Gay Erotic Stories

Trip Poker

by Everlys

2004 everlys

Sometime after braces but before junior prom, summers in my hometown had gone from dull to tedious, but the one following my first year away at university bordered on abject misery. I only come home because I’d promised dad my help in his sports shop. It wasn’t that Haddon was so miserable as small towns go. It was only a few miles out Leyden Highway to the mountains and there were at least a dozen lakes within an hour’s drive. Not a bad place to grow up at all, but after a taste of the city, it felt like nowhere. On weekends I did some cycling on the local trails, but mostly I got my fix from the web as I counted down days to September.

I missed my freshman year roommate, Kris. Right from the start, we’d just clicked, always off clubbing or camping or skulking museums… spent as much time on road trips as we did at school. We were also both communications majors—shared three of five classes. By finals, we’d become nearly inseparable, so when he called to tell me money problems were forcing him to spend fall semester at his dad’s, I felt winded. He’d only be two miles down the road, but it just wasn’t the same moving back into the dorms without him.

Nightmare roommate scenarios looped through my head as I unpacked, but when the RA told me there wouldn’t be a replacement for three weeks, I promptly invited Kris over to crash til the new guy showed, Ford somebody. We ùberpartied the first week back, tracking down friends and hitting the local pubs, then savored the cannabis haze that would have to end before long. Soon we were back in our old routine… breakfast by 9, classes from 10 to 4, workout ‘til 6, and dinner. The study schedule still wasn’t heavy, so if we weren’t hanging crashing a party, we usually just lit up and cranked tunes or watched movies.

We were lounging after dinner one night, passing a joint and vegging to an old Tribe Called Quest cd as we sorted through spring break photos from freshman year. At one point, I got up to grab two more beers from the fridge. Just as I walked around the corner of the bed, the door opens and this marine walks in. I mean, he looked like a marine, you know, jarhead, square jaw. He was nearly 6’, impressively broad shoulders and a solid serious build. He wore a sleeveless grey t-shirt, faded army fatigues and combat boots. A grey bomber jacket and beat up Orioles cap hung from a massive olive green duffel bag slung over his left shoulder.

It was dark except for the lava lamp, so it took him a second to see us before he started apologizing. “Awwh, sorry dude…” He was trying to see his room assignment in the dark. “They musta screwed up. I’ll just—”

“Nah… It’s all good, man.” I stuck out my hand. “Jamie.”

He grinned. “Ford.” Solid grip. Good sign. Weak handshakes tend to mean weak personalities.

I nodded over my shoulder. “Cmon in. Yo, Kris… meet your replacement.”

They shook hands, and I explained the deal with Kris. About halfway through, the pot suddenly occurred to me. For a split second, I had this flash of him in uniform delivering an updated Reefer Madness lecture early some Sunday morning, but it quickly dissolved when he dropped his gear, raised a pint and drew hard on the spliff. His eyes closed as he leaned back against the bed. “Been far too long, man… far too long…”

Ford was 24. I was right. He had been a marine, left home in Louisiana for Parris Island after high school graduation. He’d just finished a six year tour in the corps and was in school on government grants and a wrestling scholarship. Eventually we’d grow to appreciate his bayou culture heritage, but the mystique of the corps eclipsed everything at that moment—Where were you stationed? Were you in combat? Did you fire a tank? Did you kill anybody? Impressionable is still a fair assessment of anyone under 21, but Ford wasn’t at all bothered by our naìve curiosity. In his charming bayou drawl, he answered all our ridiculous questions with admirable patience. All the new roommate anxiety disappeared when I saw how well we’d all get along.

We’d been talking for over an hour when the beer ran out. Kris wanted to drop by a friend’s party across campus, so while Ford unpacked and showered, I volunteered to go for another 12-pack. As we left the dorm, Kris was grinning, said he thought Ford seemed solid, a good mate, a looker even. At the time, I was thinking, sure, more female attention… not that we’d ever had problems getting laid but, kinda buzzed, I just nodded… didn’t really give it a thought.

Ford was still in the shower when I returned. I popped a beer, changed the cd and dug out a pack of cards. I was absently shuffling a deck when he came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped loosely at his waist. Still dripping, he walked to the mirror, dropped his clothes in a heap and pulled the towel off to finish drying. He moved with the contented confidence one usually gains only from life experience.

I had two older brothers and we’d all played sports in high school—soccer, lacrosse, basketball, baseball—so I’d seen plenty of guys naked, but Ford had one of those bodies every guy envied and every girl dreamed of. And after four or five or… well, as stoned as I was by then, distraction came easy. He seemed too occupied toweling off to notice my THC induced stare, anyway…

Basic training had certainly enhanced his condition, but it was clear Ford had always had an extraordinary natural physique. His build was broad and muscular, thick like you’d expect in a wrestler—not an ectomorph, but none of that excessive bulk you see on linebackers line backers, either. He had a masculine amount of hair on his legs, but his torso was otherwise smooth, making his definition even more striking. His pierced nipples were small and dark, protruding from his nicely defined pecs which tensed and relaxed as he dried his rippled stomach. Another small ring hung from his navel.

His pale complexion also made his work stand out. ‘USMC’ and a corps insignia were inked in black and dark blue across his right bicep and a tribal design cascaded down the forearm below it. A dragon snaked across his left bicep. The word ‘zoe’—for a favorite cousin who’d died in childhood—was positioned prominently over his right pectoral. A square foot of flawless pale skin between his shoulder blades was covered with yet another, more elaborate work in progress and his assorted smaller tattoos only made him more physically impressive.

I was too stoned to notice, but my gaze kept returning to his uncircumcised slab of Cajun dick… maybe 4” soft, but nearly the size of a coke can. Besides Kris’, it was the first I’d ever seen one up close on a grown man. In my limited gym class and public pool experience, guys from small town America were virtually all circumcised. Kris was uncut—he’s Brazilian—but he had a lot more foreskin than Ford. I’d seen Kris’ in the lockerroom, of course, and when we went camping, but I’d never given it more than a quick glance. Ford’s was different. It never completely covered his dick. It was strangely mesmerizing, and I kept examining it from different angles—

I suddenly realized he was grinning and waving his hand at me. “Wake up, stoner.” His blue eyes sparkled when he chuckled. I could feel my face burning as I grabbed a deck of cards from the table and began shuffling with exaggerated concentration. If he’d felt uncomfortable with my stares, it didn’t show as turned back to the closet, arranging clothes as he pulled them from the duffel bag.

“Sorry,” I muttered. “What’d you say?”

“I said, do you and Kris work out? I’ve heard the gym in the field house is one of the best in the state.”

“Yeah,” I nodded. “We always say we'll go every day, but it usually ends up being every other. It is a great gym, though. You're welcome to join us."

Ford reached for a t-shirt. "Sure I’m not intruding?" he asked with a strange smile.

"Course not," I answered, missing the humor. "Anyway, you could probably teach us a few things." That immediately sounded strange to me and I felt the blood rush back to my face, but he still registered no perceptible reaction.

"Thanks," he grinned, adjusting his baseball cap on backwards and turning to observe himself in the mirror once again. "The legacy of the corps—” he chuckled, smacking his hard belly. “Buff body, atrophied brain,,,”

He suddenly noticed the cards, pointing. “…and some mean poker moves. You game?” I smiled. My dad had spent a lot of time teaching me to play a respectable hand of cards.

"You deal,” I said, stifling a smile. He pulled a chair up to the table and dealt the first hand. "What's your game?"

"Five card stud. Ladies wild." He eyed me over his hand. "Ante up." He reached for his wallet and pulled out some bills, tossing a dollar in the kitty.

We played for about an hour, staying more or less even. Maybe it was the pot, maybe the beer—either I suddenly became a novice again or he was hustling me. Within ten minutes, he cleaned out my last forty bucks. “I’m out," I announced. "Spot me?"

"Spot you? I just met you," he teased. "What else ya got?"

"Whadya want?" I joked back.

"Your baseball cap," he answered. I thought, ok, I'll win it back eventually, anyway.

But I didn't. He pulled the kitty toward him and replaced his cap with mine on his head. "Now what?" I asked. He grinned, eyeing my t-shirt.

"Shit," I laughed. "You serious? What is this? Strip poker?"

"Why not?" He was still grinning, but his accent was thicker and his voice was suddenly huskier, more serious. "You ain’t got nothin else, tiger."

I eyed him carefully for a moment. "Alright, motherfucker. You're on—but from now on, you're playing for clothes, too."

He feigned shock. "But I only got my shorts and t-shirt."

"And my hat," I added. "Sauce for the goose…"

He grinned, and then nodded. "Agreed. your deal."

He got my shirt the next round and seemed to get great pleasure seeing me pull it off. I got it back—plus my cap and his shirt—but lost it all again immediately, followed by my pants. He didn't bother putting his shirt back on when he won it back, but tossed it in the pile with mine. As we played, the air in the room seemed to grow muskier and a certain tension began to build, like the game was really about making me lose all my clothes. No way, I thought, he's a fucking marine. This isn’t happening, but my discomfort shot into the red when I suddenly brushed my hand against the hardon growing in my crotch. What the fuck…?

The moment of truth came as I sat in my shorts, playing the last hand as if in slow motion. I kept stealing glances at him to see if he was watching me. When he called and laid down his cards, my eyes landed on his crotch again. Still growing. Seems so obvious now, but at the time I was thoroughly confused by the pot and Ford’s peculiar behavior—nothing seemed quite real. Was he actually coming on to me?

I was about to find out. I lost my shorts with the last hand. Thankfully, the beer had prevented my cock from filling out its full 8”, but it wasn’t exactly asleep, either. I tossed him the shorts, attempting to cover myself when I sat down by leaning forward. When he pressed them to his nose and took a deep breath, my jaw dropped open. But he jus winked. "Ahh… the sweet smell of victory," he chuckled. "Your deal, Tarzan."

I dealt the hand in a daze, telling myself to concentrate because I had no more clothes to lose. "Seven card stud. Nothing wild." He glanced at his hand and a broad smile crossed his face.

“I’m good," he announced. Fuck, another winner. I’d dealt myself the only shit hand and took four cards to try to save it. No luck. Three sixes, a king and a ten. I tossed them on the table.

"Shit, boy. Your luck just ran out. Straight, ace high." He spread his hand over my cards, still grinning. He was just too damn pleased with himself.

"Now what?" I chewed nervously on my lip. He leaned back, stretched and closed his eyes as though in thought. My eyes were drawn downward again… still growing, as well. The leg of his shorts barely contained the bulge and a damp spot had appeared in the cloth—no explanation needed. At that moment, he opened his eyes and looked directly at me.

"Well, seeing's how you got no clothes left to give, you gonna have to give me something else. Being the gentleman I am, I’m willing to let you make me an offer. Whadya say?"

An offer? Now what? This was worse than him demanding something. I mean, whatever I did could be interpreted as—

I couldn’t think, not wanting to believe it, but felt strangely curious at the same time. I just sat there, staring at his chest, avoiding his eyes, avoiding his crotch. That’s when I caught my breath as I realized my dick had become completely hard, standing straight up between us. I quickly leaned forward in an attempt to hide it.

"There ya go,” he said suddenly. “Something to give."

"What?" I asked.

"Stand up," he ordered. "Up on the chair, hands behind your back."

Fuck… how embarrassing. But at least I was following his directions; he couldn't claim I’d started anything myself. I rose unsteadily, climbed up on the chair and slowly pulled my hands away from my crotch. My dick bounced in front of me, still not fully hard, but achieving critical mass.

Ford leaned back in the chair, spreading his legs as he looked at me with satisfaction. “I hate it when people tell me to relax, but it's the only way to really enjoy life." His voice was quieter now, more sincere. "From what I gather, you've probably never had a guy tell you you're hot, huh?" Damn. He didn't wait for an answer, but slid his hand to the crotch of his shorts, grabbing a now solid outline along his left leg. "Ya know, I had a couple of buddies in the corps. We used to play strip poker together, usually when we were horny. Always took care of the problem, too." He stood up and stepped around the table. “I don't want you to do anything you don't wanna do, but…" He eyed my hard cock. "Your dick seems to… yeah?"

I didn't move—couldn't move; couldn't speak. Caught in his powerful gaze, I strained to breathe. I’d never have thought I could get turned on by another guy. He stepped closer and I could feel hot breath on the head of my pulsing dick. “I was always good at this game. I remember the first time we played, my buddy Angel lost.” His voice was deep now, husky, barely audible. “He was standing there buck naked on a chair in front of me and Davey, just like you are. Hard as a rock... just like you are.” The sensitive skin of my dick felt each word as he spoke. “I was still in my jock, but Davey was bare ass, too, and—"

Just then the door opened and Kris walked in. Actually, stumbled would be more accurate. He was obviously buzzed because he was in and the door was closed before he even noticed us. "Yo, Jamie. Forgot my keys..." he mumbled, his voice trailing off as he focused on us.

I’d jumped off the chair to stand behind Ford when the door had opened and Ford had turned to face him, seemingly unfazed. He smiled at Kris. "Strike out?"

"Say wha...?" Kris said slowly, then, beginning to comprehend the scene. "Sorry, man. didn't mean to interrupt." But he didn't make a move to leave, either. I thought he was waiting for an explanation, but he just leaned back against the wall. His spoke softly. "Mind if I stay?" This was too much. What the fuck is up? Hasn’t he clued in to what's going on here? Fuck—I don't even know what's going on here.

Ford turned to me. "You mind?" Turning back at this point seemed more difficult than just letting them continue and, not even knowing what the hell was happening, I certainly didn’t want to be making any decisions. Besides, this was his game. Slowly, I shook my head. Ford smiled and motioned Kris into the room.

“I was just telling Jamie about the first time my buddies Angel and Davey and I played strip poker."

"Oh yeah?" Kris said, moving across the room. "Who lost?" he grinned.

Ford laughed. "Not me." He gestured for me to sit. "See, Davey was sitting here bareass…" He pointed to me as I sat. "and I was sitting here in my jock…” He lowered himself into a chair “…and Angel..." He looked at Kris… "…Angel was standing up on the other chair." He paused, looking into Kris’ eyes. "Naked."

I looked at Kris. He was staring intently at Ford. His eyes narrowed as he considered the scene for a moment. Then, as if in slow motion, eyes still fixed on Ford, he gently pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it over the chair. He kicked off his shoes, pulled off his socks and dropped his Birdwells. What the fuck? I couldn't believe it. Here was my best friend standing in front of me with a huge hardon tenting his faded boxers. He stepped up on the chair and, redirecting his gaze to me, slowly slid them down and off.

I can honestly say that, before that moment, it had never occurred to me to think of him that way. To me, Kris had always just been the person I cared so deeply for, the one whose loyalty and acceptance were solid, deep. Now he stood before me, vulnerable to my judgment, visibly anxious to know we were ok. It was one of those moments of clarity that instantly expand to fill the time and space, when the universe is complete and true. For the first time, I saw Kris not just as my mate, but as a man… a devastatingly beautiful, passionate, powerfully sensuous man. A rush of keen arousal charged through my body—my blood felt like lava and my eyes watered. In my gaze he saw it all, and his eyes glistened and his whole being relaxed, releasing the moment and pulling me back into reality.

I took a deep breath and pinched my eyes for a second. When I opened them again, I was looking at Kris with… desire. Intense, mouth watering lust. I drank in his body, from the sheen of his jet black hair to his thick succulent lips, the supple fullness of his nipples, dark against flawless caramel latte skin… From his broad shoulders and the curves of his chest to the sensuous lines of his belly and sculpted thighs, the graceful symmetry of his body was perfection to me… an unforgettable image. And he was so hard his foreskin was pulled taut along his thick shaft as it bobbed with his pulse, its slight curve pointing it horizontally from his body right at me. A pearl of precum caught the light as it oozed from the shiny glans. I felt my tongue wet my lips…

“Wanna see the rest?”

Mere seconds had elapsed, but even though Ford’s voice was husky with sex, my whole body tensed at the sound and I had to take a deep breath to manage the electricity in the room. Kris’ musk filled my lungs and trapped my own voice in my throat, but Ford saw the hunger in my eyes when I nodded.

In our moment, we’d exchanged the assurance we needed to allow Ford to control the situation. Whatever my newfound passion for Kris, I still preferred not to follow their apparently more experienced lead. I had my hands full as a spectator just then.

Kris was ready, though. His whole body showed it, fully attentive to Ford’s direction in body and spirit. "Then what?" he breathed.

Ford ran his tongue lazily across his lower lip and his Cajun drawl seemed more pronounced. "Well then… seein’s how I won, he had to do what I told him… just like you’re gonna do." He glanced over at me. "Wanna see the rest?" I barely moved my head to nod—I wasn’t even sure what he meant—but it was all the encouragement Kris needed.

He flashed a brilliant smile over his shoulder as turned to face the door. He arched his back to thrust his round muscled bubble butt toward us. Placing his feet as wide as he could without losing balance, he reached back to cup each cheek, spreading his ass with long thick fingers as he bent forward. He gripped his butt hard enough to draw the color from his fingertips, exposing the trembling ring of muscle around his hole.

I don’t know what I had expected, but as the discomfort of watching Kris willing present himself in so shamelessly lewd a position was initially disorienting, all the more so for his surrender not so much to me, but to a virtual stranger, prompting an instinctive reaction to cover him, to protect his dignity from such a humiliation in front of Ford. But in the same breath, his act of physical and sexual submission triggered an overwhelming flood of carnal craving. I was guilty of worse lustful degradation than I’d reacted to in Ford.

Ultimately, nature prevailed—good thing… I had a hardon that wasn’t going to go down for a lifetime. Every time I looked at Kris, heard his voice, inhaled his scent, even thought his name, that desire would be there. There was no way to ignore it or rationalize it away even if I’d wished it so—I didn’t—so whatever I’d have to deal with to be with Kris, well, it seemed pretty fucking insignificant in light of what I felt for him.

However long it’s taken to tell you, believe me, it flashed through my head in seconds. By the time Kris twisted his head to see me over his shoulder; I was his Forget wading in slowly. We’d gone off the deep end… or maybe into it… I knew Ford was supposed to be giving the orders, but the sight of Kris’ big smooth round ass and tender hole was making me fucking jumpy.

"Yeah?" I prompted Ford, eager to get things moving along. He chuckled at my impatience, but the way he was tugging at his own crotch, I figured he was needing some attention, as well.

He took a step closer to Kris. "Then I asked Angel if he'd ever had his ass eaten." Kris nodded.

Wow… never told me. Didn’t think we had any secrets. Come to think of it, he’s always complaining about the girls he dates being dull in bed—oooh… think I’m beginning to get this picture… His strange behaviour was beginning to make sense.

“So I asked him if he'd liked it…" Kris nodded again. "…and he said he did. Then I asked him if he'd had anything besides a tongue up his ass…" This time Kris turned to look at me, then slowly nodded again. I think my jaw was kinda hanging by this point, but I guess I could understand maybe why he hadn’t told me yet. Still…

Ford abandoned his story to hear Kris’. "Yeah? So c’mon… tell us what you had up your ass, boy…"

There was a moment of quiet as Kris searched my eyes for a clue to my reaction, then looked back to Ford with a shy grin. "One of the biggest cocks I’ve ever seen. Ever." He almost sounded a little devious, even proud.

If I hadn’t been so crazy horny by then, I’d have registered more shock. I remember thinking, …so much for me getting his cherry… but however fucking bizarre it all was, it didn’t mean shit if somebody didn’t start connecting with somebody real goddamn quick.

Ford grinned. "Woof! You gonna tell us about it?" he asked.

Kris turned back around, tugging his foreskin back and forth and smearing precum over the head of his dick. “It was early summer, when I was coming up here to campus to use the gym. I usually worked out alone unless Luke was working.” He gave me a nod. “You know?… tall guy who works at the gym?… used to be on the volleyball team?” Say what? Luke’s a cocksucker, too? Fuck…

“So his partner’s gone for the summer, and you’re gone, so we start workin’ out together, maybe three, four nights a week. So like the second time, he’s working the late shift, so we’re the last ones there. After we finish, I hit the treadmill for twenty, then head for the showers and he goes to close the office and lock up. So I finish, literally just walking toward the showers when he comes in and asks if I want a whirlpool. I was so beat—no way was I turning that shit down."

“So I climb in and I’m so beat, I sorta drift off. But somethin’ makes me look up. I open my eyes and here’s Luke, comin’ in, in a towel and he’s laughing at me, asks if I’m gonna crash there. Then he climbs in with me. I lean back again, close my eyes… I’m thinkin’ about our workout and thinkin’, ya know, it’s better when you’ve got somebody pushin’ you, ya know…”

They’re standing a few feet apart as Kris obediently tells Ford the story, stoking the sexual tension as we all work our cocks. I’m standing just behind Ford, mostly watching Kris as he talks. He was trying to avoid addressing me, even looking at me, unless directed to, and as I observed them, I began to really get a feel for the dominant/submissive dynamic they were working and it was making me hot. Literally… by this point, the sweat was starting to bead across my forehead and trickle down my back.

“So I’m thinkin’ about Jamie, ya know, how we have such great workout ‘cuz we really know each other and know just how to push each other, but still, Luke’s good. For only being our second night, he’d pushed me harder than I’d expected—it’s why I was so beat. And I’m thinkin’, yeah, well he should know… he’s trained and worked in gyms for ten years… and he looks like it—all fuckin buff like he is… you’ll see, man. You’ll meet him.”

He paused for a second, probably visualizing how that meeting was going to turn out… as did I.

“So I don’t know if it’s just being so tired or the whirlpool or not getting laid or what the hell, but I realize I’m getting a woody. So I look up at the clock, ‘cuz I know we gotta go soon and I’m not keen on whackin’ him with my dick climbin’ out, ya know. The whole situation was making me a little nervous—I never really thought about anything like that before. So I’m tryin’ to concentrate on something else when I feel his hand, sliding up my thigh ‘til I feel his fingers on my dick under the water. His touch was so light at first… it took a few seconds to be sure it was happening. I just fuckin’ froze, ya know. I’m thinkin’, what the fuck?… but I’m also thinkin’—” Kris shrugged, palms up. “…I ain’t been laid since the fifth of never and, hey, if this is what turns his crank, maybe…?”

Ford finally released his meat. Kris paused as both of us look down as the thick cock he’d been working bounced free in front of him. Licking his lips, Kris continued.

“I couldn't move and I guess Luke took that as an ok to keep going. He started jacking me off and running his hands over my chest, pinching my nipples, teasing my balls… even slid his hand underneath to play with my ass. Then he lifted me up above the water and started sucking my dick."

Ford had been standing right in front of Kris, eyes glued to his cock as he worked it slowly back and forth. At this point, he leaned forward and licked the head, glancing up for Kris’s reaction. Kris sighed and pressed his hand down against the base, forcing it to stand straight out, rigid, pointing directly at Ford's mouth. Ford lunged at it, taking it all the way to the base, his lips mashed against Kris’s fingers as he hungrily swirled his tongue around it. Kris moaned as Ford found his rhythm, his legs spread for balance as he devotedly bathed the brown shaft.

Kris turned to me, eyes half closed in pleasure, looking first into my eyes, then down at my crotch. I’d totally succumbed to the sensory overload, working my hardon vigorously. He watched me with something approaching starvation behind his eyes. Ford had his mouth full and I wanted to hear the rest, every fucking detail.

"Then what?" I breathed roughly.

“It was incredible, dude. No fuckin’ girl ever sucked my dick like that. And he seemed to know when I was getting close, cause he’d stop and yank my balls down hard to keep me from cumming." Ford continued his expert blowjob as he pushed his own shorts down and kicked them off, spreading his legs even wider. I could finally see his massive cock as he manipulated the ample foreskin over its dripping head.

Kris was gasping, struggling to continue. "Finally he pulled me up so I was sitting on the tile and he pushed my legs up, held them up in the air. Then he shoved his face right into my asshole.” Ford gave a lusty grunt and shook his head like a dog with a bone in his mouth. “No one ever licked me there before. I fuckin’ lost it, man… feeling his tongue sliding all up around in my hole, making it open and close and making my dick jump like crazy… What a fucking rush, man. Guess he couldn't resist any longer, either, cause after a minute or two, he stood up, worked his dick a bit and started pressing it against those muscles he'd been loosening up.”

He looked over at me, which made me realize my mouth was hanging open as I fisted my cock. I licked my lips. “I knew what he was going to do, but I had to sit up and watch cause I don't think I’d have believed it if I hadn't actually seen him do it. His cock was so fuckin’ huge… I didn't think he'd ever be able to get it in me… but the fucker knew exactly what he was doing. He slid that monster all the way into my ass—one smooth, slow drive, all the way home."

Ford was still sucking like a madman, but he’d started reaching back between his legs to play with his own ass. I gotta say, even after listening to Kris tell me about getting fucked, it still shocked me—I mean, Ford was a marine, for chrissakes.

Spreading his legs even further, Ford placing his right leg up on the chair between Kris’s legs so he could really work himself good. I was standing only a step away now, absorbing the whole scene with complete awe. Kris saw my fascination with Ford and his ass. He reached down and touched my arm, the first either of them had touched me so far. I jumped as if I’d been hit by a live wire. He smiled, then pulled my hand to his face, kissed it, and put my fingers in his mouth. After they were dripping with his gooey spit, he moved them down behind him, to his ass, and placed them in his crack.

It was hot and silky smooth and sent shivers up my spine when I touched his hole. He looked in my eyes again as he spoke.

“I loved the way it felt, opening up my ass." He pressed the back of my hand encouragingly. I massaged his hole, feeling the muscle tighten, then relax, allowing my finger in, then tightening again, relaxing again. I had to let go of my own dick to keep from shooting right then… couldn’t believe I could be so turned on by a guy—by Kris, no less.

Kris kept staring at me, caressing my face with his beautiful hands, running his thick tanned fingers over my lips and into my mouth. Before long, I had three fingers up Kris’s butt as he down, hungry for more.

None of this escaped Ford’s attention. Suddenly, he pulled off Kris’s dick and stepped back, making my fingers pop out of Kris’ ass. He was breathing heavily as he wiped sweat from his forehead. Kris wasn’t ready for it all to stop. "Fuck… I need more of that, dude."

Ford shrugged. "Then get your ass on the bed," he commanded.

Kris stepped down and lay back on the bed behind him, legs spread as he yanked his beautiful uncut prick in front of us. Ford turned to me. "He said he liked a tongue up his ass. Whatcha waitin’ for, boy?"

He maneuvered me in between Kris’s upraised legs. I hesitated. Everything was such a rush. I couldn’t believe I’d gone this far… and now I was gonna bury my face in a guy’s ass? Sure, it was Kris, and I was discovering how much he turned me on, but mainly I was thankful to be as stoned as I was.

Kneeling, I studied Kris’ pucker up close, smelling him like a dog smells its food. It smelled good enough to make my dick jump. Then, leaning forward, I hesitantly licked his glistening hole. I don’t know what I was expecting—something nasty, probably—but I fuckin’ loved it.

From the moment my tongue touched that velvet pucker and he let out a passionate moan, I was hooked. The mingled smell of soap from the gym and Kris’ sexy musk was intoxicating on the tender flesh. I kissed it, licked across it, planted my lips around it, prodded it with my tongue, then burrowed in and sucked out… I’d never tasted anything so masculine, so intoxicating.

Suddenly my legs jerked. In one smooth gulp, Ford had swallowed my own cock from head to bottom, clamping his lips firmly around the base and swirling his tongue around the sensitive shaft. As I regained my balance, I lost myself in Kris’s hole. I’d slide up to his balls and eventually went up to swallow his dick a few times, chewing on his silky foreskin, but always returning to that magnificent feast below.

Finally, Ford pulled me back. At some point, he'd managed lube my dick. There it was, pointing at that tight hot ditch, Kris’s knees wide against his chest and a pleading look in his eyes. He wanted me so bad he was whimpering, tears squeezing out of the corners of his eyes. God, I felt such power.

"What do you want?" I whispered tersely.

Barely audible, his mouth moved. “I want you in me, Jamie. I want your cock hard up my ass. Fuck me, Jamie, please, deep and hard as you can." His desire was clear. I didn't need another invitation.

The head of my dick slid in slightly and I could feel him relax his muscles to let me in further. When he did, I buried my cock in one smooth, slow motion thrust. We both froze, afraid we'd shoot right there. I leaned forward to look into his wet green eyes. "Motherfucker. Why didn't you tell me before?"

He smiled softly. “Just hadn't found the right moment… but I couldn't have kept it from you. After Luke, I knew how horny I was for you, but I needed the right moment." I glanced down and grinned. "Yeah… how's this?" he grunted, wrapping his powerful thighs around my torso and pulling me tighter.

Unbelievable. "Perfect, man. So perfect." I leaned forward, our lips and tongues intertwining in deep, searching embrace. The intensity continued to build as I slowly pulled out to the tip of my dick before thrusting all the way in again, forcing a heavy groan from deep in his gut. I fucked faster, then slower, leaning back to be able to watch my cock disappear into his gut as he sensuously worked his thick tool, pressing it against my belly. His ass tightened around me, fusing us together into fiery mass of pounding fury, slowly building until we could feel it rising between us.

Suddenly, Kris’s entire body went rigid, his cock swelling, then erupting in an arc over his head, splashing across the wall and trailing down across his glistening, brown skin. I slammed my dick into him, spewing white hot jizz deep in his gut, collapsing on top of him as the climax subsided. We clung tightly to each other's heat, savoring the fire and the rush.

We'd completely forgotten Ford and his laugh brought us out of our trance. "Christ! I hope you saved a bit of energy, ‘cause we ain't through."

"Ah, fuck," I moaned. “I’m wiped." I shuddered as I slid slowly out of Kris and lifted my head.

Ford was digging in his duffel bag. "You can take a breather, but the fat lady ain't sang yet," he said, pulling out a massive rubberized penis. It was the first dildo I’d ever seen except in a sex shop. It had to be over a foot long and nearly as big around as my forearm.

"Meet Johnny," he said proudly. "Johnny keeps me company when there ain’t no poker buddies to poke, so I figure it's only fair to invite him along when I do get to play." He squirted some lube into my palm and handed me the dildo. "My turn," he smirked. He climbed onto the bed above Kris on his hands and knees, pressing Kris’s legs up ‘til his feet touched the wall, then looking at me over his shoulder. "C'mon. Get in there and loosen me up for Johnny."

I moved around behind him and began massaging his asshole with the lube. I was amazed at how much he was able to open up, quickly sucking four fingers easily into his hole. Kris was working Ford's fat, stiff tool from the front, rubbing it against his own freshly fucked ass. My man was insatiable.

Ford reached over and grabbed the lube, instructing Kris to slick up his dick. When it was properly greased, Ford prodded Kris’ asshole teasingly. Slowly, he opened him up again—Ford's cock was shorter than mine, but fat. Kris was panting and grunting with desire. They were sweating like mad. He took a full minute to push it all the way in, just teasing Kris ‘til he was moaning like a bitch in heat. Then, with his cock securely lodged in Kris’ hole, Ford looked back over his shoulder at me again.

"Alright, roomie, slide that Johnny monster up my butt."

I positioned the dildo at his ass, gently pushing forward, but Ford was impatient. Lurching back, he sucked the head of the huge toy just inside his hole. “Aaaahh, fuck…” he grunted. Grinding slowly backwards, he firmly took the rest, inch by agonizing inch, til the rubber balls pressed against his ass lips.

He settled into a rocking motion, plowing steadily into Kris’s ass, then impaling himself on the dildo as he withdrew. It was so hot, watching him plow my best friend's ass as he maneuvered along the length of the dildo.

Ford began to tremble, and then started bucking and bitching. "Fuck me with that boy. Rip me open, man. Oh yeah… harder…" I grabbed his muscular ass, tense with effort as he fought to take ever more of the huge tool into him. Sweat was pouring off his contorted face as he maneuvered between Kris’s ass and his toy.

He paused, looking over his shoulder at his reflection in the mirror. Grinning, he winked at me. "Damn, I’m good!" He began working to and fro again, faster and faster. Kris was being pummelled underneath, the euphoria evident on his face. When I reached down and shoved two fingers up his ass along side Ford's cock, he gasped and yelled "Oh fuck! Oh fuck!"

Ford froze and yanked my fingers out. "Not yet, boy. He's gotta stay hard for my ass."

Kris seemed perpetually hard anyway, but Ford eased out of him and I eased Johnny out of Ford. He slapped grease onto both our dicks, and then straddled Kris on the bed. I stood behind him, guiding my dick toward his loose wet hole.

"Now fill er up," he ordered, grabbing Kris’s fat rock and pointing it in after mine. Kris squeezed in slowly, stretching Ford until he was heaving as though I were punching him.

"Oh fuck yeah," Ford grunted as he ground his ass around our cocks. Sliding together up Ford's ass was the most incredible feeling… so damn tight with that hot, intense friction. I reached around and ran my hands across Ford's flexing chest and abs.

When Kris reached up to twist Ford's nipples, he roared and we began pounding him even harder. Just as I grabbed Ford's thick tool, it erupted. It was so hot I jerked, then shot my second wad up his ass just as Kris yelled, matching my orgasm. I could feel Kris’s cum spurting against the head of my dick, our jizz flooding Ford’s fiery guts.

Ford sounded like he was moaning and whining and sobbing all at once. His whole body spasmed as he came. His orgasm lasted several minutes before he finally relaxed. When we slipped out a moment later, generous globs of our jizz gushed out, splattering down our legs and across the sheets.

Rolling off Kris, Ford lay on his back, his legs still spread wide. He reached down to dig his fingers into his sloppy hole. He scooped cum onto his fingers and brought it up to his mouth, licking them clean. I watched, still not quite sure I’d just helped fuck the hell out of a marine who could easily beat my ass to a pulp.

After a moment, he looked over at us watching him as we caught our breath. He pulled me down between them and we slid around in all the goo and cum, kissing as we played with sloppy holes and juicy cocks.

Ford got up to head for the showers. He paused at the bathroom door and turned to shake his now deflated cock at us. A wicked grin curled the corners of his mouth.

“Yo… I’m expecting some company in here in a minute, so don’t get too comfortable. Ya got three minutes.”

Kris hugged me tight and leaned in to slide his tongue into my mouth. It was right where I wanted to be, and I kissed him back with equal passion.

Looked like I was gonna have two roommates this year… three, if you count Johnny.


2 Gay Erotic Stories from Everlys

Subway Detour

2005 everlys He was leaning against a steel pillar at the end of the platform, down past the plywood construction cubicle where some of the lights were out. The L had just pulled out and, at 2am, it could be nearly twenty minutes ‘til the next. Moving slowly down the platform into the shadows, I watched him out the corner of one eye... taller than me, maybe 6’2, broad shoulders, black hair,

Trip Poker

2004 everlys Sometime after braces but before junior prom, summers in my hometown had gone from dull to tedious, but the one following my first year away at university bordered on abject misery. I only come home because I’d promised dad my help in his sports shop. It wasn’t that Haddon was so miserable as small towns go. It was only a few miles out Leyden Highway to the mountains and there


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