Gay Erotic Stories

World History Conference, Part 2

by Cajunlover180

In the first part of this story, you learned a little about me. I’m Jonathan and I teach World History at a large public high school in the Oklahoma City area. The first part of this story revolved around an in person connection between Luke, a teacher at a Catholic high school in Tulsa, and myself. If you haven’t read it you should probably read it first. The following story happens the next day.

Today was the fourth day of this conference and tonight would be the last night in Tulsa. There would be a three-hour session in the morning but then everyone would head home. I had come to Tulsa with the hope of finding some man-to-man fun while at this conference and yesterday did not disappoint me. I was sort of hoping that Luke might be up for another round of fun today and that maybe some how, some way, I could convince him to forgo another blow job for a chance to fuck me up the ass. We would have to wait and see.

During the morning presentation, again about as dull as yesterday afternoon had been, I had attempted to catch Luke’s eye and motion for him to go with me to the restroom again. However, he never looked back in my direction. Again, he was wearing loose fitting clothes that did absolutely nothing to show off his hot physique. Maybe yesterday had been laundry day or something and thus all he had left to wear was tight fitting clothing that made him look so damn sexy.

So with not getting any attention from Luke, I turned my attention back to Jessie. Good ole’ reliable, cute preppy clothing wearing Jessie. And there he was looking just as nice as he had the three previous days. I sort of began to daydream about what his cock might look like if I ever had the chance to see it. I wondered if he would be as take charge as Luke had been. Jessie didn’t seem to be the rugged demanding type. And there’s nothing wrong with that. I find all sorts of men attractive. Victoria said something and it brought my attention away from sex back to the topics of World History that the presenter was trying cover (man, he was an idiot).

Victoria and I had lunch together and after getting our plates of food we found a table for two. A few minutes later I noticed two other people sitting down at a table for two just across the aisle from Victoria and I. It was Luke and Jessie. I hadn’t really noticed the two of them hanging out that much during the conference. Maybe some World History issue had caught their attention and they decided to chat about it over lunch. Who knows?

About 20 minutes into lunch I happened to glance toward Luke and we made eye contact; first time this had happened since the restroom incident yesterday, an incident I would never forget. When he caught me looking at him, Luke smiled one of those smiles that would make you melt. I had to turn away or else I would have had to walk over and demand that he fuck me right then and there.

A few minutes later I glanced back at their table as Luke and Jessie were leaving. Luke didn’t look at me, but Jessie sure did. Jessie gave me one of those “I know what you did” type of looks, or at least that’s what I thought the look meant. I just smiled to myself and thought…”hmmm…maybe I’ll have another bathroom break today, this time with Jessie.”

During the afternoon session, I tried to remain alert enough during the presentation to notice if Jessie were to ever look back in my direction with a nod or some sign for us to get out of there. The speaker was boring me to tears and I’m sure I fell asleep a few times. Every time Jessie moved or wiggled or looked like he was stretching in his seat I paid close attention just in case he were to look back at me with the signal. It never happened. During the afternoon break I even tried to make it obvious, but not too obvious, that I was looking for something. Nothing.

When I returned to my seat there was a small slip of paper on it with my name. I opened it discreetly and read the short message inside: “Room 326. 7:00 pm. –Jessie”.

“Oh boy,” I thought to myself. Luke told Jessie everything and Jessie just wasn’t the quickie in a restroom sort of guy. He was the type that wanted to be in a more private and comfortable setting. If he wanted things to be that private, maybe he wanted to do more than just have me suck him off. Maybe, maybe, maybe…or maybe, Luke was playing a joke on me.

Who knows what was in store, but I knew I had to be there. I had to figure some way out of having dinner with Victoria tonight so that I could grab a quick bite to eat, shower, and get myself looking the best I could for tonight. Before I could say anything to Victoria, she said that something she had eaten at lunch was making her feel sick and that she was just going to crash…a week after we returned home, Victoria discovered why she was feeling sick…morning sickness…she was pregnant.

Whatever the reason was, I was now free to suck and get fucked (if everything went as planned). At 7:00 pm on the dot I arrived at room 326 of the hotel in which the conference put us up. As I was about to knock on the door I noticed that it was slightly ajar. I went ahead and lightly knocked as I pushed the door open. I heard a voice say “come in and lock the door”. I did as instructed and as I latched the lock on the door the voice said “take off all your clothes before coming in any further.”

“Wow,” I thought to myself, “Jessie really wants us to have fun.” I took off all of my clothes and left them in a pile by the door. I mentioned that I was now undressed and the voice told me to come on in to the room. The room was rather dimly lit, but as I entered I could clearly see Jessie laying on the bed, naked, and slowly stroking his beautiful hard cock. It looked to be a little thinner than Luke’s, but also a little longer.

I just stood there looking at him, my own cock growing harder and longer by the second. I was waiting for him to give me the next instruction. Thus far all of the instructions had been given in a very direct, yet gentle voice; letting your know who is in charge without being demanding, sort of sensual.

Jessie, looking so fucking sexy in the dim light, raised up one of his hands, extended a finger and made a motion indicating his desire to have me crawl up on the bed with him. I bent over the bed and began crawling up between his legs. As I crawled I allowed my fingers to gently rub the light toned hair on his legs and Jessie let out a soft moan. I wasn’t sure how far he wanted me to crawl, but since I was sure this invitation was based upon the blowjob that I had given to Luke I decided to stop crawling up the bed once my mouth was positioned over Jessie’s cock. If he wanted me to crawl up further he would let me know. I allowed one of my hands to replace Jessie’s hand in stroking his cock and then bent lower and just let a little of my hot breath glaze over the head of his dick. He let out another light moan.

These moans were really doing a magic number on me and I was totally getting into it with Jessie. I let my tongue stick out and gently brush the underside of his cock head; it twitched. I wrapped my lips around the whole head and let my tongue circle around getting his head as wet as I could.

I guess I was so engrossed in sucking on Jessie’s cock that I did not hear the bathroom door open or the footsteps crossing over the floor. But I sure did jump when I felt a pair of hands starting to gently massage my ass as it was sticking into the air. I looked back and saw a shadowy figure in the darkened room and could tell it was Luke. The way he massaged my ass got me going again. I hadn’t expected a three-way. I was so fucking horny now.

I went back to sucking Jessie’s cock. I wanted Jessie to fill my mouth as Luke filled my ass. While sucking on Jessie I let my eyes close and just got wrapped up in allowing my other senses to inform me as to what was going on. I felt Jessie’s hands running through my hair…so sexy. I could hear Luke tear open a condom wrapper and slide the length of the rubber down his cock. As I continued to bath Jessie’s awesome tool, I felt Luke apply some cold lube to my asshole and felt him start to work it in. Damn, I was in heaven. These two studs had been the objects of my desires for the past couple of days and here I was with one of their dicks in my mouth and the other’s about to find its way up my ass.

After Luke had worked three fingers into my hole he decided it was time for the main meat. I had to slow up on my sucking of Jessie’s cock while Luke guided his own throbber down my ass chute. I was afraid I’d end up biting off Jessie’s dick so I released my mouth’s tight grip but kept up the licking action. Once Luke was all the way in and finding his groove I allowed Jessie back into my waiting mouth. Here we were, three hot and horny male teachers having sex in a hotel during a World History conference.

No one was even touching my cock, but I knew it wouldn’t be long before I blew. I could feel Luke’s pace picking up and knew he was getting close. Knowing how close Luke was and knowing about my own impending eruption caused me to work harder on Jessie’s cock and I felt him tensing up too. I knew it wouldn’t be long; it was a guessing game as to who would blow first. My cock, being trapped between my body and the bed, was getting the full force of the friction as Luke pounded and fucked my ass. I knew it was going to happen at any moment. I wanted it to last, but I knew it wouldn’t. While getting fucked at both ends I felt my balls tighten and then my cock started spurting onto the bed.

Apparently the spasms I was experiencing caused my asshole to grip tight onto Luke and the sensations ignited his eruption. The pleasure of my own orgasm and now having Luke erupt into me set off the last leg of my desire to drink every ounce Jessie had to offer. The moans that Luke and I were making, combined with the suction of my mouth and tongue, took Jessie over the edge too so that within a matter of 30 seconds each of us had totally spent our loads. I was exhausted. I knew I had been royally fucked over. I enjoyed the taste of Jessie in my mouth. I was relaxed and just went limp on the bed with my head laying on one of Jessie’s thighs. He made no move to get me off the bed. I could feel Luke pull out and heard him scamper off to the bathroom to throw away the condom. It also sounded like he was getting dressed.

Eventually, even with being as relaxed as I was and near sleep with my head on Jessie’s thigh, I did hear Luke walk back in. He patted my ass and said “Damn, that was hot”. He then walked to the door and unlocked it. Before leaving he said, “See you two in the morning”.

I half expected Jessie to rouse up enough to give the hint that I should leave too. However, he just laid there. After I few moments, I decided that I didn’t want to wear out my welcome so I started crawling off the bed. Jessie grabbed my arm, looked me dead in the eye, and said “Jonathan, you don’t have to leave yet. You can stay the night if you’d like.”

I looked awkwardly at him for a moment. I then went to the bathroom to wash off for a moment. I came back to the bed with a warm washcloth for Jessie. He wiped up the last bit of cum that had leaked out of his limp cock and then tossed the cloth on the floor. Jessie maneuvered himself under the covers and then patted the bed beside him. I turned off the light and crawled under the covers with him.

We ended up in a spoon position with him behind me and his arms wrapped around my body. He kissed the back of my neck and whispered, “That was awesome. I hope to do it again soon.” We then drifted off to sleep. I hadn’t expected most of what happened tonight. I thought I would blow Jessie and that would be it. Instead, in addition to the expectation, Luke fucked me hard and Jessie wanted to cuddle as we fell asleep. What a way to end the day.

e-mail me at


7 Gay Erotic Stories from Cajunlover180

Ryan's Dad, Part 1

My name is Geoffry Jackson and I’m a math teacher at a large high school in suburban Oklahoma City. I am 32 years old, 5’11”, 190 lbs solid muscle, brownish red hair, and usually wear my beard in a light stubble look. Over the years I’ve had my share of relationships which have included a couple of colleagues that I’d meet at teachers’ conferences, friends of friends, and even a former student.

Ryan's Dad, Part 2

I arrived to work on Monday morning and was greeted by an e-mail that said the following: “Geoff, I had a nice time hanging out with you on Friday. Due to my work schedule and Ryan being at my house during the early part of each evening during the week, I’m not sure when I’ll be able to get together again. Maybe we can meet for a drink one evening. Anyway, I wish you a great week. Steve”.

Ryan's Dad, Part 3

As Steve led me down a hall to his master suit I noticed a clock…12:30. Had I really already been in his home and in his arms for 5 hours? It didn’t seem that long, but I knew we were both enjoying absolutely every moment.I sat on the bed as Steve began unbuckling his belt. I pulled him close to me and slapped his hands away. I wanted to unwrap his package. I unbuttoned his chinos and

World History Conference, Part 1

My name is Jonathan and I teach World History at a large public high school in the Oklahoma City area. I am 33 years old, 6 ft 1 in, and 195 pounds (nicely built). I have dark brown hair with gray on the temples that I wear in a buzz cut and I have hazel eyes. Although I’m not officially “out” to the student body at my high school, it is pretty much assumed by students and faculty alike that I

World History Conference, Part 2

In the first part of this story, you learned a little about me. I’m Jonathan and I teach World History at a large public high school in the Oklahoma City area. The first part of this story revolved around an in person connection between Luke, a teacher at a Catholic high school in Tulsa, and myself. If you haven’t read it you should probably read it first. The following story happens the next

World History Conference, Part 3

In the first two parts of this story, you learned a little about me. I’m Jonathan and I teach World History at a large public high school in the Oklahoma City area. The first part of this story revolved around an in person connection between Luke, a teacher at a Catholic high school in Tulsa, and myself. Part two provided an unexpected repeat with Luke combined with adding into the mix Jessie,

Zack Attack

Middle America. Suburban high school. Government teacher. Mid-30s single gay male. This is my life. My work consumes my life. Teaching is more than just a job to me; it really and truly is my life’s passion. Between grading papers, lesson planning, sponsoring school clubs, attending extracurricular events (including sporting competitions), and seeking out relevant professional development


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