
594 Free Gay Erotic Stories in Exhibitionism

Gay Erotic Story

Skinny Dipping Last Summer

by hitchcock

It was really fucking hot, and I had just got finished mowing lawns all day for a landscaping company. I was sweaty and sticky, and my clothes were covered in grass clippings, and I felt like I was burning up. I knew a good swimming hole nearby, so I stopped on my bike at the trail that led from the roadside to the creek. I left my sweat-soaked tank top on the bike and headed down the trail. ...

Gay Erotic Story

Life Upside Down, Part 14

by blucollar 2

Carl and I could barely move from the porch to the bed. We were both spent. When we did finally fall into bed Carl pulled me close to him and we spooned. Just before I fell asleep I heard Carl say, "There's nothing better than family" then I was gone. The next morning I had overslept. The clock next to the bed said it was 9:30. I never slept that long at my Mom's house much less since. I...

Gay Erotic Story

Life Upside Down, Part 13

by blucollar 2

"You got a stink of your own. You like it too, don't you?" Carl said. I was getting nervous. I didn't know where he was going with this. We had been sitting on the porch long enough for me to get a good buzz from the beer and the sun was just about to go down. I looked over at Carl. He had a beer in one hand and his other hand in his crotch. It looked like his fingers were under his balls. ...

Gay Erotic Story

Peter's Clueless Seduction, Part 9

by johnny.manipulator

Peter’s Clueless Seduction 9: Battle of the Alpha Males Recap: Peter and his flatmate Nick have been slowly influenced by Nick’s psychologist mate Martino and his hypnotism tapes until they are in a constant state of innocence and vulnerability about their sexual needs. When Nick’s rugby friends come to visit he finds his straight arse relentlessly fucked. Peter’s brother James comes to...

Gay Erotic Story

Trailer Living, Part 8

by blucollar

There was that sun again in the window above my head. I had to remember to get some shades man. I was still half asleep thinking this when I heard Jake at my door again. I woke up with a bit of a start then groaned, "What's up Jake" He was standing there bare assed again in his work boots. Half hard and all just like every other morning. And he had a grin from ear to ear. "Damn boy, you...

Gay Erotic Story

Trailer Living, Part 7

by blucollar

"You liked it too didn't you? I knew you were like us man." Sal said as he then licked his bottom lip waiting for my response. He sat there looking so sure of himself. His brown skin covered in sweat and a little grease here and there. The masculine scent coming off him was a wet dream in itself. He just kept staring into me with his dark brown eyes waiting for a response, not backing down, with...

Gay Erotic Story

Trailer Living, Part 6

by blucollar

Once again I awoke to the sun coming in the window over my bed. My first thought was that I needed to get a shade, curtain or something for it. My head was foggy and I had a bit of a headache. As I came to I started to remember the scene last night on the deck. I laid there trying to decide whether it was a hot dream or if it was for real. I looked at the clock. 6:15 am. Jake should be...

Gay Erotic Story

Peter's Clueless Seduction, Part 8

by johnny.manipulator

Peter’s Clueless Seduction 8: New tricks Recap: Peter and his flatmate Nick have been slowly influenced by Nick’s psychologist mate Martino and his hypnotism tapes until they are in a constant state of innocence and vulnerability about their sexual needs. When Nick’s rugby friends come to visit he finds his straight arse relentlessly fucked, and Peter’s intentions of rescuing his...

Gay Erotic Story

Peter's Clueless Seduction, Part 7

by johnny.manipulator

Peter’s Clueless Seduction 7: Brother to the Rescue Recap: Peter and his flatmate Nick have been slowly influenced by Nick’s psychologist mate Martino and his hypnotism tapes until they are in a constant state of innocence and vulnerability about their sexual needs. When Nick’s rugby friends come to visit he finds his straight arse relentlessly fucked by his mate, and Peter’s...

Gay Erotic Story

Peter's Clueless Seduction, Part 6

by johnny.manipulator

Peter’s Clueless Seduction 6: Rugby Mates Help Out by Johnny Manipulator Recap: Peter and his flatmate Nick have been slowly influenced by Nick’s psychologist mate Martino and his hypnotism tapes until they are in a constant state of innocence and vulnerability about their sexual needs. When Nick’s rugby friends come to visit the flatmates they are keen to get them to explore...

Gay Erotic Story

Peter's Clueless Seduction, Part 5

by johnny.manipulator

Peter’s Clueless Seduction 5: Nick’s Rugby Mates Recap: Peter and his flatmate Nick have been slowly influenced by Nick’s psychologist mate Martino and his hypnotism tapes until they are in a constant state of innocence and vulnerability about their sexual needs. *** The following evening Nick had invited some mates over. When Peter had got in from work, Nick asked him if he’d like...

Gay Erotic Story

Saturday Playday, Part 1

by gayvague

Saturday night is the best night of the week. Not only because it is party night, but also it's fuck night as well. All day long I get myself horned up for the fest that we call 'Heaven's Playground'. Me and my mates do this foreplay all day long where we text each other some daring picture requests, and today was a bit spicier than usual. Mike started the day with sending us a picture of his...

Gay Erotic Story

Trailer Living, Part 5

by blucollar

Well, Jake never did repeat our conversation to Sal. He went on to actually find out why Sal was so pissed off at Jerry, one of Sal’s long time employees, and Sal responded; "The stupid ass took old man Smither's Mercedes for a joy ride. He said he was just going to go around the block to test the brakes. He didn't come back for a half an hour. I didn't know what to think. He actually just had...

Gay Erotic Story

Trailer Living, Part 4

by blucollar

After Jake left and I relieved my throbbing cock; I wiped myself off and threw on some board shorts and headed to the beach. Not much for breakfast or coffee really I just needed a bottle of water ‘til lunch time. I spent the morning pretty much alone. It was Monday morning after all; not much happening at the beach except for a few old men walking about. I hit a drive-thru on the way back to...

Gay Erotic Story

Trailer Living, Part 3

by blucollar

We ended up having a few too many beers on the night I arrived at Uncle Jake's. Jake's buddy Sal left around midnight and I entered the trailer for the first time. We had been pissing off the deck the whole time. The trailer was a strange design. Obviously it had been chopped up at some point with the walls being moved around. The entry off the deck went into the hallway of the bedrooms. To...

Gay Erotic Story

Non-Fatal Attraction, Part 2

by blondeallover

The magnetic allure of the locale was just too overwhelming to resist. My breathing became shallow and quick as I approached the first blocks on foot. I was distracted all through my late class in a daydream about the unthinkable risk I was about to take. A month earlier, if anyone had suggested I had such daring, I would have dismissed the very idea as pathologically insane. I knew that...

Gay Erotic Story

Danny & Coach Davis: Coach Takes Control

by Bubblebuttluvr

Trevor Mannix was in a state. He had just come from picking up his 18 year old son Danny at the police station. It seems that Danny had been out doing some drinking with his buddies the night before and gotten pulled over for driving under the influence that coupled with the fact that he was under age had landed Danny in the drunk tank overnight and most of the next day. The judge hearing cases...

Gay Erotic Story

Trailer Living, Part 2

by blucollar

Sunday came way too fast. I had attended a party both Friday and Saturday nights but I really wasn't into it. It was like I was experiencing death row or something insane like that. I couldn't believe in a couple of days I was going to be miles north of here living and working with my Uncle Jake. Uncle Jake was in his late twenties. He wasn't a scholar, like my father (his brother), by any...

Gay Erotic Story

Trailer Living, Part 1

by blucollar

Being a recent high school graduate with no ambition other than trying to figure out where the next party was to say the least, getting on my rents nerves. In high school I concentrated on sports and partying without giving a care of my future goals other than making sure I passed enough classes to get the certificate of parole from public school. My name is Cole. I'm 18, 5'9". Have brown...

Gay Erotic Story

My First Bi Experiance, Part 1

by btm4pay@yahoo.com

I am 25, GAY and have keep up my athletic body by working out 4 days a week. I was at the gym one morning minding my own business when I caught this older guy in his 40's starring at me through the gym mirrors. He was incredibly built with this awesome legs and ass. He also had this hot military look. He was very good looking. I continued to workout pretending not to pay attention. He...

Gay Erotic Story

Exibitionist Bathhouse Pig Boy

by btm4pay@yahoo.com

I went to the Midtowne Spa in downtown LA last weekend. It was a hot and sticky night and I was extremely horny. The Spa was packed when I got there. The locker room was full of guys waiting to see who comes in. I stripped, wrapped my towel around my waist and grabbed my bottle of poppers and headed for the basement. That’s my favorite place. I like group sex. I like being watched while I...

Gay Erotic Story

Adam, Work Out Tease

by Bubblebuttluvr

Adam Higgins loved the summer. Not just for the warm weather but because both his parents worked and when they were gone he had the run of the house. This being the first summer after high school graduation Adam knew that there wouldn't be many more summer's this free & easy. With that thought in mind he decided to make the most of this one. During his high school days Adam always managed to...

Gay Erotic Story

Caught By My Professor

by undang25

I was already in college when I discovered the joys of getting anonymous blowjobs in an old movie theater in Avenida. I frequent the place every time I got horny and was I horny always. At that time, I was still studying in a well-known private university nearby. I’d usually go get myself a blowjob in between my class schedules, especially if it was more than 4 hours long. After getting...

Gay Erotic Story


by shootisttx

I had had some experience with another man, having been seduced by an older grad student while I was in college, but I had never really looked for man-to man sex since then, although the thought was always in the back of my mind. When I ran into a link in a user group that promised hooking up with older men, I thought I would check it out, just for curiosity's sake. Just having turned 30, and...

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