Gay Erotic Stories

Captives, Part 3



Captives, Part 3

The fat man and I had business to conduct and I decided that we should relax in my hot tub while we discussed it. I chose Hector, one of the young Mexican guards to accompany us. He could provide some special entertainment while we soaked.

While Najef and I settled ourselves into the steamy bath we watched the soldier strip off his camouflage fatigues, exposing first, his thick muscular torso, then his bubble butt and long, hooded cock and drooping balls.

“Come on, Vasquez, into the pool...” I coaxed as I pulled myself out of the tub and up onto the edge.

He hopped into the water and was immediately between my spread knees, kneading my thighs and positioning himself above my swelling dick. A quiver of excitement rippled through me as he drew my penis into his hungry mouth and began a tantalizing tongue massage around the head and stiff shaft.

“Oh, yeah...that’s good...talented mouth on this of the best on my team. You’ll enjoy him.”

“What do you want to do with the boy, Colonel? Have you decided?” asked Najef while he stroked himself under the water, watching Hector taking in my entire length and nuzzling my wet pubic patch.

“My client wants him eliminated....and so does someone else apparently, or McGuire wouldn’t have been sent here. But, my friend, I can’t help believing that a great deal of money could be made if we keep the kid alive.”

“You are right...let me sell him overseas...better yet, into the middle east where he will never be heard of again. We could say he had been terminated and possibly collect double,” said Najef.

I laughed, “That’s what I like about you, Najef, you think like I do...”

Oscar had come through the door and was walking quickly toward the pool.

“Excuse me, sirs. There is something in the communications room you should see. It seems we have company.”

“More?” I shouted, pushing the dark head away from my crotch and raising myself on the pool’s edge. “Show me.”

Najef, wrapped in a big towel and I, still naked and sporting a full erection followed my assistant toward the bank of monitors mounted on the wall at the far side of the big room. I felt the stares of the men, stationed in the room as we passed them.

“Well...what have you got?” I accepted the towel one of them handed me and tied it around my damp waist.

“We picked them up in sector 3 moving toward the compound about fifteen minutes ago. The cameras in sector 6 have them now, about 5 clicks from the first barrier. They look like Marines... There don’t seem to be any more of them, just these 6. I have sent out a monitoring team, though.”


My cameras, hidden amongst the brush around the plantation had captured a group of six men, dressed in camouflage fatigues moving stealthily through the forest. They carried automatic rifles, some M-16's and had hand guns and knives strapped to their belts. On the monitor I saw leading the group, the same beautiful Marine Lieutenant I had sold only days before.

“What fortune, Najef. I can’t believe it! That beauty has come back. This time leading what appears to be a rescue party.” I said thoughtfully. “I believe you’re right, my friend....we have to get rid of the kid. He’s causing far too much disturbance. had better organize a sale. It seems we have merchandise right outside our door, begging to be let in.” I waved a hand. “Oscar, let’s not disappoint them....bring them in.”

Within a few hours Najef and I were summoned to the barn. There, lying on their backs in a neat row like so many corpses were the six unconscious Marines, each still bearing the colorful tranquilizer dart which had brought him down.

“Very good Oscar. Are you sure you got them all?” I asked.

“Yes, Sir. After we captured them the men did a thorough recon of the area and found nothing.”

“They are a good looking group, Colonel. Young, strong, handsome....they will make interesting additions to a sale I think,” said Najef as he walked along the row of drugged men. “I will be able to assess more when we see them without their clothes. No?”

“Oscar, strip ‘em and wash them. They stink of the jungle. Put these four in the barn with the others and bring the Lieutenant, here and...uh...this blonde boy to my office. Let us know when they start coming around.”

“Yes Sir.”

“Come, my friend. Let us wash and dress and have a drink. Then we will say hello to our prey...yet again.” I chuckled.

When Najef and I entered my office the two naked men were there, seated on straight-backed chairs. Their knees were wide-spread, the ankles bound to the chairs back legs and their wrists cuffed together behind the back. Their chins were still down and their heads were lolling from side to side on their chests.

I nodded to Oscar and he emptied a pitcher of cold water onto each handsome head. They gasped and sputtered, shaking their heads violently.

“What the fuck?” spit the blonde while he wrestled against his bonds, finally looking up at us with his deep blue eyes.

He was a good looking young man, a Lieutenant Junior Grade, according to the dog tags hanging around his thick neck. His broad chest was decorated with a wet coat of golden fur that spread out to each side, nearly obscuring his pale quarter-sized nipples, and trailing down the middle of his belly to his lap where it became a heavy pelt, filling his crotch. An impressive uncut cock and a set of sizable balls laid heavily between his stocky thighs on the chair seat.

“Handsome...” said Najef, tilting the boys head back with his huge hand. “Blue-eyed blonde... nice. Good body...very strong. Compact...not too tall... I like that. And...very nicely equipped between the legs.”

“Get your stinking hands off me!” spat the boy, twisting his head from Najef’s hand.

“Oscar...,” I said.

He came up behind the struggling, cursing soldier and jammed the ball gag easily into his mouth, securing the double straps behind his head. He cussed and fought until a stream of spittle dripped from behind the gag and onto his heaving chest.

In the other chair the Lieutenant shook his head again, flinging water in all directions. I slid my flattened hand through the cool puddle on the chair seat and under his big, fleshy bag, lifting its twin contents and his fat cock toward me. Already the bold head of his dick was thickening and his shaft hardening.

“Look, Najef...he’s getting hard. I like this man...but what are we going to do with you, Lieutenant? You keep coming back. Tell did you escape from those men? Oh,..yes.. I see...Was that arranged? How clever of you... and your friends. Lucky you were bought by them, eh? Well, you won’t be that lucky this time because they don’t know you’re here, do they?” I ran my hand across his wet shoulders and up the back of his neck and into his sodden hair.

“Najef, here has a client in Saudi Arabia who has quite a collection of big handsome men, much like yourself. He loves Americans and we think he’ll find you very appealing...and will be willing to pay us a great deal of money for you. And, while he’ll be fascinated by your muscular body and this big, cut dick of yours, be prefers his men...shall we say..., Najef? You see, as soon as he gets you home he’ll summon the local unclean man, but efficient...and in an ancient and time honored ritual he will remove these clumsy things from between your legs. Quite the same as he emasculates a camel. The procedure is quite simple really. A small cut is made in the bag...about here...then, one at a time the testicles are drawn out with a metal device much like a spoon and the tubes are cut. When that is done the empty flesh is simply trimmed away. Aside from the procedure being very bloody I understand it all goes quite quickly. Unfortunately, I have always suspected it hurts like hell since they use no anesthetic or anything. Maybe someday we’ll see each other again and you’ll confirm that for me.”

Najef chuckled and I pulled down on the solid nuts and squeezed them until the big man winced. The marine raised his handsome head and stared at me from behind his tear-moist eyes. I released his balls and gave his hard cock a single tug. It bounced up out of his crotch to a position before his belly.


Benson pressed his body down until he felt like he had become one with the loamy jungle floor beneath him. He lay as still as death and breathed only when absolutely necessary and then never any deeper than a snake would. He pinched his eyes closed. The pungent odor of leaf mold and the wet soil filled his nostrils. He felt the vibration of boots approaching, dangerously near and heard the men crashing through the brush on either side of his position. One passed so close he nearly stepped on his arm. He clutched the K-Bar tighter in his sweaty fingers, waiting. He heard them whispering in Spanish, about searching the bluff one more time and heading back. They moved away and he breathed a little deeper. He couldn’t move, not for awhile. Not until he was sure that there weren’t more behind them.

An uncomfortable urge had begun somewhere behind his navel and was becoming more persistent. He could still hear the men chattering.

“Too near; can’t move my arm; can’t get to my zipper. Just have to suck it up...wouldn’t be the first time. Prob’ly not the last either.”

Soon Benson had no choice but to relax. He sensed the silent flow moving through his cock and then the wet warmth soaking his pants and leaking through and into the earth. It sure felt good though and when it was done he instinctively squeezed his muscles, forcing the last drops out into his skivvies.

After what must have been an hour of lying there in piss-soaked fatigues he rustled. He heard nothing but the sound of the jungle and some sort of an insect crawling near his cheek. He inched his way along the bluff until he saw the perimeter of the compound beneath him and a single armed guard patrolling that side. When he fired his rifle it made no more than a slight popping sound, not even loud enough to stop the chatter of the insects around him. Fifteen hundred yards away the guard stopped in mid-step, his body crumpling beneath him. Through his sight Benson saw two more of his men appear out of the brush. While one pulled the body out of sight the other began cutting through the chain-link fence, creating an entrance. After looking for more guards and seeing none, Benson started down the slope to meet them.


“Oscar, unbind the blonde and bring him over here. The Lieutenant has a treat for him. Don’t you, handsome?” I continued stroking the Marine’s head while Oscar, leaving his hands secured, helped the young man from the chair and led him the short distance toward the waiting officer.

I watched his long, flaccid cock and big balls swaying between his thighs as he moved. Najef held the big man’s head while my assistant positioned the young officer’s crotch in front of his face, so near he could see the cock’s vein-etched flesh and no doubt inhale his musky scent. Another assistant appeared, coaxing the thrashing lieutenant’s jaws apart while the soft cock was slid past his moist lips and into the warm maw.

“That’s nice, lieutenant. No biting. Make him feel good...yeah...close your mouth on that big cock and make him feel it. Umm...that’s good...feel the strength in that tool? Push the skin back and feel the head. Taste his piss hole...suck him,” I coaxed.

Although I knew it appalled him, I could see the JG’s head had gone back and his eyes had gradually closed. He had begun to relish the pleasure in his crotch as his dick hardened and pulsed inside the hungry mouth.

I thought I heard him mumble “I’m sorry” from behind his gag.

The guilt he might have felt did not dissuade him, however from enjoying the ministrations of the now willing marine. He had begun moaning softly, rocking his body, seeking to sink more of his raging cock into the wet mouth.

Inside the compound Benson joined Smith and they silently split their groups, Smitty taking his men and moving right, Benson going left toward the big barn. They met no other guards and moved quickly in the dusky light, keeping low with their backs to the buildings.

At the barn Benson carefully slid a big door aside and squeezed inside, followed by Corrigan and Lester. As their eyes adjusted to the low light, none of the men could believe what they were seeing.

Arranged in rows, in pens on either side of two wide concrete aisles were dozens of men, all of them naked and hanging by their wrists from hooks on tall poles. They all became agitated when they saw the camouflaged rescuers but the ball gags in their mouths prevented anything but indistinct garbling from escaping them. Two men dressed in black clothing spotted the invaders also and without using the automatic weapons slung across their chests, ran toward the opposite end of the structure.

“Get them!...go, go, go!” Benson ordered and his men charged down the aisle. “We gotta find this guy, quickly.” He pulled a few photos from his pocket and handed one to each man. “He’ll prob’ly look kinda different, but we gotta get ‘im. Tell these guys we won’t leave them here. Now, go, go, go!”

“Talk to me...” he said into the microphone on his shoulder as he started down one aisle.

“Sarge...those guys vanished. We’re still lookin...,” the earpiece said.

“Skip it...get back here. We need ya’.”

“Roger that...”

“Smitty, what’s happening?”

“Here...okay, we got ‘em. The Lieutenant and the JG...get them loose, you guys... No one else around though. It’s weird. There was someone here a minute ago. There’s burning butts in the ashtray. What the hell is this place?” Smith said quietly. “Ya’ won’t believe what Olson and the Lieutenant were doing when we busted in...”

“You ain’t seen nothin’,” said Benson. “Have a coupla’ the guys take them out to the they said. Then get back here. I need ya’.”

“Roger, Luke. We’re comin’.”

“Sarge...Sarge...back here. I think I got him!”

Luke broke into a run down the row and stopped short at a group of the pens at the rear of the building. Hanging from the hook was a semi-conscious young man with blonde stubble on his head and a three or four day growth of beard on his handsome face. He garbled something from behind the gag.

Benson and Corrigan took him down from the hook and removed the padded cuffs binding his wrists. They laid him on the straw-covered floor away from the patches of stinking feces and puddles of urine near the post. While his men removed the gag and tried to rouse him, Luke reached between his legs and hefted his big balls up toward his belly. There, on the back of the bag was the birthmark that identified him. The dark heart. While they quickly dressed the boy in the flight suit Benson had brought he radioed the waiting car.

“We got ‘im. Yeah, I checked the birthmark...its there...he’s been sedated but he’ll be okay. resistance...that’s good. No sign of Simonton... the bastard. It went easy...almost too easy. We’re coming out. Send the trucks for these other guys. There’s about three dozen of ‘em. They’re all in pretty good shape really. Just very dirty.” Luke and Mike Corrigan walked up the aisle with the boy slung on their shoulders between them. Along the way the marines were freeing and caring for the Colonels other victims, especially the four taken recently from their own detachment.


Two black Explorers equipped with smoked glass idled outside the compound gates. Inside, men dressed in dark suits and wearing earpieces waited while the three smiling young men in olive drab flight suits were helped into the first vehicle. The boy was aware enough to recognize his uncle seated in the front.

“...uuuhh...Uncle Mike...” he mumbled.

“Good to see you, my boy. Are you okay? Thank you so much, Lieutenant...and you too, Marine.”

“Where’s my dad?” Brad asked, groggily.

“ know how busy he is, always. He sends his love, though...and he’s so sorry if he’s caused you to be in danger.”

“I want to talk to him. Can you call him?”

“ will in time. Uh...excuse me, now...uh...I have to go back to the other car.” He said, as he opened the door and got out. Immediately the Colonel took the Senators place in the front seat. The secret service agents paid no attention to him but the three men in the back panicked and tried desperately to open the locked doors of the van. From the front the Colonel leveled an automatic pistol over seat at his terrified prisoners.

“Now, you boys just settle down, now. Somebody’s liable to get hurt. That’s, suppose you put your hands behind your heads and just relax. We’re gonna take a little drive.” He motioned to the agent behind the wheel and the truck drove away from the front of his compound.

“What a rescue, Lieutenant!! Your men were magnificent...and only one casualty on my side.....well, two really...your young Sergeant Benson. He tossed a set of dog tags back into the Marine’s lap. They were still wet with fresh blood.

“I’m afraid he’s been made an example of....I can’t have people running around shooting my employees. It’s just not good for business... Now, speaking of busin...”

“You filthy bastard!”spat the Marine. “What about my men?”

“Oh, they’re safe and sound. Right now they are being entertained in those trucks Sergeant Benson ordered...well....before his untimely demise...and they are headed for... oops, I almost told you. I must be more careful. You remember Najef...he’s seeing to their comfort. As for comfort...let’s have you three strip out of those awkward flight suits. Because of room you’ll have to do it one at a time, I’m afraid.

“JG, you begin, will you. It’s a shame to hide that lovely body of yours, anyway. Come on, now...we’re all waiting...that’s right...just toss it into the back. Unhuh...very nice... that’s right...hands back...good boy,” cooed the Colonel.

When he had pulled off the suit the young Lieutenant sat back into the corner of the rear seat and locked his hands again behind his neck. His chest and belly heaved with his agitated breaths. He tipped his head down in defeat and shame, looking at his cock and balls lying flat between his thighs on the vans seat.

On the opposite side of the car, the Senator’s son began sobbing openly.

“Don’t cry, Brad,” derided the Colonel. “I know...I know, just when you thought you were starts all over again.”

“Why?” the boy blurted.

“You know why....because your uncle Mike... kind old uncle Mike can’t afford to have you talking about that weekend in Vermont when you and your friend were just fourteen...and he was...well, so much older and hungry. That’s why. Not a good story to be told about a presidential hopeful, is it? Now let’s get you out of that suit... That’s a good boy... Uuumm... and what a handsome lad. I said the first time I saw you, that kid should not wear clothes. And now, you probably never will again. Your torso and arms could use a little work, but your new owner will see to that. Imagine how good you’ll look when he has finished with you. Just like the big Lieutenant, here...

“Okay,’s your turn...we’ve saved the best for last, it seems. Do it slow. I just love watching that body of yours. Your hard work certainly has paid off. I’d keep you myself but I just can’t afford you...but I’ve possessed you twice...who can ask for more than that? That’s it...pull it off and toss it back...hmm...still a little hard, eh? Maybe from seeing Junior Grade Olson naked, again, huh? He has a nice body and he was fun wasn’t he? That nice warm mouth on your dick...and a beautiful dick it is, too...don’t you think JG? Why not pick up where you boys left off. I know he’s still got a big load in there for ya’... come on, son...finish him off now. We all want to see him cum,” the Colonel coaxed, directing him with the point of the revolver.

Leaning to the side, the young Seal grasped the cock by the base and hesitantly lowered his mouth over the big head and down the hardening shaft. The big Marine moaned and shifted his body slightly, thrusting his hips forward on the seat while the officer’s fingers closed around his full bag and solid nuts and his mouth plunged onto the erect prick. “That’s right...yeah, suck ‘im...”

“Come on, boy,” he ordered the Senator’s son, “Get down on your knees here and give the JG some of what he’s givin’ to the Marine. Show him how good that feels....Hell, this is the last time any of you will do might as well enjoy it. Look how nice and hard he is for you...Uuumm...that dick will taste so good...come on, boy...slip your mouth over it...that’s right.”

When he sensed the young man kneeling before him Olson instinctively spread his legs and slid his body forward to allow the blonde head access to the begging dick thrusting up from his crotch. The Colonel chuckled, watching the sobbing youth hunched down under the muscular men.

Moaning out loud around the dick in his own mouth, the Junior Grade rotated his hips, thrusting more of his cock into the warm mouth surrounding him. As much as he wanted to stop it and not give the sadistic bastard the pleasure of watching him, the Marine suddenly felt the cloying need beginning somewhere behind his asshole, and welling up in his balls. If the Seal kept working his dick-head like that he knew he wouldn’t be able to hold off much longer. The incredible pleasure rushed through his body again and again and he moaned and cried out loud. His breath was coming in choked, deep gulps and his handsome head was rolling on the seat back.

“Yeah...” cooed the Colonel seductively. “That feels so good, doesn’t it...the boy is good isn’t he? Yeah... that hot mouth on your hard dick. You feel it comin’ don’t ya? Yeah, let it come boy....let that damn burst...yeah it feels so good...That’s it... Let it go... Give that man your hot load...”

The big Marine was gasping and moaning, thrusting his hips into the JG’s face, his cock so hard the young man had trouble keeping it in his mouth and his balls had pulled high up into his groin. His abdomen convulsed and his body curled forward, his hands still locked behind his head. His breath escaped in a huge groan.

Leaning into the back, the Colonel grabbed a handful of the JG’s hair and yanked his face away from the raging cock just as the Marine’s first bolt flew out of the cocks distended hole and splattered onto the seat beside his head. He slapped the hand away which instinctively went toward the cumming cock to pump out the rest of the load.

“Unh… hands,” he scolded while the dick churned and shot a second wad up onto the man’s neck. It was followed by another load and another, landing on his chest and convulsing belly until there was a steady flow of milky jism out of the dicks tip and down the fading shaft into his pubic patch.

“Good man!” the Colonel said while the Marine lay back, panting in the car seat. “Okay, you can lick all of that shit off, ‘im...yeah...tastes good, don’t it...that’s a good, boy. Clean him up real nice...lick that jizz off his cock, too...yeah,” he laughed, watching the young Seal licking and gagging over the big man. “Get used to it;’ll be eating plenty of that shit when you get to where you’re going.”

“Now, young man, you start sucking his cock again. Eatin’ that spunk must agree with you, JG... You still got a nice hard-on, don’t ya, boy? It gets a lot harder, though doesn’t it? Come on, boy...stop your slobbering and suck that man-dick. tastes good, doesn’t it. Get under there. Lick his balls...thataboy...suck them big nuts...feel his cum churning in ‘em? Yeah....he’s got a load for you, too, boy. Yeah, that’s it jack that cock of yours while your suckin’ that big dick.” He cruelly pressed the cold muzzle of the pistol against the back of young man’s head and chuckled as the boy cried still louder.

“Quit your whimpering and pleasure that man, boy.” yelled their captor.

The Seal inhaled the pungent odor of cum filling the car and rising from his own mouth while he was being overcome by the lust coursing through his gut. The sensation he’d felt thousands of times since he was thirteen, jacking off in his bed while he watched his brother do it in the next bed, flooded his lower body and he heard himself moan out loud. He needed no coaxing from the evil man, for the warm mouth working his stiff prick was encouragement enough. He only hoped that he could unload in the hot, wet gullet before the monster would have time to pull the mouth away from his pulsing cock. If it was the last time anyone would suck his dick, he wanted it to be as good as it could get. He had never received a blow job from another man before but he had to admit the sensation was amazing even if the mouth was inexperienced, frightened and unwilling.

He pinched his eyes closed and gave himself to the first pulsations of the orgasm beginning at the base of his penis. Deep inside his body the flow had begun; his balls had risen to add their seed to the torrent; his cock was like hot steel inside the boy’s mouth.

“Oh shit!” he heard himself cry and then the first blast was out, splashing against the back of the amateur mouth.

“You sonofabitch!.” the Colonel hollered, grappling for the boys head but he was too late. He smiled and in the man’s mouth the Seal felt his cock clench again and again, spilling its gamey load onto the gagging tongue.

He thought maybe the Colonel would shoot him for the infraction but that would only end what suffering they were yet to endure at the hands of other cruel men. He could not imagine what the future held for them but it could not be good. He helped the boy up from between his naked legs and into the seat beside him, not afraid of what the man could do.

The truck had rolled to a stop and out the window the prisoners could see the bodies of two small jets waiting in the darkness, their lights cutting through slight fog.

“It seems we have arrived. Pity I couldn’t deal with you for your poor judgment, Olson but all in good time,” said the Colonel while the doors were opened and three burly, suited men helped the naked captives from the back. Their nude bodies appeared incongruous among all the clothed men and beside the shining white aircraft. An evening chill raised bumps on their bare flesh and a shiver rippled visibly along the Lieutenants body.

Outside the vehicle the men’s hands were quickly bound behind their backs and they were separated. The Senator’s son was pushed toward one plane, while the Colonel led the Lieutenant and the Junior Grade to the stairs of the other. Yellowish light poured out of open hatch of the jet and a huge, bearded man dressed in a black suit stood with his arms crossed at the base of the short stairway. He barely looked at the two naked Americans as though he’d seen many before. One of his helpers prodded them gently up the steps.

“Oh, Lieutenant... remember what I said about Najef’s friend in Saudi Arabia? I’m afraid he made me an offer I just couldn’t refuse. This big man’s name is Assan. He’ll be doing ...shall we say...the honors for both of you while you’re on the plane. Enjoy your flight.”

“NNOOOOO!!!” screamed the Marine, but his cry was quickly cut off by the slamming of the jet’s door.


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Captives, Part 3

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LIEUTENANT EVANS “Say...isn’t that Bennett’s boy? Sam Bennet, the Senator from Maryland? What’s he doing here?” Two men stood together in the darkened room, their eyes fixed on the screen mounted before them. “That’s the trouble with you boys. So full of questions, Jack...” I breathed and raised my glass, sipping again at the pale liquid, my favorite wine from our

Number 14

NUMBER 14 As told to Keith Christensen by Jake Nordland About a year ago, while traveling through Iowa, I had occasion to stop at a small country bar just outside the limits of a town somewhere in the middle of the state, I’m sorry, I really don’t remember the name of the town but it would have little bearing on the rest of the story anyway. I

NUMBER 14...End.

He knew what kind of man you are and was sure you would make the right decision about our future.” “Are you nuts?” John said. “He can’t keep you all.” “Well...yes, you can. You see, Sir, he left you the farm and the school.” Before the old man’s will was settled ol’ John and I really had our hands full. We installed temporary fixtures, sinks and showers in the shed, or I should


By Keith Christensen A slow steady roll of thunder rumbled across the horizon and a huge grey mass of clouds covered the already darkening sky. “Damn,” I thought, “If I get soaking wet out here I’ll really be pissed-off. This job is miserable enough.” Because of a useless degree I had once achieved in animal husbandry, I’d been taken from a comfortable job in agriculture and been


Saturnicus By Keith Christensen It was 1882 and there were arguments taking place in the U.S. Senate about Wyoming becoming the next State in the Union, according to some, but on that clear, crisp night, under a full moon Sonny and Buck didn’t really care about such things. They still had another section of fence to check before turning in for the night. Sonny would have let it go until

Saturnicus, Part 2

As they came closer, Buck saw their heads tilting and their faces moving as they were sniffing at the air between them, testing each others tantalizing odors. He stared, mesmerized by the picture box while he was amazed by their silent communication, neither one uttering a word, yet seeming to understand their silent language. The intruder grasped the exercise bar with both hands and stretched


SILVERROD By Keith Christensen Chase Hogan and his partner Smitty had spent three weeks riding a herd through a stretch of desert when they decided it was time for Smitty to return to Fort Laramie for some more supplies. It would be about a four day trip and Chase told him they’d meet up at Silverrod, where he’d wait at the local hotel. After they’d parted, Chase spurred his mare, turned

Silverrod (conclusion)

Reveling in his reaction, she started to rain every lash down on his chest, aiming carefully for the dollar sized targets on his chest, until the sweat that trailed across his convulsing belly ran red as it passed through the wet pelt just above his drooping cock and dripped from his legs to the stony ground. Gradually she worked down, across the plain of his ridged abdomen, striping his flesh


I called for the guards to escort me to the cells which we were, to my delight, once again using. We proceeded through the labyrinth of corridors and down numerous flights of stairs, lit only by torches along the way until the air became fouled with the smell of awful and urine and stale sweat. I pulled the perfumed hankie from my brocade pocket and held it to my nose. I had to see the new


While he struggled vainly, his ample bag and beautiful, long cock swung between his thighs. “Answer me, BOY!” Fontaine shouted. “No’er ‘appened like that.” I watched while Linus and the others released Richard from the rack and shoved him forward to the space near the pillories. I marveled at his sleek body and how his muscles rolled beneath his sweat-glistening skin as he


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