Gay Erotic Stories

My friend, my lover, my big Daddy. Pt.1


For the past 7 months I have been exploring my sexual attraction to men. I have a strong preference toward older larger hairy uncut Daddy type men. I have been seeing such a man for some time now and I am seeing him tomorrow morning at his place. I am 51 and he is 67. When I arrive the door will be unlocked so I can just walk in and then lock his door. He will greet me in his robe just out of the shower with the front open and baby it still takes my breath away when I see his thick huge uncut cock. We met online thru silverDaddies and he is old enough to be my Daddy. He lives in the next town and I see him once a week. I am a total slut when I am with him. All I can think about is sucking that huge dick of his in 12 hours from now. We have been in a very heated 69 position with me on top and his cock was working very well getting bigger and harder surrounded by a rather large ball sack as well. Sucking this mans cock is a dream come true!


3 Gay Erotic Stories from LFCODLER

My first gay threesome

I had an encounter with a older gay couple I met online recently and had a wonderful time with them. They were both 66yr old and very sexy good looking men. They live in a very nice clean condo near by. I felt very warm in their home and they asked me if I would like to go up to their bedroom with them. We all went up to their room and undressed then climbed into their bed with me in the

My friend, my lover, my big Daddy. Pt.1

For the past 7 months I have been exploring my sexual attraction to men. I have a strong preference toward older larger hairy uncut Daddy type men. I have been seeing such a man for some time now and I am seeing him tomorrow morning at his place. I am 51 and he is 67. When I arrive the door will be unlocked so I can just walk in and then lock his door. He will greet me in his robe just

Stranger in the night

One night I got so horny chatting with this 62 yr old that lived only across town I agreed to ride to walmart with him. So he picked me up and said his name was bear which he was a big bear of a man. I love my men large and hair is nice. Anyway when we got to walmart it was nice and dark out so I reached over and rubbed his crotch and felt his big bear dick. He let me fondle him and feel


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