Gay Erotic Stories

Sexy Uncle

by Myb572

I always had this fantasy of playing with one of my uncles. I would see them naked at the spa and fitness center in our neighborhood in the men's locker room.

Going there as a young kid I know I liked older cock. One of my uncles lived with us and the other two lived in the neighborhood, so I got to see there cocks a lot.

As I got older they all moved in different cities so I didn't get to see them a lot. One still lived in the same town. He was 52 years old hairy and had a huge cock.I was 21 with a built body and thick cock. He wore low rise briefs and looked sexy in them. I would go in his underwear drawer and try them on, sometimes take one home with me. I was in his house one day by myself cause I had to drop some stuff off for my dad.

I went in his room put one of this briefs on and rubbed my cock through them, thinking of him I got so hard and wet. I then saw one of his used pair in the hamper and sniffed the cock area and it got to me super hard, smelled like sweet and salty cum. All of a sudden I heard someone enter the house, I panicked, hoping it wasn't his wife. It was my uncle coming home early from work. He caught me in his briefs before I could get them off with my rock hard cock sticking out.

He said what are you doing boy? I'm so nervous, didn't know what to say? I said stopped by to drop your package off and got curious how briefs felt since I didn't wear them. That was just an excuse, buti wanted him so bad. He said, how do you like the feel of them on you, I said I enjoy them. He then said, is that all you were thinking of? I said no, I was thinking of you in the briefs from all the times I had seen you in them. I can't believe i had said that abruptly.

My uncle offered if I would like to see him in his new low rise bikini briefs, I said sure. He dropped his pants and my cock shot up in the air. He asked if I would like to rub his cock thru his briefs, my hands were there before he could finish saying it. I always had this feeling that not only this uncle but the rest of them liked cocks too. I started sniffing his cock thru his briefs and massaged his cock with my tongue.

He said son go for it, I always had a crush on you. I dropped the briefs, pulled his foreskin back and started tonguing the shaft and then put my mouth on that shaft. His cock tasted so good, I just started deep throating it. He took me to his bed and I started to undress him and he did the same to me. His back on the bed and I'm still sucking him, he then started jerking my cock. We then began 69 position it was so hot, I dreamed of this along time ago. We both sucking each other and moaning. I started licking this big balls and he did the same.

I told him I was ready to cum, he said wait, let's cum together. Sucking and more sucking, both of us explode in each others mouth. That hot cum plunged down my throat. He got on top of me and we started rubbing bodies and cocks together. Getting hard once again. He pressed his lips against mine and we kissed deep with our tongues massaging each others. Cocks growing thicker and harder, sucking my nipples and I'm enjoying it.

We again get in the 69 position, this time his cock in my mouth and his tongue massaging my ass. I had never had anyone don that to me, i started moaning, he starting sticking his tongue inside my hole. My uncle then got his lube out and starting lubing me up. All of a sudden I feel that big head of his entering my man pussy.I said no condom, he said no, we are family, so it's safe. It hurt at first then hitting my prostate I wanted his whole big thick manhood inside me.

He stroked slowly until I said give me more, so he went faster and got more aggressive. I had my legs in the air while he's pounding my ass, he comes over and kisses me oh this feels so good. I then started riding his cock and coming over and kissing at the same time. He said he was about to shoot, I said give it to me uncle. He shot off and the hot cum feeling nice inside me. What a day? I dreamed of this day most of my life and got it.

After that day we had more encounters at my place, or if his wife was out of town. We started taking golf trips for the weekend so we could be together.

I have more stories, of the other two that moved away from here. I will be posting soon. Hope youll liked the story, more to come!


3 Gay Erotic Stories from Myb572

Sexy Uncle

I always had this fantasy of playing with one of my uncles. I would see them naked at the spa and fitness center in our neighborhood in the men's locker room.Going there as a young kid I know I liked older cock. One of my uncles lived with us and the other two lived in the neighborhood, so I got to see there cocks a lot.As I got older they all moved in different cities so I didn't get

Sexy Uncle 3

Uncle Nick is the last of the sexy uncles. He also lived near us, eventually moving to another state. I remember seeing his 9 inch cock in the locker room and at his house. He was 6'2 190lbs and 57 years old. He had broad shoulders and nice fit legs. Nice hairy chest and cock. He was by far the best looking and hottest uncle. Whenever I was a around him all I could think of was getting

Sexy Uncle Number 2

Uncle number 2 lived in the same city and same neighborhood until i turned 10 years old. He was well built and nice looking.Going to the fitness center with him and seeing him naked turned me on. He had a thick and long cock like mine. Both of our cocks looked similar. I remember knocking on his bathroom door and he would come out nude, seeing that hot cock. He ended up moving to another state


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