Gay Erotic Stories

Beverly Hills Boys Club

by Chad-Paul

It was a hot day in July, and I had just finished swimming at the club. The Beverly Hills Recreation Club, that is. Membership there is exclusive, and I was lucky enough to have an uncle who was a big time movie producer in the sixties who still had clout, though his career had faded with the seventies. Being a member of the club was quite a perk for me. It was a mostly male club, though women could and did join. I had never hidden my sexuality, but wasn't exactly the type who flaunted it either. That day, my laps finished, I went into the men's shower. I was quite used to seeing- and being turned on by- male celebrities at the club, but nothing had ever happened before that day. Once I had removed my Speedo and stepped into the steamy showers, I knew I wasn't alone. I could hear two guys, somewhere in the steam, talking. Thinking that a shower was an odd place to hold a meeting, even in Hollywood, I edged a little closer to the voices. I soon realized that one voice, which seemed vaguely familiar, was doing most of the talking. "You like that don't You??" "MMM, you like my hard cock up your tight ass!" I was momentarily stunned, then turned on. I definitely wanted to get a closer look at the action, see if I knew who either of the men were. Luckily, I was able to get close enough to get a view of the face of the man being fucked, but the steam was too thick to see who the other man was. That was fine with me, though, because the guy taking it up the ass was a beautiful new TV star whom I'd recently met in the pool: James Van der Beek, Dawson on the new teen show Dawson's Creek. Just the week before we'd been chatting pool side about how he felt odd playing a 15 year old when he was 20. Now, there he was, his eyes closed, a look of ecstasy on his pretty face, as his body moved with the rhythm of the person fucking him. My own cock was hard as granite and sticking straight out, and as I watched I began to stoke it. The voice of his companion sounded again, this time more tense. "OHHH, yeah, baby! Your ass is milking my cock. I'm gonna cum soon baby. Should I pull out?" His face still contorted in pleasure, James said no, he wanted to fell the cock explode inside him. This said, James opened his eyes and saw me. A look of sheer terror crossed his face, which I could well understand. If anything got out about this, his career could end before it really began. Then he saw me stroking my cock and smiled. "Hey, Grant, we have company." James said and I heard a gasp. The name Grant, connected with the voice, made it all clear - Grant Show, star of Melrose Place, and a member of the club. Stepping forward now, I could see the sexy Grant standing behind James, his cock in James' hole, frozen in mid thrust. "Oh, God. Shit man, you can't tell anyone about this." Grant said, but James was the more observant of the two and reached forward, pulling me towards him by my hard cock. "No way is he going to tell Grant, look at how turned on he is." Grant, looking at my cock, smiled. "Good" he said, obviously relieved, and went back to his pumping. James, meanwhile, opened his mouth and began to suck my hard rod. I couldn't believe what was going on, but I wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth. Grant was building up momentum again, his perfect body glistening with sweat as he fucked James. "I had no idea you guys were into this" I moaned, as James really went to town on my cock. "We just discovered our mutual interests" Grant grunted, his sexy face contorting as he began to cum inside James. "OHHHHH" James let go of my cock and moaned as he felt Grant's juices flood his insides. Grant pulled out and staggered backwards a little. James stood up, his 8 inch cock standing at attention. Grant's 9 incher was deflating quickly and he smiled at us. "Looks like I'm done for. You guys go ahead though. I'll catch you both later, somewhere less dangerous" Once Grant was gone, I got to my knees and took James' cock in my mouth. The pre cum already on his cock head tasted salty and delicious, and as I sucked him I felt my own cock throbbing. "Let's take care of each other at once" I said, and James agreed. We got into position and as I took James' manhood back in my mouth, I felt the sensation of him doing wonderful things to my cock with his tongue. It didn't take long for me to pass the breaking point, and I only had time to say "James I'm going - " before I shot my load into his mouth. This worried me a little, since I wasn't sure he wanted to swallow my jizz, but looking down, I saw James eagerly gulping down every drop. Now it was time for James, who'd gotten both me and Grant off, to have his fun. I bent over, the water from the shower cascading over me, and made it clear to the sexy TV hunk that I wanted him to fuck me. James lost no time in spreading my cheeks and, using my own saliva for lubricant, inserting his hot cock inside my ass. He began to pound away while I moaned. Soon I could feel him begin to tense up, and just as I knew he was about to cum, we both heard a gasp and looked up to see Matt LeBlanc standing in the shower, nude and with towel in hand. "What the hell is going on?" The sexy Friends star asked, just as James pulled out of my ass and shot his hot cum all over my back, the tile floor, and Matt's legs. Looking down at the hot cum on his legs, Matt grinned and bent over, using his finger to wipe some off. I was stunned when Matt put his finger to my lips and I opened my mouth, tasting James' love juice on Matt's finger. "How is it?" Matt asked. "It's really good." I replied. Matt grinned his friendly grin and came a little closer. "Looks like you two could use a clean up. There's cum everywhere. Mind if I help?" Please note that this is pure fiction


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Chad-Paul

Beverly Hills Boys Club

It was a hot day in July, and I had just finished swimming at the club. The Beverly Hills Recreation Club, that is. Membership there is exclusive, and I was lucky enough to have an uncle who was a big time movie producer in the sixties who still had clout, though his career had faded with the seventies. Being a member of the club was quite a perk for me. It was a mostly male


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