Gay Erotic Stories

Out on a Dirt Road

by KotaBoy19

I just turned 18 maybe a couple months fresh, and I was staying with my cousin out in a small country town. I had been there a few weeks and I started getting a little hot, not just because the temperature was 98 even all day. I was in a rural area in a town of 300 or so people and as far as I knew none of them were into guys. So I went to the internet, I had heard of people hooking up through craigslist but have never inspected it and decided to give it a go. So I logged on and scrolled a bit and hit a few ads that were posted, none of them responded so in reaction I decided to post an ad. It was simple, 18 year old, white, skinny,looking for a little fun. In about 30 minutes or so my email got a hit with a message saying "Can you meet in an hour? Send a Pic?" so my teenage drive went wild and I sent him a message back with a photo attached agreeing. I knew this was somewhat dangerous, but I didn't care. I told him to meet me at a local car wash a minute down the road from me and we agreed. I didn't know his stats, what he looked like, or anything of that nature, I just knew he drove a black mustang. So I hopped in the shower, and threw on some basketball shorts and a tee and sat there anxiously. 45 minutes later it was time to meet So I threw my shoes on and headed out.

When I got up to the car wash, the sun was setting slowly. I didn't see the black mustang so I waited, about 5 minutes later, the mustang pulls into one of the washes and parks.The windows were tinted so I couldn't see in, he flashed his headlights at me once and I knew it was him, I walked over to his car opened up the door and hopped in the passenger side. The interior was a cold leather and sleek, I felt it on my bottom as I sat after, I closed the door I turned to see a 300 pound big Black man in a tan sweat coated construction jumpsuit, he sat with his chair pushed back, and I started to second guess myself, but before I could make a reaction he pulled out of the parking lot. The first minute or so was a little silent, and then he spoke up "You're a pretty little boy ain't you." I kind of just nodded unsure of what to say. He glanced over at me, "You ever had a black cock shoved in that tight little butt hole of your's?" Still a little unsure of what to do, I replied "No Sir." He laughed a little, "Don't worry boy I ain't gonna hurt you" he paused, "much." He said this is a joking tone that kind of made me loosen up a little. Hey new experience right? "I'm 46" he says "I hope you don't mind the age difference." Older guys turned me on, so I replied with, "No Sir not at all,age is a number right?" He chuckled a little, then said "Sorry I didn't get a chance to shower, I came straight here after working all day, we're putting up a new mill." I looked him over again his jumpsuit looked drenched, and I noticed the bulge in his pants now, and got a little excited, "It's alright man no worries" I replied then followed with "so where are we going?" I asked. He looked over at me, " I can't really get a room tonight, so I was hoping it be ok we just hit a back road and I take them shorts off on the trunk of my car." I couldn't really say no, but the thought kind of excited me a little more so I replied "sounds good to me." I should have guessed it seeing how he had been going down dirt roads in the middle of no where for 20 minutes now. I just let him pick a spot.

When we finally parked, we were in the middle of no where, with nothing to see but miles of corn fields, he cut the car off and looked over at me, "Let me see what you're working with boy get out." I climbed out of the car as he followed and we met at his trunk. He was about 6'4 and stood about 4 inches taller then me, plus the 300 pounds, he stood there eyeing me, as I slipped my shorts down in front of him. I stood there with a semi hard cock as he gave a small groan before telling me, " turn around boy." I did as he said and turned, as he bent me over his trunk. I felt a big rough had run across my smooth hairless butt, as he ran a finger up the crack of it poking at my butt hole. "You're a tight little boy ain't you" he said slapping my ass before running his tongue up the center of my butt crack, this made me groan, and he liked that, "God you have a perfect little white boy ass, It's a shame i'm gonna have to ruin it." he grunted and pulled me up right and turned me around, he was rubbing his crotch looking me up and down. "I guess you wanna see what I'm working with now" he gave a small laugh and unzipped his sweaty jumpsuit dropping it to his knees, followed by his boxers, Out Popped a ten inch thick dark cock pointed straight at me. my stomach dropped at the site of it, and I had no idea how he planned on fitting that up my butt. He motioned me forward, as I stepped to him he pushed me to my knees, my eyes officiated on his cock, as he moved his thick rough fingers through the back of my blond hair, and pushed the head of it in my mouth, I licked the pre-cum off of it as he pushed it a little further pulling it back out, then pushing it back in. I gagged a little as he tested how far he could shove it in my mouth, he groaned as he continued to face fuck me. "God you're a good little cock sucker", as he pulled his dick out of my mouth slapping the soaked meat across my face. He then moved and stood against the trunk of the car with his legs spread Inches in front of my face. "You're a good little cock sucker, let me see if you're a good little butt licker to, why don't you do me a favor, and clean up my hole for me." he says as he spreads his legs a tad bit more. I hesitated unsure, I have never licked a butt before,though I had seen porn of the boys licking their daddies holes. I leaned in a little, I could smell the hot musk coming from his hairy butt, the stench turned me on and I lean a little closer pushing my nose between his furry cheeks taking a big long wiff whimpering like a little puppy as I do. "Come on boy we don't have all day" he says as he reaches a hand for the back of my head shoving my face into his butt crack. "Now stick your tongue out and clean my butt hole boy." he says firmly, as I obey and push my tongue out against his hole as he groans deeply, hold my face in his ass tightly. I taste the sweat and dirt as I begin to lick on his butt hole. Moving my tongue up and down, he let go of my head as I pressed my tongue against his dirty hole, then licked up and down his ass crack, he squeezed his butt cheeks against my face rubbing it up and down my face. "You're gonna be a good little brown noser when i'm done with you." he says as he reaches back again pushing my face in more as I suck on his butt hole, feeling it flex in and out against my tongue. He steps up and makes me kiss his butt hole one more time before turning around his fat cock poking against my nose, he looks down at me, then pulls me up by my shoulders, turns me around and bends me over the trunk of his car. I feel him rub his thick cock against my butt hole, letting his pre-cum cover it, as he says "You lick licking my dirty, hairy, butt boy, you cleaned it real good for me. Now you about to feel a real man open this butt hole up for you." I whimper again bent over his car with my legs spread, my tight butt hole being lubed up by a big black mans cock, and I reply with a "Yes Sir, your butt tasted so good against this boys tongue." He laughed a little and said "and this dick gonna feel so good crammed up in your pink little butt hole" and at that moment he shoved his cock head into my hole and I screamed out feeling my hole open up and the pain pulsing through my body. He then continued to shove his cock further in my hole, uncaring, as I felt his belly press into my back when he had fit the full length of his thick rod up into my tiny butt. He groaned out "OH GOD YOU HAVE A TIGHT LITTLE BUTT HOLE, YOU LIKE THIS COCK BOY YOU WANT THIS COCK BOY?" I replied before bracing myself, "Yes Sir" and at that he pulled back and then trusted his cock deeply back up into my hole, making me grunt loudly as I pressed into the back of his car. He began thrusting his cock even more into me, pounding away at my butt hole, the pain eventually subsided and the thought of a big black man tearing my butt hole up made me shoot my load out across the car as he continued to dig deep into me. He then proceeded to push as far as he could into me, before lifting me up and turning me on his cock laying me on my back on the trunk of his car. He held my legs in the air as he pounded away into my hole. "You're a good little Bitch Boy" he says. He pulls his cock all the way out to the head then shoves it back up into me, as I let out another grunt. "Let me hear you grunt as I cum all up in your butt hole boy" he says thrusting harder "Here it comes" he groans picking up the pace and shoving it one last time up in me before crying out "Oh Shit Boy!" as he shoots his warm load up into me. He holds it there for a second then slowly starts to pull out. I lay there speechless, as he just grins. "Damn you got a good hole boy."

I went back home that night with a funny walk, as I felt his cum leak out of my gaped open butt. It took me a couple days to be be able to sit normal again, but needless to say it was one hell of a hook up.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from KotaBoy19

Out on a Dirt Road

I just turned 18 maybe a couple months fresh, and I was staying with my cousin out in a small country town. I had been there a few weeks and I started getting a little hot, not just because the temperature was 98 evenall day. I was in a rural area in a town of 300 or so people and as far as I knew none of them were into guys. So I went to the internet, I had heard of


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