Gay Erotic Stories




“Humans!!!” bellowed the supreme leader. “Yes, my Lord...two were reported in the 5th the mountains south of the old Tennessee section.” I pointed at the map with the lazar indicator. “That’s ridiculous! There hasn’t been a human sighted since they were exterminated by th Zylons...when was that...two hundred years ago.” “You’re correct my Liege. I’ve seen the discs. The Zylons even built plants to liquify the worthless bodies. They weren’t even considered an adequate food source, they said. And, I’ve heard a Zylon would eat nearly anything...perhaps that is why ‘our’ ancestors had little trouble annihilating them.” I turned and heard my tail rasp across the floors marble surface. “This report tells us they are a pair of males...last seen dressed...” “Dressed!?” “Yes, Lord...clothed...they were wearing grey and silver coverings according to the report.” “How could the young ones making the report know they were males? And, why would they have clothing?” “The young ones who saw them said that they had studied human physiognomy in an Ancient Biology class. A humans flesh was weak, unlike ours, and required covering to protect their bodies from heat and cold, my Lord.” “If these...human males are out there...and I doubt that...I want them found and captured...ALIVE..I want us to be able to study the creatures. Are they armed?” “The report didn’t say my liege.” “Find them!!” His huge reptilian paws crashed across the floor as he left the room, his great cloak sweeping behind.

Our pod was destroyed and Mickey’s leg badly broken in the crash. I’d splinted it and applied a molecular treatment to it. He’d be okay but we needed a safe place to hole up while he rested. A house or barn, or something. Even a cave. These hills must be full of those, I figured. “Agghh...where the hell are we, Jack,” Mickey moaned. “I dunno, man, but we gotta move. I think those things saw us.” “Hey, what were those?” he pulled himself up on the crutches I’d made and hobbled a few steps. “You got me. I never saw anything like that....even bouncing around space like we’ve been. Well at least the air is okay, here. And, there should be fresh water...we’ve got our food. That’s okay.” We started shuffling through the underbrush but our bulky suits made it hard going. We’d gone about a half mile and Mick was doing pretty well but I knew what we had to do. “Come on, man, we gotta get out of these suits. They’re slowing us down and they pretty damn easy to spot. Its plenty warm...I’m sweatin’ to death in here.” I stripped myself first, down to my skivvies and boots and immediately felt lighter and more comfortable. When I was done I went to help Mickey. He’d managed to skin his suit off to his waist but needed help around his damaged leg. I used my knife to cut through the fabric and free him. I had always been impressed by his upper body. He was a handsome man, big and hairy with twin slabs of muscle forming his chest, nipples the size of gold brillions and a segmented belly with no fat on it at all. Now, with him standing there and me cutting him out of his pants he really excited me. The head of his long cock was right in front of me, pressing against the cloth of his tight olive drabs. The damn thing was nearly poking out the bottom of the shorts. I pretended not to notice its warmth against my wrist as I sliced down the inner seam of his suit. “That does feel better....let’s move,” he said. We continued through the woods, Mick in front...doing really well with the crutches...and me following. Sweat ran down the contours of his straining back and pasted the seat of his shorts to the sensuous curves of his butt. I tried to concentrate on something else, hoping he wouldn’t turn and catch my dick saluting him. Our craft was giving off an automatic emergency signal and I knew we shouldn’t go far from it...but something was out there, something damn creepy and I didn’t want them to find us before our people did. Mickey and I had been out taking core samples for the company on A-7, Cyros and B-18 through D-16 for the last three years with another small team. When the asteroids hit us the othere team was killed outright bt Mickey and I had been able to jettison the ship in the escape pod. Unfortunately one of the asteroids got us and we crashed here..wherever here was. “Look! A building. Over there.” Mickey shouted, hauling me from my reflections. Not knowing if it was inhabited we approached carefully. It was deserted; a two room stone structure with heavy beams bisecting it width, a large fireplace, wood plank floor and a sturdy but holey roof. It would do while Mickey’s leg healed which looked better already although it had only been a few hours. I’d give him another treatment and let him rest. “Where do you think we are?” he asked while settling himself back in a huge pile of rags, his knife at his side. “I don’t know. But according to the last chart I saw it might be what they called Earth...centuries ago. Now it would be E-5". I glanced over at him food while taking some food envelopes from my pack.. With his muscular legs cocked up the way they were his dick and balls were pushed into a tight pouch between them. The opening in his skivvies was gaped and I could see a mass of curly pubes behind it. I looked away. “No. Couldn’t be. Didn’t the Zylon wars destroy Earth?” he asked. “No. Just every living thing on it. They processed all the humans on it for food, I guess.” “Shit,” Mickey murmured. “You rest. I’m going to look for something to burn. It’ll probably get cold here when the sun’s gone.” Judging by the sky I’d only been away an hour or so but when I returned the cabin was empty...Mickey was gone. I found his gore stained knife a few feet from where he’d been lying. I hollered his name inside and out but there was no answer. And then I saw it; a thick wedge of bright green meat, serrated on its edges like the blade of Mick’s dagger and surrounded by a puddle of thick yellow fluid. “He put up a fight, I’d say,” I muttered to myself as I squatted to examine the piece. A smell rose from it like nothing I’d ever smelled. I was about to touch it when an unimaginable pain crossed my shoulders and spiraled up into my brain stunning it and turning my world into an inky void. In a whirling haze I saw Mick’s naked body, my family and the faces of our dead crew hovering around me, then just as quickly as they had appeared the visions were gone. When the jostling movement woke me I had no idea how long I’d been unconscious. My head felt swollen and my eyes were unfocused. Bolts of sharp pain shot from my wrists, up the lengths of my arms, through my straining biceps and into my chest. The discomfort was repeated from my ankles up into my bare buttocks. “Bare?” I thought. “Yeah.” The cold breeze wafting around my crotch told me I was naked; I didn’t have to see. With every jostling movement pain tore at my limbs. I tried to struggle against it but I was held fast; bound at my extremities. I tried to lift my head but its own weight and the continuous bouncing kept it down between my shoulder blades. I opened my eyes again and what I could see made me scream aloud but no sound came out around the gag stuffed into my mouth. Not more than two feet behind me I saw the lizards green, iridescent torso and huge legs; marching, with my body dangling face up before it. I couldn’t see its head. I adjusted my eyes and there were my wrists fastened to a heavy pole with thick leather-like straps. I figured my feet must have been tied in the same fashion. When my body swung from side to side I could glimpse behind the monster and past yet another to see flashes of nude flesh on muscular legs, and a round pale ass. On one of the limbs there was a large bloody wound. “Mick...,” I moaned and passed out again. When I awoke the second time the jostling movements had stopped and the pole was gone. I was lying face down, my hands tied and folded against my butt. A cold metal floor pressed up at my cheek, chest, belly and legs. It was vibrating and humming. A vehicle of some kind. I thought. They were taking us somewhere, but where and what were they? Mickey? I’d seen him or had I dreamt it? Where was he? My senses cleared slowly and that same horrible smell assailed my nostrils. Was it the lizards?...What lizards? I felt warmth beside me and turned my head to the opposite cheek. I saw Mick’s unconscious face only inches from my own and then felt the length of his naked body pressed against me. I yelled his name but their vicious gag still stopped the sound. Violently twisting and turning I fought the bonds an rocked against his silent form. Across his body I saw two sets of shiny green legs and four huge clawed feet moving toward me. Then the cold end of a tazer was at the base of my skull and with a horrific jolt everything I knew was gone once more. My brain floated between what was real and what couldn’t possibly be. I dreamed I was being carried by two demons, like creatures from the Pit, up a set of steep stairs and into a great, bright-white hall. There were gleaming steel tables and crude instruments all around me. Bottles holding green, blue and yellow body parts and organs lined long shelves on the walls. Suddenly I saw my mother standing above me and I screamed for help. In the inky void I saw her jab a long needle connected by a dirty hose to a bag hanging over my body deep into my leg. All the dreams faded gradually and I drifted in a soupy black fog. Micky’s screams jolted me into consciousness and I opened my eyes only to be blinded by an intensely white glare. As I turned from it I saw him strapped naked to an adjacent table. He looked oddly out of place; his tanned hirsute flesh in that sterile environment. I must have been unconscious and dreaming still because at his mid-section I saw two scaly demons working around his leg with their odd, filthy tools. I saw his chest fill and heard the room echo again with another tortured scream. The monster’s mottled sleek heads bobbed and huge yellow, slitted eyes darted from side to side. Nasal holes and wide lipless mouths filled with short teeth made up their gruesome faces. Pale, ribbed hide, like tough leather covered their thick abdomens. Again and again Micky howled as the beasts poked and cut at what was now a severely damaged limb. Blood poured from deep wound and dripped off the tables edge. Finally his eyes closed and he passed out. I couldn’t be sure he wasn’t dead. A long, terrible scream tried to come up from deep inside me.

“Our appearance seems to terrify them,” said the ruler. “Give us a hologram that is less disturbing to the creatures.” “Certainly, my Lord.” Suddenly, from the halo of brilliant light three young men and one older one appeared and looked down at me with gentle eyes, inspecting my secured body. “Oh, God,” I begged, “Please...get us the fuck outta here...Now....Please!” The men spoke to one another but in my dementia all I could hear was a series of grunts and squeaks coming from their mouths. “I have brought the discs from the Ancient Biology. I will project them for us, Sire.” “So...these beasts are humans?” asked the Ruler. “Yes, my Liege. Two males.” “You are a student of science, Gar. I am but an uneducated Ruler. Be patient, please.” “Forgive me, my Lord.” I bowed . Reassuring, gentle hands were on my shoulders and chest, quieting me; soothing me. “That one...Is it dead?” “Not quite, Sire. It will probably die soon. It’s wounds are serious.” “Send for my personal physicians...See that it is repaired and saved. We want them both for our collection.” “Yes, Sire.” The dark-haired young man said something to the two blondes and they went to Micky and began working on his leg. I relaxed a little more knowing that the beasts I had dreamt were gone. I shook my head trying to free it of the cobwebs that strangled it. All of the men arond us were staring of into the light as if they were seeing something I could not. “They seem very... fragile.” “The are, more than we, Sire. But these two specimens appear quite fit considering their inferior species. They are warm-blooded which means they must keep themselves warm in the cold, and cool in the heat. They are somewhat complicated animals.” “So they seem. And what makes these two males, Gar?” asked the leader. “Their body type and musculature, primarily. You see, here and along here...plates of smooth muscle .....and on its extremities, especially on the hind legs...more prominent bundles of muscle all along the length. They are also generally more robust...rougher...and have facial and more body along here than their females.” I felt more conscious than I had since our capture and tested the straps which held me spread-eagled to the big, cold table. The younger man seemed to be openly examining me while the older one looked on. He tested the muscles of my chest and belly, arms and legs all the way to my feet while he spoke in those weird, crackling tones. (I’d heard those sounds before but I couldn’t remember where). He touched my face and then combed through the light hair that decorated my pecs and belly down to the heavy patch above my cock. The grey-haired man reached forward and lifted my dick and balls on his cool hand then started rolling my tender nuts between his fingers. It had been a long time and at once I felt a surge of excitement and the familiar flow of blood into my cock. He closed his fist around my swelling shaft and then played with the pucker of foreskin covering my knob. “And this?” asked the leader as he pulled its genitals up from between the males splayed legs. “The tube of flesh you hold is its penis, my Lord . The object serves a dual purpose in that it transports liquid waste from the animal’s body while also acting as the primary sexual instrument. Its internal construction is fascinating. In order to accomplish both tasks many elements must act at once. Far too complicated to go into here. The bag is named the scrotum. It contains these two oval orbs called testicles which produce the species reproductive fluid....sperm, my Liege. The equipment in your paw is the actual essence of their maleness, Lord..” “Ummm.....” murmured the Ruler while he handled the creature. “The swelling and stiffening of this part, Gar?” I felt like he was testing me on my knowledge of the human’s anatomy but I had prepared myself when I learned the animals were being brought here. I flicked my tail in mild agitation. Behind me the surgeons seemed to be doing better with the other creatures broken limb. It was mercifully still unconscious. “Their bodies are controlled by millions of nerves, Sire. There are . in the region of their genitals than anywhere. Contact to the penis or scrotum or the surrounding areas charges the nerves and the penis hardens... like this. The organ must be erect to achieve penetration into a female and accomplish procreation of the species. “Odd...they must have two animals...odd” he mused. The Leader released the human’s erection and turned to the wounded male. When the men turned away to look at Mick they left me squirming on the table sporting a roaring hard-on with no relief in sight. If he had worked a little longer I could have gotten off...and now, I really needed it. Now they were looking at Mick’s big body and the older man was handling his long, limp dick and those beautiful balls. .The doctors nearly had his leg sewn up and I could see the molecular impulser I’d had with me. Both of his huge thighs were coated with drying blood. “Their members differ, Gar. This...penis?... is longer and does not have the extra flesh at the end.” “All humans were different, Sire, in their faces and bodies. According to the discs and from what we can see here the male sex organs differed greatly from one specimen to another. In girth as well as in length uniquely the shaft and these crowns...or heads are formed . As for the flesh, it was the custom of many human tribes to clip the excess skin off the penis at birth . It was their belief it somehow kept the creatures healthier....preventing certain diseases.” “Huum....odd....We would like to see the fluid...its sperm, Gar. Is it possible?” “Certainly, my Lord. But we must turn back to conscious one. see, even when there is no female present and the act of copulation cannot take place it is possible, through manipulation of an erect penis to produce ejaculation....the emission of sperm and semen...the fluid which carries the sperm...from this opening in the tip of the penis.” Now we were back in business. The young guy was handling my dick again, turning and twisting it and even fingering my piss hole. It looked like he was explaining it to the older guy like he’d never seen a cock before. All the touching had me really ready to go. I wished he’d just get on with it. He bent down close to my middle and I felt him pulling back my foreskin and teasing my knob again. If he kept that up I’d pop any second. My head was rolling from side to side and I heard quiet moans coming from my throat. “The dark crown is called its glanis, my Liege...notice how perfectly it is formed, with this broad ridge coming away from the shaft. It is the most sensitive part....see how agitated the creature becomes when I tease it. It seems they get tremendous pleasure from the manipulation of these parts.” “Pleasure?...humm...what does this... pleasure... feel like?” he asked. “I don’t know, Sire, but I believe humans sense it as strongly as pain, Lord.” “They sense pain?...humm....What is that slit, then, Gar?” “It is called the urethra, Sire. is wet now with a clear liquid called precum, it coats the inside of the tube to protect the sperm on its journey from the testicles,” I said while I began easily stroking the length of the male’s turgid organ. The human became even more excited, twisting and convulsing on the table. It thrust up its middle and its breaths were coming in short ragged gasps. The testicles had drawn up, nearly inside the body. Suddenly, the lights flickered off, then on. Off and on again. I knew the hologram the creature had been seeing was gone. I felt myself going over the edge. The familiar sensation had built behind my balls and was beginning to surge through my dick. “Aaaaahhh...” I cried out. All at once the lights in the room changed and my eyes sprang open. The young man had vanished. Beside me stood two green, mottled, hideous creatures, their bulging yellow eyes staring down at me. I was cumming. I screamed and looked down my body at my cock wedged between the talons of a monstrous paw. I screamed again as my dick clenched and shot a wad of jiz up onto my chest. While I hollered four more bolts blasted out and stained the devil’s stubby leg. I was breathing heavily when my head fell back on the solid table and I dropped into oblivion. “Was it necessary to inject it, Gar?” The leader idly collected a dolllop of the humans white seed from its belly with a clawed toe, smelled the substance and then drew it into his mouth onto his forked tongue. He tasted it and swallowed . “Yes, Lord. Until the hologram can be restored they would be blinded by their fear and would not respond to our needs, I am afraid.” “Very well, then. As soon as they are able cage them. We want samples taken and preserved of everything in their bodies. We may never see another one of these creatures, alive.” “Yes, Sire.” I bowed. He lifted the full bag of the wounded one on his paw. “And instruct my surgeons to remove these from this big one for the study of their reproductive system. These specimens give us a rare opportunity to advance our science. Later when We are satisfied you will dissect both of their bodies and learn more.” I watched the Ruler turn to leave the hall, his tail held up in a regal arc. When he had withdrawn I turned back to the smaller male and watched the sleeping chest rise and fall with its steady breaths. Between its legs the penis had relaxed and was lying in a lazy curve in the valley between its testicles, the tip still leaking a stream of its milky seed.

When I awoke I found I wasn’t bound at all and eagerly stretched my arms and legs. Micky was lying beside on the thick bed of loose straw. We were in a cage fashioned of heavy iron bars about fifteen feet square. The exposed floor was stone and raised about three feet above the surrounding area. In the opposite corner I saw my molecular impulsor, a bucket of water and a pan containing a thick grey substance. “Probably food,” I thought aloud. There were six other cages in the huge room. All empty. The air was cold and an impotent yellow glow came from a dozen bare bulbs suspended from the ceiling. My mouth was incredibly dry and I took a long drink from the bucket before returning to Mick and kneeling over him. “Mick, man,” I whispered and shook him gently. His leg looked pretty well repaired actually. He was still out cold, though. I couldn’t be sure I hadn’t hallucinated everything I thought I’d seen in the last hours...or days? One thing was for sure we were prisoners....somewhere. This cage was no hotel room. I was testing the door when the urge to piss overtook me. There was no bucket provided for our needs so I walked to the edge of the cell and aimed my dick through the bars. I had a satisfying stream splashing onto the floor outside when a heavy door opened in the far wall and light spilled in from outside. I didn’t even think about trying to stop while a handsome young man dressed in jeans, shirt and a white lab coat approached. He stood to the side as I finished and shook the last drops off my hooded dick. While the humans were made to sleep I took the time to create a perfect hologram to conceal our appearance. I had even fashioned a voice pattern similar to the male’s. Their language was ridiculously simple to replicate. When I entered the cell room the younger one was fully awake and discharging a dense yellow stream of waste out onto the floor. We looked at each other while it finished . “I hope you are comfortable,” I said, trying my new voice. “Comfortable!!?” It yelled . “What the fuck is going on here?” I had also studied their slang and colloquialisms . “I’m afraid you are here for your own protection,” I lied. “And in quarantine so my people can be assured you bring no dangerous diseases with you from your long voyage. How is your...partner?” “I don’t know. He’s still knocked out” The human had put its hands up high on the bars and leaned toward me. Its body was quite splendid, lithe and muscular. We found them to be ugly but among its own species this one would more than likely be seen as desirable. Handsome in its face and form. It had a broad chest decorated with a covering of pale hair and a large brown nub at either side. Its limbs were long and sturdy, well muscled and it abdomen flat and evenly segmented. Standing there as it was the long penis and full scrotum hung free between the creatures legs and waggled from side to side with its every movement. The pucker of skin at its tip was still wet with the animal’s urine. “It was necessary to inject you with one of our drugs to help you rest. His dose was stronger due to his wound. It appears to be healing well.” “Yeah, he’ll be okay. Hey, when can you get us some clothes.” The human looked down the length of its nude body. “Its kinda cold in here.” “I’ll make a note of that. All in good time. We have tests to conduct and I’m afraid they will be easier if you are not clothed.” I heard the camera which watched them whirring , hidden in the ceiling above me. I asked the human to turn around so I could see its back and it complied.. The back was broad, contoured with bundles of muscles and tapered to the base of its spine. The buttocks were solid globes covered with more fine fur and split by the dark cleft. “Would you bend over and spread your cheeks wide, please.” I looked back at him first, then did as he asked and gave him a shot of my rosebud, although I didn’t understand what he could tell from that. To my right Mick moaned and started waking. He was groggier than I had been. “Where.....agghh...What the Hell? Owwww!!...” he yelped as he moved his leg. I let my ass slam shut and went to him. “Quiet. Lay still. You’ve had surgery on that leg. I thought for awhile you’d lose the damn thing....It looks like its gettin’ better, though. How do ya’ feel?” I asked. “Groggier than hell...Where the fuck are we?......” “Behind bars, man,” I snapped toward the guy outside. “They say we’re in quarantine on their planet for something. Mick looked toward the young man, too. “Where are the fuckin’ lizards?” he asked. “Lizards!? You saw ‘em, too? I thought I dreamed that. “Saw ‘em!? Shit. They were fuckin’ with my leg, man. No pain killers....nothing!!” “I am sorry about that. They did have you before my people got you guys away from them and to safety,” added the man in the white coat. “I’ll look in on you later...” He retrieved two large plastic containers from a cart nearby and held them up to the bars. “When you urinate would you do it in these, please. We will test for parasitic bacteria. See ya’ later.

For days our only sense of the passage of time was the lights clicking off, probably at night but we couldn’t tell for sure. We could only believe what our keepers wanted us to believe. And, we could do little more than eat, drink the water, piss and shit in the containers they provided, pace our cage and talk. After awhile we even began to ignore our nudity and accept it as part of our life. Micky talked me into exercising with him several times each day. He was only able to work on his upper body but was showing a lot of progress. He coached me through a regimen he’d dreamed up for my body and legs...and, the work did keep my mind off our captivity. It was better for passing the time than sitting around, but sometimes watching him working out really got to me. He had to have noticed the boners I sprung but he never said anything, anymore than I said anything about his. When the lights went out we laid together in the straw bedding. He always pulled me close to him, trying to keep us both warm in that icy room, and stretched one of his big arms over me. Feeling the length of him beside me and his loose cock and big balls pressed against my ass always turned me on. (SEX SCENE HERE) In time Mick’s leg had gotten to the point where he could stand and even exercise for periods without using his crutch. One day while we were working out, one of our young keepers entered the room and approached the cage with several of his ‘assistants’ at his side. We stopped and stared while he unlocked our cell and entered with four of them. One was carrying a large metal tray covered with a dirty piece of cloth. I noticed that while their faces were different they all looked strangely similar; fresh and good-looking but blank-faced, with no life to their eyes. Suddenly and with out a word two of them grabbed and pushed me back until my back slammed into the cold bars. Hands seized my arms, pulling them to the outside of the cage and folding them high up behind my back where they were tightly bound. Two more sets of hands spread my feet wide and secured them to the iron wall. “What the fu....” bellowed Mick, but he was being handled in the same way by the other team and was soon held fast to the bars opposite me. He struggled briefly but soon relented. “Now.....aggghhh....what?” I spat. I pulled my arms and legs but they weren’t going anywhere. “I trust you gentlemen are well,” smiled the young doctor. He stepped up to me and filled his hand with my dangling equipment. I tried to twist away but could go nowhere. “Another simple test but I’m afraid you had to be immobilized to accomplish it. Hhmmm...Your exercise sessions seem to be serving you well,” said one of the men. I heard a hissing sound somewhere behind his cooing tones. His helper had set the tray down and was moving toward Micky. He let one hand glide through the dark hair that covered the loaves of his sweaty chest to each pouting nipple, over the ridges of his abdomen, past his navel and into his stiff pubic bush. “Yes....very well indeed,” he said. Mick had really pumped up, it was true. A lightning bolt of excitement coursed through my crotch as I watched the man lift Mick’s trimmed cock up to his belly. With it out of the way, his long velvety bag looked so vulnerable swaying between his exaggerated thighs. He hefted the twin eggs with his free hand, felt the soft skin; studying it, then rolled each tender nut slowly between his fingers. Micky was moaning and squirming when the doctor released him. His dick was standing up hard, the big dark head bobbing rhythmically with his heartbeat. Mine was mimicking it. His balls had begun to rise and his piss slit was already shiny with a spot of precum. “What the fuck...?” I heard myself say. A man uncovered the tray. On it were two antique looking syringes filled with a dark brown fluid and several large, corked vials. Between these I could see an odd glass device with a narrow throat and a wider bowl at the other end. “We have loaded the syringes with a drug developed in our laboratory. When injected at the root of your penis the blood vessels will expand and produce an erection like none you have ever experienced.. Along with this sensation will come a tremendous need to ejaculate. When we deny you that release it will build until when you do come you will discharge a volume some seventy percent greater than normal. We will need that amount for the tests we must complete. I’m afraid the discomfort is unavoidable.” He spoke softly, close into Micky’s face, then stroked his rod while another handed him a needle. He pulled down on the raging cock, exposing its hairy root. Mick shuddered as the doctor aimed the vicious point at a spot beneath his pubes. “Aaaahhhh....Damn!!” groaned Mick as the fluid disappeared into him. “You will feel heat while the drug takes effect,” he said, waiting. Micky began thrusting his pelvis forward, spitting and cursing, forcing his ass away from the bars, in obvious pain. But, within seconds his cock had begun to change. It had already been hard but now it became at least another inch longer, harder than any rod I’d ever seen, and fatter. The skin of the thing looked so tight it seemed it might split. The head was purple and flared to the size of an infants fist, I swear. And, his big balls were up so tight they had disappeared inside him. “Shit....Jack.....Oh,God. Get me off!!...aahhh....I can’t stand this...PLEASE,” Mick cried but there no help for him. “Ah, your response is even more than I expected,” cooed the doctor as he began to prepare one vial and the glass instrument. One assistant held it near Mickey, ready to collect his jiz when he was allowed to shoot. The human’s penis was hot and harder than I imagined it could have been when I closed my paw around it. The cords and tubes inside and the veins encircling it throbbed with life as I began stroking it from its broad base to the bulging crown. Above me the human’s head was flailing from shoulder to shoulder, sweat poured down its flesh like a sheet of water and its face was pulled into a tight grimace; the combination of pain and intense pleasure. A flow of crystalline juice came from the crimson head and hung to the floor like silver thread between the animal’s hind legs. When I massaged the knob and traced around the ridge the human went wild with desire, thrashing and thrusting its hips forward begging for more contact. I’ll tell ya’, Mick looked like he was goin’ nuts while that guy played with him, stroking his joint and teasing him, working around his head and then pumping him again. I was trembling, knowing the other syringe was for me. It seemed like the doctor made it last a long time but while I watched Micky’s body became suddenly rigid and a deep, rasping cry came from deep inside him. His handsome head flew back against the bars and he pinched his eyes closed. He screamed again-a full-throated, desperate moan. His belly sunk in even deeper than it had been and every muscle on his long frame became a tight band. I saw his tortured cock lurch and blast a shot of liquid opal from its single eye into the ready glass. It slid down the side and dropped into the vial, followed by another and another while Mick yelled , until the deep tube was full and removed. The men moved toward me and left Micky still coming, pumping the last of his seed out in thick globs onto the straw beneath him. Finally he hung exhausted on the side of the cage, his dick still up and throbbing, his chest convulsing with heavy breaths. “The younger male took less time to respond and filled two of my tubes easily. When I was done with it we went back to the other one and collected yet another sample of its seed for freezing, my Liege.” I bowed respectfully. The Supreme Leader was squatting on his dais in the huge, garishly appointed court. His advisors stood upright in two lines on either side of him, staring blankly at me. “I had the large one removed to our surgery immediately where I removed the testicles and dissected them. I made another disc for the biology and froze sections of the organs for future study.” “Very good, Gar. Do you believe we can learn more from these two animals?” “If we keep them alive awhile longer, Lord, I think I may. Their thought processes and emotions are complicated, Your Highness.” “Very well....but, be quick about it. Our advisors fear these two are the forefront of an invasion. They would be happy to have them both dispatched as soon as possible. You may go.” “Yes, Liege.” I bowed to the group and backed away. “Thank you, my Lords.”

I was exercising when the door in the wall opened again and the Doctor and his helpers came in. Micky’s semi-conscious body hung between two of them. “Mick!!” I shouted. It had been four days since they had drained our nuts and dragged him away. His muscular arms were draped over two pairs of their shoulders and he was half walking and half being dragged across the stone. His head was lulling down on his chest and their was dry blood spattered on his legs lower body and big legs. As they came closer I saw it but couldn’t believe my eyes. Between his legs his flaccid cock flopped from thigh to thigh, but behind it there was bag...and no balls. I screamed. “What did you do to him?!!!!!” I yelled “You fuckin’ monsters cut off his Goddamn nuts?!!....Aaagghh!!!!” I felt myself trying to shake the bars of the cell. One man opened the cage and they laid Mick’s body on the straw. He groaned, turned onto his side and passed out. Half insane I attacked one of the men but I was thrown back easily, landing on the floor beside the Captain. They left and locked the cage. The Doctor was looking in, that same blank expression on his face. I gazed at the animals from outside their cell. “I am very sorry,” I lied again. “We detected a parasitic infection in his...seed. I’m afraid it was necessary to remove the affected parts.” The younger human held the other, rocking it and crying. “You Pigs....”it sputtered. “You lying,,,fucking Pigs!!” I left them, not comprehending that emotional outburst.

“I guess I kinda lost my mind after that. I didn’t keep track of the days or the months that passed anymore. Mick and I just sat there talking mostly then. They operated on me, too. I guess I’ll never know what they did or took out but they didn’t cut me like they did him. He kinda went nuts too. I guess. His spirit was gone.....” “It says here, the Plaqton doctor’s diary that you two were found...copulating....fucking... when they came for Captain Farr the last time. Tell us about that.” “ wasn’t until after they butchered him that I got around to telling him I loved him. And, he said he felt the same way about me. The Plaqetons didn’t have any emotions and certainly couldn’t understand love, especially between two men. Yeah...I guess we were fuckin’ around pretty much...Christ we were locked up together for months!” “Anyway...that day Mick and I were laying together when I felt his ‘bone’ pressin’ against me. I just flipped him over and was playing with his cock and feeling that damn scar where his nuts had been when he kissed me and asked me to do ‘im. Shit...I was harder than Hell and slipped into him real easy. Inside he was warm and soft and he loved it as much as me. I was pumpin’ away and ready to burst when they came in. I pulled out and we came then, at the same time, me all over Mick’s back and him in his fist. I was... kissing him when the Plaqetons unlocked the cage and pulled him away...” “Where is Captain Farr, now.” “I’ll show ya’, come on” We left the room they had been using to interrogate me and the Plaqeton doctor and went to the Ruler’s Great Hall. All around me lay the broken and ruined bizarre ornaments which had decorated the space. Great tapestries hung in shreds on every wall, shattered vases and toppled pillars and urns littered the marble floor. Torches burned where they always had but now illuminated our soldiers and the dead bodies of the Plaqetons lying in puddles of yellow gore...everywhere. I showed them the spot where I had been forced to kneel up, naked before the Ruler when it told me I would be spared because the doctor had bought my body. Some time after Mick had been..castrated they gave up using the holograms and we saw them as they really were. I guess I always suspected that was what they really were.... “I never got over my disgust at their appearance or that stink,” I said. On the dais the Supreme Leader lay dead. It had been decapitated and gutted in front of its court before they had been taken to their own fates. A river of yellow slime stained the floor. I stepped over it with the others and found the device that opened the door to its trophy room.” “My God...” murmured the Colonel behind me. The smell that assailed our nostrils was like nothing they had never known. All around the perimeter of the giant vaulted room were the pedestals on which stood the preserved specimens from every planet the Plaqetons had ever visited or conquered. The trophies ranged from the tiniest creatures to immense beings, terrifying with bared teeth and multiple appendages, posed in silent postures of attack. Bronze plaques bearing the names of the beasts were written in Plaqeton and mounted on each pedestal. “My God.....Oh, my God....” The colonel said again as he read the sign facing us, one I had heard many times... ‘HUMAN MALE...TAKEN ON E-5 IN THE YEAR 5413. CONTRIBUTED GREATLY TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF ALIEN STUDY’ There was Micky, Captain Farr, leaning out toward me, frozen in death. His body was bent slightly at the hips, one leg and foot forward and his arms curled at the elbows; extended like an ancient wrestler. His face was as handsome as I had remembered it but expressionless, staring blankly past us through the green glass eyes they had installed behind his lids. Like all of the specimens his flesh had been meticulously preserved and looked as tan and natural now as it had in life. The only mark on him was the narrow scar bisecting his torso, under the dark hair, from his throat to the base of his cock.

They had recreated an erection and below it had replaced his missing nuts with a realistic sac and a pair of fake nads. I was sobbing when they turned me away from him for the last time. “Sargeant...incinerate that damn room. Get everything in it!!” ordered the Colonel. “Yes sir.” “They told me I’d be in there with him someday...” I pulled the blanket my rescuers had provided tighter around my shoulders. “Come on, Lieutenant. Let’s get the Hell out of here.”


23 Gay Erotic Stories from KWKEITH


BY KEITH CHRISTENSEN “Roger W. Jacobs, Commander USN, serial number F4990276,” he screamed in his head. He tried pulling up his feet but his bare ankles were bound together and tied to the frame of the iron cot they had him lying on. Another tight rope around his throat held his head to the top rail of the bed. He could smell the stinking mattress beneath him. His eyes were

Captives, Part 1

The boy was brought into my office and made to kneel on the floor before my desk. He had been stripped naked and recently washed. The fresh scent of pine soap rose from his warm skin and drifted across the space between us. I ordered him unbound and he rested his free hands unthreatening on the tops of his trim, muscular thighs. His butt rested on his ankles. He was an amazing specimen.

Captives, Part 2

Captives, Part 2 He woke slowly. There was a loud buzzing in his ears obliterating any other sound, and then gradually his senses began to return. An air conditioning motor cycled on somewhere above him and there were talking voices. He opened his eyes and the haze started to clear. He saw a straw covered floor, a high, white-washed fence, and in the distance a forest of tall poles and

Captives, Part 3

Captives, Part 3 The fat man and I had business to conduct and I decided that we should relax in my hot tub while we discussed it. I chose Hector, one of the young Mexican guards to accompany us. He could provide some special entertainment while we soaked. While Najef and I settled ourselves into the steamy bath we watched the soldier strip off his camouflage fatigues, exposing first,

Destiny Cultraine And The California Connection, Part 1

Billy Hollis stepped off the train and into the blackened bowels of the San Francisco terminal, his eyes wide with amazement over the size of the place and the sight of half a dozen locomotives all in a row, each one belching clouds of sooty smoke into the cavernous barn. A blast of steam from the undercarriage of a nearby engine startled him and he whirled around to see if Destiny was somewhere

Destiny Cultrane and the California Connection, Part 2 (conclusion)

“Sure thing Marshal. Say, how come I always hafta get you outta spots you get yourself into?” Hollis chuckled. “Jus’ lucky I guess. Now, hurry up.” Together they released the other prisoners and then made their way out, dressed as they had been when they entered, but encountered no resistance from Wo Hung’s henchman. Later Destiny would learn that the guards were too busy capturing the

Destiny Cultrane: Brushrock Pass

DESTINY CULTRANE: BRUSHROCK PASS BY KEITH CHRISTENSEN Swirls of snow driven by a fierce wind rose from the street like small tornadoes as Destiny coaxed his mare through the growing drifts. Puffs of steam froze into crystals of ice on the horses muzzle and below his nose as the storm tore at their faces. He pulled the collar of his duster in closer to his neck. To his right

Destiny Cultrane: Brushrock Pass (conclusion)

Reluctantly Moon shuffled to the upright and knelt beside Cultrane’s splayed legs. Right before his face was the lawman’s naked hip and Darby’s stiff cock lunging in and out of the furry crack. He was caught suddenly in the excitement as he raised his hand to the marshal’s hard thigh and then into the warmth of his crotch, past the sack, to the root of the throbbing cock. Cultrane groaned as

Destiny Cultrane: Lost Time

By Keith Christensen Destiny reined up his mare at the crest of the small rise and trained his eyes into the slope of desert ahead of them. Billy Hollis pulled his horse in beside him. Leather creaked and snapped as Cultrane raised his big body up in the stirrups to get a better look. “What d’ya see, Cully?” the younger man asked, looking into the distance. “Not sure...what do you

Deztiny Cultrane: The Cooper Situation

“Name’s Cultrane, Marshal Destiny Cultrane.” The husky baritone fairly rumbled in the stillness of the Judge’s heavily draped and richly paneled office. The Marshall had arrived in Tucson from a four day trail ride and had wasted no time climbing the marble stairs of the limestone courthouse and locating the judge’s office; he appeared strangely incongruous, filthy from his long trip,


FOOD BY KEITH CHRISTENSEN I drove to the self-storage warehouse in Key West. It was a huge, white painted concrete block building in the middle of an incongruous looking residential neighborhood. I had been told it had once been a cigar factory, which would explain why the place was built like a fortress. There were no windows and only a loading dock and a small door punctuating the

Food, Conclusion

Ari had stretched my arms up and fastened my wrists into the leather shackles at the top corners of the cross while Saia slipped the jock down my legs and off my feet. By the time my ankles were shackled to the base my cock had fully raised and the foreskin had pulled back from the thick head. It throbbed before me in the cool air. “It looks like this one is ready for us, my brother. Let us


HUMANOID “Humans!!!” bellowed the supreme leader. “Yes, my Lord...two were reported in the 5th the mountains south of the old Tennessee section.” I pointed at the map with the lazar indicator. “That’s ridiculous! There hasn’t been a human sighted since they were exterminated by th Zylons...when was that...two hundred years ago.” “You’re correct my Liege. I’ve seen the

Lieutenant Evans

LIEUTENANT EVANS “Say...isn’t that Bennett’s boy? Sam Bennet, the Senator from Maryland? What’s he doing here?” Two men stood together in the darkened room, their eyes fixed on the screen mounted before them. “That’s the trouble with you boys. So full of questions, Jack...” I breathed and raised my glass, sipping again at the pale liquid, my favorite wine from our

Number 14

NUMBER 14 As told to Keith Christensen by Jake Nordland About a year ago, while traveling through Iowa, I had occasion to stop at a small country bar just outside the limits of a town somewhere in the middle of the state, I’m sorry, I really don’t remember the name of the town but it would have little bearing on the rest of the story anyway. I

NUMBER 14...End.

He knew what kind of man you are and was sure you would make the right decision about our future.” “Are you nuts?” John said. “He can’t keep you all.” “Well...yes, you can. You see, Sir, he left you the farm and the school.” Before the old man’s will was settled ol’ John and I really had our hands full. We installed temporary fixtures, sinks and showers in the shed, or I should


By Keith Christensen A slow steady roll of thunder rumbled across the horizon and a huge grey mass of clouds covered the already darkening sky. “Damn,” I thought, “If I get soaking wet out here I’ll really be pissed-off. This job is miserable enough.” Because of a useless degree I had once achieved in animal husbandry, I’d been taken from a comfortable job in agriculture and been


Saturnicus By Keith Christensen It was 1882 and there were arguments taking place in the U.S. Senate about Wyoming becoming the next State in the Union, according to some, but on that clear, crisp night, under a full moon Sonny and Buck didn’t really care about such things. They still had another section of fence to check before turning in for the night. Sonny would have let it go until

Saturnicus, Part 2

As they came closer, Buck saw their heads tilting and their faces moving as they were sniffing at the air between them, testing each others tantalizing odors. He stared, mesmerized by the picture box while he was amazed by their silent communication, neither one uttering a word, yet seeming to understand their silent language. The intruder grasped the exercise bar with both hands and stretched


SILVERROD By Keith Christensen Chase Hogan and his partner Smitty had spent three weeks riding a herd through a stretch of desert when they decided it was time for Smitty to return to Fort Laramie for some more supplies. It would be about a four day trip and Chase told him they’d meet up at Silverrod, where he’d wait at the local hotel. After they’d parted, Chase spurred his mare, turned

Silverrod (conclusion)

Reveling in his reaction, she started to rain every lash down on his chest, aiming carefully for the dollar sized targets on his chest, until the sweat that trailed across his convulsing belly ran red as it passed through the wet pelt just above his drooping cock and dripped from his legs to the stony ground. Gradually she worked down, across the plain of his ridged abdomen, striping his flesh


I called for the guards to escort me to the cells which we were, to my delight, once again using. We proceeded through the labyrinth of corridors and down numerous flights of stairs, lit only by torches along the way until the air became fouled with the smell of awful and urine and stale sweat. I pulled the perfumed hankie from my brocade pocket and held it to my nose. I had to see the new


While he struggled vainly, his ample bag and beautiful, long cock swung between his thighs. “Answer me, BOY!” Fontaine shouted. “No’er ‘appened like that.” I watched while Linus and the others released Richard from the rack and shoved him forward to the space near the pillories. I marveled at his sleek body and how his muscles rolled beneath his sweat-glistening skin as he


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