Gay Erotic Stories

1 Hot QB, Part 3: Brady, Just 'Plane' Sexy

by QB Lover

***NOTE: You can catch the "prelude" to this story in "BLEDSOE OR BRADY? Parts 1 and 2*** **The following is a work of fiction** Super Bowl MVP and hottie Tom Brady is on a magic carpet ride. First, it was a quick trip to Disneyworld. Tom had been up all the night before fucking me, and was dragging a bit. Then, with no sleep, it was back to Boston for a New England Patriots victory parade that included two marriage proposals (fat chance), and an impromptu dance with owner Bob Kraft. Tom and I both knew he was capable of better dance moves. He was just sore from using muscles in bed that even he didn't know he had. Finally, it was off to Hawaii for Saturday's Pro Bowl. Tom was taking the Pats’ private jet, and figured he would sleep all the way on the long journey. Tom was wrong. He was almost sound asleep in the plush easy chair on board even before take off. He awoke with a start when I grabbed his crotch and said, "Ya know there's a bed on this plane; let's go there." "Man, I've got to sleep!” the poor guy protested. “Ever since last week it has been one appearance after another and when I’m not doing that, you got me between the sheets doing you. I need to rest!" "Sorry, Tom, it is my job to get you in shape. Trust me, it is going to get worse before it gets any better. Like I said: everyone will want a piece of you. You should see the schedule after the Pro Bowl!" I yanked at his now hardening groin area once more; Tom got up. As we walked toward the back of the plane, I got behind him and massaged his shoulders as we walked. "Aaahhhh, that feels so good. It reminds me of that massage you gave me before the game last Sunday." "I'm more interested that you remember what we did after the game," I chided him. Much of the aggressive nature had been drained out of Tom, or so I thought. Once in the comfortable suite there was a double bed and I sat the 24-year-old hunk down and began to remove his shoes. As he sat on the bed, I pulled his sweater and shirt off revealing the well-toned chest he had developed in the weight room during his last two seasons. I pushed his chest and he flopped backward and I undid his pants, slid them down over his amazing full package, and removed his pants with minimal help from Tom. I noticed his boxers were a bit wet: could not believe that the little stimulation of grabbing his crotch could get 'hot Tom's juices' running, but I guess it did. I stood 'Brady Boy' up and ran my hands through his short brown hair, all over his chest, sides and then down to his boxers, and slowly slid them down and allowed him to step out of them. His Brady butt and long thick cock were going to get some heavy pounding on this trip. He turned and literally fell face first onto the bed. I undressed myself, and Tom was almost asleep when I took his legs, crossed them left over right and then flipped him onto his back. I got between those fine legs and began to rub his super-muscled thighs; he let out moans of pleasure. I gnawed gently on his hips and tickled his sides. He giggled, gurgled and groaned. This helped to revive him a bit. I reached under his butt and lower back and lifted him up, and kept pushing his ass towards his head. His long and lanky legs flopped up near his shoulders and his perfect pink pucker hole was exposed, an 'open' invitation for my tongue. "Aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," moaned Tom as I slid my warm moist tongue back and forth on his hole, up to his nuts and then in and out of the now widening opening. Tom knew to relax and flex his sphincter, as my tongue was able to get far inside the 'Tom tunnel'. I loved pleasing this hot young stud. There was no longer a need to finger him to loosen him up, but I did it anyway. He seemed to like it when I would explore his bad Brady ass with my hand. It wasn't long before I inserted my cock into his hot hole and began to plow his muscle butt. Even though he was tired, Tom was still a super fuck; it was very clear how much he loved being serviced this way. His hips and chest bucked and heaved and I told him, "You should dance so well in public." We both laughed. I could tell Tom was going to shoot his load soon so I pulled out of him. I think this must have annoyed him as he hurled me onto my back and I found his cock in my mouth and mine in his with him furiously fucking my face and fingering my ass. His hot load of 'Brady boil' was filling my mouth, throat and covering my face. The kid was phenomenal and knew how to 69 with the best of them. Tom's cock softened up and I figured we were done. I was wrong; I’d merely gotten him started. He got on top of me and we made out passionately for the next ten minutes. Tom's tongue was able to reach the back of my mouth and he liked sharing spit. Before I knew it, he was grinding and pushing my hips, forcing my legs to spread and I could feel his 'Wolverine whopper stick' entering my ass. Tom fucked me from the time we were over Cleveland all the way to San Jose. Tom had never done anything like this on a plane before. Now he was a Mile High Member Extraordinaire! We had to land for a refueling, both the plane and us. I told him I had set up a couple of meetings for him with a couple of other guys, but they would occur after the Pro Bowl: the time in Hawaii with Tom would be mine. The flight to Hawaii from San Jose lasted about 6 hours; so did we. Tom did sleep for about one hour, just before landing. I figured I wanted him fresh for his Pro Bowl practice and first night in Hawaii. Although it was my business to break this remarkable specimen in for others to enjoy, I was beginning to actually get feelings of my own for this super hunk. He wasn’t just an insatiable sex machine; he was a great guy, too. And he was right on the brink of super-stardom, not quite prepared for what was to lie ahead. I started to imagine that I just might be the person who could guide him through the rough waters that lie ahead…and have a fantastic time in the sack in the process!


7 Gay Erotic Stories from QB Lover

1 Hot QB, Part 3: Brady, Just 'Plane' Sexy

***NOTE: You can catch the "prelude" to this story in "BLEDSOE OR BRADY? Parts 1 and 2*** **The following is a work of fiction** Super Bowl MVP and hottie Tom Brady is on a magic carpet ride. First, it was a quick trip to Disneyworld. Tom had been up all the night before fucking me, and was dragging a bit. Then, with no sleep, it was back to Boston for a New England Patriots

1 Hot QB, Part 4: Brady: Island Humping

***NOTE: You can catch the prelude to this series in BLEDSOE OR BRADY, Parts 1 and 2*** **The following is a work of fiction** Hot Tom Brady traveled from New Orleans to Orlando to Boston and finally to Hawaii in the span of two days. Add to that the fact that Brady was far and away the most sought-after Pro Bowler by the media and the second-year quarterback could clearly use a

1 Hot QB, Part 5: Brady, The Desert Dominator

***The following is a work of fiction*** [NOTE: to see the prelude to this series, check out “Bledsoe or Brady? Parts 1 and 2] Tom's curiosity got the better of him and he begged me to tell him what was in store for him when we landed in Phoenix. I knew I could take advantage of my hotshot superstar stud, but wasn't into playing games like that with him. I just told him I had a

1 Hot QB, Part 6: Brady, The Pleasure Seekers

After Todd left, Brady wondered what pleasure was in store for him next. He also wondered what Kyle had been doing at his meeting and whom that meeting was with. It was occurring to him that as he was getting all this experience, he was appreciating what he enjoyed with Kyle more and more. These last days of heady victory and sudden celebrity and the smorgasbord of over-indulged

1 Hot QB, Part 7: Brady's QB Challenge

***The following is a work of fiction*** Tom was both very pissed and very lonely. He was lonely because he missed Kyle. Tom had made the trip back to Hawaii for the QB Challenge without Kyle, and since the Super Bowl it was the first time he had not been with him. Kyle stayed behind in Phoenix, and it was their last sexual encounter that had also left him wondering what, if

Bledsoe Or Brady?

***The following is a work of fiction*** Never let it be said that Super Bowl week isn't interesting, even if the pre-game hype is trying to make a game out of one that looks to be very one-sided. This year the Rams are heavy favorites over the upstart New England Patriots. The only controversy seemed to be over which New England quarterback would start the game, Brady or Bledsoe.

Bledsoe or Brady? Part 2

***The following is a work of fiction*** "We've got a whole team of underdogs," said Brady, who took a two-hour nap in the locker room before the game, barely awoke for warm-ups, and seemed to sleepwalk through the majority of the evening. "Now we're the top dogs." That is what Tom had to say for the press, but the truth is that Brady was not napping in the afternoon. After I left


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