Gay Erotic Stories

Blonde in the Orient

by Tom Stanski

Hillary Bond looked out the window as the 747 went into a slow bank lining itself up with the runway. It was 9:00PM in Tokyo and the lights of the world’s largest city shown like a million diamonds, rubies, and sapphires in the clear night sky. This was her first trip to the Far East, and she felt the excitement building as the big jet settled down and taxied over to the terminal. Disembarking the plane, Hillary scanned the hundreds of Asian faces to see if anyone of them recognized her. Off to her left she heard a quiet voice question, “Miss Bond?” Hillary nodded and asked, “Mr. Tanaka?” “No, he is waiting for you at your hotel, I am Hoito, I will see you back to the hotel.” Hoito took care of picking up Hillary’s luggage and overnight bag and helped her into a waiting limousine. It would be about a forty five-minute drive to the downtown Tokyo Intercontinental. On the way Hillary and Hoito exchanged polite small talk as the chauffeur deftly moved the big limo through the heavy Tokyo traffic. As she talked with Hoito, she thought to herself how amazing it was for her to even be here! Only two weeks ago she answered an ad in the New York News about a job overseas for American or Canadian women for entertainment jobs in Japan. She called the number and was given a prescreening interview right over the phone. The girls had to be under twenty-six, be at least 5’5” tall, weigh no more than 135 lbs., and be a natural blond. Hillary was all of the above, and a face to face interview was set up for the next day in a downtown hotel suite. When she arrived at for the meeting an American male who called himself a talent scout met her. He gave Hillary an application to fill out and took a couple of Polaroids of her dressed in everyday business clothes. After reviewing her application, he got right down to brass tacks. This was no ordinary job she was applying for. It would require her to go to Japan as the guest of a high powered businessman, and well, be his companion for at least ten days in Tokyo, and possibly other locales throughout Asia. Her pay for this type of work would $5000.00 per day for every day she stayed with him as his companion. She would be free to leave at anytime and return to the States, but her compensation would cease the moment she left. She would be guaranteed at least one days fee and one night’s stay in the hotel. If she found the arrangement unsuitable, she could leave and return home immediately no questions asked! Hillary had sat dumbfounded when she heard the details of her “employment”! She wanted to know what her “employer” looked like for starters, and Johnny Haller, the talent scout, quickly produced a picture of an attractive Japanese gentleman of about forty-five. “This is the man,” Johnny said, “he owns his own import-export business and is worth at least one hundred million dollars! He likes American blondes and has the money to get what he wants! I’m only one of four agents who supply him with the girls. He is very specific on the type of girl he wants.” After getting the answers to rest of her questions, Hillary decided to give it a try. After all, he was good looking and it was $5000.00 a day! The limo pulled up to the hotel and a porter was quickly removing her bags from the trunk. On to the elevator and straight up to the thirty-eighth floor, Hoito explained that Mr. Tanaka would join her in about a half and hour, giving her time to freshen up. Hillary had never had a hotel room anything quite like this! No, she hadn’t even seen one like this! It wasn’t just a room; it was a whole suite with a separate bedroom, a library, and even a kitchenette! Finding the bathroom, she found it had a huge four-person hot tub with whirlpool. So far Mr. Tanaka had exceeded all her expectations, she hoped that he would be as good in person! Just then she heard the bell and knew she was about to find out if this was all too good to be true. Opening the door to her suite, she was met by the man whose picture she had seen in New York. With a slight bow at the waist he introduced himself as Tominga Tanaka. Hillary stepped back into the room and invited him in. “I am pleased to make your acquaintance, Mr. Tanaka,” she said. “Please,” he replied, “call me Tommy, all my friends do!” They moved over to the couch where Tommy poured to glasses of sake, and they sat down to chat. Hillary commented on his perfect English, and he told her that he had spent five years in the United State attending Harvard business school. When he graduated he returned home to run the family company. He was divorced with two children in high school, and they lived with his ex wife. They then got down to her reason for being there. “Hillary, I like Japanese women very much,” he said, “but when I was in the States I of course dated American girls, and they were exciting beyond my wildest dreams! I especially came to have a great fondness for tall blond girls, such as Marilyn Monroe, the movie actress! I am fortunate that I can indulge myself in this one pleasure, but believe me when I tell you that I will treat you with the utmost respect and courtesy.” Hillary nodded, then stood up and said, “Tommy, I have something I want to show you!” Leading him by the hand she they went through the bedroom to the huge bathroom. Pointing to the hot tub, she asked him, “Do you think you can show me how this thing works?” As she asked the question Hillary was softly rubbing Tommy’s arm and leaning up against him. He took her in his arms and gave her a deep kiss that made her legs tremble. Sensing her desire, he let his hands roam over her ass, feeling the soft globes give as he pressed against them. “You are absolutely beautiful,” he gushed, as his he began undressing her. Standing now in only a bra and panties, Tommy took in the sight of her body with obvious lust. Now removing his own clothing, his olive skin stood in sharp contrast to her pale white color. Looking down at his crotch, Hillary could see that a tent had formed inside the front of his shorts! His cock was now straining to free itself of its cotton prison! Reaching around her back, Hillary unhooked her 36D bra and dropped it to the floor. Tommy made an audible gasp as her full chest spilled freely into the air! They were very large, but defied gravity as they had little or no sag. Hillary had very puffy nipples that were extremely sensitive to the touch, and many a time she had orgasmed by just having her lover tenderly suck them! Tommy reached eagerly for them, but Hillary pushed his hands away and said, “Just wait a minute, I have something else to show you first!” “Please hurry,” he said in a tight voice! Slowly, almost in slow motion, Hillary slid her panties down over her hips and on to the floor around her ankles. Stepping out of them, she asked, “Do you like my pussy?” Tommy licked his lips and in a very hoarse voice croaked, “Oh yes, please may I touch you now?” “I don’t know, let me see what you have in there,” she said, pointing at his white jockey shorts! Like a man possessed, he practically ripped them off his legs, letting his dick spring out to freedom! “May I touch it,” she asked coyly? “Jesus, woman, you’re driving me crazy,” he pleaded, as he took her hand and guided it to his swollen member! Now out of his mind with lust, his hands and mouth seemed to be everywhere! His mouth alternated between her nipples and his hand was doing all sorts of nasty things to her pussy, which by now was on fire and growing wetter by the second! Continuing with her gentle teasing, she pushed him away and in a light admonishment said, ”Tommy, I asked you in here to show me how to use the whirlpool, not to show me how my pussy and tits work!” Now practically dragging her into the water, he flipped on the switch that started up the pump. Immediately bubbles filled the tub and the water began circulating over their bodies. Taking charge now, he said, “Now I’ll show you how this works,” as he slid between her legs and pushed his erection against her vagina! Throwing her arms around his shoulders, she let out a deep groan as he buried his cock deep into her pussy with one hard thrust! Although he didn’t have the biggest cock in the world, Hillary couldn’t ever remember being this turned on! Maybe it was the sake, the fancy hotel room, being in Tokyo, or just being with a new man for the first time, whatever it was, her cunt had become a blast furnace of heat and passion! Tommy was now grunting harder as his climax neared, and Hillary begged him to fuck her harder! Just hearing her use the word fuck drove his into a frenzy of passion! The American girls, so unlike their Japanese counterparts, told you exactly what they wanted and how they wanted you to do it! Their crotches now totally in rhythm together, they drove each towards the orgasm both so desperately needed! Tommy was right on the edge, trying to hold back as long as he could, but knowing that at any moment he would lose control and shoot his load! Violently, Hillary’s cunt began to grip and release Tommy’s dick over and over again! Upon on the first spasm, his cock couldn’t hold back any longer, and it ejaculated all over the inside of Hillary’s pussy! Both of them groaned as they kissed during their orgasm, grinding their genitals, together trying to prolong the ecstasy for just a little longer! As they lay side by side in the water, in keeping with Hillary’s biting humor, Tommy said, “And that my dear, is how you use the hot tub!” Both of them laughed, and gave each other a long kiss. “We may just need more than ten days to figure out how the shower works,” laughed Tommy! “At least ten,” answered Hillary!


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Tom Stanski

Blonde in the Orient

Hillary Bond looked out the window as the 747 went into a slow bank lining itself up with the runway. It was 9:00PM in Tokyo and the lights of the world’s largest city shown like a million diamonds, rubies, and sapphires in the clear night sky. This was her first trip to the Far East, and she felt the excitement building as the big jet settled down and taxied over to the terminal.


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