Gay Erotic Stories

My first uncut man

by Mark needs

I have been Bi all my life, I had one lover for thirty some years.. We had sex at least three times a week when we were single. I got married and so did he,We hung out as two couples and our wives never suspected a thing,he and I would go on overnight fishing trips and even fo to NH on ski trips for a weekend as the wives did not ski hey would go to NY shopping.We skied part of the day and had sex the rest of each day. He was 6.5" not very thick and he was circumcized,but a great lover.I always wanted to know what it would be like to have an uncut cock in me.After he and his family moved to LA,I got divorced and being alone I neede to find another lover. The following winter I went skiing up north,rented a condo for myself. One afternoon after skiing I hit the gym at the condo ,while in the mens shower this older man was also showering when in the locker room we were getting dried and we looked at each other,I was checking out his quite large uncut cock and I noticed he kept looking at my smooth shaved ass.We smiled at ech other ,and got dressed.We then left the locker room.

That night I went down to the pub at the resort for a few drinks. When I felt a tap on my shoulder and a voice ask,is someone sitting here? no I replied ,and turned seeing the man from the locker room. We had a few more drinks when the bartender shouted Last Call. The man whose name is Tony asked if I would like to go to his room to smoke a bone,I said yes and we went up to is room. After we smoked, he told me I had a nice ass, I told him he had a nice cock and I have never seen an uncut cock before.. He asked me if I would like a closer look,I told hi yes. He took it out and it was really hot looking, he asked if i would like to feel it . As I began touching it and feelig the foreskin I began to get hard. I started rolling the skin back and forth over the head as he got really hard. He told me to put it in my mouth and suck it. I did and could taste his precum right away.I sucked him for nearly ten minutes when he said he wanted to cum in my tight ass. We got naked and he rubbed saliva on my butt hole and slowly pushed his thck uncut cock into me. He fucked me slow and easy but when he was closer to climax , he bgan fucking me harder,pushing his cock deep into me. Then he pulled out and pushed the head of his cock tight against my hole and I could feel the warm cum squirting into me. Then he pushed the head back in with a popping feeling as it went back in ,he pulled it out and popped it in again for a few times.

I ended staying at his place the rest of the night,waking up at different times and smelling the sweet smigna under the foreskin and sucking his sweet uncut cock and getting fucked agan.

We keep in touch and are planning a ski trip this year, only we will be sharing the same room together.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Mark needs

My first uncut man

I have been Bi all my life, I had one lover for thirty some years.. We had sex at least three times a week when we were single. I got married and so did he,We hung out as two couples and our wives never suspected a thing,he and I would go on overnight fishing trips and even fo to NH on ski trips for a weekend as the wives did not ski hey would go to NY shopping.We skied part of the day and had


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