Gay Erotic Stories


by Mark McKenzie

The following story is true, and it is the tale of how I made one of my all time fantasies come true. - it all happened in Australia at the end of last year. It was a hot Saturday morning and my host decided to take me along to one of the most famous gay beaches in Australia. We arrived early in the morning, but the heat was still very high at 30 degrees. We lay down on the beach, after coating ourselves liberally with sun oil. I went for a swim, and since all of the other guys were swimming bare-assed; I did the same. I have skinny-dipped before, but that was in a mountain pool with another guy. This was the first time that I had been swimming naked in public, and the feeling was great. It seemed so natural, and within a few minutes I wondered how anyone could ever swim any other way! We stayed there until shortly after lunch-time, and by the at time I was starting to get a really healthy tan. I get brown very quickly since I'm dark skinned, but last five days of constant sunshine had given me the best tan ever - even my feet were brown! We arrived back at Michael's car when I heard another car draw up bedside us. The guy got our of his car, and ran over to speak to Michael. His name was John, and he had heard that I was staying with Michael. This other guy was in his early 50's, and seemed very nice as he talked to me about how I had enjoyed my holiday so far. During the course of our conversation I told him that I loved to sail, and that I was hoping to get out on the water before I left for New Zealand. John immediately said that he was intending to take a trip in his boat in the next few days, and that I was very welcome to join both he and his wife for the day. I thanked him, and as he left he told me that he would be in touch in the next few days to sort out something solid regarding the arrangements. Michael was going to be busy with work for all of the next week, so it would be a good chance for me to see the sights from a boat. On Tuesday night the phone rang at Michael's. It was John calling to make arrangements for the trip. I spoke to him, and he told me that he was very busy for he whole week, but his son Andy had kindly volunteered to take me out for the day. He asked me if tomorrow was too short notice, and when I said that it wasn't, I agreed to meet Andy at the boat first thing in the morning. That night was very hot in bed, and I kept waking up in a sweat, in the end I had a shower before I could get cool enough to get back to sleep. Michael gave me a lift in town and I made my own way to the marina where I was to meet Andy at the boat. The boat was called "Pride of Sydney", and was berthed on one of the outer pontoon's. It only took me a few minutes to find it since it was one of the largest yachts in the whole complex. The boat was a super looking yacht about 15 metres long, with a large sun deck to the rear. It had two steering positions, one inside, and another in the cockpit. There was no one in sight, but I could hear noises coming from inside the boat. I banged the side window, and shouted, "Hello!" Within a few seconds a face appeared at the window, and Andy ran out on to the side deck of the yacht. Andy was really good-looking. He was about my height with really blond curly hair that was cut short at he sides, but left slightly longer on top. He was wearing a loose running vest and a pair of short grey cycling shorts. It was easy to see that this guy worked-out a lot, and from the deep colour of his tan he also surfed loads as well. He had very powerful shoulders and arms, and he had a coating of fuzzy hair running across his chest. His legs were long and tanned, and they were also covered in blond hair. He introduced himself and helped me onboard, carrying my small bac pac that I had brought along for the day. Andy led me into the main cabin of the boat, and as he walked in front of me I could clearly see his tight ass flexing under the thin material of his shorts. I hadn't jerked off in four days, and although I had only met him, I was starting to get aroused just looking at his great body! Andy showed me around the boat which was very impressive; his Dad was obviously successful in his line of work. The main cabin was in the centre of the yacht, and there were two other cabins. One with two single bunks was up in the bow, while the master cabin was to the stern- under the sun deck. After about ten minutes we were ready to leave the marina, so I jumped off the boat to untie the ropes that held tightly to the marina pontoon. As we motored out of the marina at slow speed, I was able to get a great view of the whole of Sydney harbour - it was really breathtaking. We used the cockpit steering position, and I was able to see some great vies of Sydney harbour. That also meant that we used lots of sun block on our faces. Before long we were clear of the harbour and running slowly along the coast. When we were clear of all the rocks and other boats. We raised the sails, the boat heeled over in the warm breeze, and before long the coastline was fading into the distance. Andy knew that I had sailed before, and that I had grown up with boats in the family. So after we had been out on the water for about an hour, he allowed me to take control of the boat. By mid-morning we had travelled a good 30 miles long the coast, and Andy asked me if I wanted something to drink. He went below, leaving me on deck alone and in charge of the boat. The day couldn't have been any better. Although it was very hot, the cool wind that blew across the water kept us both cool. After another hour or so we decided to slow down. It was fantastic to have all the sails drawing us along, but we were not in a race - we were out for the day to enjoy ourselves. As the boat settled into the water we coasted along gently, and it was easier to talk to each other. Andy told me that he was 20 years old, and that he was studying engineering at college. He really enjoyed college life, and he took part in a lot of the sports that the college had to offer. I remarked on his body, and that he must do a lot of working out. He told me that he enjoyed the gym, but had only started with his regime some 15 months before. I told him that his work was starting to pay off and that he looked pretty good to me. He also complimented on my looks, and then we compared our different exercise routines. By lunch-time we were starting to feel quite hungry, so Andy told me that there were lunches below in the fridge. I ran down the steps into the galley to get them. When I returned Andy had slowed the boat further, and had pulled off his running vest. He had a super chest with very defined pectoral muscles. His powerful chest had a little hair on it, hair that ran down the centre of his abdomen in a fine line that divided it in the middle. He was very brown indeed. Andy turned around and I couldn't help but look straight at his crotch. The shorts that he was wearing had gathered themselves up around his cock balls, and what I saw was most definitely man-sized. I could clearly see the outline of his cock as it curved across the top of his leg - his balls looked to me very big as well. They were sitting snugly, making his cock sit out all the more. Wanting to take advantage of the sun I did likewise, throwing my T shirt down the steps and into the cabin below. Shortly afterwards we sat down to have our lunches. We sat opposite each other, each of us relaxing on one of the loungers. I couldn't help myself from looking at his great body. In the end I had to look away across the water - I was starting to get a hard-on thinking about all of the things that I'd like to do with him!. We sat and talked about a lot of things, but none of us talked much about out personal lives, and Andy did not mention any girlfriends. I thought that this was very unusual for such a good-looking guy. After lunch Andy put the lunch things away while I sat on the couch. When he returned he told me that my shoulders were getting burned, and that I should protect them from the sun. He went and got his sun oil and proceeded to coat my shoulders with the stuff. He rubbed it well into the skin with both hands, and I told him that he should have become a sports therapist. After he had finished I did the same for him,. I couldn't resist allowing some of the oil to spill down his chest, so that I could get the chance to touch his firm muscles. He didn't say a word, but thanked me when I had finished. After the lunch things had been clearing away, Andy asked me if there was anywhere that I really wanted to go. We discussed the options for a few minutes before decided that we would go to a favourite place of his for a swim and some more sunbathing. I was happy with that, and was looking forward to a quiet and peaceful afternoon. We motored up the coast for another hour or so, before Andy brought the boat in a lot closer to the shoreline. I wondered what he was up to, but was quite confident with his sailing capabilities to know that everything was safe. As we drew closer I spotted a gap in the cliffs, and it grew larger and larger the closer we came to it. Going very slowly we were able to sail inside, and for about 10 minutes we manoeuvred very slowly with out hitting any of the rocks that lined the passage. Shortly afterwards we broke through into a large pool that was very still and surrounded by sheer cliffs. Andy told me that he had discovered this place a few months before, and that he always enjoyed coming here to relax. It only took a few moments to find a good safe anchorage, and the boat came to rest in the centre of the pool The cliffs were very tall all around us, and since it was such a sheltered location it was also very hot indeed. We moved to rear of the boat to the sun deck where were some mattresses to lie on. Andy brought our an ice box filled with soft drinks, and since the boat was safely moored, we lay down to enjoy the afternoon. The temperature began to rise even more, and Andy reckoned that we'd better put some more sun oil on ourselves. I rubbed lots oil over my shoulders and back, but Andy stood up to coat his body. He allowed the oil to run from the bottle all over is chest, and he rubbed it well into his skin. His chest hair clung tight to his skin with all of the oil he was using. He moved on to his legs, before finally doing his muscled stomach. Andy rolled his shorts down at the front so they wouldn't get soiled before rubbing the oil all over his lower torso. His shorts were rolled down so far that I could see the tufts of his blond pubic hair curl up over the top of his waistband. I didn't know if he was innocent, of if he was really trying to turn me on. If he was trying to get me excited - it was certainly working! Andy's body shone with sun oil, and the strong sunlight seems to accentuate his muscles even more. We lay in the sun for ages, just relaxing and talking now and again. My eyes were closed, and I was so relaxed that I dozed off a few times. Sometime later I opened my eyes to find that Andy had moved from my side. I looked around to find that he had moved to a position further forward on the boat. I could see him moving around. A few moments he called to me that he was going for a swim, and he asked if I wanted to join him in the water. Before I could answer there was a splash as Andy dived straight into the water. I ran along the side deck of the boat, and just before I dived in after him I noticed his shorts lying on the deck. Looking into the water I could see Andy swimming under the water. He surfaced close to the boat, looked at me and asked if I wasn't going to join him. The thought of swimming nude with Andy was such a turn-on for me that I started to get a hard-on immediately. I quickly pulled off my Speedo's just as my cock started to rise. Andy couldn't help but notice my excitement, but before my cock was totally erect I dived straight into the cold water. I swam over to where Andy was treading water. Stopping opposite him, I tried to look into his eyes as he talked to me. I didn't want to look into the water in case I saw his cock - that would have been just too much for me to take. For the next half hour or so we went swimming around the boat before racing each to the edge of the cliffs and back. At one point Andy dived down under the water, and I watched as he swam between my legs. He was very close to me as be passed through, as I felt his ass brush lightly against my balls. To finish we dared each other to swim under the boat and out the other side. I went first, taking one bid deep breath as I went. I dived down as deep as I could, and the water went very dark. Once I began to surface on the other side, the sunlight broke through the water once more. Gasping I climbed the steps at the back of the boat, and ran over to the side to make sure that Andy was O.K. In a few seconds he appeared in the water. It was a fantastic feeling to be naked on Andy's boat. Although the thermometer read 35 degrees, my skin tingled with all of the swimming in the sea. I walked over to the lounger and lay down to relax. A short time after Andy appeared up the steps behind me, he walked over in front of me, and for the first time I was able to see his body completely naked. His blond hair looked shaggy after his swim and the water clung to his face and eyelashes. His deep blue eyes shine out brightly. Water ran from his chest, and dripped from his dark brown nipples. I cast my eyes across his fine chest and down to his trim stomach - the exercise made his skin look even darker now. Finally I raised myself on my elbows from where I was lying on my back, and I looked openly at what I really wanted to see. His cock was so long and thick that it was out of proportion to trim waist. His blond pubes had been trimmed short, making his cock look even longer. His big hairless balls had tightened in the cold water, making his manhood hang out over them. Like me Andy was circumcised. Andy stretched his arms over his head, straining every muscle in his body. He shook the water from his hair before coming to lie next to me - we were both still soaking wet. I looked across at him noticing that his body was a deep golden brown from head to foot. I had a pronounced tan line that gave me a white "V" around my cock and balls; this was in contrast to the dark brown tan on the rest of my body. We lay in the sun just enjoying the sun and the cool breeze as it blew across us. After about twenty minutes the sea water had dried, only to be replaced with sweat. It was mid-afternoon and the sun was very high in the sky. It must have been almost 40 degrees! Andy moved from my side, and came back a few moments later with the sun oil. Again I raised myself up on my elbows as I watched him return from the front of the boat - his cock swinging heavily with every step. He jumped up on the sun lounger, smiled down at me, looked deep into my eyes, and asked if I would like him to put some oil on me. I said, "Yea, I think I need it". I stayed right where I was, my arms resting on my elbows, thinking that Andy was going to do my shoulders again - but he had other ideas! Andy dropped to his knees, with a legs on either side of my waist. He held up the bottle allowing a thin stream of oil to cover my pec's before running another trail down the centre of my abdomen to my pubic bush - I was speechless. He began by rubbing the oil into my shoulders, before starting on my chest muscles. He gently kneaded the oil into my chest, rubbing his thumbs gently over my sensitive nipples.. My head feel back and I let out a long low moan of pleasure. I looked deep into his eyes and he smiled, as he continued to work the hot oil into my stomach. I got a good look at him up close now, and I admired his tightly packed chest with its blond hair that contrasted so much against his dark skin. Andy moved slightly to make himself more comfortable, and as he did so the end of his lengthening cock brushed lightly against my stomach. By this time my own cock was taking on a life of its own. It filled and began to rise from between my legs. The head of my cock brushed against Andy's heavy balls, pushing them out of the way. My cock was completely hard now, and it made a loud smack as it slapped down against my oily belly. Andy looked own and smiled. "Here's one piece of you that I haven't seen to yet." Andy reached down and slowly encircled my cock. One hand squeezed me tightly while the other and lifted my balls. Andy's cock began to get bigger and bigger. It got thicker and longer, rising from his blond crotch. It jerked and filled as it rose and rose. Eventually it was completely hard, still jerking as it stood as stiff as a flag pole against his taut stomach. I reached out and took hold of his manhood. I gently ran my hand up and down his thick shaft, my other hand cupping his big hairy balls. I squeezed his cock tightly, and watched as some pre-cum ran freely from his head, down his shaft, and over the back of my hand. By now it was completely obvious that we were both into guyz, and that we were going to take things a lot further. Andy feel into my arms, and we rolled around on the sun lounger. Our hands roaming freely all over are bodies. I kissed Andy passionately on the lips, before continued down his neck and onto his heaving chest. I took each of his nipples into my mouth, sucking and biting them until they stood out proud - this drove Andy wild. Our hands roamed all over each others chest, legs thighs and asses. We kissed and kissed while our free hands squeezed and kneaded our hot balls. Andy lay on his back with his hands under his head, his legs were wide apart - inviting to suck his cock. Slowly I started to kiss his chest once more, licking his hair until it stuck to his pec's. I continued to lick his stomach, allowing my tongue to wash over his prominent abdominals as I went. Past his belly and my tongue licked the fine line of blond hair that led to my goal. Then my head was between his powerful legs, and I was looking straight at his cock and balls. I brought my mouth to his balls, stuck out my tongue, and began to lick them one by one. Andy's balls were very large and I could only get one of them in my mouth at a time. I savoured their salty taste, and enjoyed the feeling of his smoothness against my tongue. When his balls were soaked with my saliva I took hold of his fantastic cock once again. I jerked it a few times, and watched open-mouthed as more and more of his dick honey ran down his cock. I reached out with my tongue, catching his pre-cum and smearing it al over his glands. I licked up and down his entire shaft for what seemed like ages, before finally opening my mouth wide to take his stiff prick into my waiting mouth. Although Andy was at least 20 centimetres in length I was able to take him to the hilt. My nose rested in his trimmed pubic bush, as I worked hard with my mouth trying to suck the hot spunk from his heavy balls! Andy just lay there and moaned. His head feel back, his eyes rolled, and it was obvious that he was having the time of his life. "Aw Fuck," was all he could say as I worked on his cock and balls. Andy raised his head from the cushion and begged me to lick his ass. This was something that I was dying to do and didn't need to be asked twice. I lifted his legs high I the air, and Andy helped me my linking his arms behind his knees. He then moved his legs until his knees were resting against his shoulders - the sight was fantastic! Andy was almost doubled in two and his ass was pointing high into the air. This movement forced his cheeks wide apart, and I could see his hot ass waiting for me. I licked and dribbled saliva round his ass, and ran my tongue around and over the fine hairs that surrounding his tight hole. My mouth was watering now as I ran my tongue up and down his ass. When he started to moan louder and louder I knew that the time was right, and so I pushed into his hole with my tongue. This drove him totally wild. He was bucking and writhing on the bed, but I was able to keep my tongue deeply embedded in his ass. He asked me to slow down a little as he didn't want to shoot his load yet, and it was then that he asked me if I would like to fuck him. Andy jumped up from the lounger and ran off into the boat. He emerged a few seconds later holding a handful of condoms and a bottle of "Wet" lube. I really could not believe that all of this was happening, but was only too keen to join in with the action. Andy walked over to the side of the boat, bent over and held on to the rails that ran around the boat. I ran over, falling to my knees to give his ass another tongue bath. My cock was dripping pre-cum all over the deck, and I don't think that my cock had been harder in my life. I slipped the condom over my cock, smearing a little lube on to the head, and took position behind Andy. I ran my cock up and down Andy's ass a few times just to coat my cock and his ass in lots of lube. By now Andy was almost going crazy and he begged me to fuck him. I pushed my cock gently against Andy's puckered ass, and at first nothing happening - he was just so tight. Eventually I was able to work the head of my cock inside, and soon I slipped further and further into heaven. After a few minutes I was able to slide all the way into Andy's butt, and with long full strokes I began to fuck him. Andy was going wild, and his head was rolling from side to side with all of the fucking that his prostate was getting. He stretched his arms out to their full length, his legs wide apart as he pushed his ass back on to my cock. I was standing legs wide apart, on my toes, as I tried to get more and more of my cock inside him. I gripped his ass tightly as I fucked into him with a faster and faster pace. Eventually I collapsed, my sweating chest pushing against Andy's back. I reached around and took a firm hold of his nipples. Twisting and pinched them as I fucked him with each powerful strokes. I wanted to see Andy's face as I fucked him, and so we moved to a nearby winch box that was mounted on the deck. Andy lay down on his back, and I lifted his legs on to my shoulders. I replaced the condom and once more began to fuck his ass. I hung on to Andy's thighs, and pulled his ass closer to my cock. Again I stood on my toes trying to get every possible inch of cock into his tight butt. Sweat was pouring off us. Andy's chest and face were soaked, and sweat ran down my chest and stomach. I noticed that my own torso was dripping, and shining wet, as I looked down to see my legs slapping against his ass. Andy's ass was amazing, it was so tight that I could feel his muscles milking my cock. My balls banging against his, and I knew that I wasn't going to be able to hold on for much longer. As my orgasm approached Andy reached down and pulled my ass closer to him, he seemed to want all of my body inside him. He reached round and started to finger me, knowing that it wouldn't be long before I came. With Andy's legs still resting on my shoulders I pulled my cock clear, tore off the condom, and started to fist my cock. I yelled "FUCK!", and I started to cum. The first jet landed on Andy's smooth face, and down his neck. Five more jets landed all over his torso. His chest and stomach were covered in my spunk. The last few squirts lands on his cock and balls. I stood there gasping and smiling down at Andy. He looked up as me with a big grin all over his face. I wiped my cum from his face, and was just about to clean his body with a towel when he said, "No, let it stay, It's my turn now." I jumped on to the box and slipped a fresh condom over Andy's cock - I wondered how on earth I was going to take it all. I lubbed his cock and my ass, and knelt over his massive prick. I guided it to the entrance of my ass I slowly lowered myself on to his manhood. My ass stretched open and a few inches of his cock slipped inside. I pushed down further and further - then the pleasure took over completely. With one more push I slid down his cock until his balls were pushing against me. I held still for a few moments, getting used to the size, before I started to slide up and down on his magnificent prick. Andy fucked up into me as I pushed down. I leaned over and kissed Andy full on the lips, and I licked some of my spunk from his hairy chest - it tasted warm and creamy. My own cock was hard again, and it smeared my stomach with pre-cum as it bounced with every fucking stroke. Andy's balls were banging against my ass, while his hands ran over his spunk covered body. He scooped some up and rubbed it all over my chest and stomach. I don't think that ever been so horny in my life. I leaned over slightly allowing Andy to fuck with longer and longer strokes. He grabbed hold of my bouncing cock and started to jack me off, and just when I thought my ass couldn't take any more, he fucked in to me even more! Andy's body began to tense and his fucking became even more urgent. He wanked me faster and faster, as we stared wide-eyed at each other. I felt his cock thicken and he filled his condom with hot creamy spunk. This was just too much for me to take, and once again I was spewed hot cream all over Andy's chest. We lay together sweating for what seemed like an age, before we feel into the water. We swam around for some time, kissing and holding each other's dicks. I climbed out of the water exhausted, and lay down on my stomach on the landing platform at the back of the boat. Andy joined me, and in no time we were involved in a great "69" sucking session. We sucked and pulled at each others balls, and Andy allowed me to sit on his face. He rimmed me, sticking his tongue right up inside my ass. I leaned forward taking all of his cock deep into my throat. Andy stood up and with his legs wide apart, I ran my hands up and down his torso and taut butt. I took him to the hilt as he fucked into my mouth as much as he could. I knelt before him pulling on my own cock as he neared his blasting orgasm. Andy grabbed hold of my head, his breath panting. I felt a rush of warm salty spunk as he filled my mouth. I couldn't take it all, and some of it ran down my chin and neck. Andy did the same for me and within a few minutes he jerked me off over his face, and into his open mouth. After a rest of about half-an- hour, Andy took a hold of my stiff cock and lead me into the master cabin. If it was hot on the deck of his father's boat then it was definitely like a sauna in the cabin. We threw ourselves head-long on to the plastic covered mattress. Before long our sweaty bodies were entwined in a mixture of kissing, sucking and rimming. Andy put on another condom and again we were doing what we liked best - FUCKING. I knelt on the bed, my legs wide and my arms were spread out across the wall. Andy once again began to fuck my ass. We fucked and fucked for ages, our sweat running down our bodies to lie in pools on the bed below us. Andy pulled me up from my kneeling position to hold me against him. I could feel his powerful hairy chest pressing hard into my back, as we raced towards our mutual climax. Andy reached around to grasp my cock, wanking me furiously as he fucked his big cock into me. Once again I felt my balls tighten and my cock expand, as yet more creamy spunk shot from my dick. Andy held my cock upright so that my spunk shot up my torso, like a fountain. Spunk shot between my pecs, while the rest shot across my stomach. He rubbed my juices all over my chest, stomach and down my thighs. Andy fucked me faster and faster, his thighs slapped against my ass. He pulled off the condom just in time to spray the back of my legs and ass cheeks with another creamy load. The rest of that evening was spent in even more passion. I fucked Andy once more, and we both finished off my kneeling opposite one another. We wanked each other until our spunk shoot across the short distance to coat our bodies once again. It was quite dark when we left the pool, and I used a spotlight to guide us to the open sea. We sailed back slowly, and since there were no other boats around we just stayed naked. Contact me:


6 Gay Erotic Stories from Mark McKenzie

Adam And Me

Adam and I had been friends for about a year, and we went through the final year of senior school together. We were both very keen cyclists at that time. One evening after he had arrived back from his family holiday in Greece, he turned up at my place asking for me to go for a cycle with him. He was really tanned and looked very cool. We cycled for a few hours, and coming back

Adam And Me Part 2

As with my last letter to you, I have kept the best to last. You said that you weren't able to get your dick out last time because of your house guest. Well Rob, this is your big chance now. This is the second part of my "Summer experience "with Adam. After that night at the boathouse things changed so much for me. Having sex with another guy was good, but having my first


The following story is true, and it is the tale of how I made one of my all time fantasies come true. - it all happened in Australia at the end of last year. It was a hot Saturday morning and my host decided to take me along to one of the most famous gay beaches in Australia. We arrived early in the morning, but the heat was still very high at 30 degrees. We lay down

My Brother Carl

Just after the Christmas holidays last year, Carl and I stayed on at home for a few weeks. Although we had different courses and lectures to attend, we decided that we could get along better with our studies if we worked at home for a while. I must say that we were both very dedicated, and didn't get distracted from our studies too often. In the evenings we went to the gym/sauna to

Shower Time!

About eighteen months ago when I was preparing for my second year college examinations, the days were getting hotter and hotter. The evenings weren't much better, making lying in bed at night almost unbearable. The stress was starting to get to me as well, and with just a little over 3 weeks to go until my examinations, it was difficult to getting any sleep. Lying in bed late

The Yacht Race

I always loved to sail. It was something to do with the feeling of total freedom that I found in being powered along my nothing other than the wind. I learned properly in West Cork about four years ago, and since then I've loved every minute that I've spent in a boat. Two summers ago I joined the yacht club just outside Belfast on the banks of the Lough. After a year of cruising


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