601 Free Gay Erotic Stories in S/M

Gay Erotic Story

Jeff Timmons & Bill Davey...Part 1...the Meeting

by Jeff's Juicer

"Hey Bri.... Jeff here, and I was trying to catch you on your cell phone.....I'll just leave a message and you can get back to me....just want to say thanks to you and Kev for arranging the meeting with Bill Davey. I did some research on the Internet and this guy seems awesome....he has just the bodybuilding and maintenance program I'm looking for. Not too shabby.....a former Mr....

Gay Erotic Story

Jeff Timmons & Bill Davey...Part 2...the Beating

by Jeff's Juicer

Bill undid the ankle restraints first, and then each of Jeff’s wrists were freed…Jeff staggered; then made a beeline for an Indian club he had seen lying on the floor. It was about the same size and shape as a bowling pin. This motion caught even Bill by surprise. Jeff managed to swing the club and landed a solid hit right in Bill’s groin. Bill curled up on the floor in pain and...

Gay Erotic Story

The Choosing

by Nathan Harvey

Warning: this story contains graphic depictions of hardcore sex, featuring consenting male adults doing unnatural acts. if this turns you off, don't read it. Disclaimer: This is fiction; the characters are not depictions of any real persons, living or dead. What you make of this story is entirely your own perception. The Choosing By Nathan Harvey I just managed to make it in...

Gay Erotic Story

Shamrock Vs. Mezger Play Dress Up

by Riddler

Ken shamrock Vs. Guy Mezger…a Superman fantasy This story is fiction. No sexual orientation is implied in reality, just the author’s imagination. Ken Shamrock was just finishing his evening workout in his Lion’s Den Gym. After his recent stint in the UFC it felt good to be home again, surrounded by all of his family and student’s. He returned the barbell to the rack and admired his...

Gay Erotic Story

Lord Byron's School Days

by John Courtney

Coming out! If you are just interested in the sex scenes, please scroll down to the next section of the story as there is very little in this section. Lord Byron, as he later came to be known, was born George Byron Lord in Trinidad on July the fourth, 1964. He stood five foot and six inches tall with a slim thirty inch waist and a lithe muscular body. He had ebony coloured skin...

Gay Erotic Story

The Cavern

by Ardveche

I've been reading stories about the leather scene, and about bondage and SM for years now - ever since I was a teenager - and I have always been incredibly turned on by the whole idea. I fooled around a bit in high school with a buddy of mine who I persuaded to tie me up from time to time and I had the best orgasms of my young life under his, sometimes, not so tender...

Gay Erotic Story

Brad Under Torture

by Sadist35

Brad was a street side kid. He was like an average street side white kid would be with blonde hair, blue eyes, a muscled and tanned body and a height of 6ft 2. He was 18 but had a face of a 15 year old. Brad lived on the streets. He picked pockets and ran drugs for a living. But he had one problem in life. He hated homosexuals. He would beat up any homosexual he met. Now this was a...

Gay Erotic Story

The Rape of a Straight Son --- Episode 2

by jerrison

. As the spasms in my cock subsided, I felt relieved that I was about to be released. But I was wrong. Dead wrong. "You taste great, Kev." my father's face came close to me, so close that we were almost kissing. "You've got what you want, let me go." "I will," my father said. "But only after I've had enough of your sperm." "What?" "I didn't say I'm going to masturbate you just...

Gay Erotic Story

The Rape of a Straight Son --- Episode One

by jerrison

When I opened my eyes, I realized to my horror that I was completely naked under my thin blanket. Jerking myself awake, I found myself lying on my father's bed. My hands were tied to both sides of the bed, and I could detect the faint smell of dried sperm. I did not know what happened, though I should have guessed as much, that I was raped. The toilet flushed. My heart raced. To...

Gay Erotic Story

Disciplined By My Black Master

by Jonn

The last few weeks my ass has been thoroughly abused at the hands of Derrick, a neighbor with an appetite for inflicting sexual abouse on cute white boys. I had gone out for a walk and he struck up a conversation with me and invited me for a drink. It was a hot afternoon and I think that it was my rounded ass that caught his eye. Anyway he sensed me looking at the bulge he was packing and...

Gay Erotic Story

Filipino Fuck

by ChocolateHunk4u

I had a cute Filipino boy come ova today, after chattin on line for a short time. Of course, he was aware that my dick would only go up in da ass raw. So here we go, my friend came over. We got undressed, and then we started to talk. Only after I was ready to penetrate did I even know his name. "Boy!" That was his name to me: Boy. And, he knew that he was going to get fucked by...

Gay Erotic Story

Born to Serve Man

by Nathan Harvey

Warning: this story contains graphic depictions of hardcore sex featuring consenting male adults doing unnatural acts. if this turns you off, don't read it. Disclaimer: This is fiction; the characters are not depictions of any real persons, living or dead. What you make of this story is entirely your own perception. Born to Serve Man By Nathan Harvey Growing up and...

Gay Erotic Story

To Be Owned (1)

by Top_Secret

The bar wasn’t the best I knew, not even one of the best... It was just too conservative...it was so 21st century. Seemed like it was pulled out from a history book... The music didn’t quite suite my taste, but since this was the only bar which only allowed humanoid races in, it was my regular hangout. I admit it; I don’t like aliens. I just can’t quite enjoy a drink while there...

Gay Erotic Story

Samir Bannout vs. Shawn Ray

by riddler162

Samir Bannout vs. Shawn Ray Shawn Ray looked into Samir Bannout’s eyes. Shawn intended to bring the Lion of Lebanon to his knees. Samir had no doubt that this would be a slam dunk match with Shawn’s face kissing the mat. Shawn was wearing red speedoes while Samir wore a nice skimpy black posing suit. The combatants had decided that there would be no time outs or disqualification,...

Gay Erotic Story

Steve's Ordeal.

by Spunkylad

Steve came to. He tried to get to his feet but his wrists and feet were manacled to the floor. Where the hell am I? He thought. He was in a well-lit room with white walls, a mirrored ceiling with a cold wooden floor. The last thing he remembered was being approached by two men, when he was returning from work late at night. They asked for directions, the next thing he knew, the...

Gay Erotic Story

Master Justin goes on Vacation: Part 5

by Justin Masters

Overseer Mario proceeded up the track at a good pace, the boys had to be on their best behavior as they strode out naked as the day they were born, running, cocks erect and balls swinging. All of a sudden Mario looked in the rear vision mirror and saw his boy's hands raised to grab hold of the leash, he quickly stopped and excused himself to Master Justin as he jumped out. "What...

Gay Erotic Story

My Dad

by twistedpuppy

Hi, my name’s Ben and I’ve just discovered my dad’s a porn star. I’m 18 and I’d ordered some porn videos through a mail order catalogue. Straight ones with girls in them. They sent an extra one by mistake. It didn’t have a cover so I thought I’d watch it as it must have been an extra hardcore one. What I saw nearly made me fall out of my chair! The first thing that came on screen...

Gay Erotic Story

Bob Paris vs. Rod Jackson

by Gary

Bob Paris was sitting in his apartment when the doorbell rung. He opened the door and stood open mouthed at who he saw…Rod Jackson, his former boyfriend. Rod had been working out and the results were plain to see. Bob was immediately impressed by Rod’s physique. Rod smiled and asked if Bob was alone to which Bob answered yes. Bob Paris then invited Rod in for a drink and to find...

Gay Erotic Story

Bob Paris vs. Rod Jackson: Part 2

by Riddler

Bob Paris vs. Rod Jackson Part 2 The following is complete fiction…just imagination at work Bob Paris felt fear beginning to stir in the pit of his stomach as he watched Ken Shamrock approach. He was still tied by his wrists to the chinning bar and his body was racked with pain. Ken Shamrock was stripping down to a pair of red speedo’s and low cut wrestling boots. Ken Shamrock...

Gay Erotic Story

The Kid

by Terry Boughner

The Kid By Terry Boughner To say he was hot would be an understatement. He was beyond hot. As I saw him in the bar that late evening, he was gifted with a proud, almost arrogant, gut-wrenching, searing sensuality that set my loins on fire. He was nursing a beer, facing outward, standing with one arm resting on the bar. I could do nothing but stare at him from my place across the...

Gay Erotic Story

Master Muscle

by gayboy

My mom was leaving for a week so I would have the house to myself. I watched her pull out of the driveway about 10 30 at night. I ran to my bedroom, put on a tight shirt, no underwear, and a tight pair of cutoffs I could barley fit into that even exposed the very bottom of my butt cheeks and pulled out my left earing. I walk down the path to the public bathroom by the park...

Gay Erotic Story

Butt Busters: Chapter 6-Learn 'Em Good

by Bad Boy

Left alone with his three beautiful charges, Todd felt a bit like a kid in a candy store. He lit a cigarette and stood in the center of the cabin, surveying the straight punks, each one bound tight, naked and at his disposal. It would be at least an hour before his buddies returned and he planned to have some fun while they were away. Besides, he rationalized, these fuckers had to...

Gay Erotic Story

Butt Busters: Chapter 7-Black Beauty

by Bad Boy

Tim was driving the college boys' steel blue jaguar and Randy was following him in the van. The day had flown by and, although the cabin was only a few minutes drive from the lake's shore, it was still late in the afternoon when they arrived. Tim pulled their captives' car right up to the edge of the lake and jumped out. Randy climbed down from the van and, joining him, the two...

Gay Erotic Story

Butt Busters: Chapter 3-A Chance for Escape

by Bad Boy

For a several minutes, Todd stood savoring the succulent vision of his distressed charge. The haggard hunk squirmed nervously before him, obviously desperate to avoid further harassment. Todd's lustful stare moved slowly from the weary and battered studs smudged face down to his large, grimy hands, forced firmly to his scraped pecs, and over his tight abs, smeared with muck and grim....

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