Gay Erotic Stories

My First Gay Encounter... That I Didn't Notice

by Darneljackson1

When I was in college, I lived in a very nice apartment. I worked at a restaurant as I went to school and was able to live off campus in a nice place, away from the party dorms, drunken parties and sex-parties. The guy that had the apartment across the hall from me was in his mid-thirties and I’d see him coming & going all of the time.

He was a handsome white guy with glasses, well dressed and easy going. He enjoyed talking with me in the hall or in the open doorway but was a better listener as I bitched about school and the girls that I was chasing at the time.

Looking back on it, I didn’t realize he was hitting on me… a 19-year old, naive muscle kid who talked too much and total inexperienced with man-to-man pleasures. It was my first gay encounter that I didn't even notice.

When I moved in, the nosy neighbor next to me told me that ‘this guy was gay but didn’t cause any trouble or noise’. I had never met an openly gay man before and initially didn’t believe her. He acted straight. He looked strong. Were gay guys supposedly loud trouble-makers?

One Friday evening around 11 PM, as I fumbled for my keys in my entry way, Darren opened his door wearing only a towel. I had never been so close to a naked white man before, except in the locker-room.

He was beautiful with huge shoulders, gigantic cut bi’s & tri’s and a huge set of pecs that trimmed down to a tight waist. His waist was circled by a snug towel that was too small to cover his girth. The ends of the towel barely met and it opened wider the further down it went.

In clothes, he didn’t look muscular but almost naked, just a few feet from me, he was beautiful. His body hair was short and accentuated the deep cleft between his pecs and the ridges of his abs. Next to him, I looked like a musclekid... which in fact what I was at that age.

I took this magnificent sight in casually and quickly went back to fumbling with the lock, taking longer than usual to open the door. He stood behind me, asking me how my day went in his usual manner. My cock was growing.

After opening my apartment door, I turned around and saw that he had squatted down, legs slightly apart and the open towel exposing his hairy fat cock. I stood there with an uncomfortably growing erection as he fumbled with some loose fliers on the floor. He had a clean penis with a beautiful mushroom head and trimmed pubes.

It didn’t take long for me to be fully 8” erect and immediately said good night as he looked up and saw my bulging response to his nakedness. He had a small smile on his face but acted calm and humble. I was embarrassed yet obviously excited as I closed the door and went to the bathroom to jerk off.

Looking back, I really should have explored my gay side when I had the chance. Darren was always caring towards me in the hall and probably just as considerate in the bedroom too.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Darneljackson1

My First Gay Encounter... That I Didn't Notice

When I was in college, I lived in a very nice apartment. I worked at a restaurant as I went to school and was able to live off campus in a nice place, away from the party dorms, drunken parties and sex-parties. The guy that had the apartment across the hall from me was in his mid-thirties and I’d see him coming & going all of the time.He was a handsome white guy with glasses, well


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