Gay Erotic Stories

Getting Back At Gary

by 425160

It happened a few years ago. My name is Mike and I was training to be an Airport security guard. I had no idea what to do with my life and had to make some sort of living. It seemed to be a job in demand so I thought why not. I enrolled in a specialized course that turned out to be a mix of wannabe policemen and deadbeats that had tried everything else and were forced to train for this job or loose their unemployment benefits.

One of the unemployed deadbeats was Gary. 6 foot tall, handsome in a rugged kind of way, great body as far as I could tell through the clothes. I sat two benches behind him and spend many moments just staring at his back muscles moving under the fabric of his tight t-shirt. He was the kind of guy that didn’t buy close fitting shirts, but because of his build they just turned out that way. I always waited until he got up so I got a look at his ass moving up from the seas and swaying as he walked away from me. He had one major disadvantage. The guy had the biggest chip on his shoulder--constantly intimidating the females in the group, no respect for anyone or anything. This got him in trouble with the teachers on many occasion but he always had to swallow his pride because he really couldn’t afford to be kicked out and loose his unemployment money.

It was about halfway through the 4 month course that the incident happened. Gary came in late and had nowhere else to sit except next to me. For the first time I had a chance to give the rest of his body a good look. My eyes ended up resting on his crotch. Through the fabric of his faded and worn down jeans I could see the outline of the biggest dick I had ever seen. It came out on the right side of his zipper and ran a good way down his right leg. I could see almost every definition from top to base. I must have been looking for quite a while when I heard a distinctive ‘AHEM’ coming form Gary. I looked up and stared straight into his grey-blue eyes. He had been looking at me and realised that I had been staring at his dick. His eyes were filled with disgust and he pronounced the word “FAG” and spit on the floor right at my feet. I knew I was in trouble.

And surely I was. I waited for a long time after class, hoping he had already left but this had only given him time to tell all the other macho class mates about what had happened. When I came outside to walk to my car I was met with spitting, yelling and threats. I ran to my car as fast as I could and heard Gary yell “you want to suck my dick fag”? When I came home I ran inside and took a long hot shower to wash my anger and frustration away. I came out and took a good look at myself in the mirror. I really look like a faggot, I thought. I’m not a muscular or heavy built man.

I’m 27 but most people think I’m younger…narrow shoulder and face and a very pale face. What was I thinking; I couldn’t be a security guard. I would never be taken seriously, let alone now everyone knew I was gay. I decided to call the one teacher I had a good relationship with. She was also the only female teacher there and we had actually gone out for drinks a few times after school. Jane was a middle aged woman. A little heavy, grey short hair and taught the practical part of the course. What to do with aggressive people and things like that. Many times with role playing. I really enjoyed her classes and would miss them dearly. I called Jane on her cell phone and luckily for me she was there. I found it difficult to tell her why I wanted to quit because I’m not really open about my sexuality. But to my surprise, she interrupted my stammering and said I knew you were gay all along. You should not give into people like that. Look at me, I’m a woman in one of the most macho fields of work and I’m still standing. It turned out she has had to take a lot of crap from the Gary’s of this world. So we spend the rest of the time coming up with a plan to make my life bearable and to get back at Gary.

The next day I arrived really early. I didn’t want to go through another scene like the day before. Luckily the first class we had was from Jane. As the people started walking in most of them had seem to have forgotten the day before and acted normal. Not Gary though. As soon as he came into the classroom our eyes met and he grabbed his crotch and flipped me the bird. Little did he know what was in store for him.

Jane came into the classroom and everyone sat down. Jane started to talk. Today we are going to be talking about and practicing searching passengers. This is a tricky subject because you will be invading someone else his or her private space. The more comfortable you are with your body and touching someone else, the easier it will be. During class today you will have to let go of your preconceptions. If any of you make another classmate feel bad or uneasy you will have failed this course and you will not get your certificate hence you will not become a security guard. Is this clear for everyone? She had the class’s full attention and everybody agreed.

So, she continued, in order to feel at ease with a normal search we will go a little further here in class today. This way the traditional search won’t seem so difficult anymore. I want to ask Gary to come to the front of the class as the first subject of today. Gary had not seen this coming. Everyone could see his reluctance but he could not very well refuse. This would cramp his style with the rest of his macho friends. He, after all, wasn’t afraid of anything. He got up and walked to the front of the class. He looked amazing as always. The movement of two muscular shoulders and a rock hard back under his dark blue t-shirt, the swaying of his round butt as he walked to the front and the tightening of the fabric of his jeans around his legs as his leg muscles flexed was enough to make my dick stir. At the front of the class he turned around to face his fellow students. He had a cocky grin on his face and ran his hands through his half long blond hair. He was used to being in the centre of attention and he enjoyed it.

Jane approached him slowly and resumed whit a neutral teaching tone of voice. I will now slowly demonstrate the proper movements for a basic body search. She started running her hands all over his arms, torso, stomach, down the outside of his legs. I must say I was getting aroused just looking at his big man being fondled by the middle aged, grey haired teacher. Gary looked a little bit less at ease. Jane continued. One of the most popular places for people to hide things is in the crotch. And with that statement she grabbed Gary between the legs and did not let go. Gary didn’t see this coming and let out a little scream while he jumped ever so slightly in the air. There was snickering in the class and Jane took her time waiting for everyone to settle down but just kept holding on to Gary’s dick. So who of you will have difficulty doing this she stated to the class. Because if you have a problem with it, you will not find most of the hidden goods and you will possibly endanger passengers and crew in the process. Had I not talked to Jane the day before, this would have sounded really plausible to me too but it fit perfectly into our plan. Just grabbing is not enough though, Jane continued. You really have to feel to make sure it is only penis and scrotum you are feeling otherwise you will not find the hidden items. With hat all the class could see her starting to play with Gary’s crotch. Gary didn’t know where to look and stared at the ceiling in embarrassment. Jane kept on groping and kneading. I could see her follow the entire outline of Gary’s dick and I guess she grabbed his ball sack a little too roughly because Gary let out a loud “OUCH” at one point. The class was dumbstruck bus seemed to be accepting this as a normal way to teach this delicate subject. She finally let go and to Gary’s embarrassment the stimulation of his crotch had caused his dick to grow even larger and there was now a very visible boner outlined in his jeans.

Now it is time for one of you to try it Jane said and as our eyes crossed I saw a brief grin on her face. MIKE, she said as if she had just now thought of asking me, why don’t you come here and try this technique. Gary’s facial expression went from embarrassment to angry in an instant. This faggot is not going to touch me, he hissed. Do I need to remind you what I said at the beginning of this class, Jane said in a threatening tone of voice? If you perceive this as sexual you have no place being a security guard. This is just as normal as checking luggage. I hope I don’t need to remind you what will happen if you get kicked out of this school. I could see every muscle in Gary’s body tense up and in his eyes I saw a mix of anger and frustration as I casually walked up to the front of the class. Behind me I heard my classmates stir. They knew what had happened the day before. Was this pale, thin, homosexual really going to fondle the straight butch Gary?

I now stood eye to eye with Gary who was trying hard to stare me down and giving me a “don’t you dare” look. But unfortunately for Gary I was not going to pass up this opportunity to feel his body first hand and completely humiliate him in the process.

I put both my hands on his shoulders and Gary sniffed loudly through is nostrils. From there is slid my hands over his pecks made sure I flicked his nipples on the way down. Gary of course was no fool and let out an angry grunt. I followed down his abdominals and as I let myself sink I ran my hands all the way down the sides of his legs applying extra pressure on the sides of both his but cheeks. My face was now inches away from his crotch and I could see that his dick had gone down to its original but still impressive size. I placed my hands on the insides of his legs and ran them up ever so slowly. This proved too much for Gary who jumped back when my hands reached his inner thigh.

“Very good Mike,” Jane said. “But now for the difficult part; Mike are you ready to feel if Gary has any hidden goods in his crotch?” I sighed and looked at Jane mockingly. I guess I have to in order to get my diploma. Isn’t it time for someone else to be the subject Gary interrupted? No Gary, Jane said, this is difficult enough for Mike, so you will have to bear with us for a little longer. Gary couldn’t believe what was happening. Here he stood in front of the whole class about to be groped by this little fagot he caught looking at his crotch yesterday. I took my time approaching Gary as if I was going to do this with a heavy heart. But I really wanted to prolong his suffering in anticipation of me grabbing his dick.

I placed my hand on his belt buckle and let it slide down over his zipper. I couldn’t believe I was actually touching this guy’s huge bulge and there was nothing he could do about it. The fabric of his jeans was pretty worn down which made it easy for me to feel every little detail. I heard Gary breath heavily as I cupped his entire bulge and started feeling the weight of it. Even though I had fantasized about this moment, the weight of his package was even bigger than I imagined.

Mike, don’t be afraid, you really have to feel around in order to identify the different parts Jane insisted. And tell me what you feel as you go along. I think I feel his testicles, I said in a serious voice as I gently bounced them of my middle and index fingertip. I moved my hand to the side and felt the softness and warmth of his penis. It filled the palm of my hand and I hadn’t even reached the head yet. Of course I shared this information with the class. I moved my hand down, rubbing his dick all the way and reached the head of his penis. I took my time examining it. I made little circles with my finger tips while I described what I felt. I heard Gary very softly ask me to please stop. I knew why because I felt his dick grow slowly under my hand.

Ok, that is enough Jane said abruptly. I stepped aside and Gary’s even bigger boner than before was exposed to the class. Luckily I knew what we were going to do so I wore baggy pants and my rock hard dick was not visible for anyone.

Ok, class Jane said. We have all heard Mike’s description of Gary’s parts. Now it is time to see if he was right. The class was completely silent. Was she really going to do what they thought she was going to do? She walked up to Gary put her hand on his shoulder and said in a soft a loving voice. Don’t worry Gary, everyone will get a turn, you are just the first. You will need to do this to pass this class as well as everyone else. Gary didn’t know how to respond to this. There was only one way to check if Mike had it right, but surely this was not what she meant was it? Just relax and let it happened Jane continued in an almost hypnotic tone. She unbuckled his belt. Gary grabbed her hands to stop her with a desperate look in his eyes. But Jane just gently put his hands back to his sides, placed her own hands back on the top button of his jeans. One by one she slowly undid the buttons of his jeans. We had talked about this part of our plan and agreed that we would see how far we could go without causing too much of a scene. As Jane let go of his jeans we all saw them fall down. The class couldn’t much more than that because Jane was blocking the view. I on the other hand was still standing to the side and could see how his white cotton briefs were exposed. Again I was amazed by the size of his package. His underwear was actually strained so much by the weight that there was a small open space between his waist band and his flat stomach.

Jane stepped to the side so the whole class could witness the next step. She pulled his waistband outwards, stuck her hand in the front of his briefs and pulled his package out. Gary at this point was completely out of it. He just stared down at his exposed dick with an open mouth and a dumb look on his face. It was so quiet inside the class that you could have heard a pin drop. Now it was my turn again to see if my description fit the reality. I gently placed my hand under his dick and lifted it up. I felt the silky warmth and the weight. But now I also saw the perfect colour and could smell the light scent. As I chatted about the weight of it and size. Grabbing his balls with my other hand I had to correct my previous findings about their size. They actually turned out to be a bit smaller than anticipated. Gary just couldn’t get his head around what was happing. He saw this faggot playing with his dick and balls, but it seemed like it wasn’t really happening. Was it?

At that point Sarah, one of the girls that had been put down by Gary on several occasions raised her hand and said. Excuse me, but you have only examined the front, people do tend to hide stuff in the back as well. Can you show me how that is done? I looked straight at her and saw a devilish grin on her face. She was enjoying every second of this studs humiliation. I kept hold of Gary’s dick while Jane explained all the different stuff she had found stuck up someone’s but during her career. I squeeze Gary’s dick ever so slightly in a set rhythm. The side of his shaft slowly started to push against the palm of my hand. I felt the tension of the head wanting to pop out and as soon as the attention of the class shifted from the conversation between Sarah and Jane back to Gary I let go to reveal his semi hard cock to the class.

Well Gary, Jane said. It seems you are enjoying yourself much more than I thought. At this point Gary snapped out of his daze and realized what was happening. He was standing in front of a group of 30 people with his dick and balls exposed. How on earth did this fag get his dick to get hard? He had never been so ashamed in his life. Gary tried his best to hide his boner with his hands and turned around quickly while pulling up the front his underwear to prevent further embarrassment. The view of his bubble but still covered by his white briefs was quite a sight. The most beautiful round but cheeks with dimples on both sides deep enough to put your hand in. Gary bent forward to put his jeans back on, but Jane was fast. Since you are already standing there, She said let’s show Sarah the answer to her question. And before Gary could react Jane pulled his underwear down to his knees. Gary stood there bent forward with his naked ass exposed and wanted to straight himself while pulling up his underwear. But Jane quickly stepped to his side, put her hand between his shoulder blades and said. We are not going to have the same discussion again are we? It will just take a second to show the class how to conduct a cavity search. It is a legitimate question from Sarah, so please stop being so difficult. Gary at this point didn’t want to expose his semi hard dick to the class again and placed his hands on Jane’s desk in front of him. Now spread your legs Jane said.

Now since Mike has been doing so well, I will let him show you how it is done while I explain what to do. With this said Jane placed herself at Gary’s waist, placed her hands on his cheeks and spread them apart. Gary was clenching his anus with all his might. Shouldn’t we be using lubricant I asked Jane? I’m afraid I don’t have any here, said Jane, but in the field you don’t always have lubricant as well. In such cases you can use your own spit Jane explained as if she was giving away her secret recipe.

I spit in my hand and started to apply it to the hunks anus. I felt his sphincter twitch under my touch. I couldn’t believe we had carried it so far. As I placed my index finger on his hole, I wondered if we would really take it all the way. It was amazing how easy my finger slipped into Gary’s hole. He was really putting in an effort to prevent me from going in. But as soon as I had my fingertip in Gary surrendered completely. I looked like all energy was suddenly drained from his body. There was not fight left in him. It gave me the opportunity to ad my middle finger and I inserted both all the way. I felt Gary’s wet warm inside as I faked searching for ‘hidden items’ violently twisting and turning my fingers. At this point I noticed Gary’s shoulders jerking. Was he crying? I left my fingers dug all the way into is as and squatted down and between his legs, past his dick and balls I could see tears running down his face. The jerking of his back made his big package flap back and forth. At hat point de bell rang and the class quickly got up to go to their next class, glad that they didn’t get a turn.

Gary got up as well pulling his pants back over his fondled dick and violated ass. Jane thanked us both for our cooperation. As Gary left the classroom I already heard the first bullies calling him fag bitch. I finished the school without any problem from Gary after that.

This story is purely fictional. Let me know what you think


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1 Gay Erotic Stories from 425160

Getting Back At Gary

It happened a few years ago. My name is Mike and I was training to be an Airport security guard. I had no idea what to do with my life and had to make some sort of living. It seemed to be a job in demand so I thought why not. I enrolled in a specialized course that turned out to be a mix of wannabe policemen and deadbeats that had tried everything else and were forced to train for this job or


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