Gay Erotic Stories

My First Bi Experiance, Part 1


I am 25, GAY and have keep up my athletic body by working out 4 days a week. I was at the gym one morning minding my own business when I caught this older guy in his 40's starring at me through the gym mirrors. He was incredibly built with this awesome legs and ass. He also had this hot military look. He was very good looking. I continued to workout pretending not to pay attention.

He eventually came over to where I was working out and started to make some small talk. He asked about my leg workout and complimented me on my legs. I just thanked him and continued with my workout. About an hour later I decided to head for the locker room and head home. While at the locker, I noticed that same guy come out of the showers; he as showing off his perfect muscles and a very sexy Speedo tan-line.

He grabbed his towel, gave me a nod and headed for the steam room. I couldn't resist. I decided I should maybe take a shower too. I stripped, showered and headed for the steam room. He sat there with the towel draped over his lap. He started asked about my work out. I told him it was great because I was really sore. He said the best thing for that is a good massage. I agreed and left it at that.

He the lifted one leg and rested on the bench and revealed a huge floppy cock. It was so big and hot. Fearing that someone else may walk in, I just pretended I did not see it. He then told me that he gives a very good massage and if I wanted I could go over his place for a good rub down. I hesitated and then agreed. We both walked out of the steam room and quickly showered off. I could feel him starring at my hard muscular bubble butt. I tried hard not to pop a boner, but I couldn’t help it. I quickly grabbed my towel before someone else walked into the shower.

As we exited the gym, he told me to follow him about two miles to his house. He had a very nice house in an upper middle-class neighborhood. As soon as we walked in I noticed the big windows overlooking huge pool with waterfall and rock formations in the backyard. He gave me a little tour of his awesome backyard and pool area. It was very secluded and said that would be the perfect setting for a relaxing massage. I said okay. He went inside to grab some drinks and towels.

When he returned, all he was wearing a small towel around his waist. He handed me my drink and towel and motioned over to the chaise lounge under the warm sun and asked me to get remove my clothes and get comfortable. I was a bit nervous so I only stripped down to my skimpy bikini briefs and lay on my stomach. He grabbed the bottle of oil and started to give me an incredible rub down.

When he got to my lower back he suggested that I may want to remove my briefs and get more comfortable. He asked if it was okay if he helped me out of them. I said sure since I did not want get up and reveal my raging boner. Once they were off I saw from the corner of my eye his towel falling to the floor. I wasn’t sure what he was wearing. He continued rubbing down my back.

While he was working on my back with both hands, I felt something warm bouncing on my leg. It was his huge cock. Damn, I was in heaven. He then started to slowly work his way down to my muscle butt cheeks. He asked if that was okay. I said sure. We both didn’t say much. I knew where he was headed. He eventually had both hands on each cheek slowly needing them and spreading them apart and slowly letting a finger in my smooth crack. I slowly started to open my legs further apart so he could get a better view. I suddenly felt something moist and warm.

It was his tongue lightly massaging my tight hole. I started going crazy and wiggling around and moaning in ecstasy. He suddenly moved to stand in from of me never taking his hands off my ass and pointing his rock hard 10 inch cock in my face. I slowly opened my mouth and he guided his thick juicy meat in. While I sucked his huge tool, he started to finger my hole.

We eventually moved over to a towel on the warm pavement and sucked each other in a 69 position. Suddenly he got up and started to rub oil on his cock. I knew what he was gonna do. I laid there, spread eagle and took the entire 10 inches. He fucked my slow just like I like it. He turned my over on my side and reached around to grab my rock hard cock.

It was incredible to get fucked under the warm California sun. He suddenly said he was ready to cum. He pulled out and guided his swelling cock for my mouth. I opened wide and he shot a huge thick load of man cream. That put me over the edge. I shot my load all over my stomach. He then reached over and started to French kiss; my cum filled mouth. It was hot.

He then led me to an outdoor shower where we both cleaned up. I told him I had to run. He led me through the house to the front door. I then noticed a family picture with him a beautiful blond women and two small girls. I asked him about the picture. He said it was his wife and daughters. I asked if he was divorced. He said NO. I was shocked and asked were. He said his wife was at work and his girls where at school. I asked if he wasn't afraid to get caught. He said no because his wife wasn’t due back for another 4 hours at least.

He also told me that he and his wife where BISEXUAL swingers and they occasionally attended sex parties or invited guests over for sex.

To be continued in Part 2


3 Gay Erotic Stories from

Exibitionist Bathhouse Pig Boy

I went to the Midtowne Spa in downtown LA last weekend. It was a hot and sticky night and I was extremely horny. The Spa was packed when I got there. The locker room was full of guys waiting to see who comes in. I stripped, wrapped my towel around my waist and grabbed my bottle of poppers and headed for the basement. That’s my favorite place. I like group sex. I like being watched while I

My First Bi Experiance, Part 1

I am 25, GAY and have keep up my athletic body by working out 4 days a week. I was at the gym one morning minding my own business when I caught this older guy in his 40's starring at me through the gym mirrors. He was incredibly built with this awesome legs and ass. He also had this hot military look. He was very good looking. I continued to workout pretending not to pay attention. He

My First Bi Experience, Part 2

Continued from Part 1 He also told me that he and his wife where BISEXUAL swingers and they occasionally attended sex parties or invited guests over for sex. I was very intrigued by this whole BI Swinger thing. Even though I consider myself gay, I occasionally beat off while watching straight porn movies because I think any SEX is a turn on. I invited this guy (Mike) over to my place


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