True Stories

871 Free Gay Erotic Stories in True Stories

Gay Erotic Story

Coins In The Fountain

by D. Katz

A hot summer day, I was visiting Rome and I went to Trevi's Fountain and throw 3 coins and make a wish, like all tourists. I got there and first admired the fountain with all those sculptures of naked male bodies. I wanted to drink something cool first because I was feeling very hot under the sun. I sat at an open cafe and asked for a kind of coffee sherbet called Cafe Granita,...

Gay Erotic Story


by D. Katz

I hate going shopping because I always spend more than what I planned. About 2 weeks ago I wanted to buy a shirt and, if possible, trousers, so I went to town and I took with me only £50, planning to pay no more than £40 for a not very fancy shirt, £5 for my lunch and £5 for the train back home. I didn't carry my credit cards to avoid temptations. I decided to buy it at...

Gay Erotic Story

Lunch Break

by D. Katz

There are methodical people, who plan every minute of their daily life. I never planned anything like that; however, just by chance, it seems that I work on a tight schedule, watch in hand. It's just a coincidence, but all my routine steps happen every day at the same time, exactly. I leave my office or the lab at 11:58-12:00, I go for a walk, buy my lunch, go to the lab in order...

Gay Erotic Story

Cat Lovers

by D. Katz

I have always loved cats, I love them as much as I hate dogs. I can't remember any period of my life when I didn't have a cat. When I moved to a new place, the first things I did were shopping for a toaster, a coffee maker and looking for a cat to adopt. Once, I had this beautiful Siamese female. She had all the characteristics of a perfect Siamese. I'm not into cat...

Gay Erotic Story

Last Saturday

by Lederboy

Last Saturday night I was really horny. Early in the evening I was watching a new porn video that just arrived and had a couple of beers. Around 9:00 PM, I decided to go for a ride around the streets close to a kind of "gay movie theater", it's risky but that can be exciting, and I've always found fairly good looking guys ready for a night of action, and had never been in...

Gay Erotic Story

The Shy Professor

by D. Katz

There was this professor on the faculty of the college where I studied, he was very handsome, manly and sexy, but shy. He was of medium height, in his late thirties, not an athletic type but with a good body. He usually wore a sweatshirt and jeans, and I could notice he had beautiful buns, a good package, and shapely legs. The back of his hands was covered with red fur, yes, he was...

Gay Erotic Story

Christmas Eve

by Victor

Christmas Eve, relatives and friends came to my home like an invading army. My dad took one look at them all, and decided to go play golf. "If you don't want to get stuck with a lot of work, you'd better get while the getting's good," was his parting advice to me. But mom wouldn't stand for me leaving her alone to feed the crowd. I had to stay and help out. A late...

Gay Erotic Story

The Beautiful Barber

by D. Katz

I needed a haircut, so I went to the barber shop. I don't like having my hair cut in a salon, I prefer barber shops. This time a new barber was there. He said: "Hello, I'm Jack, you must be looking for Martin, well he went to Italy to visit his relatives and will be there for a month. In the meantime, I'll be here". I sat down at the high chair and told him how I...

Gay Erotic Story


by D. Katz

I was really infatuated with this guy. His name was Alex; medium height, athletic body, blue eyes, reddish blonde hair, a beautiful face, and a big cock and perfect ass. He used to go to the same gym I frequent and I saw him naked several times in the showers and the sauna. When he walked, his big 8 inch cock (not erect) used to swing to the left and the right and it was the ...

Gay Erotic Story

On The First Day Of Christmas

by D. Katz

It was December 1st, and the night before there had been a blizzard like no one had seen in New York state in the last 20 years. The snow reached 4 feet in some places, and a good part of the lake outside town had frozen. I went to buy some groceries, there was still some light, but it'd be dark very soon since it was past 4 p.m. On my way home I decided to take a shortcut...

Gay Erotic Story

Room Service

by D. Katz

A business trip to Chicago, I worked all day and when I went to my hotel it was past 11 p.m. I went up to my room, and I was going to take a shower, but I was hungry, so I picked up the phone and dialed room service first. I hadn't eaten all day, so I ordered a full meal. I went to the bathroom and took I shower. When I was toweling, I heard a knock at the door. I asked...

Gay Erotic Story

An Encounter

by W.G.H.

It was very late at night and the main building for the Physics department stood nearly empty. I left my office briefly to go to the nearest washroom. As I emerged from the toilet stall, I was quite surprised to see a student at one of the urinals. I thought briefly he must be working on his master thesis, and then thought nothing more about him as I started to wash my hands. After...

Gay Erotic Story

More Than Just Friends

by Scott

Before I begin, let me just say that this is a true story. I have changed the names and some circumstances to ensure anonymity. It was a Friday night. I had gotten together with quite a few of my friends at the hotspot on campus early on in the evening. My best friend Brad had told me that he was going to get a piece of ass tonight if it killed him. It appeared that...

Gay Erotic Story

Fucked by a Senior

by Lee

Fucked By A Senior The first time I saw Darren was when I was a freshman in college and he was a junior. I saw him in the year-book and fell in love. He was so fine. When sophomore year came, I kept my eyes open for him. I knew where all the cool seniors hung out so I always paid close attention when I passed by their bench. Finally, one day I saw him. He was more...

Gay Erotic Story

Thrown A Curve, Part 1

by Jay Flynn

Thrown A Curve My first real fuck happened in when I was 18. Prior to that I had had minor sexual experiences with other boys during puberty, but nothing I would consider real sex. Mike was 18, as was I. We may have been young, but we were both completely developed physically. He was on the football team, baseball, basketball, all that - a very popular jock in the...

Gay Erotic Story

My High School Sweetheart

by Chetwin Cornwell

I'd always been hugely attracted to Asian guys. Smooth olive skin, soft black hair, the "works". I don't know why but they'd always turned me on more than anyone else. The most memorable guy from my late high school days would have to be Alan. He had it all. The olive skin, soft cool black hair to his neck and boy was he gorgeous. He was the drummer in a grunge rock band. I'd go ...

Gay Erotic Story

Chance Encounters

by King Bitch

Mr Meter Checker Allright, let me introduce myself to you, my beautiful audience. My name is Timothy Miller, I am 18 years of age, I am African-American, and I look as if I'm about 25 yrs old. Nice body, the whole works...anything to make they guys (and girls) scream. So anyway, let me get to the good part, before ya'll decide to click that "x" at the top right of the...

Gay Erotic Story

Desires Fulfilled

by Joey

This is a true story, it just happened to me on Friday, October 14, 1997... I was searching personal ads one day, and I found an ad with from 19 year old man, looking to meet people in the area. I responded to it, never expecting to hear from the guy. You see I am 28, and married.... but, I kept checking my mail in hopes to hear from him. Then, one day, I did. He...

Gay Erotic Story

Tripping With A Convict

by Trajan

By Jay Flynn Steve was a 29 year old ex-con I met in Texas when I was 19, going to Tech school. He was about 6'-2' and very butch. He had large muscular build from working out in prison, mostly covered with tattoos of serpents, skulls, barbed wire and the like. His crew cut hair was light brown and he had a mustache like a cop. He looked like a convict, but that rough...

Gay Erotic Story

Boogie Knights

by Pretty Boy

The hardest thing about living on the streets is not having ANY place to go; you just wander until somebody reaches out to you with help. If you're young and living on the streets of Hollywood, you'll get help a lot sooner than you would if you're older. But it may come from somebody you'd be better off not knowing. The man who reached out to me took me to his home, cleaned me up,...

Gay Erotic Story

Cold Comfort

by D. Katz

I had gone to Heathrow airport in the morning, to see someone off. I came back by train to my college town. I had just gone into the train when it started snowing. A cold wind caused the temperature to drop to 10°F in minutes. When I got to my town after 30 minute trip, the blizzard was really strong. I got off the train, left the station and went to the bus stop to wait for the...

Gay Erotic Story

The Other Side Of The Business

by Rick

Just A Has-Been Actor presented only one side of the porno business---his side. A lot of homeless teenagers were helped by the porno business. I was helped. For two years I watched my stepfather beat up on my mom. The one time I got between them to stop the violence, mom sided with him fearful that he'd get worse. He didn't hit me, he threw me out of the house and told me not...

Gay Erotic Story

Oops, I Forgot

by Not Happy At All

It was the only job I could get find during Spring Break---taking care of a neighbor's house while he was away on business---and I blew it. A couple of teenagers got into his garage and stole his car. I didn't even know it was gone until police telephoned. The car was found abandoned in a ditch somewhere. The stereo was gone, of course, and there were scratches everywhere. But...

Gay Erotic Story

My Shot At Stardom, Part 2

by Just Another Has-Been Actor

My Shot At Stardom, Part II "Boogie Nights, New Line Cinema's film about the porno business starring Mark Wahlberg, had me squirming in my seat. It was too real. I know, I went through many of the same things Wahlberg's character went through---working two jobs trying to stay afloat, trying to keep peace with a mom who was overbearing, and meeting a filmmaker who...

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