francois didn’t allow himself to use the word “pornographic” let alone “obscene” – performance was a risky business, indeed. Nothing he had saw so far seemed to satisfy his quest. They were nice but… Also, there was the fact that the very young ones, the object of Francois Lefevre’s attention on request of the Twins, were flocking together has a gang most of the time, making his task uneasy.

Then, suddenly, he took a glance of him.

The boy, despite he looked like an angel, was cute as Hell. Very young. Probably barely 18. Possibly underage. Damned security guards: sometimes, they do their job just too well. He was blond, with curled, shoulder length silky hair. Despite his young age, he had a very nice built, and a muscular frame. He certainly was into various sports, already. Entirely smooth, his flawless skin had a slight all over tan with no tan lines. He was the “all tits and ass” style. His little bubble butt was perfectly round, with a firm but soft look, and was seductively bouncing when he walked. His thighs seem to be strong for his age, so do his arms and shoulders. Ideally matching his pretty butt, the boy has a stunning pair of round, full boy tits he was proudly sporting, puffing his chest a bit. Long legs, thin waist, promisingly broad shoulders, the ideally proportioned boy was aimed to become a splendid specimen of the male human race in a few years. For now, he was the cutest of kids. If Francois Lefevre could tell about such details from where he stood, it is just because the boy was virtually naked. Not completely naked, though. His costume, if one could call it a costume, was the boy’s pride, actually, as he had made it himself in purpose to attend his idols’ performance.

Very cleverly, the boy had sprayed with golden painting a little sea shell he had pasted inside one of those leather cockrings with metallic clips to adjust them. Despite its small size, the golden shell contained perfectly his little privates and, held in place with the inner cockring, it left the boy naked other than that, with not even the straps of an ordinary thong or anything. To compliment the all gold look of his skin, blond hair and little golden thong-shell, the boy was wearing some glittering golden dust in his hair and golden lipstick on his putty, sensuous lips. His whole look was of a barocco cupid. He was just lovely.

As if to help Francois Lefevre in his difficult choice, right at that same moment, while he was nearly upstairs, the little angel-boy accidentally dropped his entrance ticket. When he bent down to pick it up, as he was at a higher level than him, Francois had briefly been treated with a full view of his open ass crack and, Francois would have swear it, of his little dark pink, tight ass hole. Shit. Right there in the middle of the hall of the Opera de Paris. By some weird mind connection, the boy had perceived Francois’ stares and, once he had picked up his ticket, he glanced at him above his shoulder. Then, briefly making contact with the uniformed hunk, he seductively brushed his cute little bubble butt while resuming his walk.

Francois Lefevre quickly made a sign to one of the security guards whose job was to dispatch the audience according to the location of their seat. Obviously, the kid had purchased one of the cheapest tickets, at the lower level, behind the orchestra. There, he will be lost in the crowd and Francois will never be able to find him again. The security guard quickly understood and directed the boy to one of the first row loggias where some room were still available on the king size bed replacing the chairs. The kid had a puzzled look on his face, glanced again at Francois and followed the goon who eased him into the red velvet loggia.

9:45 PM. Francois Lefevre checked his clock watch. 15 minutes more and the first part of the FMT will end. It will be show break. It was time, now. Heading to the loggia he had directed the angel-kid one hour ago, he bumped into the goon he had instructed to stand still. The big brute had a stupid grin on his face while stroking his erect member through his pants.

Boss… is he cute! You’re going to have a good time with him, for sure. That little fuckable butt and…

Stop that, you nut. He is not for me.

Trying to ignore the doubtful look of the security guard’s face, Francois Lefevre entered the loggia. After a brief moment he used both to get used to the darkness and to regain his composure, he spotted the blond little angel, embraced with another twink on the large bed. Barely older than him, the other boy had long brown hair tied in a pony tail going down to the small of his back and was very good looking, too. Without missing a beat of their idols’ performance, the two boys were enjoying each other on the bed, caressing and kissing each other. The boy with the long pony tail had his mid-finger buried in the ass hole of the blond little angel, who obviously enjoyed it and was giggling and moving his hips, begging for more. For some reason, the word “lesbians” came to Francois’ mind, along with that feeling of tightness in his crotch, again. Damned. Those boys were cute like two chicks in a bed. A straight guy’s fantasy. He was getting harder and harder every minute. Francois’ entrance had remained unnoticed, so the blond kid jumped with surprise when Francois caught him by one shoulder.

Hey, you…

Oh, Sir… I’m sorry Sir, but… everyone is doing it here, tonight… and… oh I’m sorry Sir, please, please…

That’s okay, come on. Listen. Would like to meet the Twins in, let’s say… a short time?

Oh, are you serious, Sir…? Really? Oh yes, yes, yes… I can’t believe it, Oh shit…

Okay. Fine. Come along.

With that, to the great disappointment of his partner, the hunky Francois Lefevre took the angel boy out of the bed the way one catch a kitten and dragged him out of the loggia.

The kid was over excited. Francois held him by the hand, walking along the promenoir of the Opera. Trying to match Francois’ pace, the kid was struggling. It was a sight to see, that big, masculine uniformed guy dragging by the hand the prettiest boy ever, his naked cute ass bouncing to the rhythm of his hurried walk. Passing bye the long bar in the Salon des Glaciers, Francois Lefevre brutally stopped and, snapping his fingers to the barman, grabbed a flute of Dom Perignon he held to the boy.


The look of the barman at this nearly naked cute kid with Francois brought to the latest mind the words “Ruined reputation”. He will never be able to explain.

Francois took advantage he was sipping his glass of champagne to have a closer look to the kid. He wasn’t cute. He was a perfection.

What’s your name, Kid?

Ricky, Sir.

Ricky, a naìve look on his angel face, was forming a O with his sensuous, boyish lips on the edge of the champagne flute. Lowering it, he licked his shiny lips, keeping his mouth slightly open. Visions of enormous cock heads forcing this cute orifice, of warm juice dripping from this chin rushed to Francois Lefevre’s mind. He immediately did his best to erase them. The best way for that was probably not to check the rest of the boy. Francois briefly wondered how such a small sea shell could contain entirely the boy manliness, but it did. How it was held in place, Francois preferred not to try to figure it out. While Francois was nervously standing up, the boy was sited on one of the high stools in front of the bar, in a very casual pose, a foot on the top of the stool, the other one dangling, his little smooth pink ass hole shamelessly displayed. Francois was thinking about the boy with the pony tail and wondered how it would feel to lick his own thick mid finger and to insert it in the kid’s anus. To slid it back and forth. To finger fuck him. Right here, right now, in front of anybody’s eyes. To make him moan with pleasure.

Impatiently, he took the half empty glass flute from Ricky’s hands, placed it on the bar and, under the sarcastic looks of the barman, resumed his fast walk along the corridors of the Opera, still dragging the kid by the hand.

His knock at the Twins door getting no reply, Francois Lefevre entered the room, Ricky at his side. The FMT had just come back to their private changing room after that first part of the show. They were still wearing one of the numerous outfits they had on during the show, glittering flashy blue-green thongs, covered with matching sequins. Except that Vince’s was pulled down under his enormous, smooth balls because his hard dick was disappearing till the root into Bob’s mouth.

Oh…! Ricky said.

Errr… Sirs? Francois said With a loud slurping noise, Vince pulled out his huge erect member from his brother’s mouth. The monster cock stood still, pulsating and throbbing, dripping .

Hello again, Francois… Bob said, standing up with a perfect natural. With the back of his hand, he quickly swept out some saliva mixed up with precum he had on the chin. And you are…?

Good evening, Sir. His name is Ricky and he is… well, I thought that… you…

You did well, Francois. You did perfectly well and we are very grateful to you for introducing us to Ricky. Hello Ricky…! Bob and Vince’s eyes were insanely shining while they were scanning the cute boy with his tiny golden sea shell.

Ricky, who was experiencing the time of his life, replied with a shy Hello…! in his turn

Well, Sirs…I’m going to leave you, now. I do hope I’ve been helpful to you with… that, and…

No, no…not at all, Francois. We definitely want you to stay. One never know. This young man may be dangerous, or armed…! Bob said, with a wink to Francois, ignoring his brother who tried not to burst laughing. Have a seat, Francois and let’s get to know each other better. Come over here Ricky, will you… My God, you are just… perfect. You look like a golden cupid.

Fuck… Francois Lefevre worried just for himself, in his armchair. I have the same tastes than these fags.

Ricky blushed a bit and approached Bob. They were soon joined by Vince, the muscular Twins framing the little boy’s silhouette, creating a weird but nice and exciting contrast. The boy barely reached the two brothers belly button level.

I hadn’t realized they were that tall and heavily muscled, thought Francois Lefevre, probably because he was tall himself and not slouch in the muscle department

Vince, first, with just one finger, slightly brushed one of the nipples of the kid, making him shiver instantly. He then cupped the pretty little tits in his hands, marvelling at their softness and their firmness. They felt very good and warm in his large hand and Ricky seemed to enjoy the touch very much, too. An all tits and ass boy. And Vince was a tits man. Vince was now gently sliding his index between the little golden shell and the groin of the kid, caressing his soft, firm belly with the back of his hand. How does this hold in place, Ricky…? Vince said softly in Ricky’s ear? We’re always interested in new, innovative concepts for stage outfits, and you seem to be very good at that, Ricky!

Ricky explained everything about his clever invention. Bob, then, knelt down at Ricky’s crotch level. Let me help you with that, Ricky…Cleverly, very gently, Bob removed the golden sea shell from Ricky’s crotch. Both men gasped, including Francois Lefevre who was watching the whole scene from a distance. The boy had a pretty, totally hairless little sex package, a pair of smooth balls and a small boy cock which was rapidly stiffening under Bob’s manipulation. He was damn cute.

Standing up, Bob circled the boy’s waist with his two large hands, and effortlessly lifted up Ricky at his face level. You are a very, very pretty boy, Ricky. How many years old are you, …?

I’m 19, Sir.

You are a very, very pretty liar, Ricky… Vince said, from behind Ricky’s back. He was now facing his brother.

Okay, Sir. I’m 18, 2 days and a half.

Are you sure, Ricky?

Well… I’m 18, Sir, Ricky admitted.

The three men gasped a bit, again. Francois Lefevre thought about leaving, while he still could, but something was forcing him to stay. And watch. And enjoy.

Still holding Ricky in front of his face, Bob suddenly brought him to his mouth and swallowed the entire boy’s sex package, his stiff cock and balls disappearing in Bob’s hungry mouth, his lips tightly stuck on Ricky’s groin. Bob was twirling his tong all around the boy’s package, expertly caressing his little sensitive cock head, licking the smooth balls, bathing the whole small equipment with his warm saliva. He was now gyrating his face, putting Ricky into new sensations, sucking him even more tightly. The way Ricky was giggling was speaking volumes about how much he was enjoying the treatment..

Vince, coming closer from behind, applied each of his strong hands on Ricky’s glutes and, spreading them a bit, started to lick the pretty smooth crack, teasing the little hole with the tip of his thick tongue. Shortly, he was burying it entirely into the ass lips, sending the boy to the edge of ecstasy.

Ricky was loudly moaning. Bob and Vince were making nothing but obscene slurping noises and Francois Lefevre was shifting from one side of his armchair to the other one, constantly folding and unfolding his legs, trying to find a position which could ease a bit his erection.

Finally, after a while, Bob lowered the kid. Wow, Ricky… you’re gooooooood! Francois, I can tell you Ricky is good. We’re in debt with you for that! Ricky, as you are a real sexy outfit aficionado, what do you think of our stage blue sequined posers?

Oh Sir… they’re nice, they’re very… hot! Ricky stammered, his knees still weak of what he had just experienced.

Yes, they are, indeed… and they are easier to remove that your nice, sexy little golden sea shell, Ricky. Would you give it a try? Vince and I would be very grateful to you for that…

Ricky knelt down in his turn in front of his idols. They were obscenely hung, their enormous organs tenting the stretchy, tiny, glittering posers to impossible limits. A large spot of precum was soaking the sequined material of both posers, getting larger and larger every minute. The fabric was so thin, so tight fitting that, despite the sequins, the huge cock heads were clearly outlined through it. Ricky could even see the piss slid, gaping. With application, he pulled down the thread thin straps of posers from the muscle twins, one after the other one, struggling a bit along their powerful thighs and sliding them more easily along the smooth calves. When he stood up again, he was rewarded by a close view of the two most beautiful monster dicks he ever saw, even if he hadn’t seen a lot, yet. The two big heads came close to each other, so close they actually touched each other. They were now rubbing against each other, mixing up their precum which was profusely oozing out. Instinctively, Ricky took both the two engorged monsters in his two small hands and start licking them, sipping the sticky juice. He was in Heaven. He was a cupid in Heaven. He even managed to take the two big helmets in his mouth and while Bob and Vince were French kissing, Francois Lefevre, in a stupor, watched his fantasy of boy oral rape becoming true under his disbelieving eyes. The O Ricky’s putty lips had shaped on the edge of the glass flute was now stretched at his maximum to accept the two cock heads, the bubbling warm male juice mixed with the boy saliva was dripping from the chin and Francois was in a daze.

After a while, very gently, panting a bit, Bob said: Ricky, you were born a cock sucker and we could enjoy your sweet lips and tongue job for hours. I can’t wait for the day you’ll be able to swallow our big tools till the back of your throat. But, for now, we have to go back on stage before long for the second part of the show. So… I hope you will forgive us, you little blond angel, if we … climb up to Heaven… right now!

Vince spitting in his hand, spread the saliva on his dick head, mixing it up with the abundant precum and, in his turn, took Ricky by the waist from behind. Effortlessly, he lifted him up in the air and, aiming his pulsating member to Ricky’s little pink ass hole, he started to penetrate him. Ricky experienced pain at first. The dick was bigger than his own arm. But eventually, with the mix of saliva and precum, and because he really wanted to get Vince into him, the pain subsided a bit and the boy felt his ass muscles to relax and, slowly, little by little, to accept Vince’s member. Inch by inch, deeper and deeper, the horse dick was entering the little ass hole. Ricky, at last, felt the big, smooth balls of his fucker underneath his own.

That was it. He had it all in him. It felt good. It was sheer pleasure, now. Vince was still holding the boy up in the air, his feet dangling above the floor. He started to move the kid’s body back and forth, making the kid’s ass lips slid all along his dick at his own pace. The well lubricated anus felt good along Vince member, now and Ricky seemed to enjoy the ride, as well. Vince humped the boy that way, from behind for a while. Then, holding the kid by the waist, he plugged him deep down, pressing him again his torso, sending Ricky to new heights of ecstasy. Arching his back, he finally hold up the boy that way, with just the strength of his hard, powerful cock. No hands. Striking a double biceps pose while humping the boy with steady motions of his hips, shaking him like a rag doll, he brought himself nearly to climax that way. Vince was close, now. And Ricky was delirious. The difference between the size of their two frames was obscene.

How do you feel, Kid? How does it feel? Do you like it… do you like to be fucked like that??

Yeah, oh yeah… it… it fills me up… nicely!

Then, abruptly, Vince pulled out his cock from Ricky’s gaping ass hole and still holding the kid, he headed toward Bob who was waiting in the same position Vince has had, standing up on his spread out, slightly bent legs, his back arched. Vince was still holding the boy from behind and, presenting him to his brother, he impaled him himself on Bob’s hard dick, the boy facing his new fucker this time.

Ricky was delirious. His legs wrapped around Bob’s waist, his arms around his neck, he hadn’t even touched the floor in between the two fucking sessions he was put through. He had experienced countless, almost non stop orgasms and his little stiff boy cock was constantly dripping. It had been incredible to be relentlessly fucked from behind by Vince the way he did, but now, Ricky was really enjoying facing his fucker. His little hands pressed on the insanely bulging pecs of Bob; the kid was sucking the thick tongue his fucker had stuck out, eagerly drinking his saliva. His ass muscles were easily accepting the huge member, now and Bob’s sometimes frantic motion inside him felt nothing but highly pleasurable.

Glancing above Ricky’s shoulder, Bob winked at Francois Lefevre who, in his armchair, had untied his tie and was sweating profusely. I’m telling it to you, Francois… this kid has the best muscle boy pussy ever! Tight and wet and warm and smooth…

Sliding from behind between his own torso and Bob’s, Ricky felt the two strong hands of Vince cupping his little round boy breasts. That was good. Vince was right behind him, again. Do you like it when I touch your pretty little boy tits the way I do, Ricky? Do you like it when I pinch your nipples…like that?? Bob’s fingers were bigger that the small tits of the boy.

Mmmm…mmmm was all the reply Vince got, as Ricky had his mouth fill up with Bob’s tongue, again.

Vince, from behind, came closer to the boy’s back, circling it and his brother’s waist at the same time. He slightly bent his legs, bringing his hips at his brother’s level, right under the boy’s butt. Francois Lefevre, who was staring intensely the scene, at first, couldn’t believe it. And, at first, Ricky couldn’t believe it, either. Only the FMT knew.

Helping himself with gyrating motions of his hips, slowly finding his way, Vince put his huge cock in line with his brother’s, at the boy’s ass hole entrance. They were to both fuck the kid in the same time.

No, please… Ricky said when he realized what was about to happen.

Yes, Ricky… Bob and Vince whispered softly into the boy’s ear. Nothing could have stop their lust and sex drive, now.

And it happened. Their cocks pressed against each other, very slowly, little by little, stretching the boy’s anus to impossible extend, and they fucked him. The FMT had their dicks so tightly encased in the muscle pussy of the young boy, the feeling was so intense, they were so close, now, and Ricky was about to pass out, nearly crying…it was time to go back on stage for the second part of the show…they had to cum.. now… now… NOW!

There was no way Ricky’s ass could contain the gallons of hot cum the twins endlessly spurted in it. It was flowing back along their dicks, drenching their groins. And when they finally pulled out their softening cocks from Ricky’s ass, it was gaping so much it released part of their load, again.

The FMT had just enough time left to quickly shower and pull out their outfits for the next act, posers made of a gossamer flesh tone veil which left nothing to the imagination and created a blow minding nude effect when they had them on. There was a knock at the door:

FMT… second part of the show in 3 minutes…!!


Ricky was fast asleep now, exhausted. Vince gently took him in his arms, lifted him up and placed him in Francois Lefevre arms, in the armchair he hadn’t left, yet. Ricky was still sleeping.

Coming out of the room, Bob said softly to Francois:

When he will be awake, please tell him he is engaged as an apprentice!

Francois Lefevre, the handsome, straight, hunky manager of the security staff of the Opera de Paris, stayed there for a while, with Ricky fast asleep, cuddled in his arms. He didn’t really now what to do. The boy was warm and limp, deeply sleeping. He had on him the smell of the Twins cum and his hair was a mess. Finally, Ricky came out briefly of his sleep and, feeling that warm, male close contact, assumed it was one of the Twins he was in the arms of. Not bothering to open his eyes, he just spread out his thighs and, slightly touching his sore ass lips, whispered

Hmmm… Please… fuck me again!

Francois Lefevre unbuckled his belt.


5 Gay Erotic Stories from Suitsmuscles

Joey Gets Examined

JOEY GETS EXAMINED by Stefan Part One: THE PASSION FOR PECS Joey admitted it: for the past year he had let his bodybuilding almost totally consume his life - and it had paid off. At eighteen, he was one of the youngest guys in his gym and also one of the best built. He had weight-trained since he was 13 years old and the past year had seen him make incredible muscle gains, particularly

Show Break

Show break It was few after 7:30 PM when Francois Lefevre, the young, handsome, very masculine manager of the security staff at the Opera de Paris heard a knock at the door of his office. Come in, please Because of his job he carried on for several years now, Francois Lefevre was used to come across, along the huge XIXth century building lobbies and rooms, many male dancers wearing those

Show Break (the sequel)

Show break : the sequel (sort of) The following is, in fact, just scattered snapshots of this “New attitude” world the action of “Show break” and “The Flying Muscle Twins” (published in the "exhibitionism" section of MOTN Erotic Stories) was set into. A world where trapeze circus acts are performed near-naked by horny hunks at the Opera de Paris, to the greatest delight of the audience

SuperSex Bowl

Deep down in the basement of the huge, oversized Chicago All Male Olympic Stadium, Mike Taylor was nervously walking in circles in the lockers for more than an hour now. Mike had at the moment, at least, two problems, each of them as big as the All Male Olympic Stadium itself. As the official MC of the 2005 SuperSex Bowl, the major American Football event of the year, it was an understatement

The Flying Muscle Twins Are Back

The Flying Muscle Twins are back ! (I met them…) Three years after their first acclaimed world tour, the Flying Muscle Twins are back in Paris. None of the readers of Muscle Exhib Mag who attended that show has forgotten their incredible performance on the Parisian stage. Three years ago, Paris was the last stop of a tour called “Muscles X-posed”. Viewed world wide by hundreds of thousands of


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