Gay Erotic Stories

Jeff The Fuckin' Hunk, Part 1

by Sexyartist

He... came into the ‘exclusive’ furniture store, where I was working as a designer/salesman! HE...was wearing a baseball cap (the right way…not turned around ) a loose sport shirt, shorts and very expensive 'boat shoes' without socks.

HE...was with his wife, a lovely and charming brunette and his exquisitely beautiful, blond nine year old daughter. I greeted them and led them to our collection of furniture which had a great selection of ' office desks and bookcases' in which they were interested.

This new ‘Home Office’ was a special present to "Jeff" for their new home. Betty, his wife was excited and was busy looking all over the place. I noticed that Christina, their daughter was wandering away on her own. I turned to guide her back with us but Jeff was like a panther, springing into action to take care of his 'cub'! I was surprised that it was he and not she who was so protecting, parental.

Jeff hugged Christina and gently chided her for not staying with us. I assured him that I had been ' watching’ out for her. He was half leaning over his daughter when he lifted his head to acknowledge my remark.. He smiled and said, in a very mellow baritone, "Thank you." His eyes met mine and, I have to confess, I became a little rattled. His eyes were beautiful! So clear and pale blue! He exuded a very masculine virility that it caused me to have excited stirrings deep within me!

He then stood up tall and turned around and walked back toward his wife, Betty. I followed close behind him. He was about one to two inches taller than I. I am exactly six feet and 178 lbs. He had a well developed athletic physique; very broad shoulders and a thick muscular back. He was wearing shorts and I could see that he also had strong muscular calves and thighs.

But as my eyes took in his physique they were drawn down to his big muscular... ASS! As he walked in front of me, I could see those haunches flex as he took each step. My eyes traveled up and down his whole back, like an elevator gone berserk, and I realized that I was getting sexually aroused by this rugged looking... hunk!

I spent about 45 minutes with them, helping with their choices and closing the sale. I found that I could no longer look into Jeff's eyes. He made me nervous because I was finding him more and more attractive. His voice...his handsome face...his comfortable and masculine demeanor. There I was... trying to deal with his lovely wife, his delightful daughter and...HIM ! . It wasn't an 'easy' experience!

According to his credit application he was 42. He had a rugged 'Germanic' look. His face was chiseled, sort of like a young Paul Newman, but his full sensuous lips made him appear younger than his age. We finished the transactions, and they left, just as the store was closing. They were very happy with their selection and thanked me profusely for my attention to them.

On the drive home, I couldn't stop thinking about how sexually aroused I was by Jeff! The more I thought about him, the harder my cock became. When I got home, I masturbated with visions of his eyes...his muscular back ....and his thick hard butt, dancing erotically in my mind! When I finally shot my load, it was one of the strongest ejaculations that I have ever had!

These feelings for Jeff were totally unrealistic! Clearly, nothing could, or would, ever come from this. He was married to a beautiful woman, he has this delightful little girl and his palpable masculinity clearly labeled him... as 'straight' as they come!

I really couldn't understand why I had this extreme reaction to Jeff? As I said, he was very 'physically' attractive but he was more than that! I really believe that he could have been short, fat and bald and I would have still felt the same way! It was really a puzzlement to me!

About four weeks later, their furniture was delivered and they called me to tell me there was a “small problem” with the desk. I made an appointment to come to their home the next day to take care of the problem. The next morning, as I was driving to their home, I was aware of being very nervous at the prospect of seeing Jeff again.

Betty met me at the door and warmly welcomed me into their home. She showed me around their new two-story home and said that she wanted my help with the decor for the rest of her house. I was happy and flattered by her good opinion of my work. From the look of what she had already done with the home, she was, clearly, very talented herself.

I had been there about thirty minutes when Jeff came home with Christina. He extended his muscular right arm and firmly shook my hand as he led me into his home office to see the source of his problem. He was almost apologetic about having a problem to show me. He was very proud of his new furniture. As it turned out it was something very minor that I had no trouble in correcting. He was very happy and grateful that I could so easily take care of his problem,

We did some small talk about his love of airplanes and his service in the Air Force. Again, I had a lot of trouble, trying not to look him in the eyes. I say a lot of trouble because his eyes were so damn pretty that you wanted to look into them. But that was the danger for me! I believe, what they say, is true ..."the Eyes are the windows into the soul!" I just wasn't ready for Jeff to look into my "windows' and see just how much 'lust' that was in the room behind them!

Betty made an appointment with me to come to the home again the following Monday to take measurements in order for me to render a 'Design Proposal' for their... family room. When I arrived, mid-morning, it was Jeff who greeted me at the door. He was, again, wearing cut-offs and a sleeveless undershirt. I already knew that he had those muscular 'forearms', (like a carpenter, who had done one hellava lot of hand sawing ) but, now I could see that he had 'biceps' like a body builder...and also a 'thick hard chest' like a body builder.

He told me that Betty had a little emergency to attend to but to go ahead without her and to do "my thing"! I said that there was no problem; that I would just take my measurements and then get out of his hair (which was light brown with a buzz cut, minimizing the fact that he was balding. But, on him, it was very sexy...that is to me! Hell...everything about HIM was sexy... to me!).

I pulled out my laser tape and started the process of gathering accurate measurements. Accuracy in measuring is the keystone of creating a good, functional design plan. He asked if I he could help me with the tape but, I assured him that I was ok and to not let me bother him. I was standing, with my back to him, measuring one of the windows, when I felt him right behind me, barely touching me with his body.

He said to me, in a almost whisper, "But... you... do... bother me, Paul!"

I started to turn around and face him but, he wrapped his big arms around my waist and pulled up against him. I didn't need ESP to recognize that his dick was hard and that he was deliberately pressing it into my backside. I started to protest and say, "What are...!"

He stopped me with a...."Shhhhh! Shhhhhh! Relax Paul! I just don't believe in playing games with people. I'm telling you... straight out...I want to fuck you! And, if I have read your eyes correctly, I think that you want to have sex with me!"

While he was shocking the shit out me with this bold declaration, he had lowered his hand to grab my, now throbbing, hard dick. With his big hand squeezing my dick, all I could think to say was, "Well, if you weren't sure certainly know it now!"

With that statement, he turned me to around to face him. He put both hands on my arms and looked intensely into my eyes and said, "I don't know what it is about you Paul but, I recognized that there is this very strong sexual chemistry between us! I've known it since that first night I met you. I don't usually have sex with guys but, I have this intense…magnetic...attraction to you!" As he kept massage my bulging hardon he asked, very simply, "Paul, do you want this to happen?"

All I could do, like a deer caught in the headlights of car, was to dumbly nod my head in an affirmative...yes...yes…oh fuck yes!

Then, he leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine. The feel of the stubble of his unshaven face and the smell of his cologne was intoxicating. As I said before, his lips were full and soft. He forced his way into my mouth with his tongue. I sucked on his tongue, while my hands found their way to his hard...firm ass.

The feel of his lips...his tongue swishing around in my hands actually kneading his butt cheeks was all too much! My knees actually buckled and I started to fall. Jeff held me tightly and kept me from dropping to the floor!

Again, he whispered, “Shhhhh! Shhhh! You are alright! You’re going to be fine! I can handle all this just fine. Trust me." Then he opened his mouth and covered my mouth with his and once again explored every inch of my mouth with his tongue. I could feel the precum oozing from my cock! My cock was harder than I have ever felt it.

A flash of reality, suddenly, hit me and I said, “Wait! What about Betty? What about...”

Again, he shushed me and said, “Paul, this isn't about Betty! This is about you and me! I told you that I can handle this. It's this fucking moment that I care about! I want this to happen with you. Tell me again that you want this to happen... too!"

I responded by pressing my mouth to his and thrusting my tongue as deeply into his throat as I could. I hungrily searched the depths of his mouth with my tongue...the top and sides of his mouth ...over his teeth...and passionately fencing with his tongue. I was transported into another dimension of reality. It was a dimension of sexuality that I never dreamed was even possible! My entire body was tingling with electricity that literally caused me to tremble. I could feel the same vibrations from Jeff. We had both left this dimension of reality and were now in a dimension that only exists in... exotic science fiction novels!

Jeff took my hand and said, "Come on." He led us upstairs to the guest bedroom. Once inside, he stood in front of me and started removing his clothes. He took off the sleeveless undershirt which caused me to have to catch me breath as my eyes feasted on his beautiful sculptured chest. Then he unbuttoned his cut-offs and just let them drop to the floor. I felt like I was going to drop to the floor too, when I saw his fully erect cock. It was long but it was so amazingly thick with a really big purplelish helmet head.

As he was standing there, a long shimmering thread of pre-cum was dripping from his dick! I was just standing there, stupefied, as he came over to unbutton and remove my shirt. I started to unbuckle my belt but, Jeff moved my hands away and did it himself.

He said again, "Let me handle this(and then he added).. BABY!" The fact that he called me 'Baby' sent shock waves through me. The very idea that this hunk of a man was calling me...'Baby ' , insinuating that I belonged to him, was so personal and intimate that it was almost too much for me to handle! I really didn't know how I could be so fucking hot, sexually, without literally bursting into flames!

Jeff, undid my belt...undid the button...then unzipped my fly and let the pants fall to the floor. He did all of this with his eyes closed, because he had his mouth over mine, literally fucking it with his tongue.

After my pants fell to the floor, he put his hands on my shoulders and gently had me sit on the edge of the bed. He knelt down and removed my shoes. Then he got my pants off and reached for my briefs and pulled them down, He made a little whistle sound as he revealed my swollen and leaking cock.

I can honestly say that I was in a trance! This was all happening too fast! It seemed unreal. Here I was sitting, naked, on the edge of the bed and Jeff was standing, naked, in front of me. He placed one hand on the back of my head and pulled me into his belly and with the other hand he held his dick, which he then rubbed back and forth over my face. He was leaking so much pre cum that I could feel the slick, slimy snail trails all over my face. I desperately want him to just shove his dick into my mouth and down my throat! I tried to get my mouth on it but Jeff stopped me and told me to lie down on the bed and to move over so he could lie next to me.

I don't want to over analyze but, can you possibly imagine how overwhelming all of this was for me? Here was 'JEFF', the guy that I masturbated over, who was standing in front of me, rubbing his big dick all over my face! Now, he was lying, naked beside me...on a a HIS HOUSE!!!

My mind briefly acknowledged that he had a beautiful wife, named Betty and also, the fact that I didn't know if she would just bust in at any moment! I fleetingly imagined what would happen if she did catch us like this. (Oh...and by the way, did I mention that I also am married and have four children?) I could imagine the scandal...losing my job....losing my family! But, you know what? I just didn't care! All that mattered was that I was lying, naked, against the sexiest man that I had ever known and that he now had his big strong arms around ME! He had said that... "I do bother him" and that he wanted..."to fuck me!”

We were lying, spoon fashion, with his hot and hard dick wedged into my ass crack, while he was kissing my neck and shoulders, saying softly...

"Paul, baby, I am so glad this is happening! I’ve jacked off a hundred times thinking of us... being like this!"

I couldn't help thinking..."There is a God! He not only takes care of our needs but also, on occasion, He takes care of our...wants!"

Jeff turned over and sat with his back propped up against the headboard of the bed. His dick was red and very hard. The sight of him with his hard, muscular body and his cock standing like a majestic flag pole was overwhelming!

He said, "Paul...suck my cock. I want it in your mouth."

The moment that I had dreamed about was here! I rolled over onto my belly and took his dick into my hand. I hovered over it for a moment, and then used my tongue to lick up the long stream of pre cum that was oozing down his shaft. He shuddered and moaned out loud..."Oh fuck!" as my tongue touched and licked his long hard shaft. The musky, man smell of his cock and balls filled my nostrils making me, legally, drunk with pure, unadulterated... LUST!

I opened my mouth as wide as I could and leaned into his cock, letting my lips slide onto the big head of his cock. I can't begin to describe the 'unworldly' sensation of tasting his pre cum and feeling the heat and hardness of his dick head, in my mouth! Here, at last, was this beautiful sexy man, that had been the object of my most secret sexual fantasies, and I was getting ready to suck his cock!

I was, deliberately, slow as I pushed down onto his incredibly hard member. Slowly, ever so slowly, I slid my lips down…down onto his dick until I had it at the back of my throat. Jeff was making low guttural moans of sheer ecstasy! When I had his dick at the back of my throat, I wanted more...more...more so I relaxed my throat and pushed down harder and Jeff's big, fat headed, cock slipped down into my throat! I don't know which of us was moaning the loudest! I could have never imagined the intimacy feeling of having the cock of the man you lusted for, buried deep inside your throat. I was amazed that I didn't have a gag reflex! And what else amazed me was, that as good as it felt having Jeff's dick going down my throat, it felt just as fantastic as I pulled off of it. I could feel the head of his dick massaging my throat as it passed out of my throat and into my mouth, where I tasted and feasted on a large amount of his pre cum!

Jeff, groaned, "Ooohh BABY!" as he grabbed my arms and pulled me up to his mouth. He pushed his tongue into my open mouth and we exchanged his pre cum (mixed with my saliva) into each other’s mouths!!! My own cock was leaking onto Jeff's belly and formed a little pool in his belly button. He reached down and with two fingers...he scooped it up…and into his mouth! He then shared it with me, in one hotter, passionate kiss!

I kept saying over and over, "Oh Jeff...I am so happy! This is so incredible being with you like this!

Jeff squeezed me very hard and said, “Me too, too…baby!” He then asked me, "Have you ever been fucked before?”

I told him, "No, that I have never been fucked but, I long to have you shove that big dick of yours up my butt and to fill me with a big load of your cum!”

He then gently patted me on my ass and said, "Come on, let me show you how we are going to do it!" He had me lay on my back, while saying, "Ordinarily, since it's your first time being fucked, and I have such a thick dick, it would be easier for you if, I would be on my back and have YOU sit on my cock and take it up your ass at your own pace! But, Paul...I want us to be...face-to-face; I want to see your face as I take your cherry and I want... you to see all the lust that I have for you! I'll take it very slow and I'll be very gentle with you...okay?"

At that point, he could have told me that he was going to shove a baseball bat, studded with nails, up my ass... but since it was "JEFF" hunky.. Jeff, I moaned. " O...fuckin'...K!"

He rubbed his big leaking cock in my ass crack and let it ooze into my ass sphincter. I was wild with anticipation! My heart was beating like jungle drums! I had never felt this sexually excited in all of my sexual experiences! Jeff began pressing into my rectum with a steady slow pressure. This was so exciting! I didn't know if it would hurt or not but I did know that I wanted it...all of it buried to the hilt in my ass hole!

Jeff's eyes were half-lidded as he stared into my eyes. His mouth was loosely opened and a string of saliva was flowing from the corner of his lips. The drops of saliva fell onto my lips and I hungrily sucked them into my mouth! I could feel the full girth of Jeff's fat cock as he steadily pushed into my ass. I couldn't decide whether this delirious feeling in me was from the physical sensation of his dick in my ass or whether it was just the fact that is was Jeff...the man who was doing me!

Jeff leaned in to kiss me. He pushed his tongue into my mouth as he buried the rest of his cock in my ass. His tongue in my mouth muffled my moans. He was now, fully buried in my ass. He stopped pushing and he started flexing his cock inside me. It sent me into spasms of ecstasy. He began to pull out and I raised my hips to keep him inside me. He started to push in again and I was on fire with lust and ecstasy!!!

Jeff kept moaning and saying to me, "Oh's so good! I knew it would be with you! Having my dick in your warm, wet ass is making me crazy!” At that point, I flexed my ass sphincter, grabbing Jeff's thick cock as tightly as I could. The expression on his face...of surprise and supreme ecstasy... was almost enough to make me cum right then.

Jeff eyes rolled up in his head, his mouth was partly open, he shuddered , gave one last push into me and gasped, "Ooooooooooohhh Ffffuuucccckkkkkkk!

I could feel each spasm of his dick and I used my sphincter muscle to help me milk him dry! His big muscular body just collapsed on top of me, knocking my breath away. He lay gasping for breath for a couple of minutes then started kissing me wildly! He sounded almost delirious as he kept saying over and over, "Paul...I love you! I love having my dick in your sweet ass! Oh baby...I want you...I want you so much!"

Then, to my total surprise, he quickly pulled himself up and then squatted over my rock hard dick. He took my dick in his hand and positioned it at his rectum and them, unceremoniously, pushed down onto my cock! My dick slip into to his ass like a diver at an Olympic swimming event. It was an incredible feeling as his ass chute enveloped my cock, like a warm velvet glove. Jeff was bouncing up and down on my dick and was making grunting... growling...moaning sounds!

I could feel that I was getting ready to explode! It was so intense that I didn't think I could stand it. There was no fucking way to stop it! Then... there is was... One...Two...Three... Four...Five...almost painful eruptions... full up into Jeff's sexy ass. Each eruption was so forceful and violent that I was sure that my hot lava load must have ended up in Jeff's large intestine or even his stomach! I really thought that I was going to black out... but, I could hear myself, making low, guttural, animal like whimpering sounds. I hadn't died, after all! But, I sure as hell had gone to heaven!

To be continued:

Hey guys... I would be grateful for your 'opinions and suggestions about my story!


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Sexyartist

Jeff The Fuckin' Hunk, Part 1

He... came into the ‘exclusive’ furniture store, where I was working as a designer/salesman! HE...was wearing a baseball cap (the right way…not turned around ) a loose sport shirt, shorts and very expensive 'boat shoes' without socks. HE...was with his wife, a lovely and charming brunette and his exquisitely beautiful, blond nine year old daughter. I greeted them and led them to our

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