
344 Free Gay Erotic Stories in Orgies

Gay Erotic Story

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to College

by Will

Amy, Tom, Jake, and Mike were longtime high school pals who were all accepted at the same southern college 800 miles from home. Amy had never been one of their girlfriends; they were just buddies. Amy was slender with long dark hair, about 5'7", very lovely, with firm tits and a beautifully shaped, protruding ass. Her skin was like silk. Tom was about 6'2", athletic. Jake was only...

Gay Erotic Story


by Stump

It was a warm summer evening and a group of friends and I decided to head down to the lake to do some night fishing. Little did we know that our evening would turn out the way it did. We started down the street towards the woods and decided to cut behind the high school. As we got closer to the school we could hear music playing and people laughing. Wanting to see what was going...

Gay Erotic Story

The Basketball Player

by DutchBoy

We had been up late the night before, Patrick, my husband, had brought home company. I wasn't really expecting any visitors...but when I saw whom he'd brought, well, let's just say I'm the forgiving type. He'd met this individual on a plane, and I was very excited to meet him. My husband knows a lot of important people, but very few of those people are in sports. This new friend, ...

Gay Erotic Story

Road to a Threesome Ch. 01

by Knight Mooves

I firmly believe that most men have at some point in time thought about watching their wives or girlfriends in bed with another man. While some could never act on the fantasy, others live with the anticipation that someday it may actually happen. I fall in the latter category, in fact I get instantly aroused at the mere thought of watching my wife Marie having sex with someone other...

Gay Erotic Story

A Yank in the Outhouse

by David Shaw

It's odd to be sitting here in the Florida sunshine as a great grandmother and to remember that I never even met my first American until I was almost eighteen. That was when the big war was being fought in Europe. I'm an old, old lady now but I still remember that windy April afternoon when I ran an errand to Mill Cottage and everything that happened to me there. My home was in a...

Gay Erotic Story

True Squirter

by Sparky Kronkite

Hey all you dudes and dudettes out there - Marcy here with yet another "true story from the Squirter." A lot of you have written some very favorable responses and I thank you so much. This is so much fun. Keep'em cumming. This is my first story that will include my husband. (Sorry guys but believe me, it's cool.) It's about our recent trip to Florida, last May. If any of you...

Gay Erotic Story


by FantasyGirl

My name is Lisa; I am going to tell you a story of how I got revenge on my roommate Kathy for steeling my boyfriend Jimmy away from me. Jimmy is the star quarterback on our college football team. He is 5' 10" Black Hair, Dark Brown eyes, a medium build and has a smile that stands out in any crowd. Knowing Jimmy from when I was with him he can be very jealous. One night I watched...

Gay Erotic Story

Down On The Docks

by Roderick Shafton

In the late 60's, down by the docks in New York, there were burned out or abandoned warehouses that were hotbeds of lust!--Queer, uninhibited lust. Too bad they're gone now, but let me tell you of some of my experiences. My first time, I was nervous as hell. As much as I was told that the sex was raunchy but you only joined in if you wanted to, the first look at some of the studs...

Gay Erotic Story

Island Girl

by FantasyGirl

My name is Tommy, I am about to tell you a story that happened to me and for all of you who are married you may be able to appreciate this. I married my Wife Lisa four years ago. Lisa is the sexiest woman I've ever seen. She has long blonde hair, Blue eyes that can seduce any man, Beautiful firm Cantaloupe size breast with silver dollar pink nipples that get so ripe...

Gay Erotic Story

The Beach Walk

by Dakota Ryan

like someone was in pain. She moved quickly towards the truck fearing the person that owned it had been hurt and needed assistance. Her heart raced with fear of what she might find on the other side of the truck. She moved to the rear of the truck that was facing the water with the tailgate down, and when she had a clear view she stopped dead in her tracks. "Oh My God!" she said...

Gay Erotic Story

Time Out

by Deborah

The summer after my sophomore year of college I had reason to take time out. Time out from my sexual adventures. I had reason to question the morality of what (and who) I had been doing. My girlfriend Roxanne begged me to go to church with her that summer. "More fun than you can possibly imagine," were her exact words. Finally I said "Yes." Quite often in fact. Although I was...

Gay Erotic Story

Don't Interrupt Me

by Dale Hart

Willie has a lot of friends. This guy at 37 will never be over the hill. He'll be fuckin' and suckin' when he's in his 60's. Well, he's built and is more than pro-social: He lays hands on people in a friendly way and draws them into his circle. Even guys he has no interest in sexually are included when he sees in them something that rounds out the group with a new look, talent or a...

Gay Erotic Story

Don Rodriguo /part II/

by hardie

Don Rodriguo (part Nr. II) Don Rodriguo žil v ráji mužských údù (pro Evropu ovšem v polozapomenuté kolonii jeho katolického Velièenstva kdesi poblíž Martiniku) zhruba tøetí mìsíc. Už dávno si nestìžoval na své „vyhnanství“. Po prvních zkušenostech se zvláštním kultem zdejších ostrovanù, kteøí nábožnì uctívali mužský úd, a po nìkolika prvních setkáních s mladým masem divochù, si ...

Gay Erotic Story

Mi Chico Latino

by Kyliedawg

Mi Chico Latino "Is it on?" That’s where this story picks up. Actually, this story starts, as mine so often do, in a bath house. Surprised? Didn’t think so! (By the way, I’m a little wordy, so if this posts, you might want to scroll down to the good stuff...I’ll let you know when!) I was home on vacation, out having a good time; drinking and enjoying my time off. Since home is...

Gay Erotic Story

Good Sport

by PhilPhantom

I married my high school sweetheart and moved to the big city three years ago. We met in the pre-schooler's Sunday school and married in that same church fourteen years later. Pam has grown more beautiful each year and was more beautiful than ever after a full year as my wife. I wanted nothing more than to keep her at home as a housewife, doing the things she liked doing while...

Gay Erotic Story


by Richard Lee

College has its perks! It was a Tuesday morning and I didn’t feel like going to school. So I didn’t go and I went to the beach instead. I woke up with a painfully hard cock. Thinking about that dream I just had caused a big drop of pre-cum to ooze out of the tip of my dick. I took a shower, staying hard all the time, wondering how long I could keep it that way without jerking off....

Gay Erotic Story

Bicycle Part 6

by xbiwriter

The radio crackled to life. It was the sheriff calling from his chopper. I could see its lights when it cleared the hillside. At that moment, Carl fired at the craft and they took evasive action. They flew down hill staying close to the trees, turned and came back around the hill and approached from the other side. They put down in back of the house. Four deputies and the sheriff...

Gay Erotic Story

Bicycle Part 4

by xbiwriter

My paintings were coming along and Steve was healing nicely. He still could not use his hands very well and was going to need some reconstruction. He will have a long scar on his abdomen. Every morning, he and the girls jog down to the falls and bathe, then they race back up the hill to the house. Steve seldom loses that race. His is very strongly developed from his bicycling, and...

Gay Erotic Story

Bicycle Part 5

by xbiwriter

Next morning, after washing up and grabbing a cup of coffee, I went out on the porch. There was nothing to see because everything was shrouded in dense fog. No one was stirring. Only the horses were at the fence for their sugar. I turned to go back in the house and was startled by a deep voice, "Good Morning Mr. Sven. Did you sleep well?" It was Fred who was sitting on the swing. ...

Gay Erotic Story

My Lucky Day

by Pete

Like a lot of college students, I took a job selling newspapers door-to-door to help out with tuition. I wasn't the greatest salesman around, but I made enough to keep my kitchen stocked with plenty of ramen noodles. One Friday afternoon near the beginning of spring quarter, I was trying to sell subscriptions in one of the girls' dorms. I loved going door-to-door in there; the girls...

Gay Erotic Story

Eye Opening


By Talk about an eye opening and mind opening experience. I had been brought up very conservative about sexual matters. You know, be a virgin when I got married, be faithful to my husband, have a big family, etc. I came close. I only had two other men before my husband, and after two kids, I was satisfied, and I never once cheated on my husband. We had been...

Gay Erotic Story

Bicycle Part 1

by xbiwriter

Chapter One The noise startled me and I jumped to one side, in time to avoid being run down by an wayward bicycle. It wasn't uncontrolled long, as it slammed into the barbed wire of the pasture fence and a sturdy post. The rider was thrown along the fence for a short ways and ended up tangled in the broken wire. I was on my way to the house from the creek where I had been...

Gay Erotic Story

Bicycle Part 2

by xbiwriter

The Next Day Chapter Two During the rest of that evening and whenever I awoke that night, I checked on my patient. Only once did he arouse enough to mumble something, then fell back asleep. Next morning, he was sitting up. He smiled when I asked if he was hungry. I laughed at the sorry spectacle he made sitting there with the robe hanging open and patches of bandage most everywhere....

Gay Erotic Story

Bicycle Part 3

by xbiwriter

Part Three Another Day This is the day I should finish my mural. The people that want it for their store are coming this afternoon late. It will require a lot of Japan dryer to get it dry enough to move. I had a quick breakfast, while the girls cleaned up and got right on to the set. They were waiting as I came in. Kathy had made up the palette for me with most of the colors I...

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