Gay Erotic Stories

A Weekend to Remember Part 1

by Jamie266

I was depressed, stressed and knew I should take a break, so when the chance came to get away from the city for two weeks I took it. Although it was the end of Autumn and out of season, it hadn’t got properly cold yet after what had been an exceptional Summer. I booked myself into a Coastal hotel which boasted a spa, a gymnasium and a three star restaurant. It was expensive but I could afford it (just) and besides it was what I thought I really needed

I had recently come out of a relationship and though it had been a friendly break- up - I had slept with his “new” partner before he had - there was still pain. I had buried myself in work and also put myself through a tough toning regime to get back into shape. If I was heading back to the market place, I would need to look good, or my age would tell against me

When I set out for the West Country it was a warm, calm day and I had the roof down and plenty of time. There was little traffic on the motorway and I made good time. As I drove into the Hotel forecourt an attractive, blond young man dressed in dark slacks and white shirt came across, He was smiling and had dark blue eyes which seemed to sparkle. I undressed him in my mind and liked what I imagined.

“Are you coming to stay with us, sir or merely visiting for tea?

I was aware that I was grinning like an idiot when I said I was definitely coming to stay. He suggested he park the car for me and send up my luggage. I got out of the car, my raging hard tented my trousers and knew I shouldn’t have worn the loose boxers unless I was running an advertising campaign. I concealed it behind the jacket I carried and he drove off to the left while I made my way to reception.

The two girls on the desk were efficient, welcoming and I am sure that for any red-blooded hetero they would press all the right buttons, I registered and forms were filled in. I told them that my cases were coming from the car park.

“They will be brought to your room, sir. You are on the second floor with a view of the sea as you requested. Do you wish someone to show you the way?”

“No, I’ll be fine.” I said. She gave me my key; I took the lift and found my room. As soon as I entered I realised that I had struck lucky. The view was magnificent. A short manicured lawn was bordered by shrub beds in fruit and flower. Beyond were fallow fields scattered with wild flowers and some magnificent old if slightly wind stunted trees still in leaf. Then came the cliff and beyond that, gleaming in the sunlight, was the sea.

A gentle knock on the door told me that my stuff had arrived. I called “Come in.” and was surprised to see the young man from the car park bringing in my suitcases..

Aware of my surprise at seeing him, he smiled.

“My shift at the park came to an end and it was quicker for me to bring up your luggage than to find someone else.”

“That was very kind of you.”

“Not at all, sir. Will there be anything else?”

I looked him straight in the eyes “Not at the moment, thanks but if I think of something how do I find you?”

“Just press Room Service on the keypad by the phone. I’m mainly on duty up here. It’s just that as we are quiet at the moment and, I have been covering other duties. But now you are here, and as you are the only guest on this floor, satisfying you will be my priority.”

I smiled, “That sounds like a really personal service.”

“I shall try to make it so, sir.”

His eyes had never wavered from looking into mine and his smile hypnotised me.

“I hope you will be happy with us, sir.”

My cock was stiffening; and on an impulse, I stepped forward, leant towards him and gently kissed him. As my tongue touched his lips, they opened and our mouths blended together. We embraced, tongues gently playing together then hands explored for skin, undoing buttons, pulling up shirt tails, unbuckling belts, loosening zips I broke our embrace and leant away from him, looking down at his beautifully toned body.

“Wow!” I whispered, “If I’d know this was the level of service provided here, I would have visited years ago.”

“I’m sorry, sir, but my ex-boy friend left just over a week ago and when your eyes so blatantly stripped me in the car park – I just knew and so-wanted this to happen.”

“Don’t call me sir; I’m “J.” to my friends. And we are about to get very friendly”

“I’m Tony, sir…er ..’J’, and I want to suck your dick.” He kissed me and within a very short time we were naked. We moved to the bed half intertwined, our cocks pointing to the ceiling, their heads slightly glistening from drops of early precum. We lay touching, stroking, kissing and sniffing; drinking each other in. There was a faint smell of almonds and cinnamon but the scent of male pheromones was taking over.

He kissed my neck and tongued his way across my chest and my nipples hardened under his onslaught. He followed the trail down with some tongue play at my naval before exploring my groin. He tasted his way around my pubes before taking each testicle in turn into that magical mouth. I don’t know when my 7 inch cock had felt so stiff as it reached out to him. At last he took it gently in his hand and kissed the slit. I was leaking pre-cum and he took it all. He had his tongue spread it over the big mushroom head of my cut cock before swallowing it and taking it deep into his throat without gagging. I felt I must cum in a moment but he sensed it and broke away to kiss my mouth and share my juice. “I want you to fuck me. I want to feel that cock of yours probe my prostate.”

Unlike me he was shaved but as he was in good shape it looked wonderful, especially as he was evenly all-over tanned. I teased his two hugely aureoled nips and they grew and stiffened. His cock was slimmer but slightly longer than mine and uncut. Its glistening pink head had pushed clear of his foreskin. I gently took him in my mouth and swallowed him into my throat so that my nose was buried in his neatly trimmed- to-a- heart-shape bush. He had a magnificent pair of balls in his large sac which I toyed with then explored further till I could kiss his rosebud. I licked and rimmed him and he moaned in delight. He tasted delicious and so I really ate him out

“Aaaaah Fuck….Fuck me ….. Please fuck me.” He pleaded

“I shall,” I promised. “All in good time.” I moved back up his body and for a moment or two we just lay together hugging. Two guys coming out of purdah, shedding their frustrations and suddenly finding the pure magic of sex. We kissed and moved into a sixty-nine. His cock felt so good in my mouth and I managed to deep throat him with the minimal of gagging. He rimmed me until, I, who was usually top, was longing to feel his cock instead of his long tongue buried up inside me.

“I want you to fuck me too” I murmured as we changed position.

“You first, please. I want that thick cock of yours to fill me full of your little boys”

He lifted his legs onto my shoulders as I reared up to align myself with the saliva lubricated entrance to his love chute. He relaxed his sphincter and I gently pushed my cock over the threshold. As I entered, slowly so as not to cause him too much pain, so he pushed back till I could feel my ball sack hit his bum- cheeks.

“Yeeees…Oh yes…. Fuck me… fuck!!!” He was using all his anal muscles to draw the cum out of me. I began to piston fuck him and he called for more, called for harder and I did as I was asked. My cock felt so great inside him and I knew I couldn’t hold out for long as the shocks of sexual charge were exploding within me; then with a shout, I shot and squirted cum deep into his gut and as I ploughed ever deeper into him, he came too, firing ribbons of thick cum up between us and all over us. I collapsed on top of him and we kissed. Some of his spunk had landed on his cheek; I licked it off and shared it with him.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Jamie266

A Weekend to Remember Part 1

I was depressed, stressed and knew I should take a break, so when the chance came to get away from the city for two weeks I took it. Although it was the end of Autumn and out of season, it hadn’t got properly cold yet after what had been an exceptional Summer. I booked myself into a Coastal hotel which boasted a spa, a gymnasium and a three star restaurant. It was expensive but I could


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