Gay Erotic Stories

A First-Time CD Model Gets His Cherry Popped!

by Subbtmf4u

As I left my parked car and began walking toward the first trail I saw in this beautiful state park, I savored the tease of the approaching spring of 2007...clear skies, temperature in the low 60’s…a perfect day for a man in his early 50’s to escape from work, slip into some shorts and a light shirt and enjoy the serenity of nature. About thirty minutes into my solitary walk along the trail, I saw a man ahead in the distance apparently capturing the scenery with his camera perched on a tripod. As I drew near I could see that he was a good-sized man, perhaps 6’3” or more in height and likely in the 240lb plus weight range. For whatever reason, I stopped, said “Hello”, told him what a nice camera outfit he had and that he must be a professional. He cordially returned my greeting and said that in actuality he was just an advanced amateur photographer, a retiree with plenty of free time to use his 66th birthday gift he had received from his wife in January. I then mentioned that with the equipment he had he would be able to explore all areas of photography. He chuckled and said there was one realm of photography that he would love to explore but would likely never be able to because of his wife. Naively, I asked what that was...he smiled and told me it was nude photography...that he would love to photograph a nude female model but had pretty much given up hope of that. For a moment I thoughts swirling...unknowingly he had opened a door of opportunity for me.

You see there has always been a secret side of me that loves to dress in sexy intimate female attire...camis, chemises, teddies, thongs, mini-skirts, thigh-high stockings, heels, jewelry, make-up…the whole nine yards! And, yes, for years I had fantasized about sex with a man...being his sweet submissive bottom bitch...but had always kept it at bay...still a man-to-man sexual virgin with every intent of staying that way! But I had also always fantasized about how I might look in a picture…and here I was with an open door! So I asked him if he would be interested if I could provide him an alternative...a substitute…for a nude female model and he asked what that might be as he gave me a quizzical look. Boldly, I then proceeded to tell him of my secret side and that I would be willing to model for him if he was interested.

His demeanor suddenly changed...for the he looked menacingly at me and in no uncertain terms stated that he was married, happily so, and didn’t do sex with men! I quickly apologized if he had misinterpreted my intent, told him that I too was married, had never had sex with men, but just wanted to see how I might look on film...or in his case, digital...thinking it would be a good way for him to practice with an alternative to a female nude model...a “fem-man”, if you will, and that it would cause no suspicion by his wife, plus we would both have reason to protect each other’s privacy. I again apologized if I had offended him, wished him a good day and began to walk on down the trail. I had gone only a few steps away when he suddenly hollered, “Wait”. I stopped and turned around as he approached me and said, “Could you model for me on Monday?” I asked where and he told me it would be at his house where he used a basement bedroom as a studio as well. I asked, “What about your wife?” and he replied that she still worked and never came home during the it would be safe. After a pause, I said, “What time and how do I get to your house?” He proceeded to write down the directions to his house, about thirty minutes from mine, as he asked if I could come around which I agreed. As I left him there, he told me we would try this once and made me swear to secrecy...I did and then said “See you Monday”.

On Monday, having taken part of the day off from work unbeknownst to my wife, I slipped by my house around 10AM, proceeded to gather items I would need for the “photo shoot”...a couple of sexy tops, jewelry, lacy thigh-high stockings, heels (I had secretly bought), make-up, but no panties...and then left for his house. I arrived just before 11AM and he greeted me as I entered the back door as per his request. We walked downstairs and he showed me the bedroom studio where we would be working. I then went into a bathroom, shut the door and began my transformation. About twenty minutes later, I as a normal-looking man...out as a sexily dressed, made-up “feman” adorned in a waist-length crinkled, floral, form-fitting top, white lace thigh-highs, heels, dangling clip-on earrings, necklace, bracelet and anklet, all silver...a smooth shaved head & face, my light, fine body hair neatly trimmed as short as I could and my hips and bottom shaved smooth as a baby’s behind!

His back was turned toward me as I entered the studio...but when he turned and got his first glimpse of me, he said, much to my surprise, “Damn! I think I might like this!” Blushing at the unexpected compliment, I thanked him and told him I was looking forward to it as well. Guiding me onto a portable floor placed against a bare wall, he moved away, grabbed his camera, knelt just in front of his electronic flash mounted on a stand with a photo umbrella and said he wanted to begin with frontal poses. For the next 10-15 minutes I moved quickly from one suggestive pose to another as he fired shot after shot, as he directed, encouraged and complimented me. He then stopped so he could go change from jeans to a pair of shorts and turn on the central air fan since it was getting warmer in the studio because of the flash. He quickly returned, wearing a tank-top, shorts and sandals, and then said he wanted to move to some side poses, on both sides. So for the next 10 minutes or so I shifted and moved from one sexy side pose to another...flirting with the camera…my unadorned genitals, hips and side of my bottom facing the he energetically directed me...clearly enjoying it even if I wasn’t a female.

Stopping me, he said he now wanted to move to some backside I faced the wall and began to move seductively from pose to pose, my long legs close together, my soft, smooth bottom tantalizing the camera, even as the tone of his vocal directions seemed to almost suggest arousal...but I felt secure in the knowledge of his heterosexuality and disdain for anything else. Suddenly, I moved to a different arms bent & hands placed shoulder high on the wall, my upper body leaning forward against the wall as I spread my legs about three feet apart, my smooth bottom hiked outward to enhance its supple roundness, my face towards the he snapped shot after shot, he suddenly shouted “Oh yes!...great pose! Hold it while I change memory cards.” As I held the pose, I heard him set down his camera...followed by a quick moment of silence...then I heard a soft noise that sounded almost like clothes falling to the floor...then it hit me! Holding my pose, I shifted my eyes just in time to catch his last couple of steps toward me...and glimpse the horror of his naked body with a fully erect cock moving swiftly toward me. Before I could say a word he was on me, his body pressed against mine as he warned me in a grimacing, almost guttural tone not to say anything. Stunned and frightened I remained quiet as he wrapped his left hand around my waist while he used his right hand to guide the bulbous head of his throbbing cock between the soft cheeks of my bottom...then felt the head press against the lips of what he was about to make his pleasure pussy! With a loud groan he pushed...hard...the head splitting open the passage to my body...then the long shaft pushing inward and I moaned in pain! In and out...over and over...harder and harder...faster and faster...his pulsating rod pumped me as he kissed my neck, holding me firmly with his left hand while his right now explored my body, caressing my supple thighs, spanking my soft bottom, teasing & pinching my erect nipples...all as I moaned at the searing pain of his thrusting unlubricated cock literally ripping me apart...but at the same time I found myself confusingly exhilarated being in his arms while he was, in truth, raping me!

Thankfully, with the increased friction it didn’t last long...about 10 minutes...when with one final rapid upward thrust he literally lifted me off the floor...fully impaled on his cock as it erupted...sending wave after wave of his hot cum deep inside me as I screamed in agony...and ecstasy! Moments after the eruption ends he slowly lowered me to the floor, pressed harder against me, pinned me to the wall, as he breathed heavily! After a few moments of silence, he spoke, his voice now more calm, asking me to forgive him...he had never done this before...he couldn’t help himself...he lost control...begging me not to say anyone. Turning my head to the side...face to face...he asked me, “OK?” For a long moment our eyes met...then, without a word needing be said, I gave him my our lips met in a passionate kiss that seemed as if it would never end...letting him know...I am now his!

The story is true. I’ve been modeling for him and been his steady sex toy (he calls me his “misteress”) ever since...except for a three-week separation over an accidental indiscretion I had at his house with his two Hispanic lawn care workers...but that’s another story and, mmmmmmm, a good one!

P.S. ...he really did rip me apart...I bled...which is why he now calls that pose the “cherry-popper”!


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Subbtmf4u

A First-Time CD Model Gets His Cherry Popped!

As I left my parked car and began walking toward the first trail I saw in this beautiful state park, I savored the tease of the approaching spring of 2007...clear skies, temperature in the low 60’s…a perfect day for a man in his early 50’s to escape from work, slip into some shorts and a light shirt and enjoy the serenity of nature. About thirty minutes into my solitary walk along the trail, I


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