Gay Erotic Stories

Captives, Part 2



Captives, Part 2

He woke slowly. There was a loud buzzing in his ears obliterating any other sound, and then gradually his senses began to return. An air conditioning motor cycled on somewhere above him and there were talking voices. He opened his eyes and the haze started to clear. He saw a straw covered floor, a high, white-washed fence, and in the distance a forest of tall poles and men’s arms and heads. Sun streamed through small windows casting squares of light on the floor. He shouted but nothing came out. Then he was aware of the thick leather band covering his mouth.

An intense pain rippled across his shoulders and up his arms to his wrists. Through the fog his mind told him to get his feet beneath him and try to stand. He pushed up and felt a cool pole rasp against his bare back and butt. The movement relieved some of the stress on his limbs and the pain quieted to a dull ache. He tried to move his hands but they were secured well above his head. His fingers curled around a hook and he felt the chain connecting his wrists. He shook out his legs and the feeling began to come back into them as he straightened more and stretched.

He looked down the length of his naked body and saw the hair on his chest, belly, and the patch surrounding the root of his cock. He spread his feet while a familiar need flooded his lower body and raced through his penis. His potent stream arced out and splashed loudly into a golden puddle on the concrete. He heard the voices of several men approaching.

Mike clenched the muscles surrounding his bladder once and a last spurt of urine erupted from the tip of his dick and splattered onto the floor. He followed the men with his eyes.

“Ere’s the new one then. ‘Ee’s a looker...okay. Get ‘im down. Mind the piss. The boss wants ‘im ready for a lit’l chat next door,” he said in a thick Australian brogue.

Two of the helpers wrestled McGuire’s wrists off the hook. A new pain shuddered up his tortured arms and screamed in his back as the muscles came back to life. His wrists were secured at the back of his neck with another leather thong.

The men shoved him along on staggering legs between them out into the fresh air and then into an adjacent building. The interior was dark, not whitewashed like the other and was poorly lit by one naked bulb hanging at the end of a cord suspended from the ceiling. The rough concrete rasped at Mike’s feet as they pushed him toward the far wall where algae grew thick on the floor and rusting pipes dripped heavily overhead. There the gag was removed and he was hung again by his wrists. He sputtered and spat, twisting his body under the flowing cold water.

The Colonel appeared out of the shadows on the opposite side of the room.

“Nice to have you with us McGuire--although I feel insulted by your attempt to mislead me.” He produced Mike’s pistol, juggling it in his hands. “It’s a shame you missed the last half of the show last night. It got quite were right, of course. The Marine’s cock did take control and he fucked the hell outta her.

“Big gun...I don’t think I ever saw one of these on any of my buyers before.

“I believe I know why you are here, but I would like to hear it from you, okay?”

Mike spat out the water that sheeted down his face. He violently shook his head but said nothing.

“Come now, I can be much harder on you in your present condition than you can be stubborn. So...tell me.”

He heard a clattering sound and turned to see one of the henchmen wheeling a cart toward them. On it were two car batteries and several coils of heavy rubber-coated wire. Attached to the end of each coil was what appeared to be a long, blunt probe. On the table were more of varying dimensions.

“Ya know, said the Colonel, Jonah here has developed the art of pain into a science...isn’t that right, son?” He moved in close to McGuire but stayed out of the running water. He drew his hand lightly up the inside of Mike’s thigh, through the crease next to his balls and gently up his side to a taut nipple.

“Did you know there are two hundred and fifty spots on the male human body that are particularly sensitive to electric shock? Can you even imagine what it would feel like to have one of his toys inserted into your rectum and have the power switched on?”

McGuire pulled up violently with his wrists, wrestling his body first left then right.

“I don’t know anything...honest.” Mike sputtered through the cascading water.

“Come didn’t walk in here with this gun to shop for a boy, did you?”

He shook more water from his hair.

“Jonah, let’s start with his nuts...”

He felt the cold probes on either side of his ball sac and then a bolt of horrific hurt shot through his crotch and swept up into his bowels. An animal-like howl came from deep in his chest. He gulped down a deep breath and screamed again just as the man applied another treatment to his other dangling testicle.

“Well...?” asked the Colonel.

McGuire just swallowed deep breaths and twirled on his bound wrists. Steadying his body, Jonah stroked his hip and lightly fondled his stinging balls.

“Nothing? Come on, Mr. McGuire... we can do this a lot longer than you can tolerate it, I assure you.”

He lowered his chin, threw the water off his head again and flexed the massive muscles in his arms.

“Put one of those in his urethra. We’ll see how that works...”

“NO...PLEASE...PLEASE...,” McGuire begged. He violently thrust back his hips, trying to escape the henchman’s extended fingers.

“He won’t do it if you tell me what I want to know...simple as that.”

“NOOOO...GOD.....OH, PLEASE, GOD.....DON’T,” he shouted.

Jonah had already seized the wet, fat cock and holding it firmly he pressed at the exposed lips until they opened. He laid the tip of the probe at the opening and began to easily feed it in; letting his victims natural fluids lubricate its progress. He grinned savagely into McGuire’s face as ten inches of the tool disappeared into his body. Finally, it bumped into the locked sphincter of McGuire’s bladder.

“Hold very still now, boy. I don’t wanna hur’ least not yet,” the henchman leered and chuckled. He exerted more force and felt the organ give way. A trickle of urine flowed out around the steel rod and fell to the floor.

Mike yelled and grimaced in fresh pain.

Johan grinned and reached toward a dial on the cart.

“OH, GOD...OKAY...OKAY...DON’T...PLEASE,” he spit out through the falling water.

“Hold on a second, Johan...,” instructed the Colonel. “Tell me that you came to rescue the Senator’s boy, didn’t you, son?”

“Owww...Oh, God....,” McGuire cried, breathless. “No... Owww... Nooo... Take it out...PLEASE, TAKE IT OUT... No...I came to... kill him.”


The Marine Lieutenant sat up stiffly between two men in the back seat of the moving limousine. He was naked and sat awkwardly, his hands bound into the small of his back. His hair was wet and his skin still damp from the shower they’d given him before they had left. One of them shoved his knees apart and his egg-sized balls plopped down between his legs and laid flat on the cool leather seat. A hand from the right closed around his plump cock and began playing with the generous foreskin and the meaty head concealed inside. Fingers traced the thick vein that ran along the top of the dick and curved down behind its crown. The big man felt himself thickening again and protested from behind the gag, twisting his body away from the attention. He wrenched his neck trying desperately to see anything around the blindfold he still wore.

“Hey...look, he’s gettin’ a rod on,” said the man handling his penis.

“Come on, man, leave him alone.”

“Lemme get ‘im off again,” he said, stroking the half-hard cock. “You want to see him shoot again, doncha? Looka the body and the size of the dick on this guy...he’s really somethin’ ” The man spoke with a definite West Virginia sounding drawl.

“All right, let’s do ‘im...he really is hot.”

The big marine squirmed harder, hearing the conversation, but he was immobile, pinned between them. He heard rustling and felt movement around his bare legs and then there was a firm pair of hands on his knees forcing them even further apart. While they lightly stroked up and down the insides of his thighs he felt someone’s warm breath on his balls and the bottom of his hard dick. Then a soft, wet tongue was licking the hairy surface of his nut sack and traveling up the hot ventral tube to the puckered tip of his cock. Expert fingers slicked back his foreskin as a set of masculine, delicate lips closed around the knob drawing the length of the member slowly into the mans eager mouth. Warm saliva flowed freely over the ring at the base of the cock and onto his balls as his swollen crown wedged itself into the hungry throat. Thrashing and groaning, the young lieutenant was driven to ecstasy by the talented mouth. The man started lapping at his piss hole and thrusting the hard tip of his tongue again and again into the velvety opening, seeking even the slightest hint of his sweet pre-cum.

All at once he began remembering the events of the evening in terrible flashes; Jones being forced to straddle him while she struggled and fought the men handling her. How her body felt as she surrendered and allowed herself to slip down and envelope him while the crowd went wild around them. He had wondered then if she had recognized his scent as he had hers and realized whose penis she was being forced to take. He had said her name over and over behind the gag but he was certain she had not heard his voice. Inside she was warm and wet, like the mouth that was taking him now and his arousal had easily grown until they were both writhing against one another, using each others bodies but praying the torment and humiliation would soon end. He had hoped he would come inside her and he would be spared the shame of the monstrous crowd seeing his seed spill from him. But they both knew that the audience wanted that; to witness their climax and revel in the abasement of the pair of animals on the stage.

The two small men were lifting and lowering her, fucking her up and down on the big male imprisoned below her. She was moaning and crying as the big cock ground into her again and again, driving her nearer to her orgasm. She felt herself going over the edge into the fog of intense pleasure. Her breath coming in frantic gasps as she let it happen.

When she came her juices flowed around his rearing cock and her body stiffened above him, inflaming him even more. He drove his pelvis up, thrusting more of himself into the hot crevice until he felt the familiar sensation explode behind his balls and race toward release. And while she was still squirming on him her body was quickly lifted away and he was left exposed, his body dripping sweat, rife with her smell and his cock thrusting into the cool empty air.

But the torturers timing was exquisite and he was too near his climax to control it and he pinched his eyes tightly closed behind the blindfold as a great cry came from deep in his throat. He felt it rush through his body and into the length of his dick. Then the muscles were contracting and he felt the first bolt come from his tortured cock through the cheers and jeers of the audience. He came again and again in great wads onto his heaving chest and convulsing belly until he was left panting on the stone altar inhaling the pungent fragrance of his own semen and sweat.


His tormentor drew back and the hard-on slurped out of his mouth. “Mmmm...this is one delicious big dick, man. Looka this monster...” He held the spit slick penis by its base and slapped the length of it noisily against his other palm. “Come on, man...take a taste a’ this thing.”

Then the marine felt someone leaning across him and there was a second mouth at his body, first licking then biting at his taut nipples one at a time. Electric shocks of pleasure shot into his crotch and his cock leapt in the man’s rough grasp and his head shot back on the seat.

“Yeah...get ‘im boy. He likes that shit... Yeah...”

They continued like that until both mouths were at the base of his body, one licking and sucking at his sensitive balls and the musky space behind them, the other enveloping and sucking his pulsing erection again. Wrestling with his big body they pulled him forward on the seat and elevated his muscular legs. He felt cool air wafting past his tortured asshole and his body stiffened, not knowing what would come next. Then the hot mouth that had been working on his balls was exploring the crevice of his butt, the tongue circling and teasing his abraded pucker. He cried out with intense delight as he forced his body down to meet the probing tongue. His cock lurched in the other’s mouth and he felt another bolt of pre-juice pumping toward the tip. The man sucked greedily at his cock, savoring the sweet juice, moving forward and back on the vein etched shaft. Between the ministrations of the two hungry maws the young marine was lost, falling into the abyss of his approaching orgasm. He groaned aloud and his handsome head shot from side to side on the headrest behind him. His entire body shook and the muscles across his abdomen tightened into steely bands. He was breathing in short gasps as he pumped his hips wildly in rhythm with the mouth traveling up and down his throbbing dick.

“He’s gonna come, man,” the man said, pulling his mouth back from the young Marines hairy ass.

“SHIT...SHIT...I’M... gonna shoot,” bellowed the second man as he drew himself up and aimed his exposed cock at the marine’s convulsing belly. He pumped the dick poking out of his pants steadily until he yelped and the first wad of his seed exploded out of the tip, flying across their victim’s body and plopping onto the seat beside him.

“...OH...CHRIST...SHIT...” he yelled, continuing to come, unloading one shot and then another and another onto the lieutenants chest and into the creases of his rippled abdomen. The inside of the car filled quickly with the pungent scent of his spilled seed.

“OH...YEEEEAAAAH...I’M ...CUMMIN’...OH, SHIT...SHIT!” The young man slurped the taste of the marine’s ass from around his mouth as he flogged his own cock, directing the head at the carpeting between the lieutenant’s splayed feet. His body quaked and his head flew back on his shoulder blades as he came, spilling wad after wad of his milky juice into the thick black pile.

Within moments they had recovered and both hot mouths were at the Marine’s erection again, one licking up and around his stiff shaft and the other nursing and nibbling at his bared head until a flush of euphoria flooded his brain and a familiar sensation raced through his groin. He mouthed something into the leather gag and groaned from deep in his chest.

“Okay...he’s cummin’ now, awright,” the man said before he went back to sucking at the marine’s tightened bag again, forcing his tongue between the big man’s drawn up testicles. The other one locked his mouth over the bulging head just as a slow dribble of salty spunk spilled onto his tongue.

Above them the young officer was nearly mad with ecstasy, convulsing and crying out, his entire body thrashing and vibrating. He felt his cock clench back and fire its first blast deep into the gulping throat. It pumped hard again and again until his copious seed was leaking from the mouth around his cock and spasms were racking his body. When he was done the young devil dog lay back, gasping on the seat. He felt movement around his legs again as the men settled back onto the car seat.

“Man...looka that load...shit. Here, gimme that towel...lemme get ‘im cleaned off.” The rough terrycloth scraped at his skin as the man wiped the scum off the man’s surging chest and belly; around the base of his dick and from his pubic pelt.

“Here, help me get this shit offa ‘im...careful with that ring...don’t hurt ‘im, okay.”

Then the lieutenant felt the cold blade of a knife against his skull as it sliced through the leather bands that had secured his eyes and mouth. Someone’s fingers were gently removing the cotton patches which had sealed his eyelids for the last week. He squinted against the unaccustomed brightness and looked rapidly at his surroundings and at the men seated on either side of him. One of them was unbinding his wrists while the other manipulated his still plump equipment carefully out of the heavy cock ring.

“What the FUCK?” he blurted as soon as the gag fell away.

“Just shut up and listen. Lionel, gimme those clothes...that’s it. Put these on, lieutenant....they should be the right size.

“Damn good thing for you the Company didn’t leave your ass there. You’d be on your way to Europe right now with your girlfriend to spend the rest of your reproductive years having sex as entertainment for some Master and his twisted friends.”

The driver had pulled the car over and had turned off all the lights. A dark voice came from the passenger’s side of the front seat, from the other side of the smoked glass. There was no hint of a face there.

“That’s enough Morgan...Lieutenant, I got you out of there because...frankly... I want you to go back in...”

“Are you fuckin’ joking? That bastard sold my ass to the highest bidder...I’m just glad you guys were it....otherwise I would be on my way to...God knows where.” He pulled the jeans up over his bare rump and tucked his still leaking cock and ample balls into the front.

“We’ll send a few men with you and, of course, you’ll be armed.

“We have reason to believe that...Senator Robbins’ son is in there. We wouldn’t ask this of you but you have knowledge of the inside and you do have the skill and guts to do the job.” He handed a photo into the back of the car. The man to his left, whose long dick was still hanging out of his pants retrieved it. It was a picture of the Colonel.

“Do you recognize this man?”

“Sure...they call him the Colonel. He...interviewed... us all the first day, before they blindfolded us and hung us up in the barn. He’s clever. I didn’t see a fuckin’ thing after that.”

“His name is Simonton...Army Colonel... and a real bad ass.”

“You’re tellin’me?” he said, pulling on the shirt they’d provided.

“He and his men are merks, have been since the day they enlisted. I suppose it’s our fault he’s so well trained and so dangerous,” he said thoughtfully.

“We believe he’s killed at least two agents even before your party disappeared.”

“He did. We found their bodies in the jungle the day before his guys took us,.” he said while rubbing the feeling back into his sore wrists.

“A while back we tracked him to his drug business and now we’ve found out that it thrives through this... interest in his...slave trade.”

“It’s big...I couldn’t see, but there must have been a hundred people there for that sale...and the prices were huge....what about Jones and the others?” The Marine pulled himself up in the seat, glaring at each of the other two men.

“We’ll do everything we can. Someone has already taken the woman out of the country...but, we know where. Unfortunately, we have to prioritize here... Two weeks ago someone...someone very important...arranged with the Colonel to have the Senator’s son kidnapped and brought here. Our Intel tells us that the boy is still here. Unless we find him and get him out soon...he could be sold, or worse...I also know that an agent was sent here, posing as a eliminate the boy. So, you have to work fast.” He passed another picture back.

The photo was of a handsome, well built and smiling youth about twenty, standing on a pier, wearing nothing but a small swimsuit. “Did you see him?”

“ ‘fraid not. I said they’re too smart for witnesses; we were stripped and blinded almost as soon as we arrived. I did see his office though. The walls are lined with pictures of naked young guys just like that. His merchandise....there must have been hundreds of ‘em.”

“I was afraid of that,” he said quietly. “I need you to go in, terminate that agent, if the Colonel hasn’t done it already, Simonton and his men and get the kid out. This is not going to be easy. Agreed?”

“Of course, Sir. Agreed.” ****************************

I opened the gate and the Doc and I entered the stall. Hearing the noise McGuire immediately began struggling on the post, pulling up on his suspended wrists. I saw that he’d been washed and oiled. His handsome body gleamed.

“Quiet down, now,” I said. “I don’t understand why you men make such a display of bravado. If you did manage to free yourself where would you go? You’d still be manacled, gagged and blindfolded in the jungle. So...settle down.”

He quieted and was just breathing heavy when we stepped forward and the doctor filled his hand with the subject’s reddened manhood. He tried to twist away but that movement was also futile. Doc lifted his fat cock out of the way and examined his sizeable balls. He squirmed and a jitter of pain winced through his body.

“Still sore, aren’t they”? He let the bag flop back down between his legs and rotated the big dick between his fingers.

“The head and shaft are unscarred and...uh...the hole is moist. He’ll be alright...just tell them to be careful with those nuts.”

I nodded understanding.

“We’ve got two shots for you, son,” said the doctor as he swabbed a spot on the man’s dimpled flank. McGuire bucked up slightly when the first needle entered.

“That was a mild’ll calm him for the sale. This one is a derivative of the major ingredient in Viagra and the other erection drugs. It’ll keep his dick up and showing well for your guests.”

“Oscar, a little more oil on his legs and bring him when we’re ready.”

“Yes Sir.”

In a short while the henchmen returned and lowered McGuire’s wrists from the hook on the pole. They laughed as he staggered between them. Then, while one repositioned his hands behind his back another man greased his hairy legs and spread the thick liquid up into his crotch, massaging his long cock until the member began to harden in his hand. When he had finished the big tool stood up straight and bobbing out of the kinky nest, its broad crown flared and purple.

Oscar chuckled, “I’d say he’s ready, alright.”

They pushed him along between them, out into the night then up a few steps and into another building. He could hear an excited crowd and remembered the scene, although he was on the other side of the stage. A bolt of fear stuttered through him and he shied back as he recalled the cruel marble chair.

“Easy...easy...” a guards soothing voice whispered into his ear.

They moved him ahead and he felt the warmth of spot lights on his naked skin. A mix of embarrassment and humiliation flushed his flesh as he heard the applause and jeers of the crowd. His arms were raised above his head again and secured to a chain hanging above him. The men spread his feet wide and bound them to rings in the floor. A cool breeze blow gently around his aroused sex and teased at his pendulous bag.

The odd music he’d heard once before was replaced by a voice that filled the room.

“Gentlemen...and lady. The next item is number 14 in your catalog. A robust male 27 years of age. He measures 5 feet, 11 inches tall and weighs 165 pounds, blue eyes and auburn hair. His chest is 45, inches, waist 37. This subject is in excellent condition, note his musculature. His body and pubic hair is intact The circumcised penis measures a girthy 5 inches torpid and an impressive 8.5 inches when tumid as you can see. His testicles are firm and full and the scrotum is long and unblemished....turn him please. His back is thick and well defined, hips are broad and buttocks unmarked, solid and well formed...bend him over, please...”

Mike sensed his balls swaying obscenely between his spread legs and felt a pair of hands separating his ass cheeks. The heat of his humiliation flooded his skin.

“His legs are muscular, well defined and sport more natural hair...turn him, please and secure him,” said the distant voice. When they had stopped maneuvering him he felt a man reaching around from behind him. A hand began steadily massaging his stiff dick. McGuire wriggled and cussed into the gag.

“We will start the bidding at fifty thousand dollars. Fifty I’ve got, do I hear sixty...” The hand slid down to fondle his big balls, gathering the tortured orbs up to the base of his ready cock. He moaned into the gag, already feeling a tingle of excitement building in his groin. The hand began a rhythmic jack from the base of his prick up to the burgeoning crown and swiping over the sensitive tip, then back again. The oily friction ignited a thousand nerves along the member and shivers racked McGuire’s body.

“I have sixty from the lady...come now… this is not very lively bidding. This is a fine specimen. He is handsome and totally untrained....a blank canvas if you mold to your tastes. Now, do I hear seventy thousand?”

The audience got noisier as McGuire twisted and popped his hips, trying to escape the torturous fist. His muscles flexed dramatically and a coat of fresh sweat slicked his skin. He felt his load building behind his nuts, and suddenly his need for release overpowered his need to escape the tormentor.

“Seventy eighty?”

Every time the slippery fingers crossed his cocks head a new prickle surged in him and his muffled cries begged for more contact. His heavy breaths had become ragged gasps. He knew his cock could get no stiffer and his painful nuts had drawn themselves up high into the hollow of his body.

“ I hear a hundred thousand dollars?”

The man cooed in Mike’s ear, “Yeah... let it go, boy...that’s it...unhuh... let it come...yeah, it feels so good, don’t it? Get that nut. Show ‘em what you got, boy... oh, yeah... yeah... YEAH,” spoke the man for McGuire. His body tightened, his head shot back and a great moan came from his throat as his cock hitched up and the first wad of his opalescent cream shot over the man’s pumping hand and splattered on the floor in front of him. The cheering of the buyers became deafening as again and again the distended head jerked, spurting out his load until it gradually became a long strand hanging off the man’s fingers.

“Good boy,” said the voice from behind while he pinched the last drops of spunk from the cock’s pouting lips.

All at once McGuire again became aware of his surroundings.

“Sold,” said the voice. “To the lady for one hundred and twenty five thousand dollars; congratulations.”

He was released from the chains overhead and led out of the building by two men, still breathing heavily, his leaking cock flopping against his thighs. In a moment, in that millisecond when his senses cleared, McGuire heard the crowd and realized what had happened; that he had been reduced to nothing but property. His body, soul...everything had been sold and the buyer could to do with him anything...anything they desired.

“Well, that takes care of the troublesome Mr. McGuire,” I said.

“How do you mean, Colonel?” asked Najef, the fat flesh merchant seated beside me.

“He was sold to Lucretia Devereaux, and Lucretia is the largest producer of snuff films in the world, and, my friend, unless I have underestimated her, she has just purchased her next victim. Come, let’s get another cocktail.”



23 Gay Erotic Stories from KWKEITH


BY KEITH CHRISTENSEN “Roger W. Jacobs, Commander USN, serial number F4990276,” he screamed in his head. He tried pulling up his feet but his bare ankles were bound together and tied to the frame of the iron cot they had him lying on. Another tight rope around his throat held his head to the top rail of the bed. He could smell the stinking mattress beneath him. His eyes were

Captives, Part 1

The boy was brought into my office and made to kneel on the floor before my desk. He had been stripped naked and recently washed. The fresh scent of pine soap rose from his warm skin and drifted across the space between us. I ordered him unbound and he rested his free hands unthreatening on the tops of his trim, muscular thighs. His butt rested on his ankles. He was an amazing specimen.

Captives, Part 2

Captives, Part 2 He woke slowly. There was a loud buzzing in his ears obliterating any other sound, and then gradually his senses began to return. An air conditioning motor cycled on somewhere above him and there were talking voices. He opened his eyes and the haze started to clear. He saw a straw covered floor, a high, white-washed fence, and in the distance a forest of tall poles and

Captives, Part 3

Captives, Part 3 The fat man and I had business to conduct and I decided that we should relax in my hot tub while we discussed it. I chose Hector, one of the young Mexican guards to accompany us. He could provide some special entertainment while we soaked. While Najef and I settled ourselves into the steamy bath we watched the soldier strip off his camouflage fatigues, exposing first,

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Billy Hollis stepped off the train and into the blackened bowels of the San Francisco terminal, his eyes wide with amazement over the size of the place and the sight of half a dozen locomotives all in a row, each one belching clouds of sooty smoke into the cavernous barn. A blast of steam from the undercarriage of a nearby engine startled him and he whirled around to see if Destiny was somewhere

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NUMBER 14 As told to Keith Christensen by Jake Nordland About a year ago, while traveling through Iowa, I had occasion to stop at a small country bar just outside the limits of a town somewhere in the middle of the state, I’m sorry, I really don’t remember the name of the town but it would have little bearing on the rest of the story anyway. I

NUMBER 14...End.

He knew what kind of man you are and was sure you would make the right decision about our future.” “Are you nuts?” John said. “He can’t keep you all.” “Well...yes, you can. You see, Sir, he left you the farm and the school.” Before the old man’s will was settled ol’ John and I really had our hands full. We installed temporary fixtures, sinks and showers in the shed, or I should


By Keith Christensen A slow steady roll of thunder rumbled across the horizon and a huge grey mass of clouds covered the already darkening sky. “Damn,” I thought, “If I get soaking wet out here I’ll really be pissed-off. This job is miserable enough.” Because of a useless degree I had once achieved in animal husbandry, I’d been taken from a comfortable job in agriculture and been


Saturnicus By Keith Christensen It was 1882 and there were arguments taking place in the U.S. Senate about Wyoming becoming the next State in the Union, according to some, but on that clear, crisp night, under a full moon Sonny and Buck didn’t really care about such things. They still had another section of fence to check before turning in for the night. Sonny would have let it go until

Saturnicus, Part 2

As they came closer, Buck saw their heads tilting and their faces moving as they were sniffing at the air between them, testing each others tantalizing odors. He stared, mesmerized by the picture box while he was amazed by their silent communication, neither one uttering a word, yet seeming to understand their silent language. The intruder grasped the exercise bar with both hands and stretched


SILVERROD By Keith Christensen Chase Hogan and his partner Smitty had spent three weeks riding a herd through a stretch of desert when they decided it was time for Smitty to return to Fort Laramie for some more supplies. It would be about a four day trip and Chase told him they’d meet up at Silverrod, where he’d wait at the local hotel. After they’d parted, Chase spurred his mare, turned

Silverrod (conclusion)

Reveling in his reaction, she started to rain every lash down on his chest, aiming carefully for the dollar sized targets on his chest, until the sweat that trailed across his convulsing belly ran red as it passed through the wet pelt just above his drooping cock and dripped from his legs to the stony ground. Gradually she worked down, across the plain of his ridged abdomen, striping his flesh


I called for the guards to escort me to the cells which we were, to my delight, once again using. We proceeded through the labyrinth of corridors and down numerous flights of stairs, lit only by torches along the way until the air became fouled with the smell of awful and urine and stale sweat. I pulled the perfumed hankie from my brocade pocket and held it to my nose. I had to see the new


While he struggled vainly, his ample bag and beautiful, long cock swung between his thighs. “Answer me, BOY!” Fontaine shouted. “No’er ‘appened like that.” I watched while Linus and the others released Richard from the rack and shoved him forward to the space near the pillories. I marveled at his sleek body and how his muscles rolled beneath his sweat-glistening skin as he


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