Gay Erotic Stories

A Poolside Adventure

by Darius Raphoe

Sometime ago I shared one of my greatest sexual encounters with you in "A Restroom Adventure". I had another exceptional experience with a couple of friends a few weeks later... One hot Saturday afternoon one of my old school mates, Andrew, invited me over for a game of tennis. His family are wealthy and own a huge house. They have both a tennis court and a swimming pool in the backyard which is sheltered from the prying eyes of the neighbours by a high brick wall. In our last year at school I had often gone around to Andrew's to study, play tennis and watch videos. At some stage we had taken to watching his father's porno tapes together whenever we had the house to ourselves and after a while this habit led to us fooling around. We never did much though. We jerked each other off a few times and I even gave him a blowjob once, but he was never keen to return the favour. Now that we are both at university we spend less time hanging out and sadly, we never play around anymore. I had always hoped that my visits with Andrew would have led to something more involved, at least sexually if not emotionally, because at school he was easily the best looking guy. And in the last year he has only improved. He has grown a little taller, his shoulders have broadened and his muscular body has filled out. He is quite a hunky young man now, although he retains his cute boyish looks. He's about 6'2" tall, with short blond hair, stunning blue eyes, perfect skin and a smile to die for. He has a smooth, hairless body, well defined from years of swimming and playing tennis. Broad, round shoulders, stunning pecs and biceps, a flat stomach and a classic V-shaped torso. I have adored, worshiped and lusted after his looks and body for years. And as for his cock. Oh wow! A beautiful slim, cut dick about 8" long and curving ever so lightly upwards. The one and only time I had that amazing tool in my mouth shooting its load down my throat had been heaven. As for me, well I'm shorter than Andrew, about 6' tall. I have short, brown hair and blue eyes. I have a muscular and athletic body with a hairy chest and stomach. My dick is cut but not that long, only a little over 6". It is, however, very, very thick. I've had plenty of guys complain about my jawbreaker's width and many have struggled to stretch wide enough to take it. Its defiantly true, what they say - size does matter and they ain't taking about length! Anyway, I got to Andrew's about 1pm all psyched about watching his muscular body pound around the other end of a tennis court getting all sweaty. To my surprise, I found two strange cars parked in the driveway when I arrived. I found that he had also invited a couple of his new mates from university. One was a total pratt called Peter who was about 6'4" and absurdly thin. The other, however, was a total hunk. He was about my height, with floppy, black hair and such massive, bulging biceps that the sleeves of his T-shirt threatened to rip at every movement he made. I could only imagine what his chest and stomach must be like. When Andrew introduced this good-looking adonis as Brad, the pieces fell into place. This was Andrew's gym-buddy and his geeky roommate. We played a few sets of tennis over the course of an hour and a half in the glare of the sweltering sun and got ourselves very hot and sweaty. For some strange reason the two weakest players, myself and Peter, were paired together and we were beaten soundly, but I didn't mind. It meant that I got to look at Andrew and Brad the whole time. It was almost too much muscle for me to cope with all at once. I was getting as horny as all hell. At the end of the match Peter explained that he had to get to work (thus the need for he and Brad to come in separate cars). He disappeared upstairs to shower and change while the rest of us had a cold beer. After the geek had made his departure the three of us decided to head for the pool. I couldn't wait! Perving at Andrew's gorgeous body as it glistened all wet in the sunshine was something I could do for hours, but now I was to have the pleasure of gazing at the even more hunky Brad at the same time. I was going to have to struggle not to get an erection. I stared in awe as Brad lifted his shirt over his head. In a second that seemed like forever his six-pack stomach was revealed, quickly followed by his enormous chest. There was just a trace of dark hair around his huge, round nipples and between his massive, hard pecs. Moments later he dropped his shorts to uncover solid, thighs and, most importantly, a sizeable bulge in his tight blue trunks. He collected his clothes and turned to toss them onto the nearby table. I could feel my cock swelling as a saw his broad back and tight butt. Quickly, I tore off my own clothes and dived into the pool, hoping that the cool water would discourage my untimely hard-on. When I surfaced, Andrew was standing in the shallow end of the pool, water running from his wet hair, over his smooth cheeks, down his neck and off his smooth chest. Seconds later Brad's massive bulk splashed into the pool between us and he surfaced nearby, flicking his wet hair out of his green eyes and allowing his thick arms to float on the water. My throbbing cock was now threatening to escape from my tight trunks. I so needed to jerk off. I concentrated on thinking about anything else but the two hunky guys in the pool with me and slowly my raging prick softened. As soon as I felt it was safe I clamored out of the water and lay on the soft lawn by the pool. Naturally I kept face-down. Moments later, I watched as Brad and Andrew pulled themselves out of the pool. It was like that shot of David Chokachi in the opening credits of Baywatch - only double!!! Instantly my dick began to harden again. Without bothering to dry themselves with a towel, each man followed my example and came over and lay on the grass, one on either side of me, both face-upwards with a muscular arm draped over his eyes to block out the sun's glare. Minutes of silence followed. I listened to my heart racing and subtly pressed my hard-on against the ground beneath me feeling the lyrca of my trunks slide against my shaft. "Hey, Andrew," said Brad's deep voice suddenly. "Let's watch some porn." My heart lept and in a split second several thoughts raced through my mind: so he still watches dirty videos with his mates; I might get the chance to see both these hunks pulling on their hard cocks; I wonder how big Brad's member is! "Sorry, mate, we can't" replied Andrew. My heart sank. "Video player's busted." "Damn!" said Brad. "I'm so fucking horny, my cock's practically bursting out of my trunks!" I was already facing Brad, so I opened my eyes and allowed my eyes to slide over his huge chest and flat stomach to where his hand was gently stroking his trunks. His hard tool was so big that the top of his trunks had been lifted slightly off his groin. I could just make out the sight of his meat curving though his black pubic hair towards his right hip where the cut head of his cock could be seen pressing against the inside of his trunks. For several seconds I watched as his big hand teased and stroked his dick through the lycra. Then Andrew spoke again. "Darius gave me a fantastic blow-job once, mate. I'm sure he'd give you one now if you like!" My heart leapt again. "Yeah?" Brad turned to face me and smiled as he caught my eye. "I'd be up for that." I held his gaze for a second and then looked again at his crotch. His fingers pulled at the cord on his trunks, undoing the knot and allowing his dick to spring forth. It lay on his six-pack, reaching past his belly-button and pointing towards his amazing chest. It must have been 10" and as thick as my own. His fingers slid between his cock and his trunks and pushed the blue lycra half way down his hairy thighs revealing the monster prick in all its glory. I turned on my side and sat up on my elbow so I could get a good look at Brad, his chest, his raging hard-on and its perfectly shaped balls all at once. He was gorgeous and I couldn't resist such a wonderful opportunity. I reach over and stroked his pecs, feeling the hard muscle press against my hand. My lips followed, kissing his rough, tanned skin and licking his hard nipple. My eager tongue followed my impatient hand down his torso and found the prize that waited there. I gripped his thick shaft in my hand and brought his glistening head to my face. For a moment I just smelt the musky scent of his dick and felt the blood throbbing inside his enormous prick. And then I took him. At first I let my tongue explore his head, gently tracing the rim, and then I could resist no longer and allowed him to slowly slide between my lips and into my mouth. I have given head to a lot of guys and have long ago learnt to control my gag reflex and deep throat them, but Brad's size was still a challenge. I had to be careful not to hurt this glory with my teeth. Soon, however, I adjusted to his thickness and began to suck on his shaft in earnest. As I worked on him, he groaned in pleasure, one massive hand gripping my wrist just near where I was holding onto the base of his dick, his other hand wandering firmly over my shoulders and the back of my head. After a while he took to grabbing his tool from my mouth and slapping it against my face before giving it up once more for me to devour. I slid my mouth up and down his cock with every intention of giving him the most wild orgasm and having him pump his cum down my throat. Before I could finish him off however, Andrew interrupted, insisting on some action himself. Reluctantly, I rolled over, releasing my own thick cock from its prison by kicking off my trunks as I did so. I repositioned myself and began to service my blond friend. It was amazing to have this beautiful, slim, curving prick in my mouth so suddenly after Brad's thick tool. It was so different and so nice. It smelt and tasted great. And because it was so much thinner I felt I could take it so easily in my mouth. Within seconds I was taking Andrew's 8" dick all the way down to the base of his shaft and back up to the rim of his head and down again in rhythm that had him groaning and thrusting his hips. As a sucked on Andrew I was driven mad with pleasure myself as Brad roughly handled my butt with his big, strong hands. He worked the flesh of my cheeks as I worked the flesh of Andrew's throbbing cock. After about a minute his fingers began to explore my but thole and I began to whimper with pleasure. I began to silently pray that he would slip his finger inside my arse, but just then his hands suddenly vanished. I was left quivering with anticipation and excitement, my raging dick almost ready to explode without a hand touching it, and the gorgeous, hard dick of a beautiful, blond hunk in my mouth. Brad's hands could only have been gone for a few seconds but it seemed like an eternity. When they returned they manful grabbed my hips and pulled me up onto my knees and elbows. I continued to lovingly suck on Andrew's curving tool as Brad pushed my legs apart and rubbed my gaping arse hole with gel. I practically came just at the thought of being fucked by this hunk's enormous, thick prick. When it began to press against my butt and force its way in I was in heaven. He wasn't wearing a condom! It was just his naked cock, lubed up with gel, sliding into me. I allowed Andrew's prick to slip from my mouth and cried out in both ecstasy and pain as Brad's monster dick penetrated my butt. With no consideration his simply grabbed my hips with his strong hands and thrust his cock inside me. He rammed it deep inside me again and again stretching my arse wide as if he were in a desperate hurry to cum. I had never been fucked like that before. I had never had such a massive tool up my arse and I had never had a man fuck me so mercilessly and with such repeatedly forceful strokes before. He was such a hunk. It was hard to concentrate on sucking Andrew's dick when I was being so manfully fucked by such a long, thick, hard penis. As a result, Andrew changed position, climbing onto his knees. I lifted myself up from my elbows to my hands so that my face became level with his crotch. As Brad fucked my arse with his thick cock, Andrew slipped his slim, curved rod into my mouth and began to fuck my throat. The two muscular hunks groaned as each fucked me, repeatedly thrusting his prick inside me. Within a minute my dick became harder than I had ever imagined possible. My arse hole tightened around Brad's thick cock and if Andrew's dick wasn't shoved down my throat I would have screamed with the pleasure of a sensational orgasm. My cum shot out of my hard rod without anyone even touching it. Load after load of cum spurt out of my penis covering my stomach, chest and the grass beneath me. My arms and legs shook violently. All the while Brad relentlessly punished my tight hole with his huge, naked member and Andrew thrust his beautiful cock deep into my mouth. I had never before had the cum fucked out of me before. My orgasm was obviously the cue for my two lovers. Almost at the same time they emptied their dicks into me. First Andrew's salty juice shot into the back of my throat and then Brad's oversized weapon throbbed and fired its load deep into my butt, his thrusting not slowing for several seconds afterwards. Minutes later we were in the pool again, this time naked. First one man and then the other grabbed me and squeezed me against his hunky chest with his muscular arms in thanks and I looked forward to being invited over again to play tennis...


3 Gay Erotic Stories from Darius Raphoe

A Poolside Adventure

Sometime ago I shared one of my greatest sexual encounters with you in "A Restroom Adventure". I had another exceptional experience with a couple of friends a few weeks later... One hot Saturday afternoon one of my old school mates, Andrew, invited me over for a game of tennis. His family are wealthy and own a huge house. They have both a tennis court and a swimming pool in the

A Restroom Adventure

There is a restroom in the library at my university where I have had several exciting sexual encounters. My most recent, however, was by far the best and most interesting. I went there a little after two in the afternoon on a Tuesday hoping to encounter the same cute hunk that I had gotten off with the previous Tuesday. The restroom was empty when I entered. I walked past the

A Twin Adventure

A few weeks ago I met Marc in a bar whilst out on the town with some friends. He bought me a drink and chatted about his plans for a big party for the Millennium and flashed his blue eyes and perfect smile at me. He was charming and very sexy. He was about my age (mid-20s) about 6’ 2” (a little taller than me), with dark, floppy hair, clear, tanned skin, broad, round shoulders and


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