Gay Erotic Stories

Maintenance Man, Part 2

by Banker

If you haven’t read Maintenance Man, Part 1 please read first... We finally connected and arranged to go golfing just yesterday. Believe me I’m still sore from all that.... well just read on and you'll see. We agreed to meat at the Golf Course after work, and I arrived about 6pm. There he was waiting for me at the Pro Shop, he had rented a Golf Cart, and had a cooler on the back. He greeted me with that great smile, and said are you ready to go. I said all set, and put my clubs on the back of the cart. He had on a pair of beige golf shorts, which showed his body off well, and a nice golf shirt, open, so that you could see the dark chest hair peeking through. There was a bit of a breeze and his nipples were erect and pointing out of his shirt. I thought to myself, this is going to be a great game, and off we go. The course wasn't very busy, and we didn’t have to wait to tee off. We took the back nine at his suggestion, and when we teed off, I couldn't see any golfers in site. We played the first couple of holes, and made a game of who could beat the other. I won the first hole and he the next two. We had opened a couple of cool ones and after the third hole, I was looking to relieve myself. (In more ways then one) Marc was heading to the tee, and I said, be right with you and headed to a group of trees just to the left. I on purpose stood behind a tree and stared at Marc while relieving myself. I have to admit that I am not much of a voyeur but found exposing my cock to the guy that I wanted so bad made me start to get hard. Not hard enough to piss, but enough to show that I wasn't lacking in the cock department. Marc had a pair of Mirror Sun Glasses on and I couldn't tell if he was looking my way or not. After finishing and giving it a couple of extra shakes, I put my best friend away and went back to tee off. Marc has said that he had noticed I was having some trouble with the stance when I teed off and would I like him to show me a better way to get more Mileage out of my ball. I grinned and said that any help he could give me would be appreciated. Marc came up behind me and placing his arms around me, started to chance my grip on the shaft of the club. He came closer to me so that he could show me the proper swing. I wasn't really paying attention, because his aftershave just about drove me nuts, and being in close contact with him, brought some great stirrings in my groin. Looking around, I couldn’t see another golfer in site, and thought that maybe this could be the time to make it known that I was interested in him. While holding my arms, I gently pushed my hard ass back into Marc's crotch. I could feel the bulge that I had so admired these past few months pressed firmly between the cheeks of my ass. Marc kind of jumped back a bit, and I said I was sorry that I was getting ready to swing and that was how I had to keep my balance to make sure my shot went straight. Marc told me that was my problem and why I couldn’t go as far down the fairway. He again came up behind me, and showed me how to stand, and again I pushed my ass back again. This time I felt what I thought was more bulge against my ass, and this time Marc did not back away. In fact he leaned into me, and whispered into my ear, I know you are doing that on purpose, and said he had saw me taking a leak looking at him, while I stroked the last drops out of my cock. Marc proceeded to show me how I should stand, taking my hips into his hands, and pushing me back harder into his hot crotch. He starting pumping his bulge into my ass crack and asked me if I wanted to take a break. I was standing there with a hardon, and took his hands from my hips and placed them on my crotch. I said " Does that answer your question" and he leaned forward turned my head and kissed me lightly on the lips. I think it does he said. Marc said he thought he had lost his ball in the woods, and that maybe we should go look for it. There was this big grin on his face, and I had to laugh because that is what I thought before, If only I could get him in the rough. Looking around and seeing no one coming our way, I said, lets go before someone comes along. Marc laughed and said there was nothing to worry about. He was friends with the Pro and had arranged to have the back 9 to ourselves. The pro was telling everyone that it was being watered and not able to be used that night. I looked into Marc's beautiful blue eyes and kissed him again. Before going to the forest, Marc stopped by the cart and took a blanket out and a bottle of wine he had in the cooler. I asked him if he had good intentions and he laughed again, grabbed my hand and we headed back into the woods. There was a clearing about 15 feet from the tee and he placed the blanket down, came up to me and led me to the blanket. Lying me down, he stood over me and just stared. I asked him what he was doing, and he replied he just wanted to take all of me in. I said that he obviously had done this before, when he said he hadn't, in fact it was the Pro that suggested it, that he had a few flings in this very spot. I pulled Marc down on top of me, kissed him, and he started slowly rubbing his cock into mine while we were still fully clothed. I moved my hands down to his hard ass and started caressing the great mounds that I had admired from afar at the mall. He stopped, looked into my eyes and starting unbuttoning my shirt. Each button undone, he kissed me and unbuttoned another one. After my shirt was opened he gently kissed each of my erect nipples and taking my right one in his mouth I could feel his tongue swirling around it. I was getting harder and harder, and was starting to get uncomfortable having my hard 8" cock confined in my tight shorts. He seemed to know what the problem was and proceeded to undo my shorts. My cock popped out and Marc leaned forward and took the head of my cock into his mouth. His tongue was fantastic and I could feel it in my piss slit. I was oozing pre cum and he was lapping it up. I reached and found his hard basket, and started rubbing him. He stopped, moved closer to me letting me undo his zipper. I started to pull his shorts down, and out popped the biggest, hottest, hardest cock I had ever seen. He leaned into me to kiss me, which gave me the advantage of grabbing that monster. After our kiss, I leaned forward and took his cock into my mouth. It felt like velvet and tasted the sweetest taste I had ever had. There was some pre cum oozing out. I reached for his balls and fondled them while taking his 9" into my mouth. I had never had an uncircumcised cock before, and found it fascinating that I could hold the head inside and tickle him with my tongue while his cock head was still covered. I pulled off his cock, and edged him forward, so that his balls were over my mouth. I took each one lovingly into my mouth, as they were huge and couldn’t get both in together. I was so engrossed into what I was doing, and had always wanted to try to rim a guy, so just kept on going and found his hot pink hole. I grabbed both mounds and spread them wide while I took my tongue and started to lick just behind Marc’s nuts, and towards his hole. I couldn’t believe one of many fantasies were coming true. I dipped my tongue into his hole and started rimming him. Marc started to moan and said I better quit before it went to far. I continued wanting to make him feel the best he ever had felt. He started pushing his ass into my face, panting, and telling me to lick him deeper. I grabbed hold of his hot cock, and rimmed him for all I was worth. His hole started opening a bit as I got my tongue in deeper and deeper. His moaning was getting louder and louder and all of a sudden he started to quiver and shake and started to cum all over the place. The first couple of shots I’m sure shot at least 5 feet and the rest started to land on my head. I let him get himself together and catch his breathe. He sat back a bit and looking down at me, leaned over and kissed me again, telling me he had never felt that good or cum that much before. He kissed me again, and reached behind him and grabbed hold of my hard cock. It was dripping big time. As he stroked it, he reached into his shorts pocket, found a condom and undoing it, kissed me again. Marc then put the condom on my dick, smiled down at me and proceeded to sit down on my cock. His tight hole felt wet, warm, safe, everything you could imagine. He was in the drivers set (no pun intended) and took me inch by inch. Pretty soon all my 8" were in and I could feel his ass reaching my pubes. He looked at me again, smiled, and said this is going to be the best fuck you have ever had. Marc proceeded to move up and down. I had been on the verge of cumming for some time, and he said he could feel my cock swelling in his ass. Each time he pushed down, I met it with a big push. He started flexing his ass muscle and I felt feelings that I never had ever felt before. Looking into my eyes he said, go ahead its time we got you off. I looked at him and started to pump as hard as I could. He met every move with one of his own, and soon I was shooting cum deep inside of him. Exhausted we laid together for what seemed like forever. We kissed again, and Marc got off me, and lay beside me. I looked around and noticed it was getting dark, and thought we better get back to the Club House. We held each other for a few minutes and proceeded to get dressed. As I was doing up my shorts, I heard a branch snap in the bush behind us. Both Marc and I looked and Marc smiled. There behind some bushes was the Pro from the Golf Club. I assume he had been watching us and had his hard cock out and was stroking it. When he saw we had spotted him, he stepped into the clearing and said that if we could give him a hand. Marc looked at me and I at him. Marc declined saying that since he had found me, he wanted just me. He looked into my eyes kissed each one, and then my lips. Smiled at the Pro and said he would see him around. We got into the golf cart and proceeded to drive back to the Shop. Marc leaned over, kissed me again, and held my hand while we looked at the sun going down. This was the best night I had ever had, totally true, and Marc and I are getting together again tonight. If it never is as good again as It was last night, that will be okay, but knowing Marc, I’m sure there will be something else cumming up real soon.


5 Gay Erotic Stories from Banker

Getting a Hair Cut and so Much More

Having moved to a Northern Ontario City there wasnt much chance of a gay closeted Professional finding another man to have so fun with. Though I was always looking, the only men I found that were interested was at the local mall washrooms. Thats another story. In time I needed to get my hair cut. I looked in the Yellow pages, secretly looking for a Male Hairdresser because they always look

Highway Rest Area Delight

I travel this highway maybe two or three times a year, and each year I stop to check out a set of bathrooms at a park beside the road. It is just off the highway with enough trees for privacy. There isn't usually too much action going on, but on occasion I have seen a hot guy coming in or out of one of the adjoining johns. I just love to peek at a hot guy letting it all hang out

Just A Peek

I was in the local mall heading for an appointment when the call of nature came. Locating the bathrooms, I entered and stood at the urinals to take a leak. A young university student came in and stood beside me. Of course being the curious type of guy that I am, I took a peak out of the corner of my eye to see this hot guy's equipment. As I continued to shake my cock, I

Maintenance Man, Part 1

I have worked in this Northern Ontario Canada mall for over a year now. The sights are great, especially when the College and University Students come to town each fall. They all like to strut their stuff for the girls, and some of us guys as well. One day walking through the mall, I saw one of the maintenance men pushing his work cart. What a sight; dark black hair, tufts of

Maintenance Man, Part 2

If you haven’t read Maintenance Man, Part 1 please read first... We finally connected and arranged to go golfing just yesterday. Believe me I’m still sore from all that.... well just read on and you'll see. We agreed to meat at the Golf Course after work, and I arrived about 6pm. There he was waiting for me at the Pro Shop, he had rented a Golf Cart, and had a cooler on the back.


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