Gay Erotic Stories

Joe, Part 1

by MuscleHead

One of the great things about weight training is that you make some great friends. It takes a certain type of man to spend hours building his physique. You have to be cocky and have a distorted view of your own body at the same time. I started working out to build my strength for football in High School. I was already big, but others were bigger. I was fully grown at 16, 6’3” tall and 235 pounds. My goal was to make 235 into 285. It took to years but I did it. In fact it took two years of lifting several hours every day. Living on my own I had that kind of time back then. Now I am over 35, and have to get my ass out of bed every morning at 4:30 to make it to the gym by 5am when it opens. Why keep doing it? Because you make close friends with men like yourself. They are men that want be active and strong even after they turn 22 and get married. They are often very successful because the self-discipline it takes to build your body transfers to your work habits. Here’s how I met Joe a good friend of mine.

Joe is a big man with a deep voiced, shaved head, and looks like that Jason Stratton guy, very good looking. Big mofo - he's about 6'4", 270lbs, very solid built. I saw him at my gym early every morning for a while. His demeanor was intimidating to me for a while. He seemed like the kind of guy that didn’t want to make friends. It was like pulling teeth to get him to talk much. I would ask about his work and family and learn a few things, but he didn’t really seem comfortable. I did learn that he had five small kids. So I started to understand that he had a lot going on at home and work.

Then one Sunday morning I ran into him at McDonalds. By then I had four boys all under the age of 10. We talked while the kids wore themselves out. I had been coming every Sunday morning for a couple years. It gave my wife a break, and I was cool with drinking coffee reading the paper and doing the crossword while the boys played.

I told him how impressed I was with his development. He admitted that a lot of it was favorable genes and asked if I wanted to workout together sometimes. He had moved here and needed a partner. I wasn’t sure why he hadn’t asked before. He obviously worked really hard on his body. Yes you could see that the guy was naturally muscular with a somewhat lean build. But he was wide through his torso. I had learned over the years that guys like Joe were often very strong lifters. It made me think that this guy will push the shit out of me, so hell yeah. Joe explained that he was on a very limited schedule so we would have to keep the pace going in the mornings. But a partner doesn’t really have to slow you down because they can lift while you recover.

We worked out together for probably three or four months. He could be vicious in his pace. I thought what the fucks his hurry at 5:30 in the morning? But I didn’t ask for the details, some guys don’t rest much. And I started understanding why he didn’t talk much before I met him at McDonald’s. Joe was in a hurry. But some guys are just like that, and others do it because they believe it makes them stronger. At first I thought it was his way of building strong, but lean muscles. Later he told me that he moved to buy a local car dealership and that he wanted to be at the office as early as possible. He was doing almost everything himself, and not getting home until 7 each night. Not much time with the family especially since Saturday is a work day. I tried not to slow him down. I own a small chain of home improvement stores. It’s a lot of work but I can get there around 7:30 and easily be home by 6 each night. We’re open Saturday, but I can’t be in 12 stores at the same time, so I don’t worry about going in. If something needs my input, then the store manager will call. I could tell that Joe was under a great deal of stress. I knew how hard it can be to get a business over the hump of making money. Sometimes you have to do most of the work yourself simply because you are not making enough money to pay someone else. I could tell Joe was trying to do three jobs at a time. Still he was committed to staying strong and muscular and I decided the right thing to do was to help and support him as much as I could.

A few more months of lifting each morning and Joe tells me that work was getting too busy, and he couldn't come to the gym early in the morning anymore. He was going to have to quit working out for a while. I told him that if he quit it would be very, very hard to start again – ever. I had seen so many guys plan to quit for a while and be gone for good. Joe explained that by the time he worked out, drove home and cleaned-up he was running late. I told him that I just brought my work clothes to the gym and dressed for work in the locker room. Joe said that he wanted to get ready at home and say good bye to his family before work. At first I thought okay, but then I said, Joe there’s no way your wife is up at 6:00am or 6:15 when you leave. He said no, that he usually has to wake her up. I told him to ask her if she minded skipping the kiss goodbye and just see what she thought. In fact, she was glad to here that he wasn’t going to be waking her up anymore. His boys did enough of that for her. He was still resistant and wanted to think about it. Work was getting behind and when he had to make a decision one way or the other, he decided to give the locker room a try and see if it saved much time.

I know (now) that he had never used a locker room. I'm older. When I was in HS and college the guys spend lots of time in the locker room. But not by the time he was there. In High School they went home sweaty and he didn't play college. So he just was sort of 'scared' of a locker room. That may be the wrong word, but the point is that he didn't think anyone really used it. I told him no that was guys that were really young, unless they had been in the military, and they were used to it. I told him what he needed to bring and so forth. It was taking him over an hour to go home and get ready. We could be showered and dressed at the gym in 20 minutes.

Joe was rather shy for a guy with a great body. I don’t have any modesty, but I wanted him to be comfortable. As you know, normally in a gym’s locker room it's not a big deal if you stick your dick in your buddy's face. But I could tell he was modest, so assuming he didn't want me looking at him, I didn't. We undressed and dressed with our backs to each other talking over our shoulders. I noticed right away that when I sat on the bench in the middle Joe would quickly put his towel back around himself.

One morning we were both very sore from over lifting the day before. The gym had bought a new piece of equipment and we’d both overdone it. We decided to quit early and try to recover. Since our gym has a sauna I suggested we sit in it for a while. Joe was very hesitant but the place is empty that early in the morning and we had plenty of time, so he agreed. Still I could tell that he thought I kidding about guys only wearing a towel in there.

As you might expect, it is much better than he thought it would be. He fucking loved it. I enjoyed seeing his body almost naked. In the locker room, he was always so anxious to get dressed. Finally I could admire his thick muscled shoulders, heavy pecs, flat wide stomach with the obliques so nicely defining the lines of his abdomen. I would have liked to see more. Especially the way Joe’s narrow waist looked like a twisted gathering of muscle fiber, but I’m not hopeful of that.

Like most guys I talk of sex with Joe a little. He doesn’t seem to be getting much. I ask about having all the kids and he tells me that after they got married she cut him to once or twice a year. Not surprisingly she’d get pregnant every time. But he didn’t really elaborate about why it was so rare. I think she has him convinced that all married couples are on that semi-annual schedule. So here’s this big muscular dude that hasn't been really open with me physically as far as showing his body or talking about sex. I just thought of him as somewhat naive, or at least inexperienced.

Once he'd been in the sauna a time or two, he wanted to sit everyday. (I think his business was doing better.) Which was fine with me, who doesn't have five minutes? So we continue this routine of working out, undressing with our backs to each other, and going to the sauna in a towel, moving on to the shower. He didn’t talk much in the sauna. We’d just lean back and enjoy the heat. But then once we were back in the locker area, Joe would put his underwear on under his towel, I didn't go to that much trouble but I didn't waste time putting on my pants either (I go commando almost everyday). I really thought he was just one of those really modest straight guys. I even told him that we were alone most of the time so no reason to be so self-conscious. He would just smile or shrug. Even though he didn’t want to talk about sex, he liked to talk just about every thing else. I did want to be able to admire his full body and maybe even do some mutual massage, etc. But I couldn’t see him even becoming a little open to manly hugs, etc. It was disappointing but he became a very good friend and that was more than enough for me.

Later I would find out that instead of being truly modest he was self-conscious of his dick. He thought it was really small and was embarrassed by it.

As I said I really liked sitting in the sauna with him just to get a really good look at his muscle definition. I have thick heavy muscles that most guys really like. But I enjoy looking at a really well defined muscular body. Since his eyes were often closed I could stare for a while before putting my head back and resting.

Completely by chance, one day a surprising thing happened. We were in the sauna; I was just kicked back - zoned out. I got really sweaty and without really thinking I lifted by towel and wiped my face. Again, not really a big deal to me considering my sports background, I could be completely naked with sauna full of guys and that would be fine. When I played college football we walked around the locker room butt-naked for hours. You were a pussy if you wore a towel. But I had tried to be considerate of what I thought was Joe's modesty and distaste for looking at dudes. I think I just forgot he was there, and besides we usually sat back with our head's resting and eyes closed.

I glanced up and Joe was clearly staring at my cock. I thought he was just getting more comfortable with me, but I hadn’t caught him checking me out before. Still, he had started being more willing to look at me while I got dressed. He maintained his modesty. Several times he had watched as I dried off and got dressed. I don’t know if he’s really seen my dick, but we'd at least seen each other's ass many times. I know that I hadn't seen his dick, but I hadn't tried. This was the first good view of mine that he'd had. I just lay the towel down by my side and started asking him about his upcoming day. He kind of looked away, but I could tell that he certainly wanted me to stay uncovered. After a few minutes he looked back my way and seemed to be trying not to stare at my cock.

It was like he'd never seen a live one in person. I didn't realize then how close to true that was.

Anyway over the next few weeks, I started wiping sweat and leaving my cock uncovered every morning. Then one day Joe commented, "Dude your cock is huge." I replied that I didn't think it was huge but yes it was defiantly bigger than most. But it's just a dick every guy's got one. Joe and his wife had both been virgins when they met and began having sex. They got married when she got pregnant in High School. He had worked through college is why he hadn't played sports. He was raised by a single mother who didn’t date, with no sign of Dad, he had never really had those male bonding experiences with guys. We talked a little about guys being envious of other guys with big cocks and other stuff sexually about it. He admitted that he was embarrassed by the size of his equipment. I ask him just how small are we talking. He doesn’t know, he’s never measured but he’s has some porn hidden at home and he knows those guys aren’t average, but he can’t compare. I’m thinking – is the only other dick this guy’s ever seen in porn? I tell Joe to let me see it and I can tell him. He says that he’s not showing to me. I told him not to be modest around me. Men don't worry about things like that. But he still says no. I get up and walk over to him. He doesn’t move. I figure he can stop me if he really wants. He doesn’t. I open in his towel. His dick is just a little short of average. I tell him so. I can tell He isn’t sure whether to believe me, but why would I lie? It’s about three inches soft. Again we usually had the locker room almost to ourselves. We started at 5 in the morning and we were in the sauna by 5:45. Weight training doesn't take long. We'd be showered and on our way by 6:15.

I began to dry off openly in front of him. I could tell he liked the idea. He began to do the same even though I could tell that he was embarrassed by his smaller dick. He'd say things about it, but it wasn't that small. It was about 3" soft, and I learned later 5" hard. About normal I'd say.

I was drying off one day and we’re talking. My dick was swinging a nice five inches soft, just feeling really good. He made a joke about something behind me, so I turned around and looked. I had been sort of stretching by holding my towel with both hands and the towel stretched across my shoulders. While I was turned, Joe pinched my nipple. I was shocked because it just wasn't like him. I reached over and started to try and pinch his ass. He was wearing his towel and it fell. His dick was getting hard. I sort of tickled his balls; you know the way you do to make a guy jump. Anyway seemingly out of nowhere Joe grabs by cock! I just stopped and looked behind me to see if anyone else was around. Joe was still sort of playing and at the same time you could tell enjoying it. I said 'Dude you have all day to stop that'. He started to give me a semi. I grinned at him and he stopped. But he was still smiling and looking at my cock. I thought he might give it another tug, but then we heard a guy come through the door.

The next day in the sauna, which of course was much more private than the locker room, I took off my towel exposing my cock. I had a decent semi and wanted to see Joe’s reaction to me tugging myself a little. Joe watched intently. He definitely wasn't mad. Instead, he said something about getting caught and I reminded him that we had been coming in there for months without ever seeing anyone else that early in morning. He nodded. He said, 'I'll bet that feels good' and I said, 'Yes it does, you want to see how it feels? it’s a big monster'. He said no way, but grinned and kept watching. I didn’t want to take it too far. I asked him if he might like to see fully hard. He just nodded his agreement. So I start to imagine Joe’s hot hard body and worshiping his Greek statute-like body. I am hard in just seconds.

In my head I am both excited and concerned that Joe’s going to go too far and be pissed with me. Even though he’s sending some very clear signals that he wants to play around I don’t want to lose my friend. I can see the tent in his towel. His cock is pushing hard against the wet terry cloth. The head is clearly visible but he makes no effort to touch himself. I asked if he like what he saw. He nods a very perceptible up and down.

I stand up and walk over to him. I just know that any minute he’s going to bust out laughing and call me a fag or something. Instead Joe stares intently at my thick hard nine inches of manhood. I tell him to go ahead and touch it. I won’t mind all.

I reach over to start to rub the top of his leg that exposed by the break in the towel. I move closer and Joe reaches for my cock. His big hands feel so good massaging it from base to head. I put my other hand on his shoulder and reach for his cock under the towel. He moves in closer and surprises me by taking my monster cock into his mouth. He’s sucking the head rolling his tongue around the gland and immediately I’m in heaven. I free his cock from the towel and start to rub him with my right hand with my left holds his head as he begins to try and take me deeper. He can only get the first three or four inches in his mouth. I don’t know if this is Joe’s first blowjob, but he hasn’t done many.

Joes grabs my ass with both hands and makes every effort to take my whole manhood in his hungry mouth. He can’t come close but his efforts are feeling great. He seems to be completely in a zone of eroticism. He licks up and down my shaft and I struggle to maintain my composure. The feeling of complete excitement is causing my body to loose control of itself. The feelings of pleasure are so intensive, but I want more. I pull my cock from his hungry lips and shove my hot balls into his mouth. He is a man on mission of lust and pulls my sizeable eggs into himself and rolls my big boys around in his hot mouth. This hot action is sending into worlds unknown. I feel the need for my ass to be pleasured so lift my leg higher pushing my love button to his waiting and hungry orifice. He anxiously searches for my pleasure point darting his tongue to my winking excitement. He finds his target and the wave of utopia over whelm my senses. I can wait no longer and pull back to my hot rod into his waiting hot column of hungry desire. He takes my big hot rod deep and I explode with ribbons and ribbons of hot thick cum. He drinks it down like a man left in desert and waiting for that needed taste of water. Again and again I pump my hot cum into him. He drinks with relish satisfying completely.

More hot stories of Joe to cum…


4 Gay Erotic Stories from MuscleHead

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Joe, Part 1

One of the great things about weight training is that you make some great friends. It takes a certain type of man to spend hours building his physique. You have to be cocky and have a distorted view of your own body at the same time. I started working out to build my strength for football in High School. I was already big, but others were bigger. I was fully grown at 16, 6’3” tall and 235 pounds.

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