Gay Erotic Stories

First Time Fucked

by Cocksucker1964

I am a married man 51 nice looking guy chubby but carry it well. I have been working on losing weight now for a few months and had lost about 30lbs I hadn't bought any new clothe yet because I had about 10 to 15 more I wanted to lose so my pants and everything was very loose on me and I have already added 4 holes to my belt, I guess I needed a couple of more. I have always considered myself a straight man, till what happened on this one day.I work in a warehouse for a small company that gets a few deliveries a day. It started off as a typical day I get to work and the boss tells me that we have 6 trucks coming in and we are 2 men out sick and he needs to leave early before the last truck.I tell him that I will stay late it won't be a problem. 5 truck come in and and the last one will be in at 9 pm with a small load so I send everyone home at 5 and wait till the last truck arrives. I go into my boss's office where he has a small sofa, TV usually has a few beers in his mini frig. I turn on the TV make myself comfortable and pop open a beer. I must have dozed off when I was awaken by the doorbell at the docks I jump up and run to see who it is, it's 9:45 and it's the the delivery. I let the driver in as he starts to apologize for being late and this was his last stop of the day and only had 2 boxes for us and he already had them on the 2 wheeler. he wheel them in and ask where I wanted them. I tell him that they need to go in the back just to follow me as we are walking my pants keep falling down and I have to keep holding them up when the delivery guy says "pants a little big on you" yes I have lost some weight and haven't bought new clothes because I have 15 lbs to lose. as we are walking to the back he asked if I have a bathroom he could use really quick because he's about to piss his paints. I show him where it is and he goes takes his piss and comes out and said man I feel better where you want these at. we get to the back of the warehouse and I grab the first box off of the wheeler and reach to put it up on the shelve when my pants AND UNDERWEAR fall to my ankles he started to laugh and said let me help you. He stands behind and pushes the box up on the shelve. As I bend down to pull up my pants he doesn't move and presses up against me, I didn't think to much of it at the time till I went and grabbed the second box to put it on the shelve I reach up again he stand behind me as to help when I feel his hands on my waist sliding my pants off this time. I tell him man thats not right I am embarrassed enough losing my pants in front of you I go to pull my pants up again and I feel his hand on my ass as he said "nice ass" and pushes against me to where I can feel that he had a hard on.he starts to tell me how he had separated from his wife 2 months ago and has not had sex with anyone since then. I laugh and tell him well you're not getting any here. I go to walk back to the office to sign the paper so he could go he followed me back comes in office and seen my beer can and asked if he could have one and hand him a beer and grab me another he then asked if I mind if he sat a few min before he left and drink his beer. we both sit down he grabs the remote and started to flick through the channels. he must have hit something on the remote when a DVD started to play and it was a porn. " what the hell does my boss do in here " I think to myself. we sit and watch and finish our beers and I ask you want another beer he said sure why not. I get up to get the beer when I turn around to give him one he has his cock out stroking and tells me I hope I dont mind but he really need to bust a nut. I tell him I guess so. I sit back down watching the porn and start to get hard my self when he puts his hand on my crotch and said getting turned on yourself. I tell him yeah a little he tell me to jack off with him. I thought a few min and said what the hell I pull my 7.5 in cock out and start to stroke with him. NOw this guy his hung about 9in and very fit. he stands up and takes off his shirt and pants and tell me to do the same so I do. we sit back down and I feel his hand move to my cock I didn't know what to do it felt good having him touch me. I let out a AHHHH and closed my eyes. when I felt him lift my hand and place it on to his cock I was really getting turned on and was leeking percum I still had my eyes closed when I felt something very warm and wet On my cock he had started to suck me. I thought I was about to BLOW my load I haven't had a BJ in years My wife don't suck just straight sex with her missionary position every time and she just lays there.. He starts doing thing with his mouth that just sends me over the edge and I can't hold back any longer I tell him that I am going to cum he takes my cock down to my pubes as I start to blow aaahhhhhh fuuuuck Immmmmmm cuuuummmiiinnngg he swallows everything I have in me it felt like I shot gallions and the felling of that orgasem was incredible nothing was ever like that. I start to settle down when I feel his hand on the back of my neck and starts pushing my head down to his cock I tell him I don't know if I could do this I never had a guys cock in my mouth as my mouth reaches the head of his cock he tell me to open my mouth and just to watch my teeth. I open as wide as I can and take the head into my mouth and close the taste of his precum was salty but sweet at the same time I start to slide my mouth up and down on his cock I guess I was doing a good job when he started to moan and began to thrust forward trying to shove it all down my throat when I started to gag and he slowed down he pulled his cock out of my mouth He tell me to stand in front of him and turn around my ass is in his face when I fill his lips kiss my ass cheek his lips are soft and feels good. he pushes down on my back making bend over when I feel his tongue between my ass cheeks next thing I know he is licking my hole swirling his tongue around and in my hole after a few minutes I felt some pressure of his fingertip against my hole as it started to slide in he worked his finger and his spit till it was sliding in and out with ease then another finger was in then 3 and after about 15 to 20 min I felt the 4th slide in. By now my cock was hard again harder than ever it's been in my life. I felt him stand up as he kissed my back working his way up to my neck which sent shivers through my body. THIS MAN HAD ME. as he was kissing my neck I could feel his cock pressing against the cheeks of my ass and poking at my hole as he slide his cock between my ass cheeks it became slicker from his precum. he pushed his body forward when I felt the head of his cock pop in my hole I screamed in pain and tried to pull away from him and told him to stop that it hurts to much as he held on to me very tight and left his cock inside me and said to just relax and breath. as I was calming down and my breathing was slowing I could feel the pain to start to go away and he was sliding in me a little more at a time till he had all 9in in me. he worked his cock in and out till it was moving freely when he picked up his passe and started to fuck me faster. my cock was hard as a rock when I started to shoot another load without even touching myself this sent him over the edge as his breathing got faster and he told me he was about to cum he push his cock as far as it would go and blow his load inside me. I felt a warm wet feeling deep in me as he shot load after load in me I felt his cum running down my leg as he kept his cock in me till he was done cumming and began to slide his cock in and out I could tell he was still rock hard and was not pulling out of my hole very soon he started to pick his passe up again and was fucking me faster and harder this time as his first load had lubed my ass up good after about 15 more min he blow his second load in me which felt bigger than the first. as his balls were now empty and his cock started to soften he stayed inside me till he was completely soft and slide his cock out of my hole. When his cock was out I felt cum running out my ass and completely down both legs he must have shot a gallon of cum in me it felt like. we both collapsed on the sofa both full of sweat and me filled with cum. we both cleaned up and got dressed I signed the papers and started to walk him out when I opened the door he said to me " I THOUGHT I WASN'T GETTING ANY HERE" let's just say that he makes a late delivery once and twice a week and I am the one to stay late to receive his delivery!!!!

this man turned me into a complete cock whore LOL

this is a true story please let me know what you think


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1 Gay Erotic Stories from Cocksucker1964

First Time Fucked

I am a married man 51 nice looking guy chubby but carry it well. I have been working on losing weight now for a few months and had lost about 30lbs I hadn't bought any new clothe yet because I had about 10 to 15 more I wanted to lose so my pants and everything was very loose on me and I have already added 4 holes to my belt, I guess I needed a couple of more. I have always considered


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