Gay Erotic Stories

Gone Fishing

by Cat 21

The heavy rumbling throb of the big bore twin pounded out the miles as Jason and I rolled down the highway. Riding down the road always made me horny and as Jason was riding pylon I could tell that the effect wasn't wasted on him. I wondered if he felt the same as I did, we had been friends ever since he had started working at the restaurant as a dishwasher when he was 18 young sandy blond hair slight build that belied a sinewy strength. He had the most wonderful blue eyes that sparkled when we talked. Myself was several years older and a tad on the portly side with reddish brown hair and if you looked at us you might think that Stan and Ollie had gone for a ride. We were heading to my family's cabin to do some fishing and I had decided to do some exploring as well. The city was sweltering in August heat when we set out. But soon the sky began to cloud over and we had to shoot the gauntlet between two thunderstorms and finally had to take refuge under an overpass from a third. It had been as exhilarating race to stay dry which we lost. We changed to dry clothes right there along the side of the road I held up the poncho while Jason changed and I couldn't help notice his lovely semi-erect cock sprouting from the aura of his golden pubic hair. His balls were larger than I had expected and hung low and plump. I knew I would be changing next and that my own 7 incher would refuse to stand at ease. "Oh, well" I said to myself as I striped off the wet clothes and sure there he stood in all his glory. I noticed Jason look away, after getting an eyeful. The rain stopped as quickly as it had begun and we were on our way again I could feel Jason's hard dick with every bounce as we roared down the road. My sweet honey hole yearning to be free of my jeans and letting Jason's piston fill letting the motion of the road bring us off. The rain had cooled the day off and in the evening when we finally arrived at the cabin it was down right chilly. We quickly unpacked and had some dinner. Then we sat by the campfire and talked until bed time Back in the cabin getting ready for bed I noticed that it was cooler than I had thought it would be. I hadn't lit the furnace or even turned on the LP gas tanks. "Jay," I said, "why don't we bunk together that way we can keep warm and have one less bed to make." "Sure, I was kinda thinking that myself," he replied with grin. We undressed to our jockeys our manhood being more relaxed there were no embarrassing bulges to pretend to ignore. Jason slipped into bed I put out the kerosene lamp and slid in beside him. We both lay there not knowing what to do sort of keeping to our own side of the bed separated by that invisible line that exists between two guys who each think that the other is possibly straight and you don't want to offend each other. I wonder how much sadness this line causes out there and how much closer we men would be to one another if it could be erased forever from our culture. "Well the lodge should have the boat ready for us early in the morning, I know a good bass hole and then in the afternoon we can try to hit some walleyes. Bet you can't wait to try out that new rod of yours," I said as I rolled onto my left side to face my bunkmate. "I'll say," he said, "It has a good stiff feel to if and promises fine action." He to had rolled onto his side and facing me I could feel his breath on my cheek. "In fact," he continued, "I noticed another stiff rod that promised good action that I would like to try out this weekend." "Really" was all I could get out before I felt his sweet lips clasp onto mine. I couldn't " believe it. I had been dying for this moment since the day I first saw him at the restaurant almost three years ago and now all of my dreams were coming true. I returned his kiss accepting his tongue as it explored my mouth. I felt my penis rise with incredible swiftness as our tongues began to joust with one another. I put my arm around him and drew him closer feeling his own love tent press up against mine through our jockeys. "Oh, Danny," he gasp, "I have wanted to do this for so long. I just didn't know if you would want to. Our friendship means so much." "I know, I wish that this could have happened sooner, I have wanted to fuck you for along time too." We kissed again quick rapid pecks. I reached down and took his hot dick in my hand and gave a gentle squeeze he moaned and nuzzled the crook of my neck. Kissing and licking he worked his way down to my nips and being a heavy guy I kinda got small tits and they sure get turned on he nibbled at them and slid his hand inside my shorts curling the band down around my balls so that they stood pressed against my throbbing cock. slowly he began to work his way southward. All off the time I had managed to set gorgeous meat free and was guiding him into a sixty nine position. I could feel the veins throbbing along the side of his cock which had now grown to a full eight inches. A drop of pre cum glistened on the tip in the moon light I ran my finger up the underside and caught it and then licked my finger clean it was ambrosia. My apologies to the Colonel but Jason was finger lickin' good. Then my own drumstick was wrapped in Jason's hot lips so long I had yearned for this moment that I almost shot my load then and there . I moaned my hips bucked SUCK ME I cried. He took me all the way down his throat his nose parting my pressed up balls sending spasms of joyful pain welling through my groin. I had to have his cock. Leaning in I began licking the head like a giant lollypop racing my tongue around tracing the slit smelling his hot manliness I licked his balls then sucked on them I felt him shudder I was smeared in his musk from eyebrow to chin. He had gotten my shorts off and was fingering my asshole making it tingle . I gripped hi butt cheeks and pulled his cock deep into my mouth sucking and tonguing his pre cum oozing and making it all slippery my cock was in the process of getting the deep throat of its 22 year life. Soon our heads were bobbing in unison gasping for air and moaning in pleasure we felt our climaxes coming on Jason had his pinkie finger probing my butt his thumb and forefinger kneading my balls I had Jason's thighs wrapped my hands inside one clinching the base of his wonder full 8 the other stroking the cock roots between his hairy balls "Danny I'm gonna shoot " he cried his words barely escaping around my engorged organ "Gimmie your cum my Jay man," I groaned on an upstroke his love juices erupted as headed back down his awesome shaft shot after shot of his honey filled my mouth swallowing as fast as I could I couldn't keep up his cum oozed out my mouth and up my nose it was glorious. His spasms of love set off my wave ecstasy and just as his second shot was fired my first volley went off deep in his throat we came for what seemed like hours and at last collapsed in exhaustion I moved to face him and took him in my arms and shared a soft gentle kiss our sperm finding a home together in our lips embrace. We fell off to sleep in each other's arms certain that this was going to be the first of many loving nights and many fishing trips. But on this trip we each got the trophy of our lives.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Cat 21

Gone Fishing

The heavy rumbling throb of the big bore twin pounded out the miles as Jason and I rolled down the highway. Riding down the road always made me horny and as Jason was riding pylon I could tell that the effect wasn't wasted on him. I wondered if he felt the same as I did, we had been friends ever since he had started working at the restaurant as a dishwasher when he was 18 young


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