Gay Erotic Stories


by Robert Knight

For years I had been fantasizing about one of the guys in my senior class. He was 19,short and buff. He had red hair and his name was Jamie. He was into sports and working out and had the best looking ass I had ever seen. Here I was 18, 6'2 with dark brown hair, green eyes, and a little over weight. So I decided that I would get into shape and hopefully (if he was gay) attract Jamie. (Ok, so it wasn't one of my best ideas, but, hey, I was a horny teen). Well, I started walking on one of those machines at the gym. I had picked the gym because Jamie came here to work out. He liked to take his shirt off when he got sweaty. A couple of weeks went by and nothing. Right as I was about to give up, he comes up to me and we start conversing. Well, I am shy so I pretty much nodded and stuttered as he talked about working. "Hey, I have noticed that you have lost some weight." Jamie started. "Really?" I said, shocked of this whole conversation, not believing that it was really taking place. "Yeah, I think I would like to try it." he smiled. "It's not hard, you just walk." I said trying to sound funny and nonchalant at the same time. "Well, you wouldn't mind if I joined you then?" He asked. I was amazed at how he did ask. He sounded as if he would be really upset if I said no. "Yes, it is a public place you know." We walked for awhile him asking me stuff every now and then, me responding briefly and nervously. Later, as I was showering, he came up to me and asked me if I would wash his back. Instantly, my cock sprang to its fat and thick 5 inches. I was embarrassed, but he didn't seem to notice. So I washed his back, trying to hide by erection. He turned around and I noticed his beautiful cock had grown too. It was at least 8 inches and surrounded by a mat of thick, curly red hair. "Can I wash your back?" He asked. I nodded not able to speak. He soaped up his hands and slowly soaped up my back. His hands slowly made there way down my back. Then, to my amazement he started soaping my butt. Moving his hands into my ass crack. I turned then and he crabbed my cock. Going on his knees, he sank his mouth around my dick. I looked around afraid others would notice us, but nobody else was there. I returned my gaze to Jamie's beautiful lips as the moved up and down on my shaft. It felt so good and I couldn't think of anything else. All I wanted was for him to suck my cock forever. I felt the orgasm rush over me before I could warn him. But he drank down my cum and lick my cock head clean. He stood and we kissed passionately. I tasted my cum on his tongue. Then, separating, I kissed my way down to his pink, little nipples. I sucked on the right one for a while, listening to Jamie moan, then moved to the left one. I then kissed my way down to his cock and hungrily swallowed most of it. I moved my head up and down licking and tasting his wonderful cock. He reached down and grabbed my head making me suck faster as he exploded into my mouth. We washed each other up and have been having wild, passionate Sex ever since.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Robert Knight


For years I had been fantasizing about one of the guys in my senior class. He was 19,short and buff. He had red hair and his name was Jamie. He was into sports and working out and had the best looking ass I had ever seen. Here I was 18, 6'2 with dark brown hair, green eyes, and a little over weight. So I decided that I would get into shape and hopefully (if he was gay)


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