Gay Erotic Stories

I corrupted neighbour Dad

by Vrymtrvryyng

This was years ago when I was in early 20's. I had recently moved into the big city and my parents being cautious kept me under close supervision of some relatives and family friends. There was my neighbor and his family, very respectable people who went to church every Sunday. The father was in his late 50's plump with a belly and nice round bum, very soft spoken person. I have never heard him raise his voice and always seemed to be two steps behind his wife who was domineering but motherly. Around Christmas time his wife and family had gone off to visit relatives and he was alone during Christmas eve. He invited me for a drink more out of politeness and on request of my parents to keep a check on me.

I arrived with a bottle of wine, He seemed very nervous never looking directly at me and picking at the take-away Christmas meal he had ordered. I was drinking more wine than usual and soon began to feel tipsy. I stared at his lovely daddy face, small eyes, soft smooth double chins and had to try hard to resist from caressing his cheeks. The wine made him more silent and the sound of Christmas music kept blaring in the background. We moved to the couch to watch the Christmas top 50 countdown and he handed me a glass of port. Being tipsy I grabbed his hand instead of the glass and moved it down his chubby arm. Trying to think quickly, I laughed saying I was trying to steady myself. He stood there not pulling away and started to caress my hand. He put the glasses on the table and came and sat next to me, hugging me and holding me in his daddy embrace. We were there on the couch locked in each others' arms and the warmth of his big body was making me aroused. I drew back to look at him I saw that his eyes were moist. Then we leaned to each other, our eyes closed automatically and our lips touched. He was motionless just pressing his lips against mine, I moved forward chewing his upper lip as my tongue sought his wet tongue and moved from left to right. I cupped that lovely face with my hands while my mouth and tongue explored his. He was very receptive and me passionate. I alternated between his upper and lower lip and drove my tongue deep inside his wet mouth. The taste of the christmas plum pudding, port mixed with hot saliva was maddenninlg arousing. Suddenly I tasted saltiness and realized he was crying, it has been a long time time since someone loved him so passionately so wanting him. It was a daddy love I tasted in his mouth. I kissed his wet eyes, cheeks and moved towards his soft smooth double chin. I loved softly biting his chin, his soft double chin and his chubby neck. I almost laughed when he grabbed my hand kissing it and held them in both his hands. It was like I was the one with the experience to make the next move. I helped him take-off his sweater and unbuttoned his shirt, His man breast and nipples sprung out taut and full of love. His belly was covered with light hair and there some around his red nipples. I sat on his lap caressing his breasts, pinching his nipples and continued kissing him. Then I went down on my knees and unbucked his belt helping him out of his trousers and knickers. There he was in all his naked glory looking at me with such warmth that I've never seen before from anyone else. He didn't seem to want to rush me just reaching for my hand and looking at me. I cupped his balls and small wet cock. He was cut with a dark-purple cock head. I looked up at him and then moved downwards while he sat back in the sofa. I engulfed his little cock in my wet mouth and heard him sigh with pleasure. I worked on that wet cock making it go harder and bigger. I love man pubes and shifted my attention to them bitting and licking them. I sucked him for a while till his hand reached out to restrain me, he wanted the pleasure to last longer. He then helped me up on my feet. I got out of my clothes and gave him the pleasure of seeing my hard cut cock. I was standing up while he opened his mouth and took my cock inside. He was very clumsy but kept sucking like it was a hard lolipop. I held his head and started face fucking him. He was choking but never let go. His hand were on my knees while I bent him forward to shove it all inside his mouth. I was in heaven looking down at this beautiful daddy sucking my cock enthusiastically. We never spoke all the time, the way we looked at each other said it all.

I wanted him more, I have often stared at his bottom before and wanted to see how it looked. I made him lie face down on the sofa and there it was his perfectly round soft bottom. It was breath catching to see his naked back, sexier than I ever imagined. It was chubby with swell proportioned love handles, his bum rising nicely like and well partitioned into round full buttocks. I took some saliva and neatly poured them down his bum partitions. They tricked down those pink clefts and dripped to his pink hole. I moistened my fingers with some more saliva and inserted both fingers inside the hole. He was tight but gave in to me willingly, while I moved deep inside massaging his prostate. I moved my fingers faster hearing him whinge the moan then moan louder as my finger moved deftly inside out. I wanted to fuck him more than ever. I turned him around and I saw in him a look wanting to give me all the pleasure and fulfill my beastly lusts. I never even asked whether he had been penetrated before.

Soon he was lying on his back his bum raised over the arm rest of the sofa. I parted his legs his pink hole right in the middle of his plump bum cheeks. I guided my hard dick purposefully till they were half inserted in his bum hole. I looked at that beautiful plump daddy, his legs parted and looking eagerly towards me. I locked my eyes with his moving harder and harder. He was softly making noises but kept staring me right in the eye. I bent his knees and licked his feet while fucking him. Then we changed positions I fucked him doggy-style till I was very near cumming. I removed my cock from his bum and moved my mouth to his cock. We kept sucking 69 till we both came. His body was shaking when he came and squealed when my cum shot across his neck and breast. We lay there for a few minutes our faces close to each others cum dripping cock. We remained on that sofa for all night experiencing real love making like I ve never known before.


4 Gay Erotic Stories from Vrymtrvryyng

Fucking my drunk straight boss

I am an up and comer in the firm. The firm is unevenly distributed between very young, eager nobodies and powerful senior somebodies. Having a mentor is a very important to climb the tedious corporate ladder. The seniors preferred pretty young girls and if was difficult situation for young men in an intensely competitive environment. There were rumours about amorous senior partners who

Fucking the bisexual Dad

A busy flight landing in Heathrow, we all were flustered and ready to start a busy day. I hurried down the aisle; I noticed him standing up in between seats waiting for his turn to get out to the aisle. His silver hair was plastered with sweat his chubby fingers gripping the seat behind him I noticed the gold band, he was married. I politely gave him space to get out from between the

I corrupted neighbour Dad

This was years ago when I was in early 20's. I had recently moved into the big city and my parents being cautious kept me under close supervision of some relatives and family friends. There was my neighbor and his family, very respectable people who went to church every Sunday. The father was in his late 50's plump with a belly and nice round bum, very soft spoken person. I have never

Straight older man turned gay

It was mid August a relatively free time for the corporate high-flier like me. Our firm sends us for conferences to network with other professionals. I was sent to North Wales for a four day conference and my partner was away on holiday. I am in my mid 30's and am partnered to a man and we play together, and sometimes separate. The first day ended on a high note, with drinks flowing


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