Gay Erotic Stories

Michael and Kenny - Chapter 3: A Romance Novella

by Topcrotchless@gmail.

Michael felt anxious about the social gathering welcoming Kenny home. He had nothing to bring in the way of food. And he was always uncomfortable with the inevitable sympathy offered over his wife’s death. A heavy rap at the door startled Michael.

It was Sey coming to get him, probably anticipating Mike’s reluctance to attend the party. Sey yelled “Come on princess, finish your makeup, and get your ass out here. The party has already started!” Mike laughed and opened the door. He quickly finished tucking in his shirt, grabbed his coat, and stepped out of the trailer. He leaped down the two short stairs to the stone path.

Sey was still pelting Michael with affectionate insults.

"Nothing like having my white trailer trash friend to dress up a Nooksack tribal gathering!” Sey chuckled, happy with himself the whole way down the path to the village. Miachael stopped to bend down and tie his hiking boots. Sey stoped again with his arms cross disgustedly, “Come on fuck face!”

To which Mike happily shouts “That is PROFESSOR fuck face to YOU! and happily follows Sey down the path to the village.

As they approach the chiefs’ house, Mike could smell the forest and the earth. It mingled with the faint smell of wood smoke from chimneys. He sighed. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the moment. He was starting to smell and see things again. He was glad.

They stepped inside. At least 30 people crowded into the Chiefs’ small house. More milled around outside in the back yard. He could see a number of salmon and venison dishes laid out tables and counters, as were several side dishes that were traditional to the Nooksack tribe. The food smelled delicious and he heard his stomach growl.

The chief’s voice boomed through the house as he boasted about his “little son” Kenny graduating from college and coming back to care for the tribes medical needs. Kenny was home and the family and tribe were jubilant. Michael found the Chief in a tight knot of people. He approached with the intent of making his presence known and saying hello to everyone. As he approached the group he noticed the back of a nicely built man. This must be Kenny.

He was about 5’10, with inky black hair worn spikey. He was wearing dark blue denim jeans, boots, a black tee shirt, and black leather jacket. He was facing the group with his back to Mike. As Michael approached, he caught the smell of Kinney’s freshly washed hair and skin. Kenny turned around suddenly to face and greet Michael. As he turned and as their eyes met, there was a sudden charge in the air that neither man expected. For about 20 very long seconds they just stood there, each trying to assess the situation in their own way. Michael spoke first in a voice not completely his own “Welcome home Kenny”. Kenny replied quietly, “Thanks.”

Sey watched the transaction with a puzzled look in his eyes. Everyone had quieted. Kenny smiled again at Michael but broke eye contact, and turned back around to the small crowd huddled around the Chief and re-entered the discussion.

Caught off kilter, Michael melted away to stand by the food table. Sey came up behind him and grabbed two plates. He handed one to Michael and they began to dig in. Michael tried to forget the awkward moment with Kenny, and concentrated on the food.

Mike did not talk to Kenny again that evening. He tried not to look or make eye contact with Kenny. He left at 9:00pm. As he walked home, Sey called out and ran to catch up with him. Sey asked, “Mike what was that back there between you and Kenny?” to which Mike replied “What do you mean?” Sey did not say anything for a long time and they continued to walk. Finally, Mike said, “I had not seen him for at least 5 years and I was just surprised at how much he had changed”. He was not going to try to theorize outloud with Sey on what happened. He did not understand it himself.

Sey dropped Mike at the trailer and circled back to the party.

Mike showered and lay down for the night. As he lay there he pondered the day’s events and wondered why he had such a reaction to seeing Kenny. The moment that their eyes met he had felt it down to his balls. He acknowledged to himself that Kenny had turned out to be very grown up, and very good looking.

He had not had sex for over 3 years, not counting masturbation. That would be remedied soon. Mike had created a profile on a singles site. He was due for a date the following evening. Not exactly a date, but a hook up. He had chosen to be frank in his profile about what he was looking for. He wanted vigorous, uncomplicated sex on a regular basis.

The young lady that he had been chatting with was a sporty looking blond. They were to meet in a bar tomorrow afternoon and decide if they wanted to go further with the relationship. Mike began to fantasize about her. She had sent him some sexy photos after they agreed to meet. He began to rub his dick thinking about them.

After he came, he fell into a deep slumber.


8 Gay Erotic Stories from Topcrotchless@gmail.


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Michael and Kenny - Chapter 3: A Romance Novella

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