Gay Erotic Stories

First gay blowjob

by Gayboy69

Let me tell you about a true story about my first time. I hooked up with a black guy from Craigslist. I answered his post about him being a bottom and wanting to suck cock. He's a gay man and I figured this was the perfect opportunity for me to fulfill a fantasy of mine. I got to his place and after a little talk, we went to his bedroom where I stripped and sat at the edge of the bed, exposing my already rock hard cut cock to him. He stripped as well, got to his knees and proceeded to engulf my cock right to the base. It was heaven. My wife hates oral sex, she was fine if I gave it to her, but no reciprocation from her. He said he doesn't swallow because he doesn't like the taste, but he loves cock and getting fucked. The man was an expert cock sucker, he did things to my cock that I never even thought could be done. He was playing with my cock and balls, licking my shaft like a lollipop. He starts at the head and in one motion, deep throats me, stays there for a bit then pulls all the way off. What a master cock sucker, it was so good. After about 15 minutes, I proceeded to tell him I'm ready to cum and to be careful because I'm a big shooter with big loads, but he doesn't pull off my cock, so I tell him again and still he doesn't pull off, so I figured he knows what he's doing. Suddenly, I get that familiar feeling that I'm going to cum and I blow my load in his mouth, 1,2,3,4 spurts, remember, he doesn't swallow. I blow so much that it starts running out of the corners of his mouth and it's dripping onto the floor. Too much for him, so he pulls off my cock and I get a couple spurts onto his face and chest.

Finally, I'm done and he couldn't believe how much cum I had. I told him my wife doesn't like sex anymore and I was really excited about this fantasy so I had a big load. We cleaned up and I left.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Gayboy69

First gay blowjob

Let me tell you about a true story about my first time. I hooked up with a black guy from Craigslist. I answered his post about him being a bottom and wanting to suck cock. He's a gay man and I figured this was the perfect opportunity for me to fulfill a fantasy of mine. I got to his place and after a little talk, we went to his bedroom where I stripped and sat at the edge of the bed,


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