Gay Erotic Stories

One Just Never Knows, Part 1

by Sparkie

I remember when we first moved to South Florida from Chicago more than a decade ago. We didn’t know we had so many friends…we had non-stop company visiting from mid-December through the end of April. We enjoyed it, but it eventually put a strain on our privacy as well as our finances. Looking back, I guess it was worth it though…we had quite a few “close” friends…

Having a townhouse with the master bedroom overlooking the living room and dining room, we were able to occasionally get a good voyeuristic view of some of the goings on. Even if we weren’t looking, those sounds of sex carried easily, wafting upwards. Occasionally we were caught spying…more like caught by our own design. Sometimes this lead to some amazing group activities, and having a king-sized bed, this was great.

Over the years, I and my now current ex-lover grew slowly apart. He worked in Miami and me in Fort Lauderdale. We soon developed new friends, haunts, and activities…but many were not common to both of us. This eventually led to the inevitable…an amicable split. We’ve remained friends, but rarely do our paths cross.

About three years later, I found a new partner (just about totally opposite from my ex with the exception that they both liked to cook) and we were together for several years until our individual careers forced us 1000 miles apart. Yeah, that sealed the deal too.

Back again in South Florida, I found that as before, friends and even casual acquaintances became pals once the temperature dropped up north. One such casual friend responded to my “offer” which turned out to be something rather amazing.

Secretly I’d admired Aaron every time I saw him. He had an easy going manner, a colorful personality; smooth light-olive toned skin, and an amazing body, even though it was hidden by a long-sleeved dress shirt. From the backside, one could easily see the “V” of his muscular back. He must have had a 30-32 inch waist, probably over an 11 or 12 inch drop from his suit coat size. I’m sure his impressive body did nothing but help his job as a computer hardware sales consultant. Equally infectious was his slight—and I mean very slight accent, reflecting his Colombian heritage.

Aaron wasn’t the most organized, or impeccable dresser either. His wardrobe was of good quality, but one could easily tell that being neat and crisp were not priorities in his world—especially after he’d been out all night and had gone home with some girl. Between our conversations and his recaps of his conquests…probably embellishing on every juicy detail, it became abundantly clear that he was straight…if not one hell of a breeder. I often chided him that if he wasn’t careful he’d be married before the year was out…or a poor schmuck paying child support and driving a wreck (Aaron loved cars).

Now while I was interested in what was hanging between his legs (he sported a very nice bulge), and the details of his erections and stamina (probably mostly true) I had to feign interest in the sordid details of his “lady breeding” as he called it. But I must confess, more often than not, I found my dick stirring at some of his prognostications.

It was over a year since I’d moved back to South Florida from DC, and that year had been full of change…although I dearly loved my job (hence the difficult decision to relocate) I found myself living alone…strangely something I’d never done up to this point. The thought of it kind of scared me at first, but to my surprise I adapted easily and actually enjoyed the privacy and being able to do what I wanted when I wanted. I still enjoy this today, not necessarily looking for a relationship, but if one fell into my lap, I’d probably go for it. But it’s kind of difficult when all I do is work 10-11 hours days and head home for dinner and a night of TV or reading.

Out of the blue, I got an email from Aaron asking if he could take me up on a visit; his parents were going home to Colombia to visit relatives for more than a month, and would be flying through Miami. They’d asked him to go with them, but he’d compromised by saying he’d fly with them as far as Miami. I got the dates…nearly a month down the road, so was able to make some plans. I told him I had a one bedroom apartment with a queen sized bed (just to test him a bit), but then I relented and told him there was a convertible sofa bed in the living room for back-up.

He sort of surprised me when he responded by saying that he wouldn’t necessarily have to tear up the living room each night, that we were friends and adults. I wasn’t sure just how to take his written comments, but let it drop. I arranged to take some “use or loose” vacation time while Aaron was down here, and he was elated when I told him. We’d spent several weekends together (with other friends—usually couples) taking out his parents’ boat around Annapolis, and always easily had a great time together. Of course this allowed great shirtless body viewing. On several occasions I’d met his parents when returning the boat, etc. They were warm and friendly…just like Aaron…no surprise.

Aaron’s parents were only too happy to see me when I met them all at MIA. There were several hours between their connecting flight (different airline), so we were able to leave the airport and head to a local restaurant for a late lunch. I suggested Cuban, and they agreed eagerly…something Miami. We saw them off around 4:30 PM, and Aaron and I headed north to Fort Lauderdale.

I had to work that Friday, so Aaron spent the day settling in and lounging by the complex pool. That night we went out to dinner and just crashed at home afterwards. He spent his second night on the sofa bed. Saturday we spent a couple hours on the patio with breakfast, coffee and catching up on things. Before we realized it, it was nearly noon, so we decided we’d just hang out by the pool and get some sun. I was amazed at the number of people who already “knew” Aaron already…damn he’s a salesman! It was an assortment of both guys and girls…and I was left out of some of the conversations if they turned to Spanish (I could pick out assorted phrases, etc.). Aaron loved the gym and workout equipment the apartment complex had, and used it daily. I usually found some type of excuse to beg off. From the first day, Aaron had met guys in the gym, one which I knew was gay, and made it conveniently obvious.

I guess I should mention at this point that over the years I’d known Aaron, the subject of “gay” had come up. True to his casual nature, he freely admitted he had some gay friends and was cool with it, although he was a lady’s man. I never pursued anything beyond this, nor did I disclose my sexual preference, although I was pretty sure Aaron could have come to the correct conclusion…if not he wasn’t very intuitive.

On Sunday, we followed the same routine…Sunday paper, breakfast, coffee…leisure conversation on the patio; then to the pool. I’d offered going to the beach, but Aaron just wanted to relax and “chill out” as he’d been working his ass off. I snidely commented that no one could work that ass off; courtesy of his workouts I’m sure, but some of that butt had to be genetic! The day was hotter and the humidity oppressive. I alternated from deck to pool to deck, but Aaron usually stayed deck side…unless his eyes caught a shapely young thing that might be single, then the horns came out and he was off his lounge chair in a flash. God, what a bullshitter! You could cut the crap with a knife.

Late afternoon, most people had left the pool area, but Aaron liked to sweat…and he was good at it; his body glistened in the sun…not hard to look at…but hard to look at if you get my drift. I’d had probably more than enough sun for one day, and feeling a bit of sting, I said I was heading back to the apartment. Aaron got up, but said he was going to take a job for a few minutes and would meet me back at the apartment shortly.

I headed home and picked up Saturday’s mail (I’d forgotten all about it) from the hallway boxes. Once inside, I sat down and went through the stack of mail. I’m not totally sure just how I generate so much mail…I sorted out the junk and wrote out a couple of checks, then started reading a new magazine, rather than hitting the shower. Aaron’s knock interrupted my train of thought and I got up to let him in.

There he stood…naked except for his shoes and baggy swim shorts…and sweating bullets. The apartment was too cold for him just then, so he headed for the patio, while I got him a drink of water. I joined him on the patio; it was still hot and soon I was sweating too. After the initial water, Aaron soon relented and accepted a light beer when I went in for another for myself. Two or three beers later, we decided it was high time to get cleaned up and decide what to do for dinner.

Being a good host, I told Aaron to take his shower first; he headed to the bathroom which is off the master bedroom (the only bedroom—so master by default I guess). Aaron kicked off his shoes and stripped off his swim suit…and walked into the bathroom without even thinking about closing the door. My bathroom’s fairly small anyway and heats up quickly if the door is not left open or at least ajar, so I didn’t think too much about it, just attributing it to Aaron’s casual nature.

I’d taken the towels out of the dryer, and walked into the bathroom to hand one to Aaron. He was standing their naked, flexing his muscles a bit and no doubt admiring his body… I got a very pleasurable eyeful and drank it all in as casually and quickly as I could. When my eyes darted to lower front ‘n center…I was startled…Aaron had a semi-hardon. Apparently he noticed my reaction in the mirror and stated that every time he got hot and sweaty from running or a workout…it made him horny.

Suddenly he stooped over grabbing his right lower leg. “Cramp,” he said, rubbing it out. This afforded me an amazing view of his ass…and the crack in his cheeks exposing his rosebud. This was too much, I started to excuse myself, yet wanting to offer help. He stood up, apparently the cramp was gone. He was looking at me in the mirror; I caught his eyes focusing lower. I then became aware of what he might have been looking at…I had thrown a boner and it was tenting the front of my swim trunks.

He still had his back to me when he asked me it I would mind trying to take a “kink” out of his shoulder. I just asked, “Which one…” he just shifted around, indicating both.

Soon my hands were rubbing his strong, sweaty shoulders. Nothing more was necessary, the sweat was a great lubricant. This was NOT helping the problem in my trunks. I found myself gazing into the mirror for his reaction—and of course admiring his front chest and torso. To my amazement he was now sporting a full blown boner too. Our eyes met in the mirror, he smiled, and then he gently backed his butt directly against my straining trunks.

“Why don’t you take ‘em off?” he asked, “I think they’re in the way, don’t you?”

I was dumbfounded, but numbly complied. Now my dick was pointing at his ass crack. Aaron backed against me again, pushing his sweaty backside against my crotch and chest. I was sweating now too…mostly anxious sweat. He reached around grabbing my arms and bringing them around to his glistening chest. I inhaled his smell, felt his slickness, and my dick slid further down between his butt cheeks. My head was spinning…trying to process what the hell was happening.

“I told you I had some gay friends,” Aaron said as he turned around and faced me, wrapping his arms around my backside and drawing me into him. Both our dicks were pressed against each other’s stomachs, and our sweat lubricated chests slid easily with every move as he pressed against me. Then he was grinding his crotch against mine; I looked at face, his eyes. He ran his hands up my back, stopping at my neck, pulled away slightly, bent down just a bit, and then pushing his face against mine in a kiss. I guess you’d have to call it a kiss…but it wasn’t tender…it was a hard, full of passion. His tongue immediately thrust inside my mouth… I took my queue and let myself go, thrusting my tongue inside when Aaron came up for a breath.

“I told you I get horny when I’m hot and sweaty,” he commented.

Who was I to disagree? After a few more minutes of blissful frottage, I came to my senses and pulled us backward and out of the bathroom towards the bed. “Did I mention I have yet to wash the bed sheets?” He just laughed, leaned over and pulled off the bedcovers, then pushed me backwards onto the bed with him falling on top of me.

Aaron was grinding his dick against mine. “You’d better slow down there Samson,” I warned him, “you’re gonna make be cum if you’re not careful.”

“So what; go for it…” he replied and continued to grind away.

True to my warning, within a minute or two I reached the point of no return and let loose. Even though I couldn’t see the amount of the load I shot, I could tell by the warmth and slickness spreading between us it was a good amount. The extra slickness must have set Aaron off, because seconds later he exploded… I could feel the flood of fresh warm cum above the heat of our bodies. He lifted himself a bit, and in doing so shot a stream straight up my chest, some hitting the base of my throat. He came back down, pressing our chest together, forcing the cum out each side. He continued to grind slowly away until I had to stop him…I just couldn’t take any more.

“So you enjoyed that? he teased.

“What the hell to you think? You?”

“Yeah,” but then he backed off and added, guess we’d best hit the showers…” he looked at me searching for my reaction I guessed, “We can play more later…”

To be continued…


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One Just Never Knows, Part 1

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