Gay Erotic Stories

Sex with my daddy bear

by Barbaloot

Sex with my daddy bear

Some friends and I were out and about drinking at a bar. One of the friends with a super hot daddy bear. He was about 5 foot 7, 250 lbs, bald, hairy. I am 6 foot, 200 lbs., smooth. I had just gone to the bar and grabbed drinks for everyone. I returned to the group and while passing out the drinks I bent over and he saw I was wearing a jock strap under my jeans. He grabbed and snapped it.

"Nice" he said

After a while friends started to leave. And it was just me and the daddy bear. We decided to go to a different bar. It was packed, hot, and full of hot guys. We got a couple of drinks and settled in.

"I have to hit the bathroom" I said

"Me too" he replied.

There was a long line. He was standing right behind me. We had just been friends. Never even kissed. Finally I was next. He was shifting back and forth. He really needed to piss. So when the door opened.

He said, "I am going to join you, I have to piss bad!"

We went in the bathroom and took a side on the toilet. Both pulled out our cocks. He was nice, he pulled his balls out the zipper of his jeans. He reached over and cupped my cock.

"Nice" he said.

As we finished and zipped up, we both leaned in. And kissed, it was hot! He kissed like a champ. We left the bathroom and took our place on the bar floor. It was packed. We keep getting bumped into. At one point he put his hand on my lower back. between my shirt and jeans. Thumb under my jock strap. And keep it there.

I leaned in "Want to go to my place."

He leaned in too, "Yeah"

We put our drinks down and headed to the door. Once outside we flagged down and cab. Once at my place we started kissing. And he grabbed my crouch. And I grabbed his. He was getting hard. It was nice about 6.5 and thick. We both stripped off our clothing. Me leaving my jock, and him leaving his boxer briefs on. We went to the couch and made out. I grabbed his underwear band and pulled it down, letting out is cock and balls. Went down and took it in my mouth. It was warm and hot.

He moaned, "Yeah boy that feels good."

I sucked on it for a while, working my way between he cock and balls. Feeling up his hairy belly and chest. Pinching his nips, he seemed to like that… I leaned back, and we both jacked off for a bit. He leaned forward and took my whole 8.5 think cock in his mouth. Felt so good. He worked my cock good, and sucked on my balls.

He came up for air and said, "flip over"

I flipped over and presented him my ass. Still in my jock my ass was there framed and ready for him.

"Damn that is hot." He said and dove in. He liked my hole. His tongue felt amazing. It licked around my hole, and fucked it with his tongue. He keep bringing me right to the edge. I was almost out of breath and ready to pass out. He was down there for what seemed like hours. He finally came up for air. And leaned back. I watched him jack off for a bit. Then got up and said.

"It is time for you to fuck me!"

I straddled him and aimed his cock head for my hole. And slide right down on it. I rode him like crazy, he cock fit my hole perfectly. I started picking up speed, he started moaning. I knew he was getting close, I rode harder and faster. Finally he let loose and dumped his daddy load in my ass. We sat there for a while and caught our breath, his cock still in my ass. I slowly got off him, as his cock came out my ass. We got up and cleaned off. I was hoping I would get that cock in my ass again. And I did...


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Barbaloot

Sex with my daddy bear

Sex with my daddy bear Some friends and I were out and about drinking at a bar. One of the friends with a super hot daddy bear. He was about 5 foot 7, 250 lbs, bald, hairy. I am 6 foot, 200 lbs., smooth. I had just gone to the bar and grabbed drinks for everyone. I returned to the group and while passing out the drinks I bent over and he saw I was wearing a jock strap under my jeans. He


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