Gay Erotic Stories

I love big daddy dick

by Youngbttm

I love older men, daddies to be exact, a hot older men that love fucking younger men, dream about it younger men and want nothing more than a young man in his bed so that he can make him his boy and show him how a young man should treat his daddy. And, I love a daddy with a big cock. I like a thick 7 or 71/2 inch cock and have even had an 8 inch one.

I recently met a daddy that I had been trying to see for weeks. We exchanged pictures online and emailed back and forth but had a difficult time meeting until he emailed me that he was free one day in the afternoon.

In his pictures he was normal looking and his cock looked average. I am always nervous the first time I see a daddy. I haven't seen too many, 8 in total but I usually see the same daddy for awhile for fun until it doesn't work out anymore.

When I walked into his apartment it was no different. He was sitting down and looked thicker than his pictures, which I like and just like a daddy, thick, balding a little, not too tall but hot and he had a very serious look. I sat on a chair and he on a couch and we talked briefly, then he got up and walked toward me. I stood up and he kissed me. I rubbed the front of his pants and then began to unzip them, wanting to see his cock. I asked him if I could put it in my mouth and he said, "go ahead." I got on my knees and then I could see how thick it was, about 71/2 inches long or more but really thick. I closed my eyes and began sucking and it felt and tasted so good. His precum was so sweet and i continued sucking it, loving every minute and wrapped both my hands around it while I slowly put his cock in and out of my mouth, then I licked his big balls.

He told me to get undressed and get in the shower, which I did and began washing off. My cock was so hard and all I could think about was having that big juicy dick in my mouth and it made me feel so hot and bad and I imagine how good it was going to feel when he put it inside me.

The daddy got in the shower with me, which I didn't expect and we began making out as he put his hands and my little boy bubble butt and ran his finger across my tight little boy pussy. he pulled me close as he did and put his tongue farther in my mouth and his cock pressed against me. Then he turned me around and spread my cheeks apart then began eating me out. I held his head as he did and moaned how good it felt. I begged him not to stop and asked if I could suck his cock some more, then he had me sit on the edge of the tub.

He was dripping precum and I licked it off the tip of his cock, then rubbed more on my fingers and rubbed my fingers across my lips then put them in my mouth. I stood up and he kissed me again and sat me back down. I slowly put his cock in my mouth and licked the tip and then up and down the shaft as he said, "lick it boy."

I sucked his cock and moaned as I did until he stood me up so we could make out again.

He got out of the shower and said don't be long. I rinsed off a little more. I got out of the shower, dried off and wrapped the towel around my waist.

I walked slowly to his room and he was standing at the edge of the bed naked, his bog cock fully erect. We kissed and I moaned again as he pulled me close. He took the towel off and told me to get on the bed. I climbed on all fours and he got behind me and began eating me out, long licks as he had his big hands on my ass spreading my cheeks apart.

He told me to get on my back and he lifted my legs in the air and put me on my shoulders. He stuck his tongue inside my pussy and flicked it back and forth. He went from eating me out to sucking my cock and did this for at least 20 minutes. I was in heaven and begged for more. He talked to me, asking if I liked it, if I wanted him to fuck me and he said how tight I am and how he was going to show me what my pussy was for.

I wanted him inside me, more than I ever wanted to be fucked and I wish I had two cocks just like his because I wanted to both be fucked by him and to suck his beautiful daddy dick.

He kissed up my body and began kissing me as he lay between my legs with his dick pressing against me.

He grabbed a condom and lube that was on the bed next to me and put them on then put lube between by cheeks and moved one finger slowly in and out and then two until he felt I was ready.

When he put his cock in I could feel his thickness right away and it hurt a little, so he didn't move for a minute while I got used to his size, then he started moving in and out slowly, after 10 minutes of that he started going faster and deeper and he was really into it.

He flipped me over on to my stomach and put his cock back in and whispered in my ear if I liked daddy's dick in my boy pussy. He asked, "How do you want it, boy?" I said "Fuck me good, daddy." He responded "Take that cock, Take daddy's cock!" and he told me how good my pussy was and how much he liked it.

We fucked on my stomach and he let me ride on top. I moved in circles, back and forth and up and down as he looked on and had his big hands on hips. I got off and he fucked me on my back again and and leaned in and kissed me and we stayed close and I told him he had the best daddy dick. We kissed more and he stuck his tongue in my ear and told me he loved my pussy.

He pulled out and pulled me to the edge of the bed and fucked me so hard and deep and yelled and said ,"yes daddy don't stop. it feels so good daddy don't stop. give me that good daddy dick it feels so good." I was out of breath. It felt so good. I had never been fucked like that. He was giving me the fucking of my life and I just wanted more and felt I could be fucked by him all night.

We must have fucked that day for at least an hour and a half. He pulled out and climbed on the bed. I climbed between his legs and began sucking his cock. I wanted him to cum and wanted to feel it in my mouth.

I took his dick out of my mouth and stroked it and he shot his cum in the air. I quickly put his dick back in my mouth, just in time to feel the rest of his cum shoot to the back of my throat.

I sucked until I cleaned the cum from his dick and finished my self off with a dildo he had.

As I showered all I could think about was the next time I'd get to suck his cock, have him inside me and taste his sweet daddy cum.

As I write this I am anticipating seeing him in only a few days.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Youngbttm

I love big daddy dick

I love older men, daddies to be exact, a hot older men that love fucking younger men, dream about it younger men and want nothing more than a young man in his bed so that he can make him his boy and show him how a young man should treat his daddy. And, I love a daddy with a big cock. I like a thick 7 or 71/2 inch cock and have even had an 8 inch one.I recently met a daddy that I had been


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