Gay Erotic Stories





“Roger W. Jacobs, Commander USN, serial number F4990276,” he screamed in his head. He tried pulling up his feet but his bare ankles were bound together and tied to the frame of the iron cot they had him lying on. Another tight rope around his throat held his head to the top rail of the bed. He could smell the stinking mattress beneath him.

His eyes were blindfolded and another strap went around his head and covered his mouth. He moved his thumbs and felt the fabric of his flight suit against the warm mound of his ass. Again, he curled his fingers around the leather lash securing his wrists. He recalled checking in for the Det and getting a room at the Quarters. He had started to unpack his gear and then....everything for him stopped. He had slipped into some kind of dark place and now he was emerging again.

“Goddamn it....let me outta here,” he yelled into the gag.

A door opened and he sensed someone standing beside him. Hands were unfastening the leather strap covering his mouth.

“Now...let us try again, Commander,” said a deep voice with an Arabic accent. “That is quite a plane you are flying, Roger. The new Falcon is it not? About how many are there in your Detachment? Where are they training on them now?” said the voice.

“Roger W. Jacobs, Commander USN, serial num...”

“Yes...yes, I know all that, Commander,” he said with studied patience. “We have been over all that before. Now, tell me about the Falcon and why you are in this area. That plane must really be fast. You know, I have studied in the U.S. Where did you go to school? Did you attend the academy?”

“Roger W. Jac...”

“Stop it, Roger. You are wasting your time and mine. We both know you’ll tell me all these things before we are done. Why not make it easy. You Americans are always so stubborn....but we find out. You all like to talk, eventually.” He gave a stern order to someone in his language and Roger heard more boots approaching across the concrete floor. There were hands on him, untying him and pulling him to his feet. His wrists were also unbound but the blindfold was left in place.

“Come along, Jacobs.” The men jabbed their rifle stocks into his back and he stumbled forward on his bare feet. They directed him as he was quick marched around several corners and finally into a damp smelling room.

The man gave another order in Arabic and he was left standing alone. “Remove all of your clothes, please Commander. Everything.” The voice was still smooth and even. Behind him the men chuckled as the big, blinded man fumbled with the opening of the flight suit, unzipping it and trying to step out of the uniform without falling.

“That’s good, Roger. Now, the tee shirt. Just toss it aside. That’s good.”

His captor took note of the well developed chest and shoulders, large, dark nipples and the rippled slab of his taut abdomen. A coat of light brown fur covered his torso. He hesitated with the tight olive drab boxers that were barely long enough to conceal the end of his dick.

“Let’s go, Roger. The underwear, please...”

“Why? What are...?”

The voice gave another sharp order and one of the men seized him while another slid the material off his hips and down the columns of his legs, clamping his boot on the discarded shorts while the stunned pilot staggered out of them. While he regained his balance, his lengthy dick waggled back into place over his nuts.

“Good... Ummm... big cock...You know, Roger, I will never understand why you people leave this skin intact. I think it is most unattractive. And it certainly must be cumbersome, is it not? For thousands of years now our people have trimmed the penises and there have been no problems.”

The man was standing so close Jacobs could smell his fetid breath on his face as he spoke. He tried to recoil as he felt a hand close on the length of his cock and lift it away from his balls, but the other men were at his back, holding him straight. A jolt of excitement vibrated through the member as the man pressed the flesh back to the ridge of the bloating head.

“Yes, a very handsome piece...but, I think I will trim it while you are with me. Would you like that?”

Jacobs shuttered and the men chuckled again.

“How about a nice shower? You do rather smell after all that while.” He gave more orders and suddenly there was a hand on his shoulder guiding him sideways until he bumped into a cool tile wall. There was a creak of metal and tepid water began to flush onto his head, over his shoulders, down his back and across his ass and legs.

Jacobs shook his head under the flow and began to rotate until all at once his arms were seized from either side. He heard the creak of the faucets again and the water became steadily hotter and hotter. He pulled at the fists holding him but there was no escape. The searing water kept pouring over the tender flesh of his back and into the delicate spaces between his spread legs until he could smell the rising steam and he cried out. He yelled again and screamed under the scalding spray.

The dials were twisted and the scorching water became instantly ice cold. The torrent ripped into his tortured flesh and Roger was sure his skin was peeling off as the men held him firm. He shivered uncontrollably from the drastic temperature change, gasping desperately for breath. An order was again given and they turned him quickly toward the wall. He sputtered and choked as the spray flooded his mouth.

“Oh, God... Stop...please...”

“What about the plane Rog?”

“Roger W. Jaco...” he spat out.

The dial squealed again and the spray turned hot, flushing over his hair covered chest and belly then into his crotch, scorching his dick and scrotum as it splashed down his body and off his thick legs.

He screamed a horrible yell and tried to fold his body forward onto itself to escape the burn but they held his wrists fast. They turned the knob again as he sobbed and the spray became instantly cold. Their victim was so weakened he buckled, nearly fainting in their grasp.

“Well, Roger? Tell me something.” The man had stepped forward and lifted his chin from his chest.

The Commander shook his head weakly, no longer able to give his name and specs. His captor gave an order and the men lead him naked and dripping from the shower room and back along the corridor. They threw his limp form onto the cot and retied him, leaving off the gag. Roger lay shivering on the wet bed, panting in the pitch dark.

“When you feel better we will speak again,” said the voice as they left the room and Jacobs heard the door lock with a terrifying rasp.

“So, where’d they get you, Sir?”

“What the fuck...?” Jacobs yelped.

“Sorry, Sir...Yeah, you aren’t alone. Lieutenant J.G. O’Connell. Figure I’m on the cot next to yours. I don’t know anything about this room, though. They’ve had me blindfolded since I got here. You too?”

“Yeah... Oww...shit...,” Roger sighed.

“They work on you?”

“Yeah, they gave me a shower... Oww.”

“Sounds like it wasn’t real pleasant, Sir.”

“It wasn’t. How do you know my rank, J.G.?”

“Heard our host call you Commander, Sir when they came to get you. Try to lie still. I had one of their showers, too. The pain will get better. Where you stationed, Sir?”

“Oww... How long have you been here?”

“I guess a coupla days. I was at a bar and the damn lights just went out. Woke up here.”

“ married, O’Connell?”

“Yes Sir. Two years, Sir. But, I’ve been gone most of that time. It’s not very convenient, Sir. Sure wish I was back home in Norfolk. You?”

“Nope, not married yet; yeah...I’d like to be in San Diego right now.” Jacobs answered quietly.

“Someone special, though?”

“Sort of... I spend a lot of time working, though. A serious commitment...well, I don’t know.”

He thought about Boomer...Lieutenant Paulson and the last time they were together. He wondered if they knew about the thing with Boomer. It could get much worse for him if they did, he imagined. It wasn’t an affair, really. Not much more than a moment of weakness; a moment that seemed to continue. He recalled how they had met on that long Det in the Florida Keys. He had gone out for a few drinks one night and ran into the young Lieutenant in a bar.

Maybe that need was always there, but it seemed so natural...their fast friendship; dinners, fishing trips, then how it grew into the next a spreading fire. He remembered, he’d been in the shower one evening when Paulson came to meet him for dinner. They began talking and suddenly the shower curtain was drawn aside and the naked Lieutenant had stepped into the tub.

He was very handsome; strong, solid body, thick dark hair and sharp features. Roger was shocked at first, but then suddenly calmed by the strong hand that cupped his jaw and drew his face toward his own. The cool water spilled over them as their mouths came together in a long, languid kiss. For the first time Roger found himself amazed and captivated by the touch and feel of another man. Boomer tasted of tobacco, a hint of whiskey and fresh, cool water as their tongues explored and they breathed as one for a thrilling moment.

He felt a hand on his chest, sliding toward the side and caressing one of his pouting nipples. He returned the attention, slipping his hand between their wet bodies, teasing a nub and then down and down, over the segmented plain of the man’s belly and into the wiry pelt at his hips. He lost himself in their kiss as his hand closed on the root of the steely cock rising from that wet bush. Water pelted their faces as he drew his hand slowly along the hot shaft toward its bulging tip. Tenderly exploring the heads firm shape with his fingers, he became lost in a flood of lust he had never known and gave himself to it.

“No fool like an old one...,” he sighed. He was unashamedly aware of his cock lurching and rising up from between his naked legs.

“Whatd’ya say, Sir?”

“Nothin’, J.G. What have they been asking you?”

“Oh, all kinds of stuff, but I haven’t given ‘em squat. Just name, rank and serial number, Sir. But hell, I really don’t know nothin’, Sir. I don’t know why they keep after me...” His voice trailed off as if he were falling asleep.

“O’ awake?”

“Hmm...O’Connell...?”mumbled the junior officer.

It was information about the Falcon they were after. Roger cursed himself for being the one person who knew everything about that damn plane. Since they had been produced it had been his responsibility to train the flight crews on its features and their uses and he was very good at what he did. He also couldn’t believe how accessible he had let himself become when it was his security that was so important. But, right now it was something else that needed attention.

He was able to squirm enough in his bonds to get the front of his body over against the dirty mattress. His cock found a fold in the material and he wedged it in deeper against his belly. By thrusting his hips gently he was able to increase the excitement centered now in his groin. The iron bed frame squeaked quietly as he remembered the thrill of Boomer’s frequent touch.

Paulson had dropped to his knees in that same shower and gazed up into his eyes, through the cascade of water, as his mouth opened and met the length of the burgeoning cock, first the swollen head and then inch after inch of the rigid shaft. His tongue expertly circled the ridge of the exposed head then began to explore past the withdrawn foreskin and along the vein etched lance toward his secreted root.

Roger cried out as the young Lieutenant exposed sensations he had never even imagined, first enveloping his cock in his lips wet warmth, then withdrawing until the flared head nearly popped free of his ministering mouth. Again and again Boomer dove onto the raging cock, each time letting his tongue explore the vein etched surface and then dip into the deep slit at its tip as he withdrew, teasing and thrilling the Commander. He nibbled hungrily at the edges of the thick cock, and then lowered his head to serve Roger’s ample sack, drawing one ball then the other into his hungry mouth, teasing and manipulating the corded testicles.

Jacobs remembered the feel of cool tile against his skin as he dropped back on the wall of the shower and gave himself to Paulson’s eager mouth. He had begun a steady rhythm, driving forward and back on the big cock, circling the member as Roger moaned above him, approaching the brink of his orgasm.

Suddenly, just like that evening in his shower, a sensation of tremendous pleasure had begun somewhere behind his balls and flooded his mind and body, racing toward escape at the tip of his dick. He rocked harder and harder into the fouled mattress, all the while recreating in his mind the sensation of Boomers tender mouth on the column of his cock. He gave himself to the rush and cried out as he had that night, this time finally biting his lip to silence himself.

He felt the familiar thrust of the first blast coming out and spraying into the back of Boomer’s greedy mouth. In his head Roger heard his own stifled yelps and sighs as he shot again and again into the fold of the mattress beneath him. He pumped his hips until he began to breathe normal, the flow had ended and he felt the puddle of his cum begin to cool around the length of his cock.

“Umm...what?...” Roger heard J.G. beside him sigh as he fell into his own restless sleep. Someone was shouting and for a moment Roger thought he saw a sliver of light at the edge of his eyes.

“Wake up you sons of pigs. Let’s go.” The man kicked at Roger’s cot and the rope tightened around his neck as he was jolted awake.

“I gotta piss, man...can I go to the bathroom, please?” O’Connell asked.

“You think this is the Hilton? If you have to piss, piss.” They heard the men around them begin to jeer and laugh.


“PLEASE...?” The men mocked him. “Well?”said their leader.

Jacobs heard their laughter build over the sound of trickling liquid from direction of the J.G.’s bunk.

“You fucking bastard...” he cussed.

Jacobs felt the man’s breath on his face again.

“And, you and I are going to have another talk, Commander. “Bring him,” he told his henchmen.

“I’m not tellin’ you squat.” he spat while the guards unbound him again and wrestled him to his feet.

“I knew you would take that attitude, also. So I have decided to add the life of the J.G., here to the mix. Bring them both, now,” he said as they began shoving both their naked victims out of the room. They stumbled together as they were prodded along, the automatic rifle stocks jabbing at their backs.

Roger smelled the wet shower room again as they were pushed through the door and felt wet, broken tiles under his feet.

“,” he shouted.

“Fuck you...” Roger answered.

“Kneel, now or I will have you shot in the head.” The voice yelled in his ear. From behind him a boot kicked the back of Jacob’s leg and he collapsed hard to his knees, desperately trying to balance, his hands still bound against his bare butt. The young J.G. was dropped to the floor next to him.

“Now, I am done playing the games with you, Jacobs. Tell me now how many Falcons are with this detachment?”

“Fuck you...”

“Where do you work?”

“My name is Roger W. Jacobs, Comman...” he pulled his shoulders up straight as he knelt. For the first time he felt how cold the tile was beneath him.

“STOP,” the man yelled. “Answer me or O’Connell dies...”

“...What?...You’d kill him for that?” Roger stammered his voice somber.

“Shit, shit... Commander, tell them something. He’s gonna fuckin’ kill us.” sobbed O’Connell.

“Please... I can’t... you know that I can’t.” Roger’s head fell forward, his chin dropping onto his chest. He heard O’Connell’s voice break as he began to sob openly.

“It is a shame; this young man has his entire life before him...just recently married to a beautiful wife. You do not want to destroy him, do you, Commander?”

“I know nothing that you need.” Roger almost whispered.

“For CHRIST SAKE... Tell him something!” O’Connell cried.

“TELL ME... NOW!” An open hand slammed into the side of Jacob’s face and his body shifted, nearly collapsing to the side.

“Roger W. Jac...” he said as he came back up onto his knees.

He heard the bolt of the gun, as loud as an explosion, as it was cocked back.

“Oh, God... No, Please… I can’t...”

The shot was deafening. Roger was jolted as he felt something warm and wet splash against the side of his face and onto his bare shoulder. The young man’s body collapsed against him and slipped to the floor. He heard nothing but the ringing of the shot in his ears.

“NNNOOO...,” he screamed. His voice redoubled in the tile enclosure.

The man stepped forward and pulled Jacob’s head up by his hair.

“You do understand that you will talk to me, do you not?” the voice said calmly. “Return him to the cell. Commander, do think hard about what happened here and how it could have been avoided. I will see you later.”

After he was secured on the bunk a hand swept across the bare flesh of his rump and Jacobs jerked. Desperate, alone in the still darkness, Roger wept quietly. Then he imagined it was ‘Boomer’ who held and consoled him, his strong arms around him and his naked body pressed against his own, as it had been many times before.

He was transported suddenly back to Bosnia. He was remembering that weekend they had spent together, how they both wrangled liberty and spent it at that country inn where nobody knew them and nobody cared.

They held each other very tight on the narrow bed, their big rough hands gently exploring each others backs, as if for the first time, their mouths locked together in a very wet, interminable kiss. ‘Boomer’ was stretched out beneath him while Roger began at his neck, kissing and nibbling the warm, soft flesh along his neck and down onto his thick chest. He sighed as the officer arched his back, licked through the thin coat of hair and sought out first one nipple and then the other, pulling them up with his lips and playfully biting them until Paulson giggled and begged for release. Then he was licking the striations of his belly, exploring his way down to his navel before returning again to his willing mouth and losing himself in another passionate kiss.

He placed his knees between ‘Boomer’s’ and, holding his hips, leaned forward and licked at the throbbing cock lurching up before him, pausing for seconds before ministering to the other side of the vein etched shaft and up again onto the bulging head.

Inhaling his musky scent and savoring the textures of that ready flesh, Roger sunk deep onto the lurching member until the bulbous head was wedged at the back of his mouth and he nearly gagged. He then withdrew slowly, exploring the tool with his tongue and driving his partner to ecstasy. Again and again he repeated the massage, each time collecting the juice flowing freely from the tip and driving his tongue in, seeking more.

Paulson was thrashing on the bed beneath him, begging for relief when Roger playfully wrestled him onto his belly and began biting and licking at the firm mounds of his solid ass. Still moaning, he spread his knees and raised his ass for Roger’s access. He heard himself cry out as the mouth sunk into the crevice and began to tease the secreted pucker.

On the sodden mattress Jacob’s rigid cock again found the hollow in the filthy surface and rubbed against it, as he remembered the scent and feel of his young lover under him in that other bed. He had soaked the flaring rosette, teasing and probing into it with his tongue while Paulson begged him to appease the terrible itch in his bowels. Leaning back he followed a trail down onto the back ‘Boomers’ pendulous ball sack, bouncing the big swollen nuts against his mouth and then enveloping them, one at a time until Paulson once again was squirming and pleading.

The Commander pressed his cock hard into the mattress with an increasing rhythm, recalling the warm velvet chute around his cock as he slowly entered him, past the grasping ring and then inch by inch into the deep duct. With his hands he had spread the butt mounds wide and watched his dick sink in and then slowly withdraw until the ridge of his sheathed head was visible before plunging it in again, transporting the man beneath him to a world closer and closer to his shuddering orgasm. He wrapped his fist around ‘Boomers’ pounding cock and stroked the long shaft in time to his fucking while they both cussed and moaned with delight. Sweat poured off their struggling bodies in sheets as they rutted, aware of nothing but the pleasure they had come to give each other.

Paulson had come first, hollering and bucking against Roger while his cock recoiled and the ring of his ass clenched around the Commander’s plunging cock. The first heavy blast was flung out past Roger’s hand and onto the pillow beside his head while the rest of his pungent, warm spunk scented the air around them and poured out onto Roger’s massaging fingers while ‘Boomer’ thrashed and laughed.

Roger cried out into the leather covering his mouth as his climax rose and his body shook on the tiny cot. He gave himself to the sensations in his body as his cock fired round after round of fresh seed into the hollow of the mattress until he lay there, exhausted, his cock embedded in a pool of his own cum.

“Very entertaining, Commander.”

Roger started at the sound of the voice coming from very near his head.

“You know, in my country if you are found guilty of repeated masturbation one can be hanged. Would you like me to hang you, Commander?” He seized a fistful of hair and lifted Roger’s head until the rope about his throat choked him.

“No,” Jacobs croaked.

“Bring the dog along” he ordered.

Roger was unbound and hauled to his feet. He was shoved before the men again through the door and along the twisting corridors. His cock and balls slapped against his thighs as he stumbled on bare feet before his captors. Finally he was shoved into a room and pushed down into a wooden chair. His wrists were pulled up and bound to the arms while one of the men pulled his ankles severely back and tied them to the back legs. He wrestled and spat but there was no movement.

“I will need him hard,” he shouted.

Jacobs sensed hands between his legs lifting and fondling his penis and the sack of his testicles. He squirmed but felt his body responding unwillingly to the manipulations.

“What the fuck...?”

“My men are expert at the art of pain yet it seems they can also deliver extreme you not agree, Commander?” The deep voice intoned.

Roger felt his cock rising as the hands slid along the tumid shaft and teased the sensitive exposed head.

“Tell me, Roger... Is it the hands of your young Lieutenant lover you imagine arousing you right now? How many times had he taken your cock in his mouth and tantalized you, hmm? You have returned the favor....How does that fresh cock taste on your tongue, Roger?”

“You bastard.” he bucked wildly but was held fast while they tormented him.

“We have learned...” The face was so near Roger felt his hot breath. He moved his head as if he could look into the man’s eyes. “...that the human male genitals are far more susceptible to certain manipulation than almost any other parts. During some of our treatments I have had men tell me things I had not even asked for. You have heard of acupuncture, have you not? There are those who believe it to be very healing. We have noted, however, that with some modification the application can produce some unpleasant results.” He lifted Jacobs’ balls and bounced them roughly, plumbing them on his open palm.

The man studied the two egg-sized orbs rolling beneath the skin cover while Roger winced. “We insert very, very thin needles through the flesh and into the testicles. I am told the sensation is excruciating. As I said, you all talk, eventually.”

“Fuck you. I am Roger W. Jacobs, U.S...”

“Assam, bring the needles,” the man enjoined.

The Commander heard indiscernible sounds next to him. Something was being shuffled on a table, he thought. Then, a strip of tape was torn. The fingers lifted his hard cock and he felt the pinching tape binding it to the flesh of his belly. The hand then gripped his exposed sack and began manipulating his tender balls. He felt them wrapping a strap again and again around his bag, then the pressure of his nuts being trapped tight against the bottom. He fought and pulled at his wrists and feet but there was no movement there.

“God...oh, God...don’t,” he whimpered, finally.

“Roger, nothing will happen if you tell me something I need to hear.”

“NO, I won’t...can’t.”

“Very well. Give me the needles, he ordered.

Roger suddenly held his breath as his sack was lifted and he felt something being pressed against the taut flesh. There was a slight, jarring tap and then a bolt of horrific pain blasted up into his guts. His body jolted in the chair while his mouth opened in a piercing scream.

“Another, Ali... well, Commander?”

“FUCK YOU...,” Roger spat. He felt the man cruelly twisting his bound sack and the pressure of a second device applied near the first; then the tap. He clenched his teeth against it, but it felt like someone had kicked him in the guts and he screamed again.

“Ohhhh Christ... God...,” he cried.

“Not much help now, is he? When we have put a dozen or so of these into your nuts....we have found they are very effective inserted in the tip of an erect penis. The harder the crown becomes the more...interesting the sensation. But, we’re not going to have to go that far...are we, Roger?”

He was rocking his body forward and back in the chair, trying to absorb the pain when the man grabbed a handful of his hair and pulled his head back. Sweat was beginning to coat his flesh.

“ARE WE....” he shouted into his face.


“Ari, another...The left ball this time...”

Roger heard the buzz of a cell phone while the hands were again twisting his scrotum hard. He winced, trying again to pull away from them. The leader’s voice answered and spoke excitedly in Arabic. He talked for several minutes before flipping the phone closed.

“Sorry to keep you waiting, Rog, but that call involved you.” He pressed the carrier against the purple skin of his victim’s stressed nut sack and tapped the device, driving the needle into the corded interior. He stepped back while he shrieked and thrashed in his bonds. He gently wiped his hand over Roger’s dripping forehead, down the side of his face and then across the wet hair plastered to his chest.

“It seems that when I am done with you...and that should be rather soon... I will be able to sell you to an associate of mine. You see, he has an impressive collection of men already, and would really like to add an American. I told him how handsome and fit you are. And, I shouldn’t worry about the damage to your testicles, he prefers his men very...neat, so he will be removing those anyway. Let him rest awhile and think about how beneficial talking to us would be. Right, Rog?”

The boots withdrew and he heard the bolt of the door.

“I think I’m going to join you, Boom,” he heard himself saying somewhere in his head; somewhere beneath the reality of the ricocheting pain.

“Oh, that would be great, Doc... Man, how I’d love to hold you, but you can’t come, babe. It’s not time,” Paulsen answered.

Roger remembered how much he loved it when Boomer called him Doc...or Babe.

“I think they’re gonna make me come...”

“No, Doc...they’re not...I can tell. You just hang in there.”

“Yeah,” Roger faintly said out loud.

“And, Doc...don’t tell ‘em shit” “I won’t,” he sighed.

For the first time Roger heard the rain pelting the tin roof of the building he was in, then swelling to a torrent. That day came back to him like a flash of sunlight across his blinded eyes. It had been raining like that, pounding on the canopy above him as he waited and watched.

He was standing two stories above the flight deck looking out over that narrow black strip rolling in a limitless blue velvet expanse. The wounded jet appeared on the horizon and grew to a solid shape through the sheets of rain as it lined up with the heaving deck. Below an emergency team set out, scrambling for their posts. The explosion that rocked the ship was terrible. An orange, yellow ball of flame rose past him and clouds of thick, black smoke curled from the burning jet wreckage on the deck. Firefighters swarmed from every direction while horns and sirens blared.

Gordon “Boomer” Paulson was buried at sea two days later.

Roger heard the door of the room open again and the sound of boots coming near.

“Remember, Doc...don’t tell ‘em shit


23 Gay Erotic Stories from KWKEITH


BY KEITH CHRISTENSEN “Roger W. Jacobs, Commander USN, serial number F4990276,” he screamed in his head. He tried pulling up his feet but his bare ankles were bound together and tied to the frame of the iron cot they had him lying on. Another tight rope around his throat held his head to the top rail of the bed. He could smell the stinking mattress beneath him. His eyes were

Captives, Part 1

The boy was brought into my office and made to kneel on the floor before my desk. He had been stripped naked and recently washed. The fresh scent of pine soap rose from his warm skin and drifted across the space between us. I ordered him unbound and he rested his free hands unthreatening on the tops of his trim, muscular thighs. His butt rested on his ankles. He was an amazing specimen.

Captives, Part 2

Captives, Part 2 He woke slowly. There was a loud buzzing in his ears obliterating any other sound, and then gradually his senses began to return. An air conditioning motor cycled on somewhere above him and there were talking voices. He opened his eyes and the haze started to clear. He saw a straw covered floor, a high, white-washed fence, and in the distance a forest of tall poles and

Captives, Part 3

Captives, Part 3 The fat man and I had business to conduct and I decided that we should relax in my hot tub while we discussed it. I chose Hector, one of the young Mexican guards to accompany us. He could provide some special entertainment while we soaked. While Najef and I settled ourselves into the steamy bath we watched the soldier strip off his camouflage fatigues, exposing first,

Destiny Cultraine And The California Connection, Part 1

Billy Hollis stepped off the train and into the blackened bowels of the San Francisco terminal, his eyes wide with amazement over the size of the place and the sight of half a dozen locomotives all in a row, each one belching clouds of sooty smoke into the cavernous barn. A blast of steam from the undercarriage of a nearby engine startled him and he whirled around to see if Destiny was somewhere

Destiny Cultrane and the California Connection, Part 2 (conclusion)

“Sure thing Marshal. Say, how come I always hafta get you outta spots you get yourself into?” Hollis chuckled. “Jus’ lucky I guess. Now, hurry up.” Together they released the other prisoners and then made their way out, dressed as they had been when they entered, but encountered no resistance from Wo Hung’s henchman. Later Destiny would learn that the guards were too busy capturing the

Destiny Cultrane: Brushrock Pass

DESTINY CULTRANE: BRUSHROCK PASS BY KEITH CHRISTENSEN Swirls of snow driven by a fierce wind rose from the street like small tornadoes as Destiny coaxed his mare through the growing drifts. Puffs of steam froze into crystals of ice on the horses muzzle and below his nose as the storm tore at their faces. He pulled the collar of his duster in closer to his neck. To his right

Destiny Cultrane: Brushrock Pass (conclusion)

Reluctantly Moon shuffled to the upright and knelt beside Cultrane’s splayed legs. Right before his face was the lawman’s naked hip and Darby’s stiff cock lunging in and out of the furry crack. He was caught suddenly in the excitement as he raised his hand to the marshal’s hard thigh and then into the warmth of his crotch, past the sack, to the root of the throbbing cock. Cultrane groaned as

Destiny Cultrane: Lost Time

By Keith Christensen Destiny reined up his mare at the crest of the small rise and trained his eyes into the slope of desert ahead of them. Billy Hollis pulled his horse in beside him. Leather creaked and snapped as Cultrane raised his big body up in the stirrups to get a better look. “What d’ya see, Cully?” the younger man asked, looking into the distance. “Not sure...what do you

Deztiny Cultrane: The Cooper Situation

“Name’s Cultrane, Marshal Destiny Cultrane.” The husky baritone fairly rumbled in the stillness of the Judge’s heavily draped and richly paneled office. The Marshall had arrived in Tucson from a four day trail ride and had wasted no time climbing the marble stairs of the limestone courthouse and locating the judge’s office; he appeared strangely incongruous, filthy from his long trip,


FOOD BY KEITH CHRISTENSEN I drove to the self-storage warehouse in Key West. It was a huge, white painted concrete block building in the middle of an incongruous looking residential neighborhood. I had been told it had once been a cigar factory, which would explain why the place was built like a fortress. There were no windows and only a loading dock and a small door punctuating the

Food, Conclusion

Ari had stretched my arms up and fastened my wrists into the leather shackles at the top corners of the cross while Saia slipped the jock down my legs and off my feet. By the time my ankles were shackled to the base my cock had fully raised and the foreskin had pulled back from the thick head. It throbbed before me in the cool air. “It looks like this one is ready for us, my brother. Let us


HUMANOID “Humans!!!” bellowed the supreme leader. “Yes, my Lord...two were reported in the 5th the mountains south of the old Tennessee section.” I pointed at the map with the lazar indicator. “That’s ridiculous! There hasn’t been a human sighted since they were exterminated by th Zylons...when was that...two hundred years ago.” “You’re correct my Liege. I’ve seen the

Lieutenant Evans

LIEUTENANT EVANS “Say...isn’t that Bennett’s boy? Sam Bennet, the Senator from Maryland? What’s he doing here?” Two men stood together in the darkened room, their eyes fixed on the screen mounted before them. “That’s the trouble with you boys. So full of questions, Jack...” I breathed and raised my glass, sipping again at the pale liquid, my favorite wine from our

Number 14

NUMBER 14 As told to Keith Christensen by Jake Nordland About a year ago, while traveling through Iowa, I had occasion to stop at a small country bar just outside the limits of a town somewhere in the middle of the state, I’m sorry, I really don’t remember the name of the town but it would have little bearing on the rest of the story anyway. I

NUMBER 14...End.

He knew what kind of man you are and was sure you would make the right decision about our future.” “Are you nuts?” John said. “He can’t keep you all.” “Well...yes, you can. You see, Sir, he left you the farm and the school.” Before the old man’s will was settled ol’ John and I really had our hands full. We installed temporary fixtures, sinks and showers in the shed, or I should


By Keith Christensen A slow steady roll of thunder rumbled across the horizon and a huge grey mass of clouds covered the already darkening sky. “Damn,” I thought, “If I get soaking wet out here I’ll really be pissed-off. This job is miserable enough.” Because of a useless degree I had once achieved in animal husbandry, I’d been taken from a comfortable job in agriculture and been


Saturnicus By Keith Christensen It was 1882 and there were arguments taking place in the U.S. Senate about Wyoming becoming the next State in the Union, according to some, but on that clear, crisp night, under a full moon Sonny and Buck didn’t really care about such things. They still had another section of fence to check before turning in for the night. Sonny would have let it go until

Saturnicus, Part 2

As they came closer, Buck saw their heads tilting and their faces moving as they were sniffing at the air between them, testing each others tantalizing odors. He stared, mesmerized by the picture box while he was amazed by their silent communication, neither one uttering a word, yet seeming to understand their silent language. The intruder grasped the exercise bar with both hands and stretched


SILVERROD By Keith Christensen Chase Hogan and his partner Smitty had spent three weeks riding a herd through a stretch of desert when they decided it was time for Smitty to return to Fort Laramie for some more supplies. It would be about a four day trip and Chase told him they’d meet up at Silverrod, where he’d wait at the local hotel. After they’d parted, Chase spurred his mare, turned

Silverrod (conclusion)

Reveling in his reaction, she started to rain every lash down on his chest, aiming carefully for the dollar sized targets on his chest, until the sweat that trailed across his convulsing belly ran red as it passed through the wet pelt just above his drooping cock and dripped from his legs to the stony ground. Gradually she worked down, across the plain of his ridged abdomen, striping his flesh


I called for the guards to escort me to the cells which we were, to my delight, once again using. We proceeded through the labyrinth of corridors and down numerous flights of stairs, lit only by torches along the way until the air became fouled with the smell of awful and urine and stale sweat. I pulled the perfumed hankie from my brocade pocket and held it to my nose. I had to see the new


While he struggled vainly, his ample bag and beautiful, long cock swung between his thighs. “Answer me, BOY!” Fontaine shouted. “No’er ‘appened like that.” I watched while Linus and the others released Richard from the rack and shoved him forward to the space near the pillories. I marveled at his sleek body and how his muscles rolled beneath his sweat-glistening skin as he


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